Does Mathematics Refute Evolution?

Let’s take another look at the impossibility of evolution through the perfect language of mathematics.
We have already covered a number of mathematical facts that dispute evolution, but let’s really attack it today, by using simple math.
This is going to sound rude, often the plain truth, offered directly without apology is rude sounding in this society where political correctness is the order of the day regardless of the truth.
I would like to remind you these lessons are for you… the Christian, and possibly the agnostic, and on extremely rare occasions the atheist who might have an open mind and be willing to consider the truth of creation. The fact is the atheist has a closed mind, they will offer up any argument they can, regardless of truth or reason. The very fact they claim to be an atheist is proof of this, remember what scripture says; anyone who says “there is no God is a fool’ We also see it demonstrated by practicing atheist who claims a Christian background. By “practicing” I mean those who support any law that goes above “Gods Law” such as condoning sexual deviation claiming it to be natural, something a person is born with, or the murder of the most innocent lives… the unborn child.
Enough of that, you get the point. Now for a second point, I once worked for a sales manager who likes to compare sales tools as bullets in his gun belt. Each point that refutes evolution is like another bullet in our gun belt of Christian defenses… the more we know from various sources and avenues, the stronger our belief becomes.
The goal is simple, to know the word of God, knowing we live by every word that proceeds from His mouth, not by any extra words we choose to add, or by any we decide doesn’t count, or has a different meaning. To know the true word of God is found in the Holy Scriptures we refer to as the “Bible”, not any other so-called “Holy Book”. And to know beyond a shadow of a doubt through Christian Apologetics that it is all true, and the “outside” evidence supporting the truth of the Biblical teachings, and claims is true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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Our Cosmos: Is it Billions of Years Old? Or thousands?

The Cosmos… Does it prove the universe just happened by a big explosion billions of years ago, where one single cell or molecule exploded and miraculously created the entire cosmos? Does that make any kind of logical sense to you? Or more like non-sense? It reminds me of the old joke that someone blew up a salvage yard and when the dust cleared a Boeing 727 had been created… perfect, and ready to board for a flight. Well, regardless of what you think, or feel modern science  expects us to honor and believe anything they might offer, regardless of how little  sense it makes… we are to believe whatever we might say. In this lesson we are going to look at “other” facts… facts that may not support their version of creation… well, I guess they don’t believe in creation but just a good roll of the dice.

Go to the complete Study on the Cosmos by Clicking here

Evolution: Science? Or Fake Science?

The Human Body… creation of God in His image, or just a lucky break through the slow process of evolution? We are the creation of a loving God. In this lesson and videos we are going to show through mathematics that evolution is not only impossible, but laughable. What is strange is the number of people who are buying into this, and even more incredible the number of teachers who actually teach evolution as a fact to innocent minds, knowing full well or should know all the facts, that it is all a lie.


Evolution: Science? or Fake Science?

The Earth… Is it really billions of years old? And, does it support life just by accident? Or was it created?

The Young, Created Earth

In this lesson we are going to look at the evidence. We will start with biblical statements concerning our planet. Taking into consideration the bible states long before man could have known, that the earth is a sphere, it hangs on nothing, that it orbits around the sun. It speaks of the hydrological system, the jet stream circuit, and many other systems of nature. We will look at how the attributes of the Earth are so precise, and so finely tuned that it simply could not have happened by accident. So, again, in this lesson we are going to look at the facts, and learn the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a young Earth, and its precision is the result of design, not chaos.

For the complete lesson, and the videos click here to view the page.

Science from the Bible: The Earth Hangs on Nothing

There was a time when it was believed that the earth sat on a large animal or a giant (1500 B.C.), the Bible spoke of the earth’s free float in space: “He…hangs the earth upon nothing” (Job 26:7). Science didn’t discover that the earth hangs upon nothing until 1650.

Fulfilled Prophesies of Christ

The Coming Messiah was Prophesied hundreds of years before He arrived.

To  just fulfill 8 prophecies concerning Christ you must begin by multiplying all these probabilities together which produces a number (rounded off) of 1×1028. Dividing this number by an estimate of the number of people who have lived since the time of these prophecies (88 billion) produces a probability of all 8 prophecies being fulfilled accidentally in the life of one person. That probability is 1 in 1017 or 1 in 100,000,000,000,000,000. That’s one in one hundred quadrillion!

Now imagine the probability of Christ fulfilling over 360 of those prophecies!!! It is beyond calculation, and all these prophecies were made at least four hundred years before He was born. The following chart reveals the original prophecy in the old testament, and their fulfillment in the New Testament

