We have entered into a time in human history that demands that will we be able to follow the command of 1 Peter 3:15, and it is my passion to equip Christians to know how we can have faith in our belief in God, and His Son our Savior Jesus Christ.
Our public schools and universities teach that evolution is the only scientific explanation for the origin of life on earth. The government will not permit creation to be taught in the public schools and universities as an alternative explanation for the origin of life. A rare exception occurred in 1984 when the National Honor Society of Lubbock High School decided to study both sides of the issue. The members of the Honor Society invited Dr. Robert Baker, a nationally known biologist from Texas Tech University, to present the case for evolution. They invited Ted Stewart to present scientific arguments against evolution and for creation. Ted was not permitted to use the Bible in the debate. This lesson presents Ted’s critique of Dr. Baker’s case for evolution, plus addition evidence against evolution that Ted had learned in the years since the debate. Dr. Baker did not attempt to answer any of the arguments against evolution, not the arguments for creation.
Fifty Years ago
Abortion was illegal, rightfully considered murder.
Sodomy was illegal and would carry a prison sentence if caught (rarely enforced) as it was, and is against the law of God, same as theft, and murder
Charles Darwin and his theory of evolution have led more people from faith in Christ Jesus than any other person on earth. He didn’t use threats or war or the persecution of Christians, no, he used the power of the pen.
Elimination of the need for a creator through evolution
Pride is the greatest evil, and evolution has been taught that it is the thinking person that believes and trusts in evolution
Through this pride people have been taught that only fools believe in this fairy tale called the bible
It cast doubt on the historical reliability of Scripture.
- Practical Biology has made great advances in revealing the complex chemical and physical processes that permit plants, animals, bacteria, and viruses to function.
- Theoretical Biology presents Evolution as the origin and method by which these complex living organisms came into existence.
- Where You Came from Determines Who You Are, Why You Are Here, and Where You Are Going.
- Are you an evolutionary accident or created in God’s image?
- If you are a son of a chimp, you can live by the law of the jungle.
- If you are a child of God, you were created in the image of God and have the privilege and duty to live by the law of God!
- Did you evolve without purpose or meaning, or were you created with a divine purpose and a heavenly goal?
- Two Kinds of Evolution
- Micro-Evolution (small evolution) causes variable colors, shapes, and sizes of the same species; it is observed in nature and is accepted as scientific fact by Evolutionists and Creationists.
- Macro-Evolution (Big Evolution) is theoretical, not factual, and proposes that non-living material accidentally evolved into plant and animal life and that inferior plant and animal life accidentally evolved into higher forms of life.
- Spontaneous Generation: The Basic Premise on Which Evolution Stands
Evolution is based on the premise that life suddenly emerged from non-living material.
- Spontaneous Generation Has Never Been Observed
- Scientists of the late 19th century believed that maggots were spontaneously generated from the deterioration of garbage.
- Louis Pasteur demonstrated in the laboratory that garbage did not produce maggots when protected under a glass covering.
- Unprotected garbage attracted flies that laid their eggs on the garbage and later hatched into maggots, which are fly-larvae.
- He concluded that spontaneous generation is unscientific and that life always comes from previous life, not from non-life.
- Yet, modern evolutions are still advocating the same unscientific view of spontaneous generation that Pasteur refuted.
- The Miller and Urey Experiment
Miller and Urey, artificially created a few amino acids and other DNA components as well as other organic substances, claiming they created life in the test tube.[i]
- These organic substances are not living matter, but only some of the components that make up life.
- Even these lifeless amino acids were produced not naturally, as spontaneous generation requires, but in the laboratory under closed conditions.
- The process required that water be inserted at one point of the experiment and that the resulting substances be protected from water later in the process
- In an open environment, these organic substances would have been destroyed by rain, wind, etc. as rapidly as they were formed.
- Miller and Urey also utilized electric shocks to form these substances, on the basis that lightning provides the same shock in nature.
- The Miller and Urey experiment showed that intelligent man can produce a few of the components that make up life in a closed atmosphere. They did not demonstrate how nature could produce amino acids in an open atmosphere.
- The Complicate Process by Which Non-living Material Could Evolve into Living Plants and Creatures
- In order to form by chance a simple plant, the protons and neutrons in the nuclei of non-living substances would have to be miraculously replaced with a DNA molecule of a plant.
- Other non-living matter would need to be miraculously combined and their nucei replaced with different DNA so as to produce bacteria, fungi, and other forms of animal life.
- Plants would have to undergo dramatic changes in the DNA.
- Sea Life must undergo complex DNA changes to become land creatures.
- Biologists Claim: Similar Structure in Different Animals Proves Evolution
- Similarity of Humans to Monkeys, Chimps, and Apes Proves Evolution
- Modern biologists now believe “remarkable biochemical similarities of chimpanzee and human proteins” testify to their “incredibly close biological relationship.”[ii]
- Since a chimpanzee is the closest animal in similarity to man, we would expect it to have some of the same proteins that humans have
- The Evolution of a Chimp Into A Human Violates Scientific Observation
- “Species” is defined by biologists as having “potential in nature to interbreed and produce fertile offspring and possess similar inherited characteristics.”
