This Moment in Time

by Victor Davis

At this moment in my life, the season I am in is one directed by the HOLY SPIRIT. By breaking bread with believers, not being selfish or conceited but by being like-minded, I humbly allow others to supply and share their gifts with me so that we may all grow in the love of CHRIST.

I’m not fully mature yet, but through chastening and obedience I’m learning how to apply my motives, feelings, affections, desires, aims, principles, thoughts, and intellect to HIS will for my life. By working here at the Chapel, I am gleaning wisdom from the elder volunteers who donate their time as well as offer advice from their life experiences.

By taking advantage of programs offered during the day and through study materials, through practical application of them, I have gained insight and instruction. Therefore, I am allowing YAHWEH to enable me to become a more efficient steward over HIS talents as well as HIS house.

In showing me how to keep the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, HE is preparing me for CHRIST, our Passover…who was sacrificed for us.

A Purified Heart

by Victor Davis
Before I came to prison, my ego was not well formed. This fact was marked by a lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility; I could procreate, but spiritually, I was a child, an apostate.
I lived life according to my own philosophical values, although I believed YAHSHUA, I was my own idol, as a womanizer, substance abuser, and worst of all, an unreliable parent.
On January 10, 2014, I officially went into DOC custody, and everything I ever feared in my mind became a reality and a nightmare from which I could not awaken. It was a surreal experience.
Within a year’s time, I received the wages of my sins. Everything in which I found my identity and everyone I found security with, were taken away from me. My life was desolated.
During my incarceration, over the course of time I began to re-establish my relationship with YAHVEH, through prayer, faith, and by being a Berean.
In addition to this, HE started to answer my prayers, even if those answers didn’t come in the form I thought they would. However, YAHVEH pruned my heart through these things.
I have come to accept, YAHSHUA as YAHVEH, as well as my eternal SAVIOR. I have learned to be content and steadfast by trusting on HIM solely for all of my needs through endurance and not by relying on the things of the world that used to believe define me.
So, what has YAHSHUA done for me since I’ve been incarcerated? HE refined my heart by giving me HIS character.