New Sight by Richard Zornes

Faith comes by hearing & hearing by the word of God

You know it’s him because of when and how he calls

As you respond…you realize He’s the answer to the hearts deepest cries Like Paul, the scales fall from before your very eyes

All you have ever known to be true in life. .were lies

New sight for future years

The new creation is awakened here is this sphere

I know because of this new sight, which is now so clear it’s almost like seeing someone you like

Suddenly you seek after them in hope of a companion for life

Sought like treasure but, more precious than gold

In the pages of His book is the greatest love story ever told

When you are seeking Him…He is pursuing you

And what He seeks is the best & all of you Ali around us is a glimpse of His glory

The beautiful thing is, that’s not the end of this story

Purchased by His blood was our price for eternity

The only thing he asks is…”Will you live for me?”

He even did it for people you consider enemies

Words spoken so sweetly, it’s hard to believe

That as He is, so we are in this world

Wise as a serpent & harmless as a dove

Should be-our aim in this new-life to reflect-His great love

To acquire this new found wisdom, some do not find

They think it’s a joke and will know when they get left behind

He’s true to his word and He’s completely unchanging

Rejoicing in the Lord always is a Christians charging station

Until then, you must spend time with Him daily studying His word

in its pages are the answers to your prayer supplications

To give you celebrations & comfort in life’s frustrations

So what are you seeing with this new sight?

Divinely Filled by Richard Zornes

Holding onto Jesus, like a pillar of stone

Life’s challenges become easier when you realize you are not alone Oh comforting is His gentle & mighty hand

He will help you continue…and if need be, carry you through the sand

The one that will endure, will stand on faiths confession in Jesus Christ

It will only be believable to others, in how you live your life

Implementing evil schemes will not fulfill a need

Planting seeds of life & watering others is how we are meant to lead Do this out of love through use of His word to yield the peaceable fruit

It becomes easier when you are trained in it through the reason of use

For we are all walking pages and are read more than a book

For the Holy Spirit, even the evil one has a certain Fook

A container is only as good as what’s in it, I have heard someone say

For in filling yourself with Gods word will preserve the righteous on judgement day

Getting people to ask you why you have hope is not an easy part For it starts in knowing in whom is the holder of your heart Working for love…is no love at all

For a gift given is only as precious as the manner of Spirit in which it was given Since God is Love…that is what we got HIM!


Fresh New Start

Until you truly give your heart to Jesus, it’s hard to convince people of new creation

All they are looking at is your rap sheet, that’s the principle of the Mosaic Law It makes you feel condemnation that make your insides crawl i know I have done things worthy of this sentence

But from now on…l want my walk be one reflecting a life of forgiveness & repentance

It’s not that I didn’t know how, only…l didn’t have the power to do it on my own

And it’s SO wonderful-that it’s Jesus who will-carry me home Purging the conscience mind of so many past sins

Is no easy task for me but…is necessary to behold the power that comes only from Him Waking up at night from evil works long gone

Is so much easier to cope with when I am leaning on the everlasting arms

Bring to my mind Father the good things you have placed within my heart And let me know that each day is a blessing & fresh new start

Having to walk a trail I have never seen, is easier to follow when I let Him take the lead

When I am competing in what’s known as life’s big race

Is easier when I am focused on Him to set the right pace

Turn not to the left nor worry what’s on the right

Is the key to success in battle knowing I possess the armor of light

Thank you Father for not giving me your love based on what I have done Instead you gave it to me in Jesus…Your only begotten Son

Divine Exchange:

Poetry by inmate Richard Zornes

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior I have come to the revelation, there is hope in Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand-new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released…. you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

He takes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to reign

Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

Chosen Confession

by Inmate Richard Zornes

Chosen Confession

O death has no power, it has lost its sting

Because my savior has ransomed me

I’ve only to trust in Him & renew my mind

It’s found in the pages of His word, which He left behind

Inspired by His Spirit, penned by men of old Even if you are a doubting Thomas

In the pages of His word you behold all the power for life & godliness Eternal life-was purchased by His blood for you & I

You’ve only got to confess your sins & on the cross is where they died

But you have to zoom out before you jump in

Weigh your options, there’s a bigger picture, this walk isn’t easy

Bringing only your heart is the only thing you can offer that’s pleasing

He can change where it counts & it starts within

Removing all your darkness & replacing it with Him

Faith of a mustard seed is faith nonetheless

Don’t think it’s not enough, that’s the first big test

He wants you to come to Him with all your burdens

He is the only one who can right the wrong things Because He loves you, He wants you for eternity

Rise up & see you have a heavenly inheritance

It will stand against every futile resistance

Remember to pray always, He loves to commune with you

There’s nothing complicated to it, He knows what & how to give to you

It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other