Applying the Science of Probability to the Scriptures


Seed of a woman (virgin birth) Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18 Galatians 4:4-5, Matthew 1:18
2. Gen. 3:15 He will bruise Satan’s head Hebrews 2:14, 1John 3:8
3. Gen. 3:15 Christ’s heel would be bruised with nails on the cross Matthew 27:35, Luke 24:39-40
4. Gen. 5:24 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Mark 16:19, Rev. 12:5
5. Gen. 9:26, 27 The God of Shem will be the Son of Shem Luke 3:23-36
6. Gen. 12:3 Seed of Abraham will bless all nations Galatians 3:8, Acts 3:25, 26
7. Gen. 12:7 The Promise made to Abraham’s Seed Galatians 3:16
8. Gen. 14:18 A priest after the order of Melchizedek Hebrews 6:20
9. Gen. 14:18 King of Peace and Righteousness Hebrews 7:2
10. Gen. 14:18 The Last Supper foreshadowed Matthew 26:26-29
11. Gen. 17:19 Seed of Isaac (Gen. 21:12) Romans 9:7
12. Gen. 22:8 The Lamb of God promised John 1:29
13. Gen. 22:18 As Isaac’s seed, will bless all nations Galatians 3:16
14. Gen. 26:2-5 The Seed of Isaac promised as the Redeemer Hebrews 11:18
15. Gen. 28:12 The Bridge to heaven John 1:51
16. Gen. 28:14 The Seed of Jacob Luke 3:34
17. Gen. 49:10 The time of His coming Luke 2:1-7; Galatians 4:4
18. Gen. 49:10 The Seed of Judah Luke 3:33
19. Gen. 49:10 Called Shiloh or One Sent John 17:3
20. Gen. 49:10 Messiah to come before Judah lost identity John 11:47-52
21. Gen. 49:10 Unto Him shall the obedience of the people be John 10:16
22. Ex. 3:13-15 The Great “I AM” John 4:26; 8:58
23. Ex. 12:3-6 The Lamb presented to Israel 4 days before Passover Mark 11:7-11
24. Ex. 12:5 A Lamb without blemish Hebrews 9:14; 1Peter 1:19
25. Ex. 12:13 The blood of the Lamb saves from wrath Romans 5:8
26. Ex. 12:21-27 Christ is our Passover 1Corinthians 5:7
27. Ex. 12:46 Not a bone of the Lamb to be broken John 19:31-36
28. Ex. 15:2 His exaltation predicted as Yeshua Acts 7:55, 56
29. Ex. 15:11 His Character-Holiness Luke 1:35; Acts 4:27
30. Ex. 17:6 The Spiritual Rock of Israel 1Corinthians 10:4
31. Ex. 33:19 His Character-Merciful Luke 1:72
32. Lev. 1:2-9 His sacrifice a sweet smelling savor unto God Ephesians 5:2
33. Lev. 14:11 The leper cleansed-Sign to priesthood Luke 5:12-14; Acts 6:7
34. Lev. 16:15-17 Prefigures Christ’s once-for-all death Hebrews 9:7-14
35. Lev. 16:27 Suffering outside the Camp Matthew 27:33; Heb. 13:11, 12
36. Lev. 17:11 The Blood-the life of the flesh Matthew 26:28; Mark 10:45
37. Lev. 17:11 It is the blood that makes atonement Rom. 3:23-24; 1John 1:7
38. Lev. 23:36-37 The Drink-offering: “If any man thirst” John 7:37
39. Num. 9:12 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
40. Num. 21:9 The serpent on a pole-Christ lifted up John 3:14-18; 12:32
41. Num. 24:17 Time: “I shall see him, but not now.” John 1:14; Galatians 4:4
42. Deut. 18:15 “This is of a truth that prophet.” John 6:14
43. Deut. 18:15-16 “Had ye believed Moses, ye would believe me.” John 5:45-47
44. Deut. 18:18 Sent by the Father to speak His word John 8:28, 29
45. Deut. 18:19 Whoever will not hear must bear his sin Acts 3:22-23
46. Deut. 21:23 Cursed is he that hangs on a tree Galatians 3:10-13
47. Joshua 5:14-15 The Captain of our salvation Hebrews 2:10
48. Ruth 4:4-10 Christ, our kinsman, has redeemed us Ephesians 1:3-7
49. 1 Sam. 2:35 A Faithful Priest Heb. 2:17; 3:1-3, 6; 7:24-25
50. 1 Sam. 2:10 Shall be an anointed King to the Lord Mt. 28:18, John 12:15
51. 2 Sam. 7:12 David’s Seed Matthew 1:1
52. 2 Sam. 7:13 His Kingdom is everlasting 2Peter 1:11
53. 2 Sam. 7:14 The Son of God Luke 1:32, Romans 1:3-4
54. 2 Sam. 7:16 David’s house established forever Luke 3:31; Rev. 22:16
55. 2 Ki. 2:11 The bodily ascension to heaven illustrated Luke 24:51
56. 1 Chr. 17:11 David’s Seed Matthew 1:1; 9:27
57. 1 Chr. 17:12-13 To reign on David’s throne forever Luke 1:32, 33
58. 1 Chr. 17:13 “I will be His Father, He…my Son.” Hebrews 1:5
59. Job 9:32-33 Mediator between man and God 1 Timothy 2:5
60. Job 19:23-27 The Resurrection predicted John 5:24-29
61. Psa. 2:1-3 The enmity of kings foreordained Acts 4:25-28
62. Psa. 2:2 To own the title, Anointed (Christ) John 1:41, Acts 2:36
63. Psa. 2:6 His Character-Holiness John 8:46; Revelation 3:7
64. Psa. 2:6 To own the title King Matthew 2:2
65. Psa. 2:7 Declared the Beloved Son Matthew 3:17, Romans 1:4
66. Psa. 2:7, 8 The Crucifixion and Resurrection intimated Acts 13:29-33
67. Psa. 2:8, 9 Rule the nations with a rod of iron Rev. 2:27; 12:5; 19:15
68. Psa. 2:12 Life comes through faith in Him John 20:31
69. Psa. 8:2 The mouths of babes perfect His praise Matthew 21:16
70. Psa. 8:5, 6 His humiliation and exaltation Hebrews 2:5-9
71. Psa. 9:7-10 Judge the world in righteousness Acts 17:31
72. Psa. 16:10 Was not to see corruption Acts 2:31; 13:35
73. Psa. 16:9-11 Was to arise from the dead John 20:9
74. Psa. 17:15 The resurrection predicted Luke 24:6
75. Psa. 18:2-3 The horn of salvation Luke 1:69-71
76. Psa. 22:1 Forsaken because of sins of others 2 Corinthians 5:21
77. Psa. 22:1 “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” Matthew 27:46
78. Psa. 22:2 Darkness upon Calvary for three hours Matthew 27:45
79. Psa. 22:7 They shoot out the lip and shake the head Matthew 27:39-44
80. Psa. 22:8 “He trusted in God, let Him deliver Him” Matthew 27:43
81. Psa. 22:9-10 Born the Saviour Luke 2:7
82. Psa. 22:12-13 They seek His death John 19:6
83. Psa. 22:14 His blood poured out when they pierced His side John 19:34
84. Psa. 22:14, 15 Suffered agony on Calvary Mark 15:34-37
85. Psa. 22:15 He thirsted John 19:28
86. Psa. 22:16 They pierced His hands and His feet John 19:34, 37; 20:27
