Lesson One: The impossibility of Evolution
Groundwork/ foundation of this study
We are going to repeat certain theories as we go through this course for a couple of reasons, first we remember through repetition, and secondly, we do not want to lose our focus by drifting away from these basis scientific principles and laws as we go through the various lessons, in other words our focus is in two directions, these basic laws, and the subject at hand. There is a third goal, as we present our defense of Christianity we must be able to fall back on these scientific principles as a foundation for our arguments, and we can only do that by repetition, at least for most of us.
You must also remember that everyone, evolutionist, and creationist alike are looking at the same evidence, the difference is in the interpretation. You will find in many of the arguments, if the evolutionists would merely “do the math” they would change their position quickly, providing they are honest people. You have a segment of people who truly want to pervert the word of God, and you know who their god is.
If you have arguments, or comments please use the material provided to make those arguments, comments or questions. Time simply doesn’t allow for us to get into discussions during class time. I will try to respond at the beginning of future classes.
Most likely no one in this room is a trained scientist and it would be difficult to debate someone who is without a basic understanding of these laws and principles, and in addition knowing them will give us the confidence to debate anyone.
Let’s start by defining the word apology. In the American sense:
a·pol·o·gy … əˈpäləjē noun 1. a regretful acknowledgment of an offense or failure.
And from the Greek:
This meaning comes directly from the Greek apologia, a derivative of a word meaning “to speak in one’s defense
The word Apologia is found in 1 Peter 3:15 in which this entire program is named for… The 1 Peter 3:15 Project. Apologia is a Greek word for defense, a legal or logical defense, such as a lawyer does in a criminal case for a defendant.
Apologetics can be very helpful when evangelizing because it gives you neutral ground as a starting place for a conversation with a non-believer. And as we go through this course we want to change the concept of opponent to opportunity, and the word debate or argument to evangelizing; in other words, we are going to use logic to sway a nonbeliever towards becoming a believer.
You are preparing their minds to receive the truth of the gospel.
Remember this as we continue through the course; true science is facts that have been substantiated by observation, or reproduction with corresponding results to that being tested.
The following is a list of the principles and laws we must follow to establish our evidences for a young earth.
Science = knowledge
Scientific method – Method of research with defined steps that include experiments and careful observation. And, –Tests the hypothesis
Hypothesis –
suggested explanation for an event, which can be tested.
Scientific Theory=
A scientific theory is a generally accepted, thoroughly tested and confirmed explanation for a set of observations or phenomena.
concise descriptions of parts of the world that are agreeable to formulaic or mathematical description.
Again, first scientific theory to explain something that exists, Scientific method, is the way we test the theory that leads to Hypotheses, or tentative explanations and when all testing confirms the theory you have becomes scientific law… 2 + 2 = 4 is a mathematical fact, and a scientific fact and therefore a “law”.
Anthropic principle:
The earth was designed for biological life, Scientists have discovered that the most fundamental characteristics of our earth and cosmos are so finely tuned that if just one of them were even slightly different, life as we know it couldn’t exist, and it agrees with the Bible which states that God formed the earth to be inhabited (Isaiah 45:18).
1st law of Thermal dynamics:
The law of conservation of energy states that the total energy of an isolated system is constant; energy can be transformed from one form to another, but can be neither created nor destroyed.
2nd law of Thermal dynamics
says, in simple terms, entropy (Entropy is the general trend of the universe toward death and disorder…) always increases. This principle explains, for example, why you can’t unscramble an egg. In other words, it is dying…
is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe.
So True Science comes within all these Boundaries…. Apologetics is a defense that God exists proven by scientific principles and laws:
The earth is finely tuned, yet running down, and there is only a certain amount of energy that exists even though it may be changed from one for to another, for instance when gas is burned it is turned into carbon dioxide, Creation fulfills these laws and principles according to correct scientific procedure.
Finally, we find modern science confirms scripture.
You do not have hit your “opportunity” over the head with scripture but offer sound evidence that a creator exists, without them having a fear of committing intellectual suicide by accepting the truth of scripture, and by being able to show evolution is impossible gives even more power to your evangelistic effort.
Apologetics will also increase your own faith, giving it a three-dimensional faith, not only from personal conviction of scripture, but also from an intellectual view, so during those moments of self-doubt you can fall back on the knowledge you have from the overwhelming evidence supporting our faith from a historically reliable sense or position.
Let’s make a couple of more statements:
- There are only two options for the existence of life,
- Creation
- Evolution
- This is a faith based course intent on offering the evidence that points to Creation.
- You do not have to be a mathematician, or physicist to have common sense.
- Often those educated people who are pushing atheism and evolution are confused from “over education”; as Uncle Toots used to say educated beyond their intelligence
- Mostly they have been taught falsehoods being passed off as truth. Such as the theory of evolution being passed off as true science rather than a theory that has remained a theory for over 150 years without any true evidence of being factual.
- Their understanding is based upon the incorrectness and the errors of those who went before them.
- Many are totally convinced that evolution is the correct answer no matter how much information you give them.
- However, there are many physicists and scientists, and Mathematicians that do not agree with evolution, but insist and give evidence the only answer can be and must be attributed to a Great Creator.
- Who is behind this deception?
- Satan
Lesson Aim:
To Demonstrate mathematical evidence of a creator
In 2014 the MIT physicist Max Tegmark a believer in evolution, not creation argues in “Our Mathematical Universe” that mathematics is the fundamental world reality that drives the universe. It could be said that mathematics is operating in a god-like fashion. However, Tegmark and others believe this perfectly mathematically ordered universe came from chaos billions of years ago, and not from an intricate planning Creator.
So, can we prove the earth is young, or at least give overwhelming evidence? Can we put evolution on trial? Can we present the evidence of a young earth in such a way that only those who insist on believing in evolution will do so?
The reason for this is I am a firm believer that as we attempt to prove there is an absolute truth, we can turn to mathematics, and math simply doesn’t lie. Let me qualify that, mathematics in a simple form, used honestly is a form of absolute truth.
There can only be one absolute truth concerning any subject, two conflicting views cannot both be absolutely true.
It is mathematics that makes space travel possible, it is mathematics that is behind computer science. Consider this truth; it is the arrangements of “one’s and “zeros” that are the basis for computer languages. It’s just that simple, two numbers to create the greatest calculator in history.
Without math being an exact science, space travel and most modern technology would be impossible, and taking that a step further, we couldn’t even purchase accurately sized clothing or shoes.
The theory of evolution proposes that all the highly structured systems of the universe just happened through a series of evolutionary accidents, all by chance starting with a big explosion billions of years ago. I would ask, did the big explosion also create facts such as mathematics? Seems like a silly question doesn’t it, but the truth is mathematics would have to have existed before the big bang, pointing to a creator.
The universe is perceived as self-contained and self-evolving.
Diametrically opposed to this philosophy, Biblical creationism maintains that the innumerable, highly complex systems and intricate structures of the universe offer exceptionally strong evidence of an omniscient Creator. It is the creationist’s view that the astounding degree of complexity and order found throughout the universe could never be produced by mere chance but rather represents the handiwork of an Almighty God.
In a nutshell, the evolutionist would have us believe this incredibly ordered universe just happened by a great explosion. It doesn’t take a lot of sense to know that a great explosion destroys, not creates, so in step one, we start realizing that it takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution.
In fact, the order, especially the intricate and irrefutable reliability and truth of mathematics points out that it’s truth proves that some things are impossible, such as 2 + 2 equaling 3. I was in the class of 65 North Hi School in Wichita Kansas, and in that year a song was released by Barbara Lewis – Baby I’m Yours and one of the lyrics in the song is
“And I’ll be yours until two and two is three, Yours until the mountain crumbles to the sea”
Because of the impossibility of that ever happening, it is a known fact, math is an absolute truth, 2 + 2 will always be 4 and that song will always be a great one…
Okay, lets step to the side for a moment, just because I love things like this, when I googled 2 +2 =3 to find the information on that song, one of the options that came up was 2 Thessalonians 2:3 which reads: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction”.
You think maybe God was trying to tell us something?
The man is doomed through the boom?
Well one of the ways they are trying to deceive us is with the big boom theory.
Lighting a stick of dynamite in a shed, blowing it up, and it reassembles itself into a skyscraper is impossible, but that is exactly what the big bang theory expects us to believe. Simply put, it is witness against itself, professing to be the mathematical geniuses they would have us believe, and then asking us to believe the mathematically (mathematics = order) impossible (mathematics does not equal order).
Let’s take another view, the Bible States that God created the heavens and the earth in one day, which perfectly describes the big bang theory, except it was a controlled big bang, that did come together perfectly because God was and is in control, and agrees with the fact that something, such as mathematical order, existed before the big boom, in other words, it came from something that existed previously, and it was planned to perfection, and executed to perfection, and as we look at the earth and cosmos we can see the mathematics behind that perfection.
If you stop and think about it, the idea that an unordered, unplanned, out of control explosion created the mathematically perfect universe is the ultimate insult to our intelligence.
So let’s have some fun with mathematics.
Have any of you tried your hand at gambling? Well, if you have you know if you place a bet on any certain outcome that only has a 1 in 10 chance of coming up you will probably go home broke… yet, mathematicians will tell you there is a chance you might win, in fact it is only until you reach the odds of 1 to 1 with 50 zeros following it that you reach the point of impossibility so as we move forward keep that in mind just one number less than 1/100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and you could WIN!!!