- Different Species of the same genus sometimes can interbreed, but they do not produce fertile offspring.
- The horse and donkey, different Species of the same Genus, can interbreed, but their offspring is a mule, that is infertile and cannot reproduce.
- In no case can Species of different Genera interbreed and produce a new Genus or a new species.
- The Chimpanzee is from the Genus called Pan and from the species called Troglodytes, whereas the Orangutan is from the Genus called Pongo and the species called Pygmaeus, and man is the species Homo Sapiens of the Genus Homo.
- No one has ever observed a chimp give birth to a superior species of its own Genus (Pan), much less a species of a superior Genus (Homo). If it ever occurs, it will be miraculous, contrary to scientific observation.
- The Evolution of A Chimpanzee into A Human Violates the Scientific Law of Cell Reproduction
- Law of Reproduction: “Cells of each species possess a characteristic number of chromosomes: human cells have 46, cotton plants 52, turkeys 82, and some ferns 1,000. During normal cell division, the two daughter cells must receive the same number of chromosomes.”[iii]
- Since two daughter cells must have the same number of chromosomes in order to reproduce, reproduction cannot occur if either of the parents has a different number of chromosomes.
- Chimpanzees have 48 Chromosomes in their DNA.[iv]
- Humans have 46 Chromosomes with a different number and order of the bands of genes, as well as different genes on each band of each chromosome.
- A Chimp of 48 chromosomes cannot produce a fertile offspring of 46 chromosomes because it would violate the scientific Law of Cell Reproduction.
- Chimpanzees cannot interbreed with humans and produce any offspring; how much less could two chimps or a chimp and another animal of the same genus produce a human being.
- Intelligent scientists cannot cause a chimp to produce a superior species, much less a man.
- Since a chimp’s producing a superior species has never been observed and violates the scientific law of cell reproduction, it is anti-scientific.
- The Biblical View of the Fixity of the Species is More Scientific Than Evolution
- Genesis 1:21,24 says “God created…every living and moving thing…according to their kinds.”
- The Bible teaches the fixity of the species or kind, as observed by scientists and in conformity with the law of cell reproduction.
- The Biblical law of fixity of species conforms to scientific law, whereas evolution contradicts it.
- Homology Indicates A Common Designer, Not a Common Ancestry
- Laboratory Experiments Show That Radiation Can Modify (Cause Mutations) In the Molecular Structure Of DNA
- 95% of mutations are fatal or seriously injure the creature so that it is inferior, not superior.
- Mutations might cause a different variation of the same species, but in no case have mutations been observed to produce a new species.
- Scientist’ Accomplishments with Modifications or Repair of the DNA
- Scientists have learned how to repair defective genes, but they have been unable to modify the DNA to create a superior species.
- Scientists have developed better quality plants and animals by cross breeding but have never been able to produce a new species of animal or plant.
- Scientists’ Failures in Experimenting with DNA
- Scientists have continually experimented with radiation treatments to modify the DNA to produce a new species, but have never succeeded.
- Scientists have experimented with modifications of DNA of fruit flies by inserting multiple copies of an eye gene into fruit-fly embryos.[v]
- 14 eyes appeared on the fruit fly’s wings, legs, and antennae.
- Scientists produced a Frankenstein fruit fly who is grossly inferior to a normal fly.[vi]
- Scientists Claim: The Fossil Record Proves Evolution
- Many Biology text books leave the impression that only lower forms of life appear in the earliest strata of earth and that the higher forms of life gradually appear in successive strata in later ages of earth’s history.
- The evidence actually shows both simple and advance animals suddenly appeared in the Cambrian Age, the first period when life is found.
- The famous evolutionist, G.G. Simpson, writes, “All these phyla…begin in the Cambrian…. There is little logical order in time of appearance. The Arthropoda appear in the record as early as undoubted Protozoa, although by general consensus the Protozoa are the most primitive phylum and the Arthropoda the most advances.”[vii]
- The Encyclopedia Britannica calls this phenomenon “an evolutionary explosion; Yet, it claims it “cannot be” and that life must have existed in Pre-Cambrian Ages, although no evidence of life appeared in earlier ages.[viii]
- C. Simpson admits that the absence of Pre-Cambrian fossils is the “major mystery of the history of life.”[ix]
- Advance and simple life existing side by side in the earliest age of earth confirms the Biblical description of creation, but contradicts evolution.
- The Evolutionary Picture Presented by Scientists Would Be Miraculous if True
(Notice the chart of evolution in the World Book Encyclopedia, 1970 edition).
- Life on earth begins with a reptile, who miraculously evolved from a fish, which is cold blooded, has scales, with fins, no lets, no jaw, and lives in water.
