According to a Pew Research Center study 50% of our children raised in the Church come home from college as Atheists.
Most of us realize something seriously has gone wrong in America, and the world.
Every time I think we have hit bottom, I see us sinking, once again, deeper (as a nation, and world) to a new level of depravity.
For instance, how many of us would have ever dreamed we could send our children to a university, and they would come home atheist and believing in such nonsense as men can have babies?
Now that I am among the elderly at age 75, I often find myself asking what happened to the America I knew as a child?
The strange thing is I also remember the elderly 65 years ago asking the same questions I am asking today.
I don’t really know how the change began, but I do know two things…. It started with the young, and it started a long time ago.
The most important question is how we can change this downward trend.
The children are the foundation of all civilizations… they are our future, and this is where the return to sanity and faith must begin.
When I consider prison reform, which is actually prisoner reform begins when they are children… by changing their direction early.
But…. How do we do that?
The following 5 things represent a good start.
5 Reasons To Teach Apologetics To Your Children
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By Tatiana
October 25, 2019
5 Reasons To Teach Apologetics To Your Children
Apologetics has become a very important part of my life. I’m the type of person that needs to fully understand the why, behind every because. For ten years I’ve read countless books on Christian theology, attended conferences, and taken classes at church. I can say whole-heartedly say that I know why I believe what I believe, however, it wasn’t until recently that I felt a calling to share not only what I’ve learned, but to urge my family to always be ready.
Studies show we are losing our kids to the world in elementary, middle school, and high school and not in just in college as previously thought.
I want to challenge you into digging into God’s word deeper. I want to encourage you to teach your children more than Bible stories, and I want to help you promote a true desire for knowing God personally through His word and His creation.
- Teach apologetics to encourage a well-rooted foundation.
If you’re a believer, you’ve either read or narrated the Genesis account of creation to your children. We see it as history, as fact, as truth and we present it as such. When our children are young, they believe every word, until one day they don’t.
When they start to question what we’ve taught them we refer them to scripture and tell them of the love of Jesus. There’s nothing wrong with this of course, but we must teach our kids why we believe what we believe.
If we teach them why they will be less likely to fall prey to false teachings.
- Teach apologetics to assure them of the authority of ALL scripture.
My Pastor always says that the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible.
All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17
Every word is inspired, not just the parts we like, the parts we agree with, or the parts that are politically correct. We can trust it completely, and we are to take it literally.
- Teach apologetics to bring them to a deeper relationship with God.
If what the Bible says about God’s character is true, then our commitment to Him must be absolute.
If His love is as deep as the Bible says it is, our sole purpose of living ought to be to please Him.
Coming to a full understanding of who He is, will bring our children and ourselves to true worship.
- Teach apologetics to equip them with answers to the hard questions.
Where did God come from?
Why do you believe the Bible is the word of God?
How can a God of love allow suffering in the world?
What if, you had to narrate the creation account to an atheist?
The argument most well-meaning-Christians use against the unbelief of an atheist is: it’s in the Bible. What those same well-meaning-Christians ought to remember is that the Bible holds no authority in an unbeliever’s life. How then will you make a case for Christ, the cross and the resurrection?
- Teach apologetics because you are commanded to do so.
Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
Proverbs 22:6
Teach them diligently.
And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7
Here are a few Resouces for teaching your children.
Foundation world view: Christian apologetics for kids
Apologetics questions every Christian Parent Needs to Learn
Child Size Apologetics