87. Psa. 22:17, 18 Stripped Him before the stares of men Luke 23:34, 35
88. Psa. 22:18 They parted His garments John 19:23, 24
89. Psa. 22:20, 21 He committed Himself to God Luke 23:46
90. Psa. 22:20, 21 Satanic power bruising the Redeemer’s heel Hebrews 2:14
91. Psa. 22:22 His Resurrection declared John 20:17
92. Psa. 22:27-28 He shall be the governor of the nations Colossians 1:16
93. Psa. 22:31 “It is finished” John 19:30, Heb. 10:10, 12, 14, 18
94. Psa. 23:1 “I am the Good Shepherd” John 10:11, 1Peter 2:25
95. Psa. 24:3 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Philippians 2:9
96. Psa. 30:3 His resurrection predicted Acts 2:32
97. Psa. 31:5 “Into thy hands I commit my spirit” Luke 23:46
98. Psa. 31:11 His acquaintances fled from Him Mark 14:50
99. Psa. 31:13 They took counsel to put Him to death Mt. 27:1, John 11:53
100. Psa. 31:14, 15 “He trusted in God, let Him deliver him” Matthew 27:43
101. Psa. 34:20 Not a bone of Him broken John 19:31-36
102. Psa. 35:11 False witnesses rose up against Him Matthew 26:59
103. Psa. 35:19 He was hated without a cause John 15:25
104. Psa. 38:11 His friends stood afar off Luke 23:49
105. Psa. 38:12 Enemies try to entangle Him by craft Mark 14:1, Mt. 22:15
106. Psa. 38:12-13 Silent before His accusers Matthew 27:12-14
107. Psa. 38:20 He went about doing good Acts 10:38
108. Psa. 40:2-5 The joy of His resurrection predicted John 20:20
109. Psa. 40:6-8 His delight-the will of the Father John 4:34, Heb. 10:5-10
110. Psa. 40:9 He was to preach the Righteousness in Israel Matthew 4:17
111. Psa. 40:14 Confronted by adversaries in the Garden John 18:4-6
112. Psa. 41:9 Betrayed by a familiar friend John 13:18
113. Psa. 45:2 Words of Grace come from His lips John 1:17, Luke 4:22
114. Psa. 45:6 To own the title, God or Elohim Hebrews 1:8
115. Psa. 45:7 A special anointing by the Holy Spirit Mt. 3:16; Heb. 1:9
116. Psa. 45:7, 8 Called the Christ (Messiah or Anointed) Luke 2:11
117. Psa. 45:17 His name remembered forever Ephesians 1:20-21, Heb. 1:8
118. Psa. 55:12-14 Betrayed by a friend, not an enemy John 13:18
119. Psa. 55:15 Unrepentant death of the Betrayer Matthew 27:3-5; Acts 1:16-19
120. Psa. 68:18 To give gifts to men Ephesians 4:7-16
121. Psa. 68:18 Ascended into Heaven Luke 24:51
122. Psa. 69:4 Hated without a cause John 15:25
123. Psa. 69:8 A stranger to own brethren John 1:11; 7:5
124. Psa. 69:9 Zealous for the Lord’s House John 2:17
125. Psa. 69:14-20 Messiah’s anguish of soul before crucifixion Matthew 26:36-45
126. Psa. 69:20 “My soul is exceeding sorrowful.” Matthew 26:38
127. Psa. 69:21 Given vinegar in thirst Matthew 27:34
128. Psa. 69:26 The Saviour given and smitten by God John 17:4; 18:11
129. Psa. 72:10, 11 Great persons were to visit Him Matthew 2:1-11
130. Psa. 72:16 The corn of wheat to fall into the Ground John 12:24-25
131. Psa. 72:17 Belief on His name will produce offspring John 1:12, 13
132. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall be blessed by Him Galatians 3:8
133. Psa. 72:17 All nations shall call Him blessed John 12:13, Rev. 5:8-12
134. Psa. 78:1-2 He would teach in parables Matthew 13:34-35
135. Psa. 78:2 To speak the Wisdom of God with authority Matthew 7:29
136. Psa. 80:17 The Man of God’s right hand Mark 14:61-62
137. Psa. 88 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary Matthew 27:26-50
138. Psa. 88:8 They stood afar off and watched Luke 23:49
139. Psa. 89:27 Firstborn Colossians 1:15, 18
140. Psa. 89:27 Emmanuel to be higher than earthly kings Luke 1:32, 33
141. Psa. 89:35-37 David’s Seed, throne, kingdom endure forever Luke 1:32, 33
142. Psa. 89:36-37 His character-Faithfulness Revelation 1:5; 19:11
143. Psa. 90:2 He is from everlasting (Micah 5:2) John 1:1
144. Psa. 91:11, 12 Identified as Messianic; used to tempt Christ Luke 4:10, 11
145. Psa. 97:9 His exaltation predicted Acts 1:11; Ephesians 1:20
146. Psa. 100:5 His character-Goodness Matthew 19:16, 17
147. Psa. 102:1-11 The Suffering and Reproach of Calvary John 19:16-30
148. Psa. 102:25-27 Messiah is the Preexistent Son Hebrews 1:10-12
149. Psa. 109:25 Ridiculed Matthew 27:39
150. Psa. 110:1 Son of David Matthew 22:42-43
151. Psa. 110:1 To ascend to the right-hand of the Father Mark 16:19
152. Psa. 110:1 David’s son called Lord Matthew 22:44, 45
153. Psa. 110:4 A priest after Melchizedek’s order Hebrews 6:20
154. Psa. 112:4 His character-Compassionate, Gracious, et al Matthew 9:36
155. Psa. 118:17, 18 Messiah’s Resurrection assured Luke 24:5-7; 1Cor. 15:20
156. Psa. 118:22, 23 The rejected stone is Head of the corner Matthew 21:42, 43
157. Psa. 118:26 The Blessed One presented to Israel Matthew 21:9
158. Psa. 118:26 To come while Temple standing Matthew 21:12-15
159. Psa. 132:11 The Seed of David (the fruit of His Body) Luke 1:32, Act 2:30
160. Psa. 129:3 He was scourged Matthew 27:26
161. Psa. 138:1-6 The supremacy of David’s Seed amazes kings Matthew 2:2-6
162. Psa. 147:3, 6 The earthly ministry of Christ described Luke 4:18
163. Prov. 1:23 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7
164. Prov. 8:23 Foreordained from everlasting Rev. 13:8, 1Peter 1:19-20
165. Song. 5:16 The altogether lovely One John 1:17
166. Isa. 2:3 He shall teach all nations John 4:25
167. Isa. 2:4 He shall judge among the nations John 5:22
168. Isa. 6:1 When Isaiah saw His glory John 12:40-41
169. Isa. 6:8 The One Sent by God John 12:38-45
170. Isa. 6:9-10 Parables fall on deaf ears Matthew 13:13-15
171. Isa. 6:9-12 Blinded to Christ and deaf to His words Acts 28:23-29
172. Isa. 7:14 To be born of a virgin Luke 1:35
173. Isa. 7:14 To be Emmanuel-God with us Matthew 1:18-23, 1Tim. 3:16