- Reptiles are: Cold blooded, have scales, 4 legs, and 6 bones in the lower jaw, live on land and have 18 more differences
- The reptile miraculously turned into a bird; birds are warm-blooded, with feathers, 2 wings and 2 legs, with a beak and 18 more differences.
- If this reptile’s legs evolved into wings, in the interim he could neither walk nor fly and would have died before he could ever evolve into a bird.
- The same reptile miraculously turned into a snake that has scales, but no legs and 18 other differences. In the process of losing his legs, the intermediate would have died before it produced a snake.
- This same amazing reptile produced another kind of reptile who miraculously turned into a mouse, which is a mammal, who miraculously evolved into a horse, who incredibly evolved into a monkey.
- Mammals are warm-blooded instead of cold-blooded, have fur or skin, give birth to the child out of birth track instead of hatching eggs, have 1 bone in the lower jaw (instead of 6) and have 18 more differences.
- Everyone of these miraculous creatures of evolution violated the definition of a species and contradicted the molecular law of Cell Reproduction that requires that the DNA of each animal have the same number of chromosomes of the parents.
- None of these asserted evolutionary changes have ever been observed, nor have they been scientifically produced in the laboratory.
- Missing Transitional Fossils Disprove Evolution and Confirms Creation
- If evolution is true there should be hundreds of examples of transitional fossils between phyla of insects, spine creatures, and worms, and even more transitional fossils between mammals, reptiles, amphibians, and birds.
- G. Simpson, admits, “Transitional types are not invariably lacking in the record. A multitude of them are known between species, many between genera, a few between classes, but none is true, between phyla.[x]
- Sir Fred Hoyle, who won the Nobel Prize in Astronomy, says, “The evolutionary record leaks like a sieve.”[xi]
- If man descended from a chimp there should be thousands of fossils of half-chimp/ half-humans, but there are none.
- The Absence of Living Intermediate Animals Disproves Evolution
- If modern man evolved from a Chimp the intermediate half-chimpanzee/half-human would be superior in intellectual power to modern chimps, and thus millions of them should still be living in our modern world.
- According to the Darwin’s theory of the Survival of the Fittest, these transitional beings should have survived better than the chimp. Yet, not one of them survived. Why is the Chimp present in abundant numbers, but his superior evolutionary product is nowhere to be seen?
- The Fossil Record Indicates Creation and Fixity of Species, Not Evolution
- Embryology: Scientists Claim the Human Embryo Proves Past Evolution
- Scientists once claimed that the embryo of a human passes through states of its evolutionary past from fish, to animal, to human.
- A human embryo first appears with a tail like that of a fish, then loses its tail and prduces legs, supposedly demonstrating its past evolutionary history.
- Study of the DNA shows that the design of a human is encoded so that it embryo will gradually develop into a full grown human being.
- The DNA in a human has no similarity whatsoever to the DNA in a fish.
- Informed scientists no longer use this argument, but many freshman biology textbooks still teach that embryology is proof of evolution.
- Vestigial Organs: No Proof of Evolution (Organs for which no useful function has been found)
- 1960 biology textbooks listed 200 vestigial structures of the human body, including the thyroid and pituitary glands, all as evidence of evolution.
- By 1990 modern biology found useful functions for all 200.[xii]
- Natural Selection and Survival of the Fittest: Does not Create A New Species.
- Natural selection produces micro-evolution.
- Flowers can change colors but not into different plants.
- Animals can change shapes and colors, but their species remains unchanged.
- Survival of the Fittest also produces only micro-evolution; not macro-evolution.
- Mutations can cause a plant to become sturdier, but not to turn into a different species of plant.
- Moths of a certain color survive better than other moths because of environment, but don’t produce a different species.
- Animals can become stronger and prettier based on survival of the fittest, but do not produce different species.
- New discover nullifies Darwin’s main argument about the Giraffe.
- Darwin claimed that Giraffes suffered successive famines and that only the ones with long necks survived.
- Scientists have discovered that tiny blood pumps cover the entire lenth of the Giraffe’s neck. Without these pumps the heart could not pump the blood to the head and the Giraffe would die.
- Thus, the DNA would have to be altered to add these blood pumps to the Giraffe’s growing neck to circulate the blood all the way to the Giraffe’s head and back to the heart.
- No natural could rewrite DNA to include these blood pumps; therefore Giraffes have always had those blood pumps.
- Man’s Homage to Mother Earth and Animals as His Maker is Idolatry.
- Romans 1: 21 – 25 says that the “wise” (evolutionistic scientists and philosophers), “became fools” when they rejected God as Creator and worshiped animals as their makers.
- Men who believe all life evolved naturally from the dust of the earth worship Mother Earth as their creator.
- Men who believe reptiles evolved into chimps foolishly give credit to repitles and chimps as their father and maker.
- “Where is the wise man? Where is the scholar? Where is the philosopher of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of the world?” (1 Corinthians 1:20).