Let’s start with the likelihood of the chance of evolution of life utilizing the basic principles of mathematical probability.
For example, the probability of getting hit by lightning is about 1 in 600,000 (fortunately). The probability of winning a lottery grand prize with a single ticket is about 1 in 5.2 million (unfortunately).
First example: evolutionist way of thinking is that if a monkey was set in front of a typewriter, long enough he would eventually type, by pure chance, a perfect unabridged dictionary. Of course, this idea is completely ridiculous, in fact total nonsense, however let’s illustrate this. It is calculated that the probability of a monkey arranging the word evolution by randomly selecting letters from the alphabet is only 1 chance in 26 to the ninth power, in other words, 1 chance in 5,429,503,679,000.
The odds of this monkey writing the first verse of the bible by accident is 1 in 1.81479,392 X 10 to the 62nd power; in plain language 1 chance in 181, 497,392 with 54 zeros past it (way way past possibility remember the odds above 1/1 to the 50th power is the limit of possibility).
Let’s take this science of probability a step further. Consider the chance of accidental development of a very simple system composed of only 200 integrated parts (simple compared with living systems) the probability of forming such an ordered system is 1 in 200 factorial, or 1 chance in 788,657,867,364,790,503,552,363,213,932,185,062,295,138,977,687,263,294,742,533,244,359,449,963,403,342,920,304,284,011,984,623,904,177,212,138,919,638,830,257,642,790,242,637,105,061,926,624,952,829,931,113,462,857,270,763,317,237,396,988,943,922,445,621,451,664,240,254,033,291,864,131,227,428,294,853,277,524,242,407,573,903,240,321,257,405,579,568,660,226,031,904,170,324,062,351,700,858,796,178,922,222,789,623,703,897,374,720,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
This colossal number can be written more simply as 1 chance out of 10 to the 375th power of selecting the proper arrangement for a 200-part integrated system on the first trial.
But what if we keep on trying different combinations over and over again? Won’t we eventually achieve the desired result?
Well, to begin with, there are only 10 to the 80th power electrons in the known universe. Assuming this to be the maximum number of parts available to work with, without attempting to go through a lot of numbers here (as if we haven’t already done that) let me put it in a way that we can understand the impossibility of this ever happening.
If we could try various combinations attempting to get the right number for this 200-part integrated system at 1 billion per second, in other words, every second of the day we could try one billion combinations of the parts how many hours do you think it would take to come up with the right combination?
If we take that number and give scientists 30 billion years (the age some scientists say is the age of the earth) , attempting to randomly come up with this number at the rate of 1 billion per second, we would still be far short of enough time for the odds to come through.
Now the scientists might argue, that one part was built upon another part, in other words, evolved, however that makes the numbers even worse. The numbers of probability actually increases, and in short, makes this whole process mathematically impossible. We’re back trying to get a nickel out of our 2 + 2 pennies.
Let’s add to their problems, a 200-part system is a ridiculously primitive element compared with living systems. Modern research by NASA has demonstrated that the most basic type of protein molecule that could be classified living is composed of at least 400 linked amino acids. Each amino acid, in turn, is made up of a specific arrangement of four or five chemical elements, and each chemical element is itself a unique combination of protons, neutrons and electrons. Golay has demonstrated that the chance formation of even the simplest replicating protein molecule is 1 in 10 to the 450th power.
Wysong has calculated the probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity to be 1 in 10 to the 167,626 power, even when granting astronomically generous amounts of time and mixtures, who can imagine what the chance formation of a more complex structure or organ such as the cerebral cortex in the human brain would be? It contains over 10,000,000,000 (ten thousand million, 10 billion) cells each of which is carefully arranged according to a specific design, and each of which is fantastically complex in itself!
Schutzenberger of the University of Paris at a conference on “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, “concluded that the probability of evolution by mutation and natural selection is inconceivable.
I quote
“We believe that it is not conceivable. In fact, if we try to simulate such a situation by making changes randomly at the typographic level…on computer programs we find that we have no chance. (i.e. less than 1/10 to the 1,000 power) even to see what the modified program would compute; it just jams”
(Schutzenberger, algorithms (procedures) and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution, in mathematical challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution.)
Okay guys, I don’t really even need a closing statement, the facts are clear. We serve an awesome God. He created everything in such a complex manner that humans can’t even count high enough to consider the odds, computers can’t count high enough. We were barely able to compute the odds against a simple 200-part organism developing by chance and found it was totally impossible.
God created everything in such a way for modern man. He knew the levels of education mankind would aspire to. He knew earlier generations would live by faith, as we do, but we need to be able to give a logical defense for our beliefs according to 1 Peter 3:15. When we can do this in such an irrefutable way, by proving mathematically all we have looked at had to be creation, it had to come from a higher power than we can even imagine.
We have only touched the surface of proof; we have some exciting studies ahead of us.
This lesson comes from the book titled “Collapse of Evolution” by Scott M. Huse.
(and by the way the human body is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms, which make up 37.2 trillion cells in your body, According to an estimate made by engineers at Washington University, there are around 10 to the 14 power atoms in a typical human cell. Another way of looking at it is that this is 100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion
Interestingly, the number of cells in the human body is estimated to be about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell. )
It would take 31,709.79 years to count to 1 trillion, so to count to 100 trillion it would take 3,170,900 years (app) that is to just count to that number, now think of the number of years it would take trying to make that right combination at 1 billion attempts per second for a human body to accidently, or through evolution to develop.
There are 24 hours in a day so you would count 24X60x60 = 86,400 in one day. There are 365 days in a year so you would count 24X60x60x365 = 31,536,000 in one year. To find how long it would take to count to a trillion divide 1 trillion by 31,536,000. That is 1,000,000,000,000/31,536,000 = 31,709.79 years @ one billion attempts per second.
So we have moved from a 200-part integrated system to a 100 trillion part system… so I would venture to say that we have moved into the twilight zone if we believe these numbers could happen by chance.
Lesson 2: World Population
Lesson Aim:
Today we will give evidence that the population of the world itself is evidence of the impossibility of evolution.
Let’s refer to this as very compelling circumstantial evidence.
The size of the earth is also evidence against a long period of time for the existence of the earth.
So, in the final analysis, the world itself along with the population levels offers witness against evolution.
In 2014 the MIT physicist Max Tegmark argues in “Our Mathematical Universe” that mathematics is the fundamental world reality that drives the universe. As I would say, mathematics is operating in a god-like fashion.
The population of the world, based upon the Berlin census reports of 1922, was found to be 1,804,187,000.
The human race must double itself 30.75 times to make this number, and remember this, we have tripled that number from 1922 for we are at app 7 – 8 billion people right now.
The following computations confirms this result merely from common sense:
At the beginning of the first period of doubling there would just be two human beings;
The second, 4;
The third, 8;
The fourth, 16;
The tenth, 1024;
The twentieth 1,048,576,
The thirtieth, 1,073,741,824; and
The thirty-first, 2,147,483,648.
In other words, if we raise two to the thirtieth power, we have 1,073,741,824; or to the thirty-first power, 2,147,483,648 Therefore, it is evident even to the school boy, that, to have the present population of the globe, the net population must be doubled more than thirty times and less than thirty-one times. We find it to be 30.75 times. After all allowances are made for natural deaths, wars, catastrophes, and losses of all kinds, if the human race would double its numbers 30.75 times, we would have the population of the globe in 1922.
Now, according to the chronology of Hales, based on the Septuagint text, 5077 years have elapsed since the flood, and 5177 years since the ancestors of mankind numbered only two, Noah and his wife. By dividing 5177 by 30.75, we find it requires an average of 168.3 years for the human race to double its numbers, in order to make the present population. This is a reasonable average length of time.
Moreover, it is singularly confirmed by the number of Jews, or descendants of Jacob. According to Hales, 3850 years have passed since the marriage of Jacob. By the same method of calculation as above, the Jews, who, according to the Jewish yearbook for 1922, numbered 15,393, 815, must have doubled their numbers 23.8758 times, or once every 161.251 years.
The whole human race, therefore, on an average has doubled its numbers every 168.3 years; and the Jews, every 161.251 years. What a fantastic agreement!
We would not expect the figure to be exactly the same nor be greatly surprised if one period were twice the other. But their correspondence singularly validates the age of the human race and of the Jewish people, as gathered from the word of God by the most proficient chronologists.
In other words, we can take certain groups of people, check their population growth for the same time period and find the numbers correspond very closely.
If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, the period of doubling would be 65,040 years, or 402 times that of the Jews, which, of course, is unthinkable.
What this means, if we consider there are 7.5 billion people on Earth right now, which there is, and the earth is human race is 2 million years old, the population would only have doubled once every 65,040 years.
This means if the first couple had two children, doubling the population, that it would be another 65,000 years before their children would have children, or they would have more children… just doesn’t seem plausible.
While the period of doubling may vary slightly in different ages, yet there are few things as stable and certain as general average, where large numbers and many years are considered, as in the present case. No life insurance company, acting on general average statistics, ever failed on that account. The Jews and the whole human race have lived together the same thirty-eight centuries with very little intermarriage, and are affected by similar advantages and disadvantages, making the comparison remarkably fair.