174. Isa. 8:8 Called Emmanuel Matthew 28:20
175. Isa. 8:14 A stone of stumbling, a Rock of offense 1Peter 2:8
176. Isa. 9:1, 2 His ministry to begin in Galilee Matthew 4:12-17
177. Isa. 9:6 A child born-Humanity Luke 1:31
178. Isa. 9:6 A Son given-Deity Luke 1:32, John 1:14, 1Tim. 3:16
179. Isa. 9:6 Declared to be the Son of God with power Romans 1:3, 4
180. Isa. 9:6 The Wonderful One, Peleh Luke 4:22
181. Isa. 9:6 The Counsellor, Yaatz Matthew 13:54
182. Isa. 9:6 The Mighty God, El Gibor 1Cor. 1:24, Titus 2:13
183. Isa. 9:6 The Everlasting Father, Avi Adth John 8:58; 10:30
184. Isa. 9:6 The Prince of Peace, Sar Shalom John 16:33
185. Isa. 9:7 Inherits the throne of David Luke 1:32
186. Isa. 9:7 His Character-Just John 5:30
187. Isa. 9:7 No end to his Government, Throne, and kingdom Luke 1:33
188. Isa. 11:1 Called a Nazarene-the Branch, Netzer Matthew 2:23
189. Isa. 11:1 A rod out of Jesse-Son of Jesse Luke 3:23, 32
190. Isa. 11:2 Anointed One by the Spirit Matthew 3:16, 17, Acts 10:38
191. Isa. 11:2 His Character-Wisdom, Knowledge, et al Colossians 2:3
192. Isa. 11:3 He would know their thoughts Luke 6:8, John 2:25
193. Isa. 11:4 Judge in righteousness Acts 17:31
194. Isa. 11:4 Judges with the sword of His mouth Rev. 2:16; 19:11, 15
195. Isa. 11:5 Character: Righteous & Faithful Rev. 19:11
196. Isa. 11:10 The Gentiles seek Him John 12:18-21
197. Isa. 12:2 Called Jesus-Yeshua Matthew 1:21
198. Isa. 22:22 The One given all authority to govern Revelation 3:7
199. Isa. 25:8 The Resurrection predicted 1Corinthians 15:54
200. Isa. 26:19 His power of Resurrection predicted Matthew 27:50-54
201. Isa. 28:16 The Messiah is the precious corner stone Acts 4:11, 12
202. Isa. 28:16 The Sure Foundation 1Corinthians 3:11, Mt. 16:18
203. Isa. 29:13 He indicated hypocritical obedience to His Word Matthew 15:7-9
204. Isa. 29:14 The wise are confounded by the Word 1Corinthians 1:18-31
205. Isa. 32:2 A Refuge-A man shall be a hiding place Matthew 23:37
206. Isa. 35:4 He will come and save you Matthew 1:21
207. Isa. 35:5-6 To have a ministry of miracles Matthew 11:2-6
208. Isa. 40:3, 4 Preceded by forerunner John 1:23
209. Isa. 40:9 “Behold your God.” John 1:36; 19:14
210. Isa. 40:10. He will come to reward Revelation 22:12
211. Isa. 40:11 A shepherd-compassionate life-giver John 10:10-18
212. Isa. 42:1-4 The Servant-as a faithful, patient redeemer Matthew 12:18-21
213. Isa. 42:2 Meek and lowly Matthew 11:28-30
214. Isa. 42:3 He brings hope for the hopeless Mt. 12:14-21; John 4:1-54
215. Isa. 42:4 The nations shall wait on His teachings John 12:20-26
216. Isa. 42:6 The Light (salvation) of the Gentiles Luke 2:32
217. Isa. 42:1, 6 His is a worldwide compassion Matthew 28:19, 20
218. Isa. 42:7 Blind eyes opened. John 9:25-38
219. Isa. 43:11 He is the only Saviour. Acts 4:12
220. Isa. 44:3 He will send the Spirit of God John 16:7, 13
221. Isa. 45:21-25 He is Lord and Saviour Philippians 3:20, Titus 2:13
222. Isa. 45:23 He will be the Judge John 5:22; Romans 14:11
223. Isa. 46:9, 10 Declares things not yet done John 13:19
224. Isa. 48:12 The First and the Last John 1:30, Revelation 1:8, 17
225. Isa. 48:16, 17 He came as a Teacher John 3:2
226. Isa. 49:1 Called from the womb-His humanity Matthew 1:18
227. Isa. 49:5 A Servant from the womb. Luke 1:31, Philippians 2:7
228. Isa. 49:6 He will restore Israel Acts 3:19-21; 15:16-17
229. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation for Israel Luke 2:29-32
230. Isa. 49:6 He is the Light of the Gentiles John 8:12, Acts 13:47
231. Isa. 49:6 He is Salvation unto the ends of the earth Acts 15:7-18
232. Isa. 49:7 He is despised of the Nation John 1:11; 8:48-49; 19:14-15
233. Isa. 50:3 Heaven is clothed in black at His humiliation Luke 23:44, 45
234. Isa. 50:4 He is a learned counselor for the weary Matthew 7:29; 11:28, 29
235. Isa. 50:5 The Servant bound willingly to obedience Matthew 26:39
236. Isa. 50:6 “I gave my back to the smiters.” Matthew 27:26
237. Isa. 50:6 He was smitten on the cheeks Matthew 26:67
238. Isa. 50:6 He was spat upon Matthew 27:30
239. Isa. 52:7 Published good tidings upon mountains Matthew 5:12; 15:29; 28:16
240. Isa. 52:13 The Servant exalted Acts 1:8-11; Eph. 1:19-22, Php. 2:5-9
241. Isa. 52:14 The Servant shockingly abused Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
242. Isa. 52:15 Nations startled by message of the Servant Luke 18:31-34; Mt. 26:67, 68
243. Isa. 52:15 His blood shed sprinkles nations Hebrews 9:13-14, Rev. 1:5
244. Isa. 53:1 His people would not believe Him John 12:37-38
245. Isa. 53:2 Appearance of an ordinary man Philippians 2:6-8
246. Isa. 53:3 Despised Luke 4:28-29
247. Isa. 53:3 Rejected Matthew 27:21-23
248. Isa. 53:3 Great sorrow and grief Matthew 26:37-38, Luke 19:41, Heb. 4:15
249. Isa. 53:3 Men hide from being associated with Him Mark 14:50-52
250. Isa. 53:4 He would have a healing ministry Matthew 8:16-17
251. Isa. 53:4 Thought to be cursed by God Matthew 26:66; 27:41-43
252. Isa. 53:5 Bears penalty for mankind’s iniquities 2Cor. 5:21, Heb. 2:9
253. Isa. 53:5 His sacrifice provides peace between man and God Colossians 1:20
254. Isa. 53:5 His sacrifice would heal man of sin 1Peter 2:24
255. Isa. 53:6 He would be the sin-bearer for all mankind 1John 2:2; 4:10
256. Isa. 53:6 God’s will that He bear sin for all mankind Galatians 1:4
257. Isa. 53:7 Oppressed and afflicted Matthew 27:27-31
258. Isa. 53:7 Silent before his accusers Matthew 27:12-14
259. Isa. 53:7 Sacrificial lamb John 1:29, 1Peter 1:18-19
260. Isa. 53:8 Confined and persecuted Matthew 26:47-75; 27:1-31
261. Isa. 53:8 He would be judged John 18:13-22
