The Granddaddy of All Sin

C.S. Lewis correctly states that Pride is the granddaddy of all sin. Most sins start here… pride.

And as look around our world and see signs of the time of rapture… the persecution of Christians a level we have never experience before, even here in America. The potential for the end-times great revival now developing in Kentucky, and the Jewish Rabies in Jerusalem on the verge of declaring a man the “Messiah”… the big three signs of the approaching rapture… maybe looking at the source of sins is a positive way to prepare ourselves for the event Christians have been looking forward to for 2,000 years.


A scientific Approach to Christianity The Mind

Let’s begin at the beginning…. And what is the beginning of the Mind except at birth itself.

It is said by many that we are innocent until we reach the age of accountability which is a different age for everyone.

But what does that mean?

We are accountable for sins we have been committing since birth…

What is the granddaddy of all sin? Pride

Pride is anything self-centered.

Many say we are born into sin… but how is a baby sinful?

When a baby is born it knows nothing but self… it’s own needs, hunger, clean diaper, and etc.

When a baby reaches about age 2 we start hearing things like “I can do it myself”

This is a desire for self-reliance, again, a sense of self.

Its world is still wrapped around self.

It is a parent duty, obligation to teach the child to look beyond self, to look at others and desire their benefit as we do our own… in other words our first duty to a child is the 2nd greatest commandment. To love your neighbor as yourself….

In ages past we saw this, the child was not glorified, was not taught to glorify itself, but more like,

“a child is to be seen, and not heard”.

Modern child psychology would probably be totally offended by this… because they are deceived into thinking they have the right answers, they are the intellectuals the rest of us need to obey.

Which is what? An even greater elevation of pride.

Many of todays children are incorrectly taught to have great self-esteem and respect… center on self… if it’s not good for me it’s not good.

When a child is raised like this, the later need for self-rejection, the opposite of pride, becomes very difficult, and the idea of self-sacrifice is completely insane to them.

However, pride runs much deeper than this…. Much deeper!

The following is a Catholic Video speaking to Pride… it is very good, and sometimes hard to take because it doesn’t leave any of us out. We can find ourselves somewhere in the video, so if we refuse to watch, or if we reject the part we dislike isn’t that pride?

One of the great deceptions of Satan is to hide from our view the sin of pride through the prideful thoughts of entitlement.

And, on the other hand, if we recognize ourselves and use the information to grow by rejecting self, and self-entitlement, shouldn’t that be our goal, and our purpose?


Answer to Michelle’s question…

Hi Jim, since you are so good at defending our faith, I was wondering if you would read the following response a friend of mine from my high school days posted on FB. I have tried discussing these matters with her but she gets very defensive. I would be glad to know how you would respond to her comments point by point. “The bible is not the basis of our Constitution. I wholeheartedly disagree. And recorded history does too. I am currently reading the biography of Alexander Hamilton and I have read The Federalist Papers, biographies of most of the Founding Fathers, and a number of history books. The common denominator is their desire to avoid a national religion. The bible is not factual. There is too much hard scientific evidence to the contrary. While I believe that you have the freedom to believe what you want, I have the freedom from your beliefs too. The bible has 11 cases of incest, and has been used to justify slavery, child abuse, discrimination, and war. I do not want government based on that.” Thanks for your help with this

Michelle, one of the first things we must recognize is hard core evolutionist/ atheist most likely cannot be changed, 2 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, Romans 1: 28. the 2nd point is argument is never the answer, they do get on the defensive. So, it really depends upon the person you’re speaking to when determining how to approach them, (1 Peter 3:15 tells us to defend the word…. meekly and humbly) we must lead them into a “conversation”.

It appears to me in your message that the following are the arguments she poses:

  1. “The bible is not the basis of our Constitution.
  2. The bible is not factual. There is too much hard-scientific evidence to the contrary.
  3. While I believe that you have the freedom to believe what you want, I have the freedom from your beliefs too.
  4. The bible has 11 cases of incest, and has been used to justify slavery, child abuse, discrimination, and war.

I will give you my answers at the end of this message.

One thing I find interesting about your statement is she doesn’t want government based upon the bible, (you and I know that is a scary thing, every other government has absolutely been as she described, when not based upon the Bible, consider Hitler’s Germany for instance)  and all the examples of abuse, and such that she quotes… she obviously has never read the bible, let alone understands it, nor does she understand much about our countries history, nor does she know much about science, all she knows in all these subjects is what another atheist has told her. The bible hasn’t changed, science has, it is always moving towards biblical statements concerning scientific facts. She apparently has her mind set on believing the lie, without evidence.