- The Gospel of Christ Calls Men Out of Idolatry (Evolution), (Acts 14: 8 – 20).
The scientific evidence contradicts evolution. Only an omnipotent, omniscient creator can satisfy the scientific evidence.
The need to study apologetics
Earlier years only needed to share gospel
In America: Most people were already acclimated to the existence of God, and Jesus Christ as the Son of God, and our Savior
Most Americans had at least limited knowledge of scripture, and if we go back to the beginning years of America, all had a very solid understanding of Scripture, because the Bible was the main text book in Education.
Now we not only need to share the gospel, but also be ready to prove its historical reliability
Modern America for many years has been taught evolution to the point most people are acclimated to the formation of earth, and the existence of life as a long process of evolution over a long period of time.
Many Modern Americans have been taught the bible is simply a fairytale to help early (and considered ignorant) man understand (mistakenly) where man came from.
Most American’s including many Christians do not have a working knowledge of scripture because it was taken out of modern education, and replaced with concepts of evolution
Too busy with modern life to take time to study the word
Step back and study creation itself, and see that evolution is impossible.
Most people believe in God as Creator. A survey showed 70 to 80% of Americans believe in creation instead of evolution, in spite of the fact that only evolution is taught in public schools. Why is this true? Romans 1:20 – 22 explains; “For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men ae without excuse.” This lesson points out God’s fingerprints on some of the many creatures He designed and formed.
There are numerous areas of study
GOD’S FINGERPRINT ON DNA (Deoxyribonucleic Acid)
- DNA Is Located in the Nucleus of Every Cell of the Human Body and All Other Living Creatures and Plants.
- Each DNA Molecule in a Human Is Composed of a Spiral Helix of Two Intertwined Strands (Like Two Computer Tapes Twisted Together)
- Each of the two strands is subdivided into 23 chromosomes, which make up a total of 46 chromosomes.
- Inscribed on each strand are 3.5 billion 3-letter words (7 billion on both strands) that spell out the hereditary genes of instruction for the composition, structure, and maintenance of every part of the human body.
- The New Encyclopedia Britannica, 1991 edition, averages about 7,900 letters per page, about 900 pages per volume, with 29 volumes for a total of 206,190,000 letters.
- The 21 billion letters on DNA is equivalent to 101.8 sets of The New Encyclopedia Britannica, a total of 2,656,980 pages.
- Only God Could Inscribe So Much Intelligent Information of Such A Tiny Computer Tape.
- Sir Fred Hoyle compared the likelihood of improving the genetic code by chance to a monkey on a type writer improving Shakespeare.
- Compare the probability of composing the 7 billion words of genetic information on DNA to that of a chimp tying on a computer and producing 101 sets of the New Encyclopedia Britannica.
- RNA is Also Located in the Nucleus of Every Cell of the Human Body, but is Produced by DNA
- RNA enters the nucleus and receives information from the DNA, then leaves the nucleus, enters the cytoplasm of the cell and transmits instructions to cell agents as to what to produce and how and when to do it.
- DNA transmits to RNA only those instructions that apply to that particular bart of the body where the cell is found
- For example, if you cut your finger, RNA receives instructions from DNA in the nucleus as to how to repair the damaged cell.
- RNA transmits instructions to some cell workers to coagulate, stop the bleeding, and form a temporary scab.
- RNA instructs other cell workers to look for alien substances (bacteria, etc.) and to destroy them.
- RNA informs other cell workers to produce certain proteins necessary to rebuild damaged cell walls and produce new skin for the finger.
- Thus, RNA serves like a prophet of DNA to transmit instructions to cell workers to repair and sustain the cell.
- God’s fingerprints Are Obviously Found All over RNA
- Nothing More Complex and Intelligent Has Been Found than DNA
However, the substances produced by DNA also demonstrate phenomenal intelligence that chance evolution could not have produced.
- “Proteins Are Highly Complex Substances That Are Present in All Living Organisms”[i]
- “About 20 different amino acids occur naturally in proteins.”[ii]
- Sir Fred Hoyle, winner of the Nobel Prize in Astronomy, calculated that the odds of getting one correct Amino Acid by mere chance are 1 in 10 to the 60th power, 10 with 60 zeroes after it
- Statistical experts say any event with a probability of 1 in 10 to the 50th power is zero possibility.
- Proteins are more complex than Amino Acids. Charles Guye, Swiss Physicist, calculated the probability of forming by chance a single protein composed of 12 amino acids, and 288 peptide bonds: “1 in 10 to the 243rd power years with a material volume the size of the earth, shaken at the speed of light.[iii]
- Scientists claim that the earth is 5 billion years old, 5 with 9 zeros after it; yet, the time needed to get one protein is 10 with 243 zeros years (in addition, remember the moon is moving away from the earth at 1.4 inches per year, if the earth was five billion years old the moon would have been 125,000 miles closer to earth than it is now which is only 234 – 239,000 miles away… what would that have done to the tilt of the earth or tidal waves?)