262. Isa. 53:8 Killed Matthew 27:35
263. Isa. 53:8 Dies for the sins of the world 1John 2:2
264. Isa. 53:9 Buried in a rich man’s grave Matthew 27:57
265. Isa. 53:9 Innocent and had done no violence Luke 23:41, John 18:38
266. Isa. 53:9 No deceit in his mouth 1Peter 2:22
267. Isa. 53:10 God’s will that He die for mankind John 18:11
268. Isa. 53:10 An offering for sin Matthew 20:28, Galatians 3:13
269. Isa. 53:10 Resurrected and live forever Romans 6:9
270. Isa. 53:10 He would prosper John 17:1-5
271. Isa. 53:11 God fully satisfied with His suffering John 12:27
272. Isa. 53:11 God’s servant would justify man Romans 5:8-9, 18-19
273. Isa. 53:11 The sin-bearer for all mankind Hebrews 9:28
274. Isa. 53:12 Exalted by God because of his sacrifice Matthew 28:18
275. Isa. 53:12 He would give up his life to save mankind Luke 23:46
276. Isa. 53:12 Numbered with the transgressors Mark 15:27-28; Luke 22:37
277. Isa. 53:12 Sin-bearer for all mankind 1Peter 2:24
278. Isa. 53:12 Intercede to God in behalf of mankind Luke 23:34, Rom. 8:34
279. Isa. 55:3 Resurrected by God Acts 13:34
280. Isa. 55:4 A witness John 18:37
281. Isa. 55:4 He is a leader and commander Hebrews 2:10
282. Isa. 55:5 God would glorify Him Acts 3:13
283. Isa. 59:16 Intercessor between man and God Matthew 10:32
284. Isa. 59:16 He would come to provide salvation John 6:40
285. Isa. 59:20 He would come to Zion as their Redeemer Luke 2:38
286. Isa. 60:1-3 He would shew light to the Gentiles Acts 26:23
287. Isa. 61:1 The Spirit of God upon him Matthew 3:16-17
288. Isa. 61:1 The Messiah would preach the good news Luke 4:16-21
289. Isa. 61:1 Provide freedom from the bondage of sin John 8:31-36
290. Isa. 61:1-2 Proclaim a period of grace Galatians 4:4-5
291. Jer. 11:21 Conspiracy to kill Jesus John 7:1, Matthew 21:38
292. Jer. 23:5-6 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
293. Jer. 23:5-6 The Messiah would be both God and Man John 13:13, 1Ti 3:16
294. Jer. 31:22 Born of a virgin Matthew 1:18-20
295. Jer. 31:31 The Messiah would be the new covenant Matthew 26:28
296. Jer. 33:14-15 Descendant of David Luke 3:23-31
297. Eze.34:23-24 Descendant of David Matthew 1:1
298. Eze.37:24-25 Descendant of David Luke 1:31-33
299. Dan. 2:44-45 The Stone that shall break the kingdoms Matthew 21:44
300. Dan. 7:13-14 He would ascend into heaven Acts 1:9-11
301. Dan. 7:13-14 Highly exalted Ephesians 1:20-22
302. Dan. 7:13-14 His dominion would be everlasting Luke 1:31-33
303. Dan. 9:24 To make an end to sins Galatians 1:3-5
304. Dan. 9:24 To make reconciliation for iniquity Romans 5:10, 2Cor. 5:18-21
305. Dan. 9:24 He would be holy Luke 1:35
306. Dan. 9:25 His announcement John 12:12-13
307. Dan. 9:26 Cut off Matthew 16:21; 21:38-39
308. Dan. 9:26 Die for the sins of the world Hebrews 2:9
309. Dan. 9:26 Killed before the destruction of the temple Matthew 27:50-51
310. Dan. 10:5-6 Messiah in a glorified state Revelation 1:13-16
311. Hos. 11:1 He would be called out of Egypt Matthew 2:15
312. Hos. 13:14 He would defeat death 1Corinthians 15:55-57
313. Joel 2:32 Offer salvation to all mankind Romans 10:9-13
314. Jonah 1:17 Death and resurrection of Christ Matthew 12:40; 16:4
315. Mic. 5:2 Born in Bethlehem Matthew 2:1-6
316. Mic. 5:2 Ruler in Israel Luke 1:33
317. Mic. 5:2 From everlasting John 8:58
318. Hag. 2:6-9 He would visit the second Temple Luke 2:27-32
319. Hag. 2:23 Descendant of Zerubbabel Luke 2:27-32
320. Zech. 3:8 God’s servant John 17:4
321. Zech. 6:12-13 Priest and King Hebrews 8:1
322. Zech. 9:9 Greeted with rejoicing in Jerusalem Matthew 21:8-10
323. Zech. 9:9 Beheld as King John 12:12-13
324. Zech. 9:9 The Messiah would be just John 5:30
325. Zech. 9:9 The Messiah would bring salvation Luke 19:10
326. Zech. 9:9 The Messiah would be humble Matthew 11:29
327. Zech. 9:9 Presented to Jerusalem riding on a donkey Matthew 21:6-9
328. Zech. 10:4 The cornerstone Ephesians 2:20
329. Zech. 11:4-6 At His coming, Israel to have unfit leaders Matthew 23:1-4
330. Zech. 11:4-6 Rejection causes God to remove His protection Luke 19:41-44
331. Zech. 11:4-6 Rejected in favor of another king John 19:13-15
332. Zech. 11:7 Ministry to “poor,” the believing remnant Matthew 9:35-36
333. Zech. 11:8 Unbelief forces Messiah to reject them Matthew 23:33
334. Zech. 11:8 Despised Matthew 27:20
335. Zech. 11:9 Stops ministering to those who rejected Him Matthew 13:10-11
336. Zech. 11:10-11 Rejection causes God to remove protection Luke 19:41-44
337. Zech. 11:10-11 The Messiah would be God John 14:7
338. Zech. 11:12-13 Betrayed for thirty pieces of silver Matthew 26:14-15
339. Zech. 11:12-13 Rejected Matthew 26:14-15
340. Zech. 11:12-13 Thirty pieces of silver cast in the house of the Lord Matthew 27:3-5
341. Zech. 11:12-13 The Messiah would be God John 12:45
342. Zech. 12:10 The Messiah’s body would be pierced John 19:34-37
343. Zech. 12:10 The Messiah would be both God and man John 10:30
344. Zech. 12:10 The Messiah would be rejected John 1:11
345. Zech. 13:7 God’s will He die for mankind John 18:11
346. Zech. 13: A violent death Mark 14:27
347. Zech. 13:7 Both God and man John 14:9
348. Zech. 13:7 Israel scattered as a result of rejecting Him Matthew 26:31-56
349. Zech. 14:4 He would return to the Mt. of Olives Acts 1:11-12
350. Mal. 3:1 Messenger to prepare the way for Messiah Mark 1:1-8
351. Mal. 3:1 Sudden appearance at the temple Mark 11:15-16
352. Mal. 3:1 Messenger of the new covenant Luke 4:43
353. Mal. 3:6 The God who changes not Hebrews 13:8
354. Mal. 4:5 Forerunner in spirit of Elijah Mt. 3:1-3; 11:10-14; 17:11-13
355. Mal. 4:6 Forerunner would turn many to righteousness Luke 1:16-17