Normally the way I respond to atheist is to ask them if they are interested in truth…. Biblically or not… and all of them will say yes and state that as the reason for rejecting scripture (but you must remember Liberals are not really interested in the truth, even though they think they are).

Your response should be something like this: “if you are truly interest in learning the truth, if you are truly committed to knowing the truth then you must be willing to examine both sides of the issue, consider all the facts, with an open mind, and until you are ready to do that, you are rejecting the truth, and are only interested in a philosophy that supports your desired lifestyle. (Always, always remember the part about meekness and humility)

A person truly committed to truth, will seek truth diligently, and when they find it, will live by it.

A good question is simply to ask them is “What if I could prove to you God does exist, and He is the author of the bible, would that change your view”?

I tell the guys in the prison, that I can do exactly that, but so what? What difference does it make if they do not let this truth change their lives?

We can give scientific and mathematical proof of creation being the true reason for our existence (vs. evolution) all day long (literally, all day long), and the committed atheist/ evolutionist will reject it, and come up with some answer such as …. Well given enough time…

This is the reason I am developing the new class called the two witnesses. These are facts contained in scripture that cannot be argued by anyone. They are the scientific facts stated in the bible such as the jet stream circuit (verified by during world war II by airmen), that there are springs in the bottom of the ocean (verified by scientist in the 1970’s), and all the health facts long before mankind had any proof, or idea of the facts being presented.

2nd are the prophesies in the bible, predictions of the future which are now history, of which there are some 2,500 of them and all except a few last day prophesies have been fulfilled exactly as predicted. For instance, Daniels 70 “7’s” (predictions of 70 – 7 year periods of time ending with the crucifixion of Christ) are so accurate that even bible scholars thought that it was history being passed off as prophecies, until they found the dead sea scrolls in 1948 that predated the prophesies, proving it was prophecy.

They cannot be argued, because they are in the bible and are proven scientific or now historical facts, and, it can be proven the bible has not changed (we have thousands of very early copies, even 4 -5 thousand of just the new testament)

One technique I like to use is to tell people in the theaters of their minds to picture a chalk board like they had in school, stretching from the beginning of time to today. Start by drawing line on your board at the very top, all the way across, in a straight line and label that line “The Bible” because it is the same all through time, it never changes and never will. Secondly start a line at the bottom left and title it “Science” and as we progress through the course they will move that line up every time science changes it position due to more evidence… the line will always head towards the Bible line, and eventually if we’re around long enough it will meet up with the bible line and join it, but will never go above it.

The point to the two witnesses is simply this; for early man to record all these facts of science and the future, they had to have a source of higher intelligence, a higher power, that higher power is what we refer to as “God” and to the logical mind it proves the bible had to be inspired by God.

Remember the apostles when they were evangelizing made the statement that the Jews found the gospel a stumbling block, and the Greeks considered it nonsense… the reason is the Jews had basic understanding, the Greeks didn’t. The Pew research institute tells us people born in 1996 and later only about 50% have any knowledge of scripture at all. Which means half of America today (Liberals) are merely modern day Greeks… it sounds like nonsense to them, and they consider it intellectual suicide to even consider the possibility of the Bible being the truth. So, anytime you are dealing with an atheist you need to determine that. However, you do have some inside knowledge about her… she and everyone else who claims to be an atheist are lying (Romans 1:18 – 19) The Brown trucking company in Georgia polygraphed everyone applying for a job with them until 1988. One of the questions they asked everyone is if they believed in God… when a confirmed atheist would answer no, in every case the machine indicated they were lying, and they tested over 15,000 people.

Now to answer her statements:

  1. “The bible is not the basis of our Constitution.
    1. A simple study of American history proves that the Bible/ Christianity is absolutely the basis of our Constitution, and our very existence, in addition:
      1. In the beginning the education of children was the responsibility of the church
      2. All school children learned from the McGuffey reader which was based upon bible scriptures
  • If you go to court, you swear to tell the truth by placing your hand on a bible (liberals may have had this changed…. Wouldn’t surprise me) indicating, truth, and the commitment to it was found in the Bible
  1. Congress and the Senate began, and I think they still do, with prayer.
  2. All courthouse, and federal buildings generally have the ten commandments posted or some other scripture.
  1. The bible is not factual. There is too much hard-scientific evidence to the contrary.
    1. There are over a hundred examples of science now proving the truth and consistency of scripture, basically science is just catching up to biblical statements concerning our cosmos and our Earth.
  2. While I believe that you have the freedom to believe what you want, I have the freedom from your beliefs too.
    1. This is a biblical principle, God only wants those to come to Him voluntarily.
  3. The bible has 11 cases of incest, and has been used to justify slavery, child abuse, discrimination, and war.
    1. People over time have misused biblical scriptures to preform evil acts, there is no doubt about this, the crusades are a good example of this. However,
      1. Slavery is a fact of history, began in Africa (this is just a fact of life, and the bible does not hide from facts.)
      2. Child abuse has been prevalent throughout history. Various societies have used children in their temple worship (not Christian or Jews) for sexual purposes all through time (for instance, and for obvious reasons, I like to use Amy Carmichael as an example of this, who went to India to save the little girls from this abuse, and later the little boys as well. (Again, this is just a fact of life, and the bible does not hide from facts.)
        1. A simple reading of scripture tells us God is against this, and anyone commits this crime will suffer harsher judgment than anyone else.
  • Incest is much more common than we like to admit, it’s like the old joke that some family trees do not have branches. Again, this is just a fact of life, and the bible does not hide from facts.
    1. In the beginning, everyone was a brother and sister, all born of Adam, so there was no option.
    2. In the ark, these eight people were all relatives, again no option.
    3. In early America, in the small villages across the land, very often the only mate available was a cousin.
    4. President Roosevelt was married to his 1st
  1. Discrimination:
    1. This is common among all people groups, and not just a white man’s invention. And there are many examples of this, not just skin color even though that is the common reason. The sad thing is evolutionist preach there are five races of mankind, but the bible teaches us there is only one race: the human race, and now DNA has proven the bible to be correct, again proving evolution to be wrong. And, there is only one skin color; brown with various shades depending on how much of what I call food coloring is present.
  2. War: Again, this is just a fact of life, and the bible does not hide from facts.
    1. War has existed all through history.
      1. America has been involved in war many times, generally dragged into it by other countries, such as in world war II when we were attacked without provocation in Pearl Harbor by a country that did not believe in God, nor the bible.
        1. Also by Germany, and contrary to what many will tell you, Hitler was not a Christian.
        2. The American revolution… to gain freedom from England and establish our country as a Christian country, following the precepts of Christ, but giving religious freedom to all (the idea of course Christian religion, and even those who claimed this really meant their brand of Christian religion which for the most part was their own brand of Christian beliefs.
  • The civil war, in which the conservative republicans recognized that slavery was an evil practice being defended by the liberal democrats of the day (in addition the KKK later was the strong arm of the democratic party… not the republicans) When John Kennedy supported the civil rights bill in the 1960’s he was considered a traitor to his party, and his reward was assignation.
  1. God uses war in the scriptures for several reasons, including to punish the Jews who turned their backs of Him.
  2. He used wars and battles to demonstrate His great power, that it was He who was in control, allowing just a handful of men defeat great armies, and at time sending angels to destroy evil empires and armies.

Let’s look at the other options. A godless society: Our government today has approved of homosexual activity as legal, even to the point of gay marriages in direct opposition to God’s word. It has opened girl’s restrooms in the schools, and public, as well as private buildings, subjecting our little girls to any perverts, to whatever abuse they choose to perpetrate on these children.

God says thou shall not murder, yet the godless society says that is Okay… genocide against the aged, with the idea that anyone over 80 should not receive medical care outside of pain killers to make them more comfortable (I guess that is their idea of compassion). We have murdered 60 million innocent babies, by tearing the them literally, limb from limb, knowing full well they feel that pain, and then crushing their skulls… great example of a compassionate yet godless society.

Even if the Bible wasn’t true (and it is proven to be true, by science) I would still prefer is precepts over the godless societies that have emerged from time to time, including the United States in the last 8 years.

I hope you will look around this website, you find overwhelming evidence that proves the bible to be the Inspired Word of God.

Sermon on Fear: prison sermon October 25 2015

The Fear Factor

The goal of evangelism is to lead a person to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. The goal of apologetics should be the same. So what is the difference between the two? In summary, apologetics is a distinct but inseparable part of evangelism.

Evangelism is concerned with the presentation of the gospel, and the methods used to do so. Apologetics is concerned with answering objections to the gospel, clearing away obstacles, and commending the Christian faith as the only legitimate answer to man’s predicament.