- Earth is too young for even proteins, much less DNA, to have evolved by chance.
- James Coppedge calculated that a simple living being has 239 Protein molecules and that the odds of producing this number of Proteins is 1 in 10 to the 71,700th power (10 with 71,700 zeroes added).[iv]
- Coppedge concluded that evolution is impossible.
- God’s fingerprints are clearly evident in Proteins and Amino Acids.
- Enzymes Are Too Abundant and Too Complex to Occur by Chance
- The human body contains about 2,000 different enzymes.
- One of these enzymes combines different elements in the body to produce glucose, an important body substance essential to life. Its precise jig saw puzzle shape is necessary to produce the correct catalytic reaction.
- Sir Fred Hoyle has calculated that each enzyme has a chance probability factor of 1 in 10 to the 15th power for forming and 1 in 10 to the 5th power to be in the right place with other substances to accomplish its task; this gives a total probability factor of 1 in 10 to the 20th
- Sir Fred Hoyle has calculated the odds of producing all 2,000 enzymes at 1 in 10 to the 40,000th power, “an outrageously small probability that could not be faced even if the whole universe consisted of organic soup.”[v]
- God’s fingerprints are all over enzymes.
- Complexity of the Human Brain
- Isaac Asimov: “In man is a s three-pound brain which, as far as we know, is the most complex and orderly arrangement of matter in the universe.”[vi]
- Actually, DNA is more complicated than the brain because it includes the entire design of the brain, plus all the other body systems and parts.
- The brain has “about 10 billion neurons, each with its own identity.”[vii]
- The human brain controls and maintains the vital functions of all the body’s amazing systems, most of them without man’s consciousness.[viii]
- Except for mathematical computation, the human brain performs faster than any man-made computer, and without overheating.
- The brains dense network of neurons operates at petaflops or higher levels. Yet the whole device fits in a 1 liter box and uses only about 10 watts of power. (a petaflop is computer speed equal to accomplishing one quadrillion floating point operations per second)[ix]
- Memory and Analytical Ability of the Brain
- Man’s brain stores memories of words, colors, sights, events, ideas, concepts, feelings and every other human experience.
- Man’s brain is able to analyze these ideas and organize them into different classifications and orders, something animals cannot do.
- Man’s brain is able to devise, plan, invent, and crate objects ans schemes.
- Man’s brain is able to recall to memory all that man has thought and to communicate his ideas in intelligible speech, something no animal can do.
- Man’s brain is capable of comprehending and appreciating beauty, moral and thical and spiritual values and concepts
- Man’s brain is capable of conceiving of a Creator and worshiping and serving Him with all his heart, or of rejecting Him.
- The Nervous System
- “The brain receives data from, and transmits instructions to, all of the other body systems through the spinal cord and its associated membranes, fluids, and blood vessels, which span out to every…. part of the body.”[x]
- No central intelligence communications system works better than the human brain and its attached nervous system.
- Which indicates an intelligent designer A computer network or the human brain and its nervous system? Answer: Both!
- Which indicates a super-intelligent designer? Answer: The human brain and nervous system.
- The Circulatory System[xi]
- The heart, an amazingly efficient and durable pump, beats an average of 70 times per minute, 100,800 times daily, 36.8 million times annually, 2.2 billion times in 60 years, and almost 3 billion times in 80 years.
- The heart circulates the blood to every cell of the body through arteries and capillaries and then pumps the blood back to the heart through other capillaries and veins, a total journey of about 60,000 miles.
- There are about 10 billion capillaries that reach every cell in the human body.
- Before reentering the heart the blood from the spleen, stomach, pancreas, and intestine passes through the liver where the blood is cleansed and reprocessed with body building substances.
- The blood also passes through the lungs where carbon-dioxide waste us released and oxygen is picked up by the reprocessed blood before the heart pumps it back in two different streams (upper and lower body) on its life sustaining journey.
- Only a super-intelligent scientist could devise man’s circulatory system.
- The Respiratory System
- The nose and air passages in the throat funnel air to the lings, where blood picks up oxygen and circulates it to every cell in the body.
- The lungs then exhale the carbon dioxide waste that is harmful to humans, but beneficial to plants.
- Man has designed respiratory machines for people with damaged lungs, but they do not compare with the superior respiratory system of the human body.
- While biologists admit, an intelligent inventor designed the inferior respiratory machine, they inconsistently attribute the superior system to blind chance.
- The Immune System, God’s Defense System
- When enemies, such as germs, viruses or toxic poisons, enter the physical body, an alarm is set off by the surrounding cells notifying the immune system of the intrusion and the nature and size of the enemy.
- Immediately, the immune system sends specially trained attack soldiers to destroy the enemy and rescue squads to repair damage.
- If unexpected enemies enter the scene and succeed in making the person sick, the immune system registers the characteristics of the victorious enemy and builds up an anti-serum to destroy it if it appears again.