Also, the 25,000,000 descendants of Abraham (now we refer to as Muslims, Mohammed worshipers) must have doubled their numbers every 162.275 years, during the 3,988 years since the birth of his son Ishmael. These periods of doubling which tally so closely, 168.3 years for the whole race, 161.251 for the Jews, and 162.275 years for the descendants of Abraham, cannot be a mere coincidence, but are a demonstration against the great age of man required by evolution, and in favor of the 5,177 years since Noah. None of the other various chronologies would make any material difference in these calculations. The correspondence of these figures, 168.3, 161.251 and 162.275 is so remarkable that it must bring the conviction to every serious student that the flood destroyed mankind and Noah became the head of the race.
Now the evolutionists claim that the human race is 2,000,000 years old. There is no good reason for believing that, during all these years the developing dominant species would not increase as rapidly as the Jews, or the human race in historic times, especially since the restraints of civilization and marriage did not exist. But let us generously suppose that these remote ancestors, beginning with one pair, doubled their numbers in 1612.51 years one-tenth as rapidly as the Jews, or 1240 times in 2,000,000 years. If we raise 2 to the 1240th power, the result is 18,932,139,737,991 with 360 figures following. The population of the world, therefore, would have been 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion. decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion; or 18,932,139,737,991 vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion.
Or, let us suppose that man, the dominant species, originated from a single pair, only 100,000 years ago, the shortest period suggested by any evolutionist (and much too short for evolution) and that the population doubled in 1612.51 years, one-tenth the Jewish rate of net increase, a most generous estimate. The present population of the globe should be 4,660,210,253,138,204,300 or 2,527,570,733 additional people for every man, woman and child on the earth today! In these calculations, we have made greater allowances than any self-respecting evolutionist could ask without blushing. And yet withal, it is as clear as the light of day that the ancestors of man could not possibly have lived 2,000,000 or 1,000,000 or 100,000 years ago, or even 10,000 years ago; for if the population had increased at the Jewish rate for 10,000 years, it would be more than two billion times as great as it is. No guess that ever was made, or ever can be made, much in excess of 5177 years, can possibly stand as the age of man. The evolutionist cannot sidestep this argument by a new guess.
All these computations have been made upon the supposition that the human race sprang from one pair. If from many in the distant past, as the evolutionists assert, these bewildering figures must be enormously increased.
Yet we are gravely told that evolution is “science”. It is the wildest guess ever made to support an impossible theory.
That their guesses cannot possibly be correct, is proven also by approaching the subject from another angle. If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, and must double its numbers 30.75 times to make the present population, it is plain that each period for doubling would be 65,040 years, since 2,000,000 divided by 30.75 is equals 65,040. At that rate, there would be fewer than four Jews! If we suppose the race to have sprung from one pair 100,000 years ago, it would take 3252 years to double the population. At this rate, there would be five Jews!
Do we need any other demonstration that the evolution of man is an absurdity and impossibility? If the evolutionists endeavor to show that man may have descended from the brute, the population of the world conclusively shows that MAN CERTAINLY DID NOT DESCEND FROM THE BRUTE. If they ever succeed in showing that all Species of animals may have been derived from one primordial germ, it is impossible that man so came. He was created as the Bible declares, by the Almighty Power of God.
The testimony of all the experts in the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee (who escaped cross-examination) was to the effect that evolution was in harmony with some facts and therefore possibly true. The above mathematical calculations prove that the evolution of man was certainly not true. They fail to make their case even if we grant their claims. These figures prove the Bible story, and scrap every guess of the great age and the brute origin of man. It will be observed that the above calculations point to the unity of the race in the days of Noah, 5177 years ago, rather than in the days of Adam 7333 years ago, according to Hale’s chronology. If the race increased at the Jewish rate, not over 16,384 perished by the Flood, fewer than by many a modern catastrophe. This most merciful providence of God started the race anew with a righteous head.
Now, if there had been no flood to destroy the human race, then the descendants of Adam, in the 7333 years would have been 16,384 times the 1,804,187,000, or 29,559,799,808,000; or computed at the Jewish rate of net increase for 7333 years since Adam, the population would have been still greater, or 35,184,372,088,832. These calculations are in perfect accord with the Scripture story of the special creation of man, and the destruction of the race by a flood. Had it not been for the flood, the earth could not have sustained the descendants of Adam.
Is not this a demonstration a decisive and final witness against an old age earth using logic?
Men, we have covered a lot of numbers here which prove God created the world, and no other option is remotely possible.
We have proven that according to population growth, using actual numbers, that the only acceptable age of man started with a flood, and Noah, is the father of all people on the earth.
You now have even more irrefutable evidence there is a God, He created You and I and all things. But the point remains, when you have all the proof you need to absolutely believe without a shadow of doubt, and the bible, all scripture is God breathed, and absolutely true…
What will you do with it?
We must totally submit ourselves to God, in every sense of the word, giving up every facet, every desire, every sin, every doubt, every worry and leave it at the foot of the cross, pick up your cross and carry it, take the word to all the men who reside here, giving them the irrefutable proof, and the absolute truth that they can at least make an educated choice, not trusting in misguided teachers of the past.
Final observation, since 1922 the time used for this lesson, the population as risen to 7.6 billion people, more than tripling itself in app 90 years.
This is indication that the population is now growing exponentially. According to Harvard social biologist Edward O. Wilson, the earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 to 10 billion people before we run short of fresh water, and resources to feed the people. WE already see people starving in Africa known as the cradle of humanity. As earlier stated, we are pushing 8 billion people on the earth, and we tripled population in less than 90 years, if we continue at that rate we should hit maximum levels in 20 – 30 years. And, honestly… less than that… and what will happen? Total Chaos? We don’t have the answers do we?
The Mathematics of Time
There are several areas to compare when we look at our earth and cosmos. Today we will take a look at space dust, and also how the moon which affects our gravity, ocean tides, and the tilt of the Earth on its axis.
Lesson Aim:
A continued presentation of the evidence that refutes the idea of a long age earth and cosmos.
Gravity, Space Dust, Mud, and the Moon
Scientific Principles
There are several things science knows and admits to, things we can measure, such as decreasing gravity, the annual amount of “Space Dust” that falls on the earth every year.
Space Dust
There are several things science knows and admits to, things we can measure, such as decreasing gravity, and the annual amount of “Space Dust” that falls on the earth every year.
Satellite observations suggest that 100-300 metric tons of cosmic dust enter the atmosphere each day.
The Earth weighs 1.317 × 10^25 lbs or 13,170,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 pounds
300 x 2,000 (the weight of a ton) = 600,000 X 365 = 219,000,000 per year X 1,000,000 years = 219,000,000,000.000
If the earth is a million years old, and they are now talking billions of years, then ¼ of the earth is accumulated space dust. Hmmmm
That means if it is 3 ½ billion years old as they are now saying, than that would be 776,000,000,000.000,000,000 pounds of space dust that accounts for the current weight of the earth. That means the earth was a very small planet until that space dust started to fall…
Long before man ever set foot on the moon, some scientists had argued that there did not appear to be enough cosmic dust in the surface layers of the earth to account for the supposed billions of years of earth’s history. However, proponents of “long ages” argued that extensive wind and water erosion had masked the assumed presence. It was felt that the missing cosmic dust would turn up somewhere, perhaps in the deep sediment layers of the oceans. So far it has not.
So, when the astronauts went to the moon, they were rightfully worried they would sink quite a ways into the “space dust” as it collects as much as the earth. I was watching this first moon landing and it was a major concern, literally everyone holding their breath while the luner landed out of fear it would sink hundreds of feet into the surface… it didn’t happen, so in the final anaylsis there isn’t enough space dust on either the moon or the earth to support the theory of a long earth/ universe theory.
Speaking of the Moon
Another aspect of the Moon is that it is moving away from the Earth, Scientists calculate at 1.6 inches per year, however, if we go back 2 million years, the moon would have been 50,000 miles closer than it is now.
Consider this, the Moon is approximately 234,000 to 239,000 miles away from the Earth, and controls the sea currents/ waves, affects the gravity, and the tilt of the Earth, and that 2 million years ago it would have been 20% closer to the earth, the Earth would have been in constant turmoil, with tidal wave as the normal day to day weather condition.
The Magnetic Field
The strength of the earth’s magnetic field has been measured for well over a century. This provides scientists with exceptionally good records. In an important recent study, Thomas G. Barnes has shown that the strength of the earth’s magnetic field is decaying exponentially at a rate corresponding to a half-life of 1,400 years. That is to say, 1,400 years ago the magnetic field of the earth was twice as strong as it is now. If we extrapolate back as far as 10,000 years, we find that the earth would have had a magnetic field as strong as that of a magnetic star! This is, of course, highly improbable, if not impossible. Thus, based on the present decay rate of the earth’s magnetic field, 10,000 years appears to be an upper limit for the age of the earth.
Keep in mind that any objections to this conclusion must be based on rejection of the same uniformitarian assumption that evolutionist utilize to derive a great age for the earth. In defense of their long-age chronology, evolutionists have proposed a reversal hypothesis. They suggest that the earth’s magnetic field has remained relatively stable throughout geologic time, except for certain intervals in which it went through a reversal, dying down to zero and rising up again with the reverse polarity. The last such reversal is alleged to have occurred about 700,000 years ago.