Imagine an All Wheel Drive car. Usually the front tires do all the work, but when they begin to slip, the rear wheels kick into motion and stabilize the car. When you are sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, you are evangelizing. However, when someone raises objections against the Christian faith, apologetics kicks in and answers the objections so that you can return to evangelizing.

Now as you know I normally teach apologetics, proving the word of God to be infallible, the absolute truth, and the best way to prove anything is through our actions, and those actions come from faith, fearless faith.

Fear is the great stumbling block to evangelism, and apologetics.


If I turn the lights off in here, so that it is entirely dark, can we have light at the same time?

It’s impossible isn’t it?

It is the same with fear, if we live in the darkness of fear the light of faith can’t exist.

Fear and faith cannot occupy the same mind, the same space, for they are opposing forces.

It is attributed to Einstein that total darkness is the absence of light and in that regard, that true faith is the absence of fear.

President Franklin Roosevelt famously asserted, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

I think he was right:

With fear we can’t have the courage we need to fight the good fight, or any fight for that matter.

A simple and useful definition of fear is: An anxious feeling, caused by our anticipation of some imagined event or experience.

And there are only five basic fears, out of which almost all of our other so-called fears are manufactured. These are:

Extinctionthe fear of annihilation, of ceasing to exist.

Mutilationthe fear of losing any part of our precious bodily structure; the thought of having our body’s boundaries invaded, or of losing the integrity of any organ, body part, or natural function. Anxiety about animals, such as bugs, spiders, snakes, and other creepy things arises from fear of mutilation.

Loss of Autonomythe fear of being immobilized, paralyzed, restricted, enveloped, overwhelmed, entrapped, imprisoned, smothered, or otherwise controlled by circumstances beyond our control

Separationthe fear of abandonment, rejection, and loss of connectedness; of becoming a non-personnot wanted,

Ego-deaththe fear of humiliation, shame, or any other mechanism of profound self-disapproval giving us a since of worthlessness.

FEAR!!! Why must we resist it?

I have heard fear is our friend; it keeps us from being burned, or getting hit by a car, or some other catastrophe. But, really is that fear, or educated awareness of danger to be resisted?

As Gary Richardson titled his book, Fear is not our friend.

What does fear do to us?

The consequences of being fear-based or operating from fear are extremely varied and insidious.

One consequence is that we tend to become narcissistic. When we’re caught in fear of being negatively impacted physically, financially, or psychologically. We automatically divert our focus from others or the environment and bring it into ourselves.
However God tells us to practice agape love, this means we put others needs above our own, which is in direct opposition to being narcissistic, which means being self-serving to the exclusion of all others.

We can also be drawn into a victim-like stance where we see ourselves as being unfairly taken advantage of or impacted by other people or circumstances. If we have given our lives to God, and then we know it is God that has been offended, not us, besides, we are blessed beyond compare.

When we come from fear, anger, guilt sadness, etc. the result is that we become a source of negative energy. We will never draw people to the truth through negative energy.

When we come from fear we tend to be more judgmental and critical of those people and situations we fear. Love doesn’t judge, fear does. Being judgmental is against God’s will. Do not judge, that is God’s job.

Fear limits our world view and life’s infinite possibilities. When we find ourselves in a difficult situation, fear can blind us to all the possibilities except a few versions of the old fight or flight alternatives

Inevitably when we undo the fear, we find a different way of “being” with the situation and other alternatives arise.

Another way that fear limits us is by shutting us off from the opportunity to try new endeavors, and meet new people, which we need to do to follow the command to take the word to the world, and being ready to prove it.

Fear’s voice is not our own even though it operates in our head. The great thing is that we don’t have to listen to it or follow it any more than we have to listen to a person who constantly lies to us and tries to mislead us. We must learn to listen to the voice of Truth, the Holy Spirit.

There is another part of our mind that knows that fear is not needed or helpful in most situations. For instance when we are suddenly confronted with a situation, such as a potential car accident, we automatically deal with it to avoid it, the fear doesn’t set in until we think about it later. Fear is all in the mind.

Fear of death, which many have said is our greatest fear. However, when someone absolutely knows they are about to die and there’s no way out, the fear of death can disappear and be replaced with perfect peace, clarity and calm.