Apologetic Tables

Copyright 2011 Churches of Christ USA. All rights reserved.



What is Apologetics? An Outline

What is Apologetics? An Outline

by Ryan Turner

  1. What is Christian apologetics?
    1. What Apologetics is Not
      1. The art of getting really good at saying, “I’m sorry!” over and over.
      2. The art of intellectually forcing unbelievers into submission holds MMA style.
      3. Arguing about how many angels can stand on a pin.
      4. Shaving your head and looking cool.
    2. A Definition of Apologetics
      1. “Apologetics is the branch of Christian theology which attempts to give a rational defense of the Christian faith.”
      2. Apologetics is giving a reason for why you believe what you believe.
      3. The English word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word apologia which means “to give a reason or defense” (1 Pet. 3:15).
      4. Apologetics is also called “pre-evangelism.”
      5. An “apologist” is someone who defends the Christian faith.
  2. Why should we do apologetics?
    1. The Bible Commands us to
      1. 1 Peter 3:15, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (NASB).
        1. The importance of humility:  1 Cor. 8:1, “ . . . Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.”
        2. The importance of love:  1 Cor. 13.
      2. Jude 3, “I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”
        1. Jude 22, “And have mercy on some, who are doubting.”
        2. Apologetics is to be coupled with mercy and love.
    2. Jesus Did Apologetics
      1. Jesus gave evidence for His claims:
        1. His fulfillment of prophecy (Mk. 14:61-62Lk. 24:44-45).
        2. His Miracles
          1. Resurrection: Prediction (Jn. 2:19-21; cf. Mt. 12:39-40) and Accomplishment (1 Cor. 15Lk. 24:26-27).
          2. Healings (Mt. 11:2-5).
        3. Corrected false interpretations of Scripture (Mt. 4:1-11).
    3. Paul Did Apologetics
      1. Greeks at Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-34)
        1. Quotes pagan poets Aratus and Epimenides.
      2. Jews in the Synagogues (Acts 17:1-3)
      3. False teachers within the Church (Galatians, 1 Corinthians, etc.)
      4. Paul’s mission
        1. Phil. 1:7–“the defense and confirmation of the gospel.”
        2. Phil. 1:16–“I am appointed for the defense of the gospel.”
      5. Paul’s criteria for ordaining elders
        1. Titus 1:9, “Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (cf. 2 Tim. 2:24).
    4. The Church Did Apologetics
      1. The Early Church with the Apostles
        1. The Apostle Paul:  Galatians and 1 Corinthians
        2. The Apostle John:  1, 2, and 3rd John
      2. The Early Church after the Apostles
        1. Apologists:  Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, etc.
        2. Heresies:  Gnosticism, Arianism, etc.
    5. Apologetics Helps Christians
      1. To better know their faith and share it more effectively.
      2. To answer people’s real questions which hinder them from accepting the gospel.
      3. To have influence in the public square (education, media, etc.).
      4. To prevent doctrinal apostasy in the Church.
      5. To answer the false claims of cults and religions . . .
  3. What are the different methods of Christian apologetics?
    1. Presuppositional Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. Emphasizes the importance of presuppositions or the foundations of one’s thinking.
        2. Assumes the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.
      2. Adherents: John Frame, Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Till, etc.
    2. Classical Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. Stresses rational argumentation for the existence of God.
        2. It is necessary to demonstrate the existence of God first in order to argue for the resurrection of Jesus. (God must exist for miracles to occur).
      2. Adherents:  Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, R.C. Sproul, etc.
    3. Evidential Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. They emphasize giving evidence for the Christian faith whether historical, logical, etc.
        2. They think miracles do not presuppose God’s existence but can serve as evidence for His existence.
          1. Resurrection example
      2. Adherents:  B.B. Warfield, John Warwick Montgomery, Gary Habermas, etc.
    4. Which View is Correct?
      1. All of the views have practical advantages and are useful in certain circumstances.
        1. Presuppositional (2 Pet. 3:5)
        2. Classical (Rom. 1:20)
        3. Evidential (1 Cor. 15:3-7)
      2. It seems that Scripture makes use of all of them in a very generic sense.
      3. Make up your own mind.
  4. What are the various areas of Christian apologetics?
    1. 6 Areas of Apologetics
      1. Philosophical Apologetics
      2. Theological Apologetics
      3. Biblical Apologetics
      4. Scientific Apologetics
      5. Religion and Cult Apologetics
      6. Other Areas (History, Sociology, Business, etc.)
  5. Conclusion
    1. Since Christianity is a worldview, apologetics in some sense affects every aspect of life.
    2. The Bible commands it, Jesus did it, Paul did it, the early Church did it, and the world needs it.
    3. What are you going to do about it?
  6. Bibliography
    1. Website.
    2. Cowan, Steven B. 5 Views on Apologetics.
    3. Geisler, Norman L.  Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.

Are our High School Graduates Ready for the World? The Best Time To Teach Apologetics Is In School…. Not Prison

Steven Kozak


Youth Apologetics

Youth pastors, parents, and teachers…Think about your last group of seniors to take that monumental walk across the graduation stage. That day overflows with anticipation, hope, and satisfaction. But are they ready for what is waiting for them on the other side of that stage? Universities across the country are becoming more and more liberal with each passing year. Lecture halls are filled with the echoes of professors who consider atheism to be academically superior, the Bible to be nothing more than fairy tales, and in order to “grow up” one must put aside childish faith and religious practices and trust only in the superiority of science.

So what are you going to do? It is clear that Sunday morning services are not enough. Wednesday night youth group is not enough. Summer youth camp and retreats are not enough. Growing up in the church and in a good Christian home is not enough. Making youth group fun and attractive is not enough.



The “other side” of Apologetics… Rightly dividing the word.

I would like to present three points to consider as the church.

  • There is to be no division in the church (1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 12:25)
  • We are to rightly divide the truth (2 Timothy 2:15)
  • Test all doctrines by the word of God: This tells me we must study and learn the truth only from the bible, and test biblically any position preached by man (Acts 17:11)

There cannot be two correct gospels, only one. Anything other than the true gospel, supported fully by scripture without interjection by man (do not add or take away) is a false doctrine. You will only find salvation through the correct understanding of scripture… rightly dividing the word. There are two major doctrines being taught, which by default splits the church, one is Calvinism, the other is Arminianism

I have done the work, the studies and have found Calvinism in complete opposition to scripture. If you have a true heart for Christ, and for the truth I would suggest you should do the studies for yourself, if you don’t have a true heart for Christ and the truth… quite frankly… you won’t.




Arminius Was a Calvinist:  What is an Arminian? People who believe in the teachings of the Bible from the historic perspective is an Arminian. To further answer this question, we must start with the doctrine of John Calvin since Arminianism is first, a reaction to Calvinism. Calvin’s Systematic Theological Teachings are summarized in the “Five Points of Calvinism”.  They can be formed into an acrostic called TULIP.