- Thus, most people who catch measles, chicken-pox, etc. never catch the disease again because the immunity system learned how to defend against the disease.
- The Sensory System is Composed of Tasting, Smelling, Feeling, Motion Sensation, Hearing, and Seeing.
- Seeing: The Eye Transmits Visual Signals to the Brain That Enables Man to See Rapidly, Accurately and in Full Color.
- The human retina calculates in 10 milliseconds what a super computer would take several minutes to do. These rapid calculations of the retina occur many times every second.[xii]
- Charles Darwin admitted, “To suppose that the eye with all its inimitable contrivances for adjusting the focus to different distances, for admitting different amounts of light, and for the correction of spherical and chromatic aberration, could have formed by natural selection, seems, I freely confess, absurd in the highest degree.”[xiii]
- No scientist has been able to develop a theory how an eyeless creature could accidentally evolve half eyes, and half eyes accidentally evolve into full eyes.
- No fossil with half eyes has ever been found.
- What rational man can conclude that an intelligent optician designed the camera; yet believe that the superior human eye was designed by blind chance with no knowledge of optics?
- The human eye is living testimony to a super-intelligent optician.
The Proper Reaction
“I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well” (Psalm 139:14)
- The Honey Bee and the Midge
- Aeronautically, the honey bee’s shape and weight should not fly.
- However, its wings beat at the rate of 200 beats per second, allowing it suspend itself in the air like a helicopter, while it sucks out the nectar of lowers to make honey.
- The Midge (a tiny gnat-like fly) flaps its wings at the rate of 1,046 beats per second, the fastest rate known.[xiv]
- Modern commercial aircraft, that are propeller driven, cruise at about 2400 revoltions per minute, which is only 40 times per second.
- Perceptive thinkers attribute the superior speed of the Midge to a super-intelligent aeronautical engineer.
- The Seeing Worm
- A compound eye with multi-lenses has been found in fossilized worms.[xv]
- This fossilized worm was found in such an early geological stratum that it had no time to evolve such a complex eye.
- Only a highly-educated camera maker could produce such lenses.
- The Sophisticated Eyes of the Trilobite
- Trilobites, considered by evolutionists as one of the earliest forms of life, had “the most sophisticated eye lenses ever produced by nature.[xvi]
- Trilobites have between 100 and 15,000 lenses in their eyes (depending on the sub-species), enabling them to see very accurately under water.[xvii]
- Scientists claim the Trilobite became extinct 230 million years ago.
- How did the Trilobite develop more complicated eyes than man has in such a short time?
- Only a super-ingenious optician could devise such complex lenses.
- The Ten Eyes of the Horse Shoe Crab
- This large crab has nine complex eyes stationed at strategic positions over his hard shell and a tenth eye on the end of his tail.
- All ten eyes are linked to a sophisticated brain that sends neurons to all ten eyes at night so that the eyes can be modified to see in the dark.
- A stronger argument could not be made for an ingenious Creator
- The Kangaroo’s Inimitable Pouch[xviii]
- After a few weeks, the fetus of a kangaroo is born less than an inch long.
- By instinct alone, the tiny fetus crawls six inches from the uterus into the pouch without help from its mother.
- The baby kangaroo lives in its mother’s pouch until it is an adult.
- The Kangaroo’s pouch defies chance evolution, but harmonizes perfectly with an imaginative Creator.
- The Sea Wise Salmon
- A salmon born in the shallows of a stream bed in Oregon leaves her home to head down streams and rivers until she finally reaches the Pacific Ocean.
- She wanders sometimes for 2,000 miles in the ocean before heading home.
- She instinctively returns to the same river mouth she left to enter the ocean.
- She turns into the correct tributary of the river from which she came.
- She continues to the very stream and spot where she was born.
- There, where she began life, she lays her eggs and dies, that her children may follow in the same pathway she left for them.
- Such remarkable instinctive ability fits well with a remarkable, creative designer.
- The Prison Flower and The Fly
- The prison flower is found on a plant that produces two kinds of flower clusters, male and female.
- When a fly enters the male flower, it closes on him, causing the fly to flap his wings wildly, covering himself with pollen.
- Then the flower releases the fly.
- When the same fly enters the female flower, it also closes on the fly and the flaps of it’s wings pollinate the female flower.
- Not caring whether the fly escapes or not, the female often keeps the fly captive and nourishes itself on its decayed remains after it dies.
- This instance demonstrates the necessity of plants and insects co-existing from the beginning (in contrast to the evolutionary theory that plants existed millions of years before insects evolved).
- Such a unique method of pollination has all the ear marks of a super-imaginative agriculturist.
- Two Digestive systems of the Bear
- Bears store up fat during the summer and hibernate during the winter.
- Bears have one digestive and waste system for the summer and a second digestive system for the winter.
- When the bear hibernates, the first digestive system shuts down and a second takes over, converting the stored fat into energy without creating waste material that needs to be excreted.