When Jody and I worked as chaplains, one of our initial fears was how we would deal with someone facing death, the emotional part of it, however, what we found was there was no fear, no sorrow, no judgment, and no sadness. There was nothing but an amazingly profound presence of Love which was felt by everyone.

So again, I believe that part of our mind knows that fear is an illusion and we can step out of it at critical moments.

Another aspect of fear is that it takes us out of the present. We start dealing with a future potential problem, when in truth all we have is this moment in time. And, personally I have found the perceived problem isn’t nearly as bad as I expected.

What does the Bible say?

I have heard it said, and have repeated it that the bible says do not fear in one form or another, 365 times one time for each day. A book I recently read claimed 366 times, so there would be one extra for leap years..

There are two things to point out here:

* The Bible does tell us lots of times not be afraid. This message is not in doubt. God tells us to fear nothing and no one except for him and when we are told to fear God that is to respect Him, to respect His power. We are not to live in fear.

* Is it important how many times the bible tells us not to fear? No it is not important to salvation, but not fearing is important to our salvation.

Prayer without faith is not heard

How do we learn to resist fear?

So, is there a formula for dealing with fear, to turn the fear in our hearts and minds into faith in God?

First, have we really bought into who Christ is?

Have we really accepted God’s word as the ultimate truth, and His will as the best for us?

Do we mistake our desires for God’s will.

As Christians have we truly given our lives over to God, because if we have, it is no longer our life, but His, He gave it to us to do with as we pleased in the beginning (at birth) and now we have given it back to Him.

Remember there is one thing we should reject that has been offered by God; free will; we no longer accept free will, but God’s will in our lives.

So now we know it is His life to do with as He pleases, and what He wants us to do, will happen, remember Jonah and the big fish? We will end up in our Nineveh.

God will also use these times to teach us, and develop us until we are ready for His final plan for us.

In Your case, the environment you were previously in before coming here probably wasn’t open to God’s will for You, so He allowed Your situation to change, so you would have time to focus on Him for a bit.

As I have told you in previous lessons, God separates His people from the world, so step one has been accomplished, you have been separated from your people, your world, and now have time to give God your undivided attention, a time to learn, a time to grow. He does have a plan for you. Rest assured, it will happen, you will find your Nineveh.

He has a way to make all work to your good, if you love Him.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose. King James

James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works.

How do these two verses fit together? First of course, God makes all things work to the good of those who love Him, and in the second we can know our faith, by the works we are doing.

Most often people look at this as how we demonstrate our faith to others, which is true, however I believe it is also how we demonstrate to ourselves we are a child of God, we do not always know why we are in the situation we are in, or doing the things we are doing, however, our faith that He is in control tells us we are in His will, because as His servant, His adopted child, all things will work to our good, and so we are either doing His will, or are in the molding phase for a future work.

I would like to quote from the book “Fear is Never Your Friend” by Gary L Richardson [page 89 90]:

“The Bible tells me that as human beings we will fail and make bad decisions that will cause us to despair. But we also find that through those experiences, we will learn and grow” Gary L Richardson


“When we accept salvation, we give up our will what we want in order to serve our Savior and live in His perfect will. And thats the only truly fulfilling choice.


Gary quotes from Oswald Chambers who in his bestseller, My Utmost for His Highest, says;

“Joy comes from seeing the complete fulfillment of the specific purpose for which I was created and born again, not from successfully doing something of my own choosing.”

So at this I think we have established a few facts;

Fear and Faith cannot occupy the same space at the same time

Accepting faith over fear allows you to reject fear because you understand everything that happens to you, and the reason you do anything, good or bad, has been caused or allowed by God’s will for your own good.

Ok, this is probably the big question in most minds,


How do we really allow faith to occupy the only space we have?

How do we resist the fear that is common among all men?

Our fear is based on what we experienced in the past, the things we see happening around us and our thoughts that usually imagine the worst.

For example: If opposition to the Christian faith is increasing around us, we worry that we might have to quit our evangelizing work and remain silent.

If a friend betrayed our trust, we are afraid it will happen again.

If we start thinking about the possibilities of political turmoil, travel accidents, persecution, martyrdom, family problems, difficulties in our marriage, failing health, disunity in the church, power struggles among the prisonersand a thousand other terrible thingswe will not have a single peaceful day.

Allow me to share one more story with you:

What has helped me is:

Through study of both Scriptures, and a study of apologetics, I have gained an “intellectual” faith, I know in my mind it is all true, for it has been proven.

