Christian Apologetics


Christian Apologetics simply means defending our faith…. with evidence that supports the reliability of the bible, and the truth of what it teaches.

It comes from the Greek word Apologia which means to give a logical/ legal defense for our position.

Where do we start?

I think the best place to begin is to examine the human mind/ brain… it is unreliable to trust for the truth.

Secondly, we should establish there is an absolute truth, objective ethics and morals.

From there I like to cover a variety of subjects to establish facts that help us believe that creation vs evolution is the answer to the question:  How did everything, every person come into being.

We establish this fact by showing how evolution, and an old earth vs creation by a creator, and a young earth is impossible.

We prove this by looking at mathematics, science, fulfilled prophesies, biology, geology, astrology, and reliable historical facts… and more.

I suggest you view as many of the apologetics pages found on this website as possible.