- As soon as spring arrives, the bear’s second digestive system shuts down, and back comes the first system.
- An imaginative Creator is the only logical answer to this phenomenon.
- The Radar System of the Bat[xix]
- Bats are blind, but can hear frequencies of sound of 150,000 cycles per second whereas man can only her 15,000 cycles per second.
- The bat emits radar sound of 70,000 cycles per second at a rate of 100 impulses per second when in flight.
- The bat has special muscles that close the ear to his own emitted sounds, but opens them to receive the echo.
- The bat’s radar system is so effective that it can detect the echo from fruit flies 100 feet away, enabling the blind bat to catch five flies in one second.
- Modern scientists copied the bat’s radar system, that God, had invented 6,000 years earlier.
Mathematics is an absolute truth, without the absolute truth of mathematics,
Space travel would be impossible
Even buying clothing or shoes and expect them to fit would be impossible
Math is an exact science,
Is evolution mathematically possible?
Evolution only works if there is a long period of time for all of this to come into place,
Time for accidental formations of non-living, and living things
First Example:
Evolutionist way of thinking is that if a monkey was set in front of a typewriter, long enough he would eventually type, by pure chance, a perfect unabridged dictionary. Of course, this idea is completely ridiculous, however let’s illustrate this. It is calculated that the probability of a monkey arranging the word evolution by randomly selecting letters from the alphabet is only 1 chance in 26 to the ninth power, in other words, 1 chance in 5,429,503,679,000.The odds of this monkey writing the first verse of the bible by accident is 1 in 1.81,479,392 X 10 to the 62nd power; in plain language 1 chance in 181, 497,392 with 54 zeros past it.
2nd example: For a simple object of 200 components to accidently form Let’s take this science of probability a step further.
Consider the chance of accidental development of a very simple system composed of only 200 integrated parts (simple compared with living systems)the probability of forming such an ordered system is 1 in 200 factorial, or 1 chance in 788,657,867,364,790,503,552,363,213,932,185,062,295,138,977,687,263,294,742,533,244,359,449,963,403,342,920,304,284,011,984,623,904,177,212,138,919,638,830,257,642,790,242,637,105,061,926,624,952,829,931,113,462,857,270,763,317,237,396,988,943,922,445,621,451,664,240,254,033,291,864,131,227,428,294,853,277,524,242,407,573,903,240,321,257,405,579,568,660,226,031,904,170,324,062,351,700,858,796,178,922,222,789,623,703,897,374,720,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000
This colossal number can be written more simply as 1 chance out of 10 to the 375th power of selecting the proper arrangement for a 200-part integrated system on the first trial.
But what if we keep on trying different combinations over and over again? Won’t we eventually achieve the desired result?
If we could try various combinations attempting to get the right number for this 200-part integrated system at 1 billion per second, in other words, every second of the day we could try one billion combinations of the parts it would take scientists longer than the 30 billion years that some scientists say is the age of the earth, If we choose a reasonable time for these attempts can we really expect a billion chances a second?
Third Example: Amino Acids
Modern research by NASA has demonstrated that the most basic type of protein molecule that could be classified living is composed of at least 400 linked amino acids. Each amino acid, in turn, is made up of a specific arrangement of four or five chemical elements, and each chemical element is itself a unique combination of protons, neutrons and electrons. Golay has demonstrated that the chance formation of even the simplest replicating protein molecule is 1 in 10 to the 450th power.
Fourth Example: DNA
Wysong has calculated the probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity to be 1 in 10 to the 167,626 power, even when granting astronomically generous amounts of time and trials per second, who can imagine what the chance formation of a more complex structure or organ such as the cerebral cortex in the human brain would be? It contains over 10,000,000,000 (10 billion) cells each of which is carefully arranged according to a specific design, and each of which is fantastically complex in itself!
Schutzenberger of the University of Paris at a conference on “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, “concluded that the probability of evolution by mutation and natural selection is inconceivable
Fifth Example: The Human Body
The human body is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms, which make up 37.2 trillion cells in your body, According to an estimate made by engineers at Washington University; there are around 10 to the 14 power atoms in a typical human cell. Another way of looking at this is 100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion
Interestingly, the number of cells in the human body is estimated to be about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell.
To count to 100 trillion would take 3,170,900 years (app) that is to just count to that number, now think of the number of years it would take trying to make that right combination at 1 billion attempts a second for a human body to accidently, or through evolution to develop.
Evolution, according to scientist evolve as in building, one thing on top of another, which actually takes longer than a group of the exact right elements to come together all at once, which means mankind has to be literally millions of years old, which is what the fake scientists try to pass off on us
Some numbers I do not understand, but you might, for a 200 part component to come to gather one step at a time is this, again, whatever it means, it is much larger than spontaneous, and it is illustrated as a series of numbers: 2! + 3! +4! …. + 200! I tried to google this, and still don’t understand it, it truly takes a mathematician to understand it.