Arminianism arose when a Dutchman named Koornheerts infuriated the Dutch clergy by attacking Calvinism in his writings.” Such an attack was not allowed to go unchallenged. A brilliant and well trained young Calvinist, Jacobus Arminius, was asked to answer Koornheerts. This he set about to do, but his study of the subject only convinced him that Calvinism was indefensible. From his thorough search of the Scriptures was born a view out of harmony with austere Calvinism.


The 5 principles of Calvinism

  1. Total Depravity: If man is totally depraved, he is not guilty of sin, he knows no better
  2. Unconditional Election: God decides before you are born whether you will spend eternity in heaven or hell; eliminates the ability to choose to follow Christ or not…
  3. Limited Atonement/ Particular Redemption: Christ’s redeeming work was intended to save the elect only and secured salvation for them. So, God did not so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe on Him should not perish but have ever lasting life…. According to this doctrine God was just teasing us or lying….
  4. Irresistible Grace: the call, heard only by the Election, is irresistible and always results in total conversion; It means God created puppets who are not really making a choice for Him, again no choice being made to follow God or not…. The choice is made for you.
  5. Perseverance of the Saints: All who are chosen by God, redeemed by Christ, and given faith by the Spirit are eternally saved. They are kept in faith by the power of Almighty God and thus persevere to the end.


I will publish the complete study when it is completed

World Population According to Mathmatics and Common Sense


In 2014 the MIT physicist Max Tegmark argues in “Our Mathematical Universe” that mathematics is the fundamental world reality that drives the universe. As I would say, mathematics is operating in a god-like fashion.

The population of the world, based upon the Berlin census reports of 1922, was found to be 1,804,187,000.

The human race must double itself 30.75 times to make this number, and remember this, we have tripled that number from 1922 for we are at app 7 – 8  billion people right now.

The following computations confirms this result merely from common sense:

At the beginning of the first period of doubling there would just be two human beings;

The second, 4;

The third, 8;

The fourth, 16;

The tenth, 1024;

The twentieth 1,048,576,

The thirtieth, 1,073,741,824; and

The thirty-first, 2,147,483,648.

In other words, if we raise two to the thirtieth power, we have 1,073,741,824; or to the thirty-first power, 2,147,483,648 Therefore, it is evident even to the school boy, that, to have the present population of the globe, the net population must be doubled more than thirty times and less than thirty-one times. We find it to be 30.75 times. After all allowances are made for natural deaths, wars, catastrophes, and losses of all kinds, if the human race would double its numbers 30.75 times, we would have the population of the globe in 1922.

Now, according to the chronology of Hales, based on the Septuagint text, 5077 years have elapsed since the flood, and 5177 years (Apparently one of these numbers is incorrect) since the ancestors of mankind numbered only two, Noah and his wife. By dividing 5177 by 30.75, we find it requires an average of 168.3 years for the human race to double its numbers, in order to make the present population. This is a reasonable average length of time.

Moreover, it is singularly confirmed by the number of Jews, or descendants of Jacob. According to Hales, 3850 years have passed since the marriage of Jacob. By the same method of calculation as above, the Jews, who, according to the Jewish yearbook for 1922, numbered 15,393, 815, must have doubled their numbers 23.8758 times, or once every 161.251 years.

The whole human race, therefore, on an average has doubled its numbers every 168.3 years; and the Jews, every 161.251 years. What a fantastic agreement!

We would not expect the figure to be exactly the same nor be greatly surprised if one period were twice the other. But their correspondence singularly validates the age of the human race and of the Jewish people, as gathered from the word of God by the most proficient chronologists.

In other words, we can take certain groups of people, check their population growth for the same time period and find the numbers correspond very closely.

If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, the period of doubling would be 65,040 years, or 402 times that of the Jews, which, of course, is unthinkable.

What this means, if we consider there are 7.5 billion people on Earth right now, which there is, and the earth is human race is 2 million years old, the population would only have doubled once every 65,040 years.

This means if the first couple had two children, doubling the population, that it would be another 65,000 years before their children would have children, or they would have more children… just doesn’t seem plausible.

While the period of doubling may vary slightly in different ages, yet there are few things as stable and certain as general average, where large numbers and many years are considered, as in the present case. No life insurance company, acting on general average statistics, ever failed on that account. The Jews and the whole human race have lived together the same thirty-eight centuries with very little intermarriage, and are affected by similar advantages and disadvantages, making the comparison remarkably fair.

Also, the 25,000,000 descendants of Abraham must have doubled their numbers every 162.275 years, during the 3,988 years since the birth of his son Ishmael. These periods of doubling which tally so closely, 168.3 years for the whole race, 161.251 for the Jews, and 162.275 years for the descendants of Abraham, cannot be a mere coincidence, but are a demonstration against the great age of man required by evolution, and in favor of the 5,177 years since Noah. None of the other various chronologies would make any material difference in these calculations. The correspondence of these figures, 168.3, 161.251 and 162.275 is so remarkable that it must bring the conviction to every serious student that the flood destroyed mankind and Noah became the head of the race.

Now the evolutionists claim that the human race is 2,000,000 years old. There is no good reason for believing that, during all these years the developing dominant species would not increase as rapidly as the Jews, or the human race in historic times, especially since the restraints of civilization and marriage did not exist. But let us generously suppose that these remote ancestors, beginning with one pair, doubled their numbers in 1612.51 years one-tenth as rapidly as the Jews, or 1240 times in 2,000,000 years. If we raise 2 to the 1240th power, the result is 18,932,139,737,991 with 360 figures following. The population of the world, therefore, would have been 18,932,139,737,991 decillion, decillion, decillion. decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion, decillion; or 18,932,139,737,991 vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion, vigintillion.


Or, let us suppose that man, the dominant species, originated from a single pair, only 100,000 years ago, the shortest period suggested by any evolutionist (and much too short for evolution) and that the population doubled in 1612.51 years, one-tenth the Jewish rate of net increase, a most generous estimate. The present population of the globe should be 4,660,210,253,138,204,300 or 2,527,570,733 additional people for every man, woman and child on the earth today! In these calculations, we have made greater allowances than any self-respecting evolutionist could ask without blushing. And yet withal, it is as clear as the light of day that the ancestors of man could not possibly have lived 2,000,000 or 1,000,000 or 100,000 years ago, or even 10,000 years ago; for if the population had increased at the Jewish rate for 10,000 years, it would be more than two billion times as great as it is. No guess that ever was made, or ever can be made, much in excess of 5177 years, can possibly stand as the age of man. The evolutionist cannot sidestep this argument by a new guess.