Unfortunately for evolutionary scientists, the reversal hypothesis has absolutely no valid scientific theoretical basis. Furthermore, rock magnetization cannot be used to support these so-called reversals because there is a self-reversal process known to exist in rocks, completely independent of the earth’s magnetic field.
Finally, it is believed that the earth’s magnetic field is due to circulating electric currents in its core. If we extrapolate backward about 20,000 years, we find that the estimated heat produced by the currents would have melted the earth. Clearly, the testimony of the earths’ magnetic field is strongly in favor of a relatively young earth, not an ancient one.
The Mississippi River Delta
The Mississippi River Delta offers additional evidence to support the concept of a relatively young earth. Approximately 300 million cubic yards of sediment are deposited into the Gulf of Mexico by the Mississippi river each year. By carefully studying the volume and rate of accumulation of the Mississippi River Delta and then dividing the weight of the sediments deposited annually into the total weight of the delta, it can be determined that the age of the delta is about 4,000 years old
Petroleum and Natural Gas
Petroleum and natural gas are contained at high pressures in underground reservoirs by relatively impermeable (resistant) cap rock. In many cases, the pressures are extremely high. Calculations based on the measured permeability of the cap rock reveal that the oil and gas pressures could not be maintained for much longer than 10,000 years in many instances. Thus, the assumption that such fossil-fuel deposits have been confined for millions of years, having not leaked out through their cap rack, becomes laughable.
Furthermore, recent experiments have demonstrated conclusively that the conversion of marine and vegetable matter into oil and gas can be achieved in a surprisingly short time. For example, plant-derived material has been converted into a good grade of petroleum in as little as twenty minutes under the proper temperature and pressure conditions. Wood and other cellulosic material have also been converted into coal or coal-like substances in just a few hours. These experiments prove that the formation of coal, oil, and gas did not necessarily require millions of years to form as uniformitarian geologists have assumed and taught.
The presence of polystrate fossils in coal beds which indicate rapid formation. Also, the type of plants involved and the texture of these deposits testify of turbulent waters, not a stagnant swamp.
Evolutionists propose that coal was formed millions of years before man evolved. However, human skeletons and artifacts, such as intricately structured gold chains, have been found in coal deposits. In Genesis 4 we learn that metalworking was already highly developed; Tubalcain was an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron. In Genesis 7 and 8, the Deluge later buried the antediluvian civilizations in the sedimentary layers of the earth’s crust.
The Rotation of the Earth
The rotation of the earth is gradually slowing due to the gravitational drag forces of the sun, moon, and other factors. If the earth is billions of years old, as uniformitarian geologists insist, and it has been slowing down uniformly, then its present rotation should be zero!
Furthermore, if we extrapolate (to infer (values of a variable in an unobserved interval) from values within an already observed interval) backward for several billion years, the centrifugal force would have been so great that the continents would have been sent to the equatorial regions and the overall shape of the earth would have been more like a flat pancake. But, as is commonly known, the shape of the earth is spherical; its continents are not confined to the equatorial regions, and it continues to rotate on its axis at approximately 1,000 mph at the equator. The obvious conclusion is that the earth is not billions of years old.
Lesson 4: Processes That Indicate a Young Solar System and Universe
Indeed, in 2014 the MIT physicist Max Tegmark argues in “Our Mathematical Universe” that mathematics is the fundamental world reality that drives the universe. As I would say, mathematics is operating in a god-like fashion.
Atmospheric Helium
Helium is a chemical element with symbol He and atomic number 2. It is a colorless, odorless, tasteless, non-toxic, inert, monatomic gas, the first in the noble gas group in the periodic table. Its boiling point is the lowest among all the elements.
After hydrogen, helium is the second lightest and second most abundant element in the observable universe, being present at about 24% of the total elemental mass, which is more than 12 times the mass of all the heavier elements combined. Its abundance is similar to this figure in the Sun and in Jupiter. This is due to the very high nuclear binding energy (per nucleon) of helium-4 with respect to the next three elements after helium. This helium-4 binding energy also accounts for why it is a product of both nuclear fusion and radioactive decay. Most helium in the universe is helium-4, and is believed to have been formed during the Big Bang. Large amounts of new helium are being created by nuclear fusion of hydrogen in stars.
Another excellent evidence for a young earth is provided by the small amount of helium in our present-day atmosphere. Evolutionists maintain that the radioactive decay processes of uranium and thorium that produce helium have been occurring in the earth’s crust for billions of years. But if this decay has been going on for billions of years, the earth’s atmosphere should contain much more than the present 1 part in 200,000 of helium.
The common explanation offered for the absence of the required helium is that it has been escaping out through the exosphere. But there is no evidence to support this assumption and, in fact, recent data indicate that helium cannot escape into space the way hydrogen does. To make matters worse for evolutionists, it is also probable that helium is actually entering the atmosphere from outer space by means of the sun’s corona. Realistic calculations based on available figures disclose that the amount of time required for natural alpha decay processes to have produced the observed helium is approximately 10,000 years.
Pleochroic Halos
Radiohalo’s or pleochroic halos are microscopic, spherical shells of discoloration within minerals such as biotite (a black, dark brown, or greenish black variety of mica) that occur in granite and other igneous rocks. The shells are zones of radiation damage caused by the inclusion of minute radioactive crystals within the host crystal structure.
Creationists point to evidence from the study of rapidly decaying radioactive elements and pleochroic halos to support their belief that creation was sudden and complete.
Robert Gentry, the world’s leading authority on radiohaloes has studied the mysterious case of polonium radiohaloes extensively and reached some startling conclusions that confirm the creationist’s viewpoint.
Polonium 218 has been considered a daughter element of the natural decay of uranium, but through the works of Dr. Gentry and other researchers, polonium halos have been found in mica and fluorite without any evidence of parents.
In other words, it was primordial- present in the original granite from the very beginning. Also, and most significantly, polonium halos should not exist because of their extremely short half-lives. Polonium 218 has a half-life of only three minutes. If the evolutionist’ interpretation was correct and the rock formations gradually cooled over millions of years, the polonium would have decayed into other elements long ago.
Thus, the evidence clearly points to an instantaneous crystallization of the host basement rocks of the earth concurrent with the formation of the polonium. Simply stated, the presence of polonium radiohaloes is one of the greatest blows to evolutionary thinking because it speaks so eloquently of instantaneous creation.
While these facts raise absolute havoc with the evolutionary framework, they are in complete harmony with the creationists’ viewpoint. As the Scriptures record “the evening and morning were the first day” (Gen1:5). The deliberate and emphatic repetition of this phrase throughout Genesis 1 clearly indicates that these were literal 24-hour creative periods. The creation was accomplished in six literal days not through billions of years of gradual development (Exodus 20:11). How appropriate are the words of the psalmist at this juncture: “By the word of the Lord were the heavens made; and all the host of them by the breath of his mouth… For he spake, and it was done; He commanded, and it stood fast” (Ps. 33:6, 9).
Meteoric Material
If the geologic column was deposited uniformly over billions of years, why is it the case that only the surface rock layers provide meteoric evidence? One would not expect to find billions of years of geologic deposits without finding any evidence of meteor strikes. Yet there is no evidence of meteor strikes including huge craters below the surface. Uniformitarianists are notably silent on this matter. Creationists view these finds as evidence for a young earth.
Do you remember this law?
Uniformitarianism is the assumption that the same natural laws and processes that operate in the universe now, have always operated in the universe in the past and apply everywhere in the universe.
Comets journey around the sun and are assumed to be the same age as the solar system. Each time a comet orbits the sun, a small part of it’s mass is “boiled off.” Careful studies indicate that the effect of this dissolution process on short-term comets would have totally dissipated them in about 10,000 years. Based on the fact that there are still numerous comets orbiting the sun with no source of new comets known to exist, we can deduce that our solar system cannot be much older than 10,000 years. To date, no satisfactory explanation has been given to discredit this evidence for a youthful solar system.
Poynting-Robertson Effect
The sun, acting like a giant vacuum cleaner, sweeps up about 100,000 tons of micrometeoroids each day. The sun’s radiation pressure also serves to push small interplanetary dust particles into space. This phenomenon is known as the Poynting_Robertson effect. If the solar system is truly billions of years old, these particles should no longer be present. Proceeding at its present rate, the sun would have cleaned house in less than 10,000 years as there is no known source of appreciable replenishment. However, micrometeoroids are abundant throughout the solar system and this fact speaks convincingly for a relatively young solar system.
Star Clusters
Star clusters serve to indicate a young age for the universe. A star cluster contains hundreds or thousands of stars moving, as one author has put it, “like a swarm of bees”. They are held together by gravity, but in some star clusters the stars are moving so fast they could not have held together for millions or billions of years. Thus, the presence of star clusters in the universe indicates that the age of the universe is numbered in the thousands of years.
Lesson 5 Uniqueness of the Earth
Lesson Aim: A preview and discussion time Uniqueness of the Earth.
The existence of a creation necessitates the reality of a Creator.
Intricate design requires a careful and intelligent Master Designer; a watch needs a watchmaker. This pure and simple logic.
Let us suppose when the astronauts landed on the moon that they found a highly advanced computer system situated among the rocks.