Population Growth
In 1922 the Earth’s population was estimated at 1,804,187,000.
It has increased exponentially since this time, and tripled this number in just 90 years. So, because the growth rate has changed since then, we are going to use the 1922 figure to work with.
Do you remember me talking in the past about the Chinese rice board, how you can take a penny on the first square and double it for each following square and by the time we hit the 64 square, we would have more money than we could count.
To arrive at a population of 1,804,187,000. The population starting with 2 people would have to double itself between 30 to 31 times, in fact 30.75, in other words, we are at the 30 square on the rice board, and starting to move to the 31st (actually we did this about 40 years ago)
Let’s use some time numbers at this point and give two reference points as evidence
According to the chronology of Hales, based on the Septuagint text, 5077 years have elapsed since the flood, and 5177 years since the ancestors of mankind numbered only two, Noah and his wife. By dividing 5177 by 30.75, we find it requires an average of 168.3 years for the human race to double its numbers, in order to make the present population. This is a reasonable average length of time.
How can this be verified as an accurate estimate of time and growth
By comparing it to factors than have been observed, and making the comparison. In other words, we can take certain groups of people, check their population growth for the same time period and find the numbers correspond very closely.
Abraham is the father of two peoples
Jews: the decedents of Israel
Decedents of Ismael
According to Hales, 3850 years have passed since the marriage of Jacob. By the same method of calculation as above, the Jews, who, according to the Jewish yearbook for 1922, number 15,393, 815, must have doubled their numbers 23.8758 times, (this is very close to our Chinese rice board calculations, just a square or two off) or once every 161.251 years. ( a number twice as high as the original number of 168.3 would have been acceptable as a comparison)
The decedents of Ismael: Also, the 25,000,000 descendants of Abraham must have doubled their numbers every 162.275 years, during the 3,988 years since the birth of his son Ishmael.
Mathematics is an exact science, even though we have variations due to diseases wars, and etc., we are looking at averages, and when you have three sources to average, and they come out almost identical, we can trust the validity of their results. And based upon these three results I feel we can trust the age of humanity after the flood as stated by Hales. And, if we can trust this part of scripture, why would we have any reason to not trust all of it.
Evolution according these figures is impossible.
Negative Evidence:
If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, the period of doubling would be 65,040 years, or 402 times that of the Jews, which, of course, is unthinkable.
In other words, to move from one square to the next on our Chinese Rice Board, it would take approximately 65,000 years
Using this rate, humanity would have been impossible, the first 2 people would have two children and then wait another 65,000 years in order to have two more, and the first two children having two, and we though Methuselah was old at 900 + years.
Evolutionists claim that the human race is 2,000,000 years old.
But let us generously suppose that these remote ancestors, beginning with one pair, doubled their numbers in 1612.51 years one-tenth as rapidly as the Jews, or 1240 times in 2,000,000 years.
If we raise 2 to the 1240th power, (moving from one square to the next on the Chinese Rice board every 1240 years) the result is 18,932,139,737,991 with 360 figures following. The population of the world, therefore, would have been 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion. decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion
Or, let us suppose that man, the dominant species, originated from a single pair, only 100,000 years ago, the shortest period suggested by any evolutionist (and much too short for evolution) and that the population doubled in 1612.51 years, one-tenth the Jewish rate of net increase, a most generous estimate. The present population of the globe should be 4,660,210,253,138,204,300 or 2,527,570,733 for every man, woman and child! In these calculations, we have made greater allowances than any self-respecting evolutionist could ask without blushing. And yet withal, it is as clear as the light of day that the ancestors of man could not possibly have lived 2,000,000 or 1,000,000 or 100,000 years ago
If the population had increased at the Jewish rate for 10,000 years, it would be more than two billion times as great as it is. No guess that ever was made, or ever can be made, much in excess of 5177 years, can possibly stand as the age of man. The evolutionist cannot sidestep this argument by a new guess.
Now, if there had been no flood to destroy the human race, then the descendants of Adam, in the 7333 years would have been 16,384 times the 1,804,187,000, or 29,559,799,808,000; or computed at the Jewish rate of net increase for 7333 years since Adam, the population would have been still greater, or 35,184,372,088,832. These calculations are imperfect accord with the Scripture story of the special creation of man, and the destruction of the race by a flood. Had it not been for the flood, the earth could not have sustained the descendants of Adam.
Is not this a demonstration, decisive and final?
One last final thought, we have tripled in population in the last 90 years, from under 2 billion to over 7 billion, and we are in line to double and triple again as these numbers are now increasing exponentially, in other words at a faster and faster rate.
Scientist, claim the earth can only feed about 10 billion people ( I doubt this) then we are running out of time, even if it can feed that many people, just think of how over populated we will be…Are you ready for the return of Christ? Have you attempted, and maybe successfully led anyone else to Christ so they will not suffer eternal damnation?