All these computations have been made upon the supposition that the human race sprang from one pair. If from many in the distant past, as the evolutionists assert, these bewildering figures must be enormously increased.

Yet we are gravely told that evolution is “science”. It is the wildest guess ever made to support an impossible theory.


That their guesses cannot possibly be correct, is proven also by approaching the subject from another angle. If the human race is 2,000,000 years old, and must double its numbers 30.75 times to make the present population, it is plain that each period for doubling would be 65,040 years, since 2,000,000 divided by 30.75 is equals 65,040. At that rate, there would be fewer than four Jews! If we suppose the race to have sprung from one pair 100,000 years ago, it would take 3252 years to double the population. At this rate, there would be five Jews!

Do we need any other demonstration that the evolution of man is an absurdity and impossibility? If the evolutionists endeavor to show that man may have descended from the brute, the population of the world conclusively shows that MAN CERTAINLY DID NOT DESCEND FROM THE BRUTE. If they ever succeed in showing that all Species of animals may have been derived from one primordial germ, it is impossible that man so came. He was created as the Bible declares, by the Almighty Power of God.


The testimony of all the experts in the famous Scopes trial in Tennessee (who escaped cross-examination) was to the effect that evolution was in harmony with some facts and therefore possibly true. The above mathematical calculations prove that the evolution of man was certainly not true. They fail to make their case even if we grant their claims. These figures prove the Bible story, and scrap every guess of the great age and the brute origin of man. It will be observed that the above calculations point to the unity of the race in the days of Noah, 5177 years ago, rather than in the days of Adam 7333 years ago, according to Hale’s chronology. If the race increased at the Jewish rate, not over 16,384 perished by the Flood, fewer than by many a modern catastrophe. This most merciful providence of God started the race anew with a righteous head.


Now, if there had been no flood to destroy the human race, then the descendants of Adam, in the 7333 years would have been 16,384 times the 1,804,187,000, or 29,559,799,808,000; or computed at the Jewish rate of net increase for 7333 years since Adam, the population would have been still greater, or 35,184,372,088,832. These calculations are in perfect accord with the Scripture story of the special creation of man, and the destruction of the race by a flood. Had it not been for the flood, the earth could not have sustained the descendants of Adam.

Is not this a demonstration a decisive and final witness against an old age earth using logic?

Men, we have covered a lot of numbers here which prove God created the world, and no other option is remotely possible.

We have proven that according to population growth, using actual numbers, that the only acceptable age of man started with a flood, and Noah, is the father of all people on the earth.

You now have even more irrefutable evidence there is a God, He created You and I and all things. But the point remains, when you have all the proof you need to absolutely believe without a shadow of doubt, and the bible, all scripture is God breathed, and absolutely true…

What will you do with it?

We must totally submit ourselves to God, in every sense of the word, giving up every facet, every desire, every sin, every doubt, every worry and leave it at the foot of the cross, pick up your cross and carry it, take the word to all the men who reside here, giving them the irrefutable proof, and the absolute truth that they can at least make an educated choice, not trusting in misguided teachers of the past.

Final observation, since 1922 the time used for this lesson, the population as risen to 7.6 billion people, more than tripling itself in app 90 years.

This is indication that the population is now growing exponentially. According to Harvard social biologist Edward O. Wilson, the earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 to 10 billion people before we run short of fresh water, and resources to feed the people. WE already see people starving in Africa known as the cradle of humanity.  As earlier stated, we are pushing 8 billion people on the earth, and we tripled population in less than 90 years, if we continue at that rate we should hit maximum levels in 20 – 30 years. And, honestly… less than that… and what will happen? Total Chaos?  We don’t have the answers do we?

first we offer proof from a mathematical  and logical point of view,  a biological point of view, scientific facts stated in the Bible that could not have been known by mankind at the time it was written, therefore requiring a higher intelligence, add to that the predictions of future events before they happened, which are now historical events, and we can compare the two providing again the evidence that the information given had to come from a higher intelligence… when we have done all that, we will still be able to continue showing evidence of the historically reliability of the bible that it has not changed and when you reach the end of your argument only a very foolish person would still reject God. The fact is, most people will be convinced by one or two of the facts you present, we just never know which facts will hit home with the person you are trying to lead to the narrow path.

After this mountain of proof… we then can also prove the birth, life, death and resurrection of Christ… any person gaining this information is ready to accept the gospel, and embrace it, and live by it fully as humanly possible.


This is the truth goal of the liberals, the leftist. But why?

First you must ask; do the liberals really care about homosexuals (if you answer honestly, you know they don’t) when they don’t care about the unborn child, willing to kill it fully realizing the pain the child suffers being literally ripped apart. The reason they support the homosexual lifestyle is they cannot reproduce which adds to their overall plan of zero population growth, and possibly a reduction in population. So, they not only support it, they encourage it by teaching children (and certain adults willing to accept it, even though it flies in the face of God’s laws) to accept it as “normal”.

They are in favor of mercy killings for the ill, and for allowing anyone over 80 to be allowed to die earlier than they should by withholding a medication that would keep them alive.

They are in favor of open boarders for the world? Why?  Because this gives an open door to all terrorists who will murder themselves to murder two or more additional people who they believe are infidels.

Why do the leaders in California resist the wall, and why do they release these foreign criminals back into the general population? To help in their small way to reduce the population.

So why do they hate Christians? Because we stand in the way of all the above methods of bringing the world to zero population growth, in fact a major section of Christians doesn’t believe in any form of birth control whatsoever.

Again, the question comes up… why is their goal population control?

Answer, because we will very soon reach the population level the earth cannot support with clean water and food. People in many parts of the world are already starving.

Since the 1920’s the world population has almost quadrupled, from just under 2 billion people to close to 8 billion people today.

How many people will the earth support?

Many scientists think Earth has a maximum carrying capacity of 9 billion to 10 billion people. [How Do You Count 7 Billion People?]

One such scientist, the eminent Harvard University sociobiologist Edward O. Wilson, bases his estimate on calculations of the Earth’s available resources. As Wilson pointed out in his book “The Future of Life” (Knopf, 2002), “The constraints of the biosphere are fixed.”

So, 10 billion people is the uppermost population limit where food is concerned. Because it’s extremely unlikely that everyone will agree to stop eating meat, Wilson thinks the maximum carrying capacity of the Earth based on food resources will most likely fall short of 10 billion.

So, what this means is we are close to the end, maybe another 15 or 20 years, however things will start getting really bad long before that.

What about the Christians? Why are we willing to see this and not join in the move to “Save the Planet”?

Because we know who is in control, God! And, we are fairly certain that Christ will return soon due to all the signs predicting His return sometime in the near future.

In addition, we also know that none of us will leave this earth before God intends for us to leave, and none of us will stay one second longer than He intends… He is in full control.