Would it be reasonable and logical for them to conclude that it just happened to “evolve” through the fortuitous collisions of meteorites with local terrestrial rock formations or through some other such accidental event?
Or would it be more logical to conclude that it was carefully designed and built by an intelligent creator? Common sense dictates the latter explanation, of course! What about the chance occurrence of a blender transforming itself into the Apollo 16 moon rocket?
Is this preposterous, insensible, ridiculous, and absurd?
No more so than saying out of accidental combinations of molecules, which somehow came into existence, man was accidentally assembled.
Similarly, the evidence that God designed the earth-sun system far outweighs any possibility that it all just that it all just happened to come together by mere chance.
We will now consider a few features of the earth-sun system which appears to be specifically and very carefully designed for the unique purpose of supporting life?
The earth is positioned at just the right distance from the Sun so that we receive exactly the proper amount of heat to support life. The other planets of our solar system are either too close to the sun (too hot) or else too far (too cold) to sustain life.
Any appreciable change in the rate of rotation of the earth would make life impossible. For example, if the earth were to rotate at 1/10th its present rate, all plant life would either be burned to a crisp during the day or frozen at night.
Temperature variations are kept within reasonable limits due to the nearly circular orbit of the earth around the Sun.
Temperature extremes are further moderated by the water vapor and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere that produce a greenhouse effect.
The moon revolves around the earth at a distance of about 240,000 miles causing harmless tides on the earth.
If the moon were located 1/5th of this distance away, the continents would be completely submerged twice a day…considering the moon if moving away at 1.6 inches per year, 2 billion years ago, it would have been 1/5th closer and life would have been impossible.
The thickness of the earth’s crust and the depth of the oceans appear to be carefully designed.
Increases in thickness or depth of only a few feet would so drastically alter the absorption of free oxygen and carbon dioxide that plant and animal life could not exist.
The earth’s axis
The Earth is tilted 23 1/2% degrees from the perpendicular to the plane of its orbit. This tilting, combined with the earth’s revolution around the sun, causes our seasons, which are absolutely essential for the raising of food supplies… again what controls this tilt… right, the moon.
The earth’s atmosphere (ozone layer)
Serves as a protective shield from lethal solar ultraviolet radiation, which would otherwise destroy all life.
The Earth’s atmosphere also serves to protect the earth from approximately 20 million meteors that enter it each day at speeds of about 30 miles per second! Without this crucial protection the danger to life would be immense.
The earth is the perfect physical size and mass to support life, affording a careful balance between gravitational forces (essential for holding water and an atmosphere) and atmospheric pressure.
The two primary constituents of the earths’ atmosphere are nitrogen (78%) and oxygen (20%). This delicate and critical ratio is essential to all life-forms.
The earth’s magnetic field
This provides important protection from harmful cosmic radiation.
The earth is uniquely blessed with a bountiful supply of water.
This is the key substance of life due to its remarkable and essential physical properties.
Many other examples of this type could be cited that would also support the idea that the earth was created and carefully designed for a purpose.
Such numerous perfect and complex combinations of interrelated conditions and factors essential to delicate life-forms unequivocally point to intelligent purposeful design.
To believe that such an intricately planned and carefully balanced life support system is the result of mere chance is absolutely senseless.
Surely, the honest and objective observer has no other recourse than to conclude that the earth-sun system has been carefully and intelligently designed by God for man. As it is written: “The heaven, even the heavens, are the Lord’s: but the earth hath he given to the children of men”
(Ps. 115:16).
Astronomy is the science of the stars, planets, and all other heavenly bodies beyond the Earth’s atmosphere.
Astronomers study the composition, motion, relative position, size, and other properties of these heavenly bodies. Given the immensity of the known universe, the seemingly countless mysteries, and the fantastic wonders (e.g. black holes, pulsars, nebula, supernovae) the astronomers task seems a daunting one.
Indeed, one of the most enduring questions of all time remains yet unanswered, “are we alone?”
But we are going to consider more of the interesting facts of Earth. While we may feel motionless on Earth, we are actually on such a wild ride that it is difficult to comprehend.
The Earth is rotating on its axis at a speed of over 1,000 miles an hour at the equator. In addition, the Earth is revolving around the Sun at about 67,000 mph. In fact, during the course of an average human’s life span, the Earth will complete 70 trips around the Sun, traveling some 41 billion miles!
Furthermore, we are moving around the nucleus of the Milky Way Galaxy at about 500,000 mph, and our galaxy itself is speeding along at an astounding 1.1 million mph!In our solar system, the Sun makes up 98% of the mass.
It is about 27 million degrees Fahrenheit at the core with a pressure that is 250 billion times the air pressure on Earth. Solar flares can extend out a length greater than 10 Earths.
Every second 700 million tons of hydrogen is converted into helium, and in the process 5 million tons of pure energy is released.
The Sun produces an incredible 3.8 million billion billion watts, which is equivalent to 5.18X10 to the 23rd power.
Our Sun is only 865,000 miles in diameter. By comparison, Aldebaran is a giant star that is 31,140,000 miles in diameter and Antares is an example of a supergiant star that is 300 million miles in diameter!
Lesson 6: The Human Body
Lesson Aim:
In the first lesson of this course I made this observation:
a 200-part system is a ridiculously primitive element compared with living systems. Modern research by NASA has demonstrated that the most basic type of protein molecule that could be classified living is composed of at least 400 linked amino acids.
Each amino acid, in turn, is made up of a specific arrangement of four or five chemical elements, and each chemical element is itself a unique combination of protons, neutrons and electrons.
Golay has demonstrated that the chance formation of even the simplest replicating protein molecule is 1 in 10 to the 450th power.
Wysong has calculated the probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity to be 1 in 10 to the 167,626 power, even when granting astronomically generous amounts of time and reagents, who can imagine what the chance formation of a more complex structure or organ such as the cerebral cortex in the human brain would be?
It contains over 10,000,000,000 (ten thousand million, 10 billion) cells each of which is carefully arranged according to a specific design, and each of which is fantastically complex in itself!
Schutzenberger of the University of Paris at a conference on “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, “concluded that the probability of evolution by mutation and natural selection is inconceivable.
I quote.
“We believe that it is not conceivable. In fact if we try to simulate such a situation by making changes randomly at the typographic level…on computer programs we find that we have no chance. (i.e. less than 1/10 to the 1,000 power) even to see what the modified program would compute; it just jams”
(Schutzenberger, algorithms and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution, in mathematical challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution.)
The facts are clear. We serve an awesome God. He created everything in such a complex manner that humans can’t even count high enough to consider the odds, computers can’t count high enough. We were barely able to compute the odds against a simple 200-part organism developing by chance and found it was impossible.
With that in mind, today’s lesson start we will be looking at the human body, and we will be looking at the facts of the human body over the next few weeks, there is so much information, and it is so astounding it takes a while to take an honest look at the important argument against evolution.
A human Body is composed of over 30 different kinds of cells (red blood cells, white blood cells, nerve cells, etc.), totaling approximately 100 trillion cells in an average adult (Beck, 1971, p.189). these cells come in a variety of sizes and shapes, with different functions and life expectancies.
For example, some cells (e.g., male spermatozoa) are so small that 20,000 would fit inside a capital “O” from a standard typewriter, each being only 0.05 mm long. Some cells, placed end-to-end, would make only one inch if 6,000 were assembled together.
Yet all the cells of the human body, if set end-to-end, would encircle the Earth over 200 times. Even the largest cell of the human body, the female ovum, is unbelievably small, being only 0.0a of an inch in diameter.
Cells have three major components. First, each cell is composed of a cell membrane that encloses the organism. Second, inside the cell is a three-dimensional cytoplasm-a watery matrix containing specialized organelles. Third, within the cytoplasm is the nucleus, which contains most of the gentic material, and which serves as the control center of the cell.
The lipoprotein cell membrane (lipids/proteins/lipids) is approximately 0.06-0.08 of a micrometer thick, yet allows selective transport into, and out of, the cell. Evolutionists Ernest Borek has observed:
“The membrane recognizes with its uncanny molecular memory the hundreds of compounds swimming around it and permits or denies passage according to the cell’s requirements” (1973, p. 5.)
Inside the cytoplasm, there are over 20 different chemical reactions occurring at any one time, with each cell containing five major components for: (1) communication; (2) Waste disposal; (3) nutrition; (4) repair; and (5) reproduction.
Within this watery matrix there are such organelles as the mitochondria (over 1,000 per cell in many instances) that provide the cell with its energy.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a “…transport system designed to carry materials from one part of the cell to the other” (Pfeiffer, 1964, p.13). Ribosomes are miniature protein-producing factories.
Golgi bodies store the proteins manufactured by the ribosomes. Lysosomes within the cytoplasm function as garbage disposal units.
The nucleus is the control center of the cell,
It is separated from the cytoplasm by a nuclear membrane. Within the nucleus is the genetic machinery of the cell (Chromosomes and genes containing deoxyribonucleic acid – DNA. The DNA is a super molecule that carries the coded information for the replication of the cell.
If the DNA from a single human cell were removed from the nucleus and unraveled (it is found in the cell in a spiral configuration), it would be approximately six feet long, and would contain over a billion biochemical steps. It has been estimated that if all the DNA in an adult human were placed end-to-end, it would reach ot the Sun and back (186 million miles) 400 times.