I have prayer, and continue to pray for the Holy Spirit to speak to me reminding me when I am tempted to fear something, to resist that fear, to replace it with faith, true faith, knowing this trouble will also pass.

An African tribe teaches its children that when they are chased by a devouring monster they must stop running, turn and face it, and hold out their hand and say, “Give me a gift.”

I learned this 30 or 40 years ago and tried it, and it works.

My father in law, Ted Rauh, now pushing 90 real hard, and we are now facing the challenge of dementia, was one of the strongest men I have ever met, always seemed completely fearless.

He lied about his age when world war II started, and joined the Army, found himself under the command of General George Patten.

By age 17 he had won the bronze star for bravery, and the purple heart.

He spent 20 years in the federal prison system as a guard. As a devout Christian he was not allowed to bring the bible to the prison to teach to the prisoners, so he memorized literally hundreds if not thousands of verses, he could quote verses for more than a half hour at machine gun speed. But he did this so he could take the message to the prisoners without the help of written material.

Anytime something worrisome or fearful would rear its ugly head he would say “come on trouble where are ya? ”

He always claimed he feared neither man nor beast and I never saw the look of worry or fear in his eyes.

Somewhere along the line he made a decision to resist all fear, this was a choice we can all make.

However, we need a path, direction to how to make the right decision concerning fear, worry, or anxiety.

In the face of all these real-life threats, the Bible tells us:

Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice! (Philippians 4:4)

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God (Philippians 4:6).

Rejoice always; pray without ceasing; in everything give thanks; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus (1 Thessalonians 5:1618).

Are we to close our eyes to reality? The truth is, the world we live in is not getting better, we live in a fallen world that is on a downhill slope to the depths of hell.

We are surrounded by wars, terrorism, persecution, sickness. As Christians, we are not immune to life’s struggles as long as we live in this fallen world.

In addition, Satan is our enemy, and we are constantly engaged in a spiritual battle.

God doesn’t ask us to close our eyes to reality or pretend that nothing negative can ever happen to us.

Instead, God wants us to change our focus from the fearful things of this earth to Him.

Only when I look at my heavenly Father can I put all the threatening things that surround me in this world in the right perspective.

It then will become real to me that:

My heavenly Father loves me: “… for the Father Himself loves you” (John 16:27).

He knows every one of my needs: “… for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things” (Matthew 6:32).

He cares for me: “… casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you” (1 Peter 5:7).

He bears my burden: “Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burden” (Psalm 68:19).

He doesn’t want me to worry: “Be anxious for nothing” (Philippians 4:6).

He invites me to tell Him all my concerns: “… in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God” (Philippians 4:6).

He is all-powerful: “For nothing will be impossible with God” (Luke 1:37).

He is well able to rescue me from whatever I face: “… our God whom we serve is able to deliver us” (Daniel 3:17).

If He chooses for me to go through trials, He is with me and brings me safely through: “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil; for Thou art with me” (Psalm 23:4).

There is nothing He would not do for me: “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:32).

Learning to focus on my heavenly Father will replace my fear with faith. Faith will enable me to rejoice and give thanks, like the apostle Paul wrote in 1 Thessalonians 5:1618, because I trust Him to have a solution for me.

It will give me peace in the midst of a storm, because I know He can handle my situation.

It assures me that He knows all the unknowns of my life and that I am safe in His arms.

Faith is what pleases God and what moves His hand to work on my behalf (Hebrews 11:6; Matthew 21:22).

Faith is the shield with which I must protect myself during an attack from Satan. With it I will be able to extinguish all the flaming missiles of the enemy (Ephesians 6:16).

I challenge you to practice replacing your fear with faith.

Each time your circumstances or imagination fills you with fear, stop entertaining your fearful thoughts.

Instead, meditate on each of the Bible verses I listed about focusing on our heavenly Father.

Face your real fears, and your imaginary fears with the same force, demand a gift from it… the gift of fearless faith from the father.

As you do, look at your situation or fear in the light of each verse, and ask God to make His Word alive to you. If going through these Scriptures once is not enough to replace your fear with faith, do it five, 10 or 20 timesuntil your spirit is able to believe God’s Word. If the same fear attacks you two days, three weeks or five years later, go through the Scriptures again.

This is what I do when I am afraid or when faced with problems. The Scriptures I cling to may vary with different situations, but the end result must be faith; otherwise, there will be no victory.

After you have learned how to replace fear with faith, teach it to others so that they too will become strong in the Lord our God.