It should also be noted that the DNA molecule does something that we as humans have yet to accomplish: it stores coded information in a chemical format, and then uses a biologic agent (RNA) to decode and activate it. As Darrel Kautz has stated:
“Human technology has not yet advanced to the point of storing information chemically as it is in the DNA molecule” (I “googled” this information on 12/13/2017 and found no evidence that it is not possible) (1988, p. 45, emp. In orig.’ see also Jackson, 1993, pp. 11-12).
If transcribed into English, the DNA in a single human cell would fill a 1,000 volume set of encyclopedias approximately 600 pages each (Gore, 1976, p. 357).
Yet just as amazing is the fact that all the genetic information needed to reproduce the entire human population (about five billion people as this writing/ now over 8 billion people) could be placed into a space of about one-eight of a square inch. In comparing the amount of information contained in the DNA molecule with a much larger computer microchip, evolutionist Irvin Block remarked: “We marvel at the feats of memory and transcription accomplished by computer microchips, but these are gargantuan compared to the protein granules of deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA” (1980, p. 52).
In an article written for Encyclopedia Britannica, Carl Sagan observed that “the information content of a simple cell has been estimated at around 1012 bits [i.e., one trillion BT/WJ]…” (1974, 10:894).
To emphasize to the reader the enormity of this figure, Dr. Sagan then noted that if one were to count every letter in every word of every book in the world’s largest library (over 10 million volumes), the final tally would be approximately a trillion letters.
Thus, a single cell contains the equivalent information content of every book in the world’s largest library of more than ten million volumes! Every rational person recognizes that not one of the books in such a library “just happened.” Rather, each and every one is the result of intelligence and painstaking design.
What, then, may we say about the infinitely more complex genetic code found with the DNA in each cell? Sir Fred Hoyle concluded that the notion that such complexity could be arrived at by chance is “nonsense of a high order” (1981b, p. 527). In their text on the origin of life, Thaxton, Bradley, and Olsen addressed the implications of the genetic code.
We know that in numerous cases certain effects always have intelligent causes, such as dictionaries, sculptures, machines, and paintings. We reason by analogy that similar effects have intelligent causes.
For Example, after looking up to see “BUY FORD” spelled out in smoke across the sky we infer the presence of a skywriter even if heard or saw no airplane. We would similarly conclude the presence of intelligent activity were we to come upon an elephant-shaped topiary in a cedar forest.
In like manner an intelligible communication via radio signal from some distant galaxy would be widely hailed as evidence of an intelligent source. Why then doesn’t the message sequence on the DNA molecule also constitute primacies evidence for an intelligent source?
After all, DNA information is not just analogous to a message sequence such as Morse code, it is such a message sequence…
We believe that if this question is considered, it will be seen that most often it is answered in the negative simply because it is thought to be inappropriate to bring a creator into science (1984, pp. 211-212, emp. In orig.).
The intricate and complex nature of the DNA molecule- combined with the staggering amount of chemically-coded information that it contains – speaks unerringly to the fact that this “super molecule” simply could not have come into existence due to blind chance and random natural forces operating through eons of time, as evolutions have claimed.
This is not an adequate explanation for the inherent complexity of the DNA molecule. Andrews was correct when he stated:
It is not possible for a code, of any kind, to arise by chance or accident… A code is the work of an intelligent mind. Even the cleverest dog or chimpanzee could not work out a code of any kind. It is obvious then that chance cannot do it… this could no more have been the work of chance or accident that could the “Moonlight Sonata” be played by mice running up and down the keyboard of my piano! Codes do not arise from chaos (1978. Pp. 28-29).
Indeed, codes to not arise from chaos. When Dawkins suggested that “superficially, the obvious alternative to chance is an intelligent Designer, ‘obviously he intended his comment as a somewhat satirical insult aimed at theists who were capable of thinking only “superficially” (1982, p. 130, emp. Added).
However, it is hardly superficial to suggest that obvious design demands a designer. In fact, that is the exact point the theist is stressing: the evidence demands an intelligent Designer.
harder than before on the bones to which they are attached. With this as a stimulus, bone-forming cells build new bone to give internal reinforcement where necessary” (Shryock, 1968, p.27). would this indicate design?
In his book, Human Design, evolutionist William S. Beck could hardly contain himself when he wrote of “the intricate structural organization” of the muscles and tendons in the hand, which are capable of such a wide variety of actions.
But “intricate structural organization” indicates design. Beck characterized this phenomenon as “one of evolution’s most remarkable achievements” (1971, p. 691), Remarkable indeed!
A number of years ago, an article on the human hand appeared in the magazine, “Today’s Health, published by the American Medical Associations. Though saturated with evolutionary concepts (e.g., the hand is alleged to have evolved from a fish’s fin), the article conceded:
…if the most gifted scientists cuddled their brains they probably could not come up with a stronger or more perfect tool for grasping and delicate manipulations than the human hand. And seen from an engineering stand point, the loveliest hand is a highly complex mechanical device composed of muscle, bone, tendon, fat, and extremely sensitive nerve fibers, capable of performing thousands of jobs with precision (Wylie, 1962, p. 25, emp. Added).
But something “engineered” requires an engineer. That is just sound logic.
While many living organisms share common muscle activity, there are some muscle movements that are unique to man. These forcefully demonstrate that the human being is not some kind of “evolved animal,” Rather, he is a creature “fearfully and wonderfully made” by a Creator.
Only man can combine muscle with intelligence and imagination, plan and purpose, to plow and plant a field, to create a museum masterpiece or the “Gettysburg Address.” And only man trains to perform the most highly coordinated forms of bodily motion for their own sake, in the expressive and athletic arts. We applaud this skill in our species every time we clap our hands for a ballerina or a circus aerialist (Miller and Goode, 1960, p. 21).
Lesson 7 Continuing with the Body
Lesson Aim: THE BODY
In the human body, there are numerous tissues (e.g., muscle tissues, nerve tissues, etc.). In fact, a single human has more that 600 muscles (containing about six billion muscle fibers), composing about 40% pf the body’s weight. According to Dr. I. MacKay Murray, professor of anatomy at the State University of New York, muscles are the “engines” of the body that provide the power for movement (1969, p.22). Some muscles are tiny, such as those regulating the amount of light entering the eye, while others, like those n the legs, are massive.
Muscles may be classified either as “voluntary” (i.e., under the control of the human will), or “involuntary” (i.e., not under control of the will). The voluntary muscles of the arms, for example, are attached to the bones by tough cords of connective tissue called tendons. One must “think” in order to move these muscles. The involuntary muscles are those whose contraction and relaxation cannot be controlled consciously (e.g., the heart and intestines). Some muscles are both voluntary and involuntary (e.g., the muscles controlling the eyelids, and the diaphragm). All muscles, in one way or another, are regulated by the nervous system.
Muscles work by contracting (tightening). When they contract, they shorten, thus exerting a “pull”; muscles do not “push.” Frequently, muscles work in pairs, as in the voluntary skeletal muscles. The biceps in the upper arm pulls the for arm forward, whereas the triceps moves the forearm downward. While one works, the other rests. The design inherent in such tissues is utterly amazing.
Some muscles, like those attached to the skeleton, are analogous ot strong steel cables. Each muscle is constructed of long cells combined in small bundles called fibers. These bundles are bound together, making larger bundles of which the whole muscle consists of. Muscle fibers vary in size from a few hundred-thousandths of an inch to an inch or inch-and-a-half in length. Each muscle has its own stored supply of high-grade fuel, especially sugar (glycogen), which the body has manufactured from food that has been consumed. This analogy may be helpful. In an automobile engine, the spark ignites vaporized gasoline, the piston moves, and keeps moving in response to a series of explosions. “A muscle performs the functions of both the spark and the piston; the cell itself splits a molecule of fuel and also exerts the resulting physical power” (Miller and Goode, 1960, p. 23). If it is clear that an automobile engine was intelligently designed, why is it not reasonable to draw the same conclusion with reference to muscles. Lenihan, even though an evolutionist, writes: “The body’s engines [muscles-BT/WJ]… demonstrate some surprisingly modern engineering ideas” (1974, p. 43). The question is: Who initiated these “engineering ideas”? The answer, of course, is the Great Designer, God.
Connected to the skeletal muscle is a nerve. The nerve conveys a signal telling the muscle when to contract or relax. Obviously, there must be precise orchestration between the skeletal muscle system and the nervous system. Without doubt, their cooperative nature was planned. Some muscles, like those in the stomach, are stimulated to work by means of chemicals called hormones.
Further, there is a precisely integrated relationship between muscles and bones. Here is just one such example. “As certain muscles increase in strength, they pull harder than before on the bones to which they are attached. With this as a stimulus, bone-forming cells build new bone to give internal reinforcement where necessary” (Shryock, 1968, p.27). would this indicate design?
In his book, Human Design, evolutionist William S. Beck could hardly contain himself when he wrote of “the intricate structural organization” of the muscles and tendons in the hand, which are capable of such a wide variety of actions. But “intricate structural organization” indicates design. Beck characterized this phenomenon as “one of evolution’s most remarkable achievements” (1971, p. 691), Remarkable indeed! A number of years ago, an article on the human hand appeared in the magazine, “Today’s Health, published by the American Medical Associations. Though saturated with evolutionary concepts (e.g., the hand is alleged to have evolved from a fish’s fin), the article conceded:
…if the most gifted scientists cuddled their brains they probably could not come up with a stronger or more perfect tool for grasping and delicate manipulations than the human hand. And seen from an engineering stand point, the loveliest hand is a highly complex mechanical device composed of muscle, bone, tendon, fat, and extremely sensitive nerve fibers, capable of performing thousands of jobs with precision (Wylie, 1962, p. 25, emp. Added).
But something “engineered” requires an engineer. That is just sound logic.
While many living organisms share common muscle activity, there are some muscle movements that are unique to man. These forcefully demonstrate that the human being is not some kind of “evolved animal,” Rather, he is a creature “fearfully and wonderfully made” by a Creator. Observe the following quotation from two evolutionists, which no doubt reals more than these authors intended. They, ask yourself how scientists can echo these sentiments and still ignore the evidence of design in nature that demands a Designer.
Only man can combine muscle with intelligence and imagination, plan and purpose, to plow and plant a field, to create a museum masterpiece or the “Gettysburg Address.” And only man trains to perform the most highly coordinated forms of bodily motion for their own sake, in the expressive and athletic arts. We applaud this skill in our species every time we clap our hands for a ballerina or a circus aerialist (Miller and Goode, 1960, p. 21(.
The skin is the largest single organ of the human body. It consists of three areas: (a)the skin layers; (b) the glands; and (c) the nails. If the skin of a 150-pound man were spread out, it would cover 20 square feet of space and weigh about 9 pounds. The skin is also a very busy area. “Apiece of skin the size of a quarter contains 1 years of blood vessels, 4 yards of nerves, 25 nerve ends, 100 sweat glands, and more than 3 million cells” (Youmans, 1979, 17:404d).
The skin, containing two major layers, is on average, only about one-eighth of an inch thick. The epidermis is the upper layer, and consists of rows of cells about 12 to 15 deep. The uppermost layers are dead, and are being replaced constantly with newly-formed living cells. It would be an interesting question to ask: What man-made house replaces its own covering? The epidermis contains a pigment called melanin, which gives the skin its distinctive color. The lower layer is designated as the dermis, and is joined to he epidermis by a corrugated surface that contains nerves and blood vessels. When a cut finger draws blood, the dermis has been reached. Within the dermis there are two kinds of glands—sweat and oil.
The ends of the fingers and toes are protected by a horn-like substance, usually referred to as the toenail or fingernail. Actually, most of the nail is dead; only the lower, crescent-shaped, white portion is living. The fingernails grow about three times as fast as the toenails, which is certainly evidence of good design, considering the respective functions of the hands and feet. The skin of the underside of the fingers, the palms, and the soles of the feet have a special friction surface, and no hair. These areas, like the knurling on a tool handle or the tread of a tire, have been designed specifically for gripping (see Miller and Goode, 1960,p. 345).
Hair has several functions. It is a part of the body’s sentry system. Eyelashes warn the eyes to close when foreign objects strike them. Body hairs also serve as levers, connected to muscles, to help squeeze the oil glands. Hair acts as a filter in the ears and nose. Hair grows to a certain length, falls out, and then, in most instances, is replaced by anew hair. Hair is “programmed” to grow only to a certain length. But who provided the “program”? Compared to most mammals, man is relatively hairless. But why is this the case? A strong case can be made for the fact that the best explanation is to be found “in the design of the human body with personhood in view” (Cosgrove, 1987, p.54). Skin touch is very closely associated with human emotions.
Human skin is one of the body’s most vital organs. Its value may be summarized as follows.
- The skin is a protective fortification that keeps harmful bacteria from entering the human system.
- It is a waterproof wall that holds in the fluids of the body. Our bodies are about 75% fluid.
- It protects the interior parts of the body from cuts, bruises, etc.
- With its pigment, melanin, it shields the body from harmful rays arriving on the Earth from the Sun. Beck calls melanin “an epidermal light filter” (1971, p. 745). Do light filters invented by man require intelligence?
- The skins’ many nerve endings make it sensitive to touch, cold, heat, pain, and pressure. Thus, it is a major sense organ.
- The sweat glands (2 to 5 million in the whole body) help eliminate waste products and also function in cooling the skin.
- The oil glands lubricate the skin and help keep it soft—while at the same time providing a waterproofing system. Though soft, the skin is quite durable. When a 2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy was fingerprinted, the ridges were found to be perfectly preserved (Guinness, 1987, p. 132),
- About one-third of the body’s blood circulates through the skin. The blood vessels, by contracting and expanding, work to regulate body temperature. If body temperature increases by 7 or 8 degrees and remains there for any length of time, a person almost always will die. The skin is thus a radiator system (see Brand and Yancey, 1980, p. 154). Does a radiator happen by accident?
- The skin absorbs ultraviolet rays from the Sun, and uses them to convert chemicals into vitamin D, which the body needs for the utilization of calcium. The skin is therefore a chemical-processing plant for the entire body.
Lesson Eight: The Body Continued
Lesson Aim: We continue with “The Body”
The Eye
One of the most forceful evidence of design within the human body is the eye. Even Charles Darwin struggled with the problem of an organ so complex as the eye evolving via naturalistic processes. In the Origin of Species, he wrote:
To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have been formed by natural selection, sees, I freely confess, absurd in the highest sense (1859,p.170)
However, despite his misgivings, Darwin went on to argue that the eye had, in fact, been produced by natural selection through an evolutionary process. Darwin, of course, is not the only one to be troubled by what appears to be obvious evidence of design in the eye. Evolutionist Robert Jastrow has written:
The eye is a marvelous instrument, resembling, a telescope of the highest quality, with a lens, an adjustable focus, a variable diaphragm for controlling the amount of light, and optical corrections for spherical and chromatic aberration. The eye appears to have been designed; no designer of telescopes could have done better. How could this marvelous instrument have evolved by chance, through a succession of random events? (1981, pp. 96-97, emp. Added).
Though Dr. Jastrow argued that “the fact of evolution is not in doubt,” he nonetheless confessed: “…there seems to be no direct proof that evolution can work these miracles…It is hard to accept that evolution of the eye as a product of chance” (1981, pp.101,97,98, emp. added)
Considering how extremely complex the mechanism of the eye is known to be, it is easy to understand why Dr. Jastrow would make such a comment. Light images from the environment enter the eye (at approximately 186,000 miles per second) through the iris, which opens and shuts like the diaphragm of a camera, to let in just the right amount of light.
The images move through a lens that focuses the “picture” (in an inverted form) on the retina at the rear of the eyeball. The image is then picked up by some 137 million nerve endings that convey the message (at over 300 miles per hour) to the brain for processing. Little wonder that secular writers are prone to speak of “the miraculous teamwork of your eye and your brain” (Guinness, 1987, p. 196). In fact, the vocabulary of such writers becomes rather unguarded when contemplating this phenomenon.
Bioengineer John Lenihan has suggested: “The eye is an exceptionally sensitive optical instrument displaying many striking features of design and performance; even the windscreen washers and wipers have not been forgotten” (1974, p. 75 emp. Added). Since Dr. Lenihan is an evolutionist, his terminology cannot be dismissed as some kind of creationist jargon.
The eye frequently is compared to a camera. Evolutionists Miller and Goode have suggested: “The living camera of the eye photographs fleeting images by the thousands, between on moment and the next, and it makes its own adjustments, automatically and precisely, with each change in distance light, and angle” (1960, p. 315). Actually, the camera was patterned after the eye—a fact admitted even by evolutionists.
The Time-Life science series volume, The Bod, spoke of the camera as a “man-made eye” and conceded that this optical instrument was “modeled” after the design of the eye (Nourse, 1964, p. 154). Indeed, the eye does display many striking features of design. The eye is infinitely more complex than any man-made camera. It can handle 1.5 million simultaneous messages, and gathers 80% of all the knowledge absorbed by the brain.
The retina coves less than a square inch, and contains 137 million light-sensitive receptor cells, 130 million rods (allowing the eye to see in black and white), 7 million cones (allowing the eye to see in full color). In an average day, the eye moves about 100,000 times, using muscles that, milligram for milligram, are among the body’s strongest. The body would have to walk 50 miles to exercise the leg muscles an equal amount. If the function of the camera demands that it was “made,” does it not stand to reason that the more complex human camera, the eye, also must have had a Maker?
The Ear
Another incontrovertible evidence of design within the human body is the ear, which is composed of three areas: outer, middle, and inner. Sound waves enter the outer ear (at a speed of 1,087 feet per second) and pass along a tube to the middle ear. Stretched across the tube is a thin membrane, the eardrum. The sound waves hit this tissue and cause it to vibrate. The resulting vibrations then are conveyed into the inner ear where they in turn vibrate three small bones – the hammer, anvil, and stirrup (popular names derived from the shape of these bones) that are joined together and operated by tiny muscles. The result is that the sound is amplified.
These bones, which one authority says “are designed to transmit even very faint sounds, “(Sedeen, 1986, p.280, emp. Added), are connected to another membrane called the oval window. As the oval window vibrates, it generates movement within a small spiral passage, the cochlea, which is filled with liquid. The vibrations within the cochlea are picked up by some 25,000 auditory receptors and transferred as electrical impulses, by means of the auditory nerve (within its 30,000 nerve fibers) to the brain.
The brain receives these vibrations (up to 25,000 per second) and interprets them as voice, thunder, music (more than 1,500 separate musical tones), or as the thousands of other sounds that we hear daily.
The complexity of this integrated system is nothing short of amazing. One writer noted: “Amazingly, the inner ear, although no bigger than a hazelnut, contains as many circuits as the telephone system of a good-sized city” (Guinness, 1987,p.208).
Would anyone suggest that a city’s telephone system could design itself? Dr Lenihan even went so far as to remark that the “level of sensitivity” within the human ear is “far beyond the achievement of any microphone” and “represents the ultimate limit of performance” (1974, p.87).
The cochlea contains three tubes, called the semi-circular canals, which are partially filled with fluids that move whenever the head moves. Nerve endings from these canals are connected to the brain and this, in cooperation with the muscle system, helps us keep our equilibrium or balance.
The balancing ability of the auditory system has been compared to the “inertial system used in missiles and submarines” (Lenihan, 1974, p. 90). Thus, the ear mechanism actually is designed to accomplish two functins—hearing and balance. This feature of the body demonstrates incredible planning.
In the words of Lenihan, “The combination , in such a small space, of the hearing and balancing systems of the body represents a remarkable achievement of biological engineering” (1974, p. 94, emp added). Does “blind nature” have the ability to engineer such remarkable technology?
The psalmist affirmed that God “planted the ear” and “formed the eye” (Psalm 94:9). Hearing and seeing are not developments of an eons-long evolutionary process. “The hearing ear, and the seeing eye, Jehovah has made even both of them “ (Proverbs 20:12).
“Our eyes and ears are transformers.
They sense the light and sounds around us and turn them into electrical impulses that the brain can interpret. Each organ is designed to handle its own medium” (Sedeen, 1986, p. 276, emp. Added) Designed indeed! And such design speaks eloquently of a Grand Designer.
We have spent the last three lessons on the Body, and we could have three more lessons or more, but it’s time to move on… but just keep in mind we didn’t mention the Skeletal System, The Circulatory System, or The Nervous System which includes the powerplant for it all; the brain.
I would also like for us to keep our minds on lesson 1 which demonstrates the mathematical impossibility of evolution of even one 200 part system, and then fast forward to each of the individual systems and organs we have examined in the last three lessons and realize the absurdity of evolution…
So let’s have a short review lesson one
Consider the chance of accidental development of a very simple system composed of only 200 integrated parts (simple compared with living systems) the probability of forming such an ordered system is 1 in 200 factorial, or 1 chance in 788,657,867,364,790,503,552,363,213,932,185,062,295,138,977,687,263,294,742,533,244,359,449,963,403,342,920,304,284,011,984,623,904,177,212,138,919,638,830,257,642,790,242,637,105,061,926,624,952,829,931,113,462,857,270,763,317,237,396,988,943,922,445,621,451,664,240,254,033,291,864,131,227,428,294,853,277,524,242,407,573,903,240,321,257,405,579,568,660,226,031,904,170,324,062,351,700,858,796,178,922,222,789,623,703,897,374,720,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
This colossal number can be written more simply as 1 chance out of 10 to the 375th power of selecting the proper arrangement for a 200-part integrated system on the first trial.
But what if we keep on trying different combinations over and over again? Won’t we eventually achieve the desired result?
Well, to begin with, there are only 10 to the 80th power electrons in the known universe. Assuming this to be the maximum number of parts available to work with, without attempting to go through a lot of numbers here (as if we haven’t already done that) let me put it in a way that we can understand the impossibility of this ever happening.
If we could try various combinations attempting to get the right number for this 200-part integrated system at 1 billion per second, in other words, every second of the day we could try one billion combinations of the parts how many hours do you think it would take to come up with the right combination?
If we take that number and give scientists 30 billion years (the age some scientists say is the age of the earth) , attempting to randomly come up with this number at the rate of 1 billion per second, we would still be far short of enough time for the odds to come through.
Now the scientists might argue, that one part was built upon another part, in other words, evolved, however that makes the numbers even worse. The numbers of probability actually increases, and in short, makes this whole process mathematically impossible. We’re back trying to get a nickel out of our 2 + 2 pennies.
Let’s add to their problems, a 200 part system is a ridiculously primitive element compared with living systems. Modern research by NASA has demonstrated that the most basic type of protein molecule that could be classified living is composed of at least 400 linked amino acids.
Each amino acid, in turn, is made up of a specific arrangement of four or five chemical elements, and each chemical element is itself a unique combination of protons, neutrons and electrons. Golay has demonstrated that the chance formation of even the simplest replicating protein molecule is 1 in 10 to the 450th power.
Wysong has calculated the probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity to be 1 in 10 to the 167,626 power, even when granting astronomically generous amounts of time and reagents, who can imagine what the chance formation of a more complex structure or organ such as the cerebral cortex in the human brain would be?
It contains over 10,000,000,000 (ten thousand million, 10 billion) cells each of which is carefully arranged according to a specific design, and each of which is fantastically complex in itself!
Schutzenberger of the University of Paris at a conference on “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, “ concluded that the probability of evolution by mutation and natural selection is inconceivable.
Lesson Nine: The Anthropological Argument
We now are going to move in another direction namely:
Lesson Aim: Morality and Ethics
The Anthropological Argument
Today we continue our examination of four powerful evidences for the existence of God. The anthropological argument is based on the presence of human beings (“Anthropos” means “human”) on the earth. Consider several unique aspects of human beings.
All rational people are concerned, to a greater or lesser degree, about human moral, and ethical conduct. How we act, and are acted upon, with respect to our fellow man determines the progress and happiness of mankind and ultimately, contributes in one form or another to human destiny. The existence of, and need for, morality and ethics are self-evident. No sane person would argue that absolutely anything goes.
The expressions “ought” and “ought not” are as much a part of the atheist’s vocabulary as anyone else’s. While it is true that a person may become so insensitive that he abandons virtually all of his personal ethical obligations, he will never be willing to ignore the lack of such in those who would abuse him.
So far as creatures of the Earth are concerned, morality is uniquely a human trait—a fact even unbelievers concede. For example, although evolutionist George Gaylord Simpson argued that “man is the result of a purposeless and materialistic process that did not have him in mind,” he admitted that “good and evil, right and wrong, concepts irrelevant in nature except from the human viewpoint, become real and pressing features of the whole cosmos as viewed morally because morals arise only in man” (1951, p.179, emp. added).
Animals do not operate according to any ethical code. A dog feels no pangs of conscience when it steals a bone from its peers; a fighting rooster knows no remorse when mortally wounding another. Men, however, acknowledge the existence of morality and ethics.
Since it is evident universally that morals and ethics do exist, the question becomes: what is their origin? There are but two options. Morality and ethics are either: theocentric – that is, centered in an external source of eternal goodness, namely, God; or anthropocentric – that is, grounded in the mind of man as a creature that evolved naturally as a result of inanimate forces operation over eons of cosmic and geologic time (see Geisler and Corduan, 1988, pp.109-122)
How does atheism explain the origin of morality? Since the unbeliever does not believe that there is an eternal Mind with which goodness is coexistent, i.e., an intrinsically moral being, obviously he must contend that somehow raw, eternal, inorganic matter was able, by means of an extended evolutionary process, to concoct, promote, and maintain morality.
Such a theory is self-defeating for two reasons. First, it wrongly assumes that man, with that evolved mass of cerebral tissue between his ears, somehow is capable of discovering “moral truth.” Why should he be? Charles Darwin declared that “there is no fundamental difference between man and the higher mammals in their mental faculties” (as quoted in Francis Darwin, 1889, 1:64).
Since no other animal on the long, meandering evolutionary chain can locate and live by “moral truth, ‘should we then be expected to trust a “naked ape” (to use evolutionary zoologist Desmond Morris’ colorful expression) to formulate ethics?
Darwin himself opined: “Can the mind of man, which has, as I fully believe, been developed from a mind as low as that possessed by the lowest animals, be trusted when it draws such grand conclusions?” (as quoted in Francis Darwin, 1889, 1:282).
Second, it should be clear that “raw matter” is impotent to evolve any sense of moral consciousness. Simpson inadvertently conceded this point when he wrote.
Discovery that the universe apart from man or before his coming lacks and lacked any purpose or plan has the inevitable corollary that the workings of the universe cannot provide any automatic, universal, eternal, or absolute ethical criteria of right and wrong (1951, p. 180)
Unbelief therefor must, and does, contend that there is no ultimate standard of moral/ethical truth, and that morality and ethics are, at best, relative and situational. Thus, if morality is man-authorized, hence, man-centered, it is utterly impossible to argue for any singular system of ethics to which one could consistently urge his fellows to subscribe.
Rather, billions of ethical systems would exist (as many as there are people), each frequently at variance with many of the others, yet, oddly, each equally valid. Who could ever charge correctly that someone else’s conduct was “wrong,” or that a man “ought “or “ought not” to do thus and so?
The simple fact of the matter is that infidelity cannot reasonably explain the origin of morality and ethics. These concepts can be explained adequately only by appealing to the existence of an omnipotent, omniscient God.