I Wanted To Die (part two) From inside prison walls

“The Mysterious Figure” by Fred L. Durbin

dejected, I climbed out of the car, approached the front door, and just stood there —   motionless... (excerpt from part one.)

The babies yelled, “daddy’s home, daddy’s home, ” as I entered  the house “Play with us daddy, play with us, ” they  pleaded. Disregarding their persistent pleas, I walked in the kitchen where I saw my wife cooking supper. I told her I was going to the bedroom and wanted to be left alone and asked her to keep  the babies out.

The room was dark and stayed dark as I fell upon the bed. Some time later I arose, walked to the closet,

reached up, grabbed the shoe box, and began to feel for the Derringer. It wasn’t there! I knew it had to be there. No one else knew where I kept it, not even my  wife. Dismayed and angry, I returned supine on the bed, and in the darkness, with eyes shut, I asked GOD to take my life.

Half an hour or so later, suddenly, without a knock, the door flew open. Light illuminating from the kitchen made its way down the hall enveloped this huge silhouette. I was mystified! “Who and what?” I thought to myself as this “mysterious figure” entered the room. He calmly walked in, sat on my bed, and began to speak. His words began to penetrate my spirit and soul. The next thing I knew, I was sitting up and crying on his shoulder, literally bawling my eyes out.

After speaking to me, and to this day,

I have no recollection of what he said. He hugged me and began to pray. As he prayed, the presence of GOD overtook my broken spirit and began to heal my broken heart.

I don’t know how long I was wailing and don’t know how long he was there; all I know is a heavy-burden lifted off my shoulders and a peace beyond description overwhelmed me. As he stood up to leave, I thanked him and told him how much relief I felt.

After he left, I arose from the bed, walked to the bathroom, washed my face with cold water, dried off, and walked into the kitchen where I saw my wife loading the dishwasher. The babies yelled out from the living room floor “daddy, daddy.” I gave my wife a kiss, then jumped on the floor, grabbing and rolling with our babies in laughter.

As I sat to eat supper, I asked my wife how her uncle wound up in our bedroom. She replied that she heard a knock on the door, and it was Manuel. Manuel asked me where you were and I told him you were down the hall in the bedroom. He said “okay.” I asked her if she knew he was coming, and she said she didn’t. She said she had no idea why he wanted to talk to me.

Later on that night, as I laid in bed reflecting on the mysterious day’s events, my curiosity began to set in, and I wanted to know how Manuel knew I was in such distress. Before falling asleep, I made a mental note that I would call Manuel the next afternoon when he got in from work. I had to know!


Part three of this three part story will appear in the next edition ofthe “G-1 Newsletter. ”


Press On: From inside prison walls

by John Wood, G-1 Chapter Sponsor

“Brothers I do not consider myselfto have yet taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which GOD has called me heavenward in CHRIST JESUS ” —Philippians 3:13-14

For many years, this has been my “life ” verse. It has challenged me in many ways as a follower of JESUS. Although I have walked with the LORD for many years, like Paul I do not consider myself to have arrived or “taken hold of it; ” with “it” being the eternal glory I will have with my LORD and SAVIOR someday.

Paul’s emphasis on forgetting what is behind is crucial for all of us to be able to move in the direction of GOD’s calling and to not allow ourselves to be crippled by our pasts.

We must learn from our pasts so as to not make the same mistakes or commit the same sins again, but we can’t live in the past or we will never attain a full, personal relationship with the LORD.

I was a competitive long-distance runner for many years, and so I understand what it means to “press on.” In all the races I ran in over nearly a 40 year career, I never started a race that I did not finish.

There were many times I wanted to quit, but I managed to “press on ” toward the finish line. It is with that same determination (and even more) that I join the Apostle Paul in pressing on toward the goal of finishing life’s race and crossing the finish line in heaven.

I challenge all followers of JESUS who read this to “forget what is behind” and keep “pressing on.” Remembering that we are not running this race alone, that CHRIST is our strength, and that we are day-by-day achieving our eternal glory as we do not grow weary or give up!

My Passion

by Michael Geiger

(Michael is a prisoner at the Dick Conner's Correctional Center in Hominy OK. This is a message he posted to the G-1 newsletter, an inside newsletter dedicated to the Christian movement, by the prisoners)

I don’t know how, but music can really open the heart of emotions. We see the devil at work every time we turn on the TV, in movies, and in games, yet, I see more movies about faith and JESUS than I ever have before. Then I see a new age of passion.

My hope is that those who have doubt and do not believe, now believe. JESUS told Thomas “Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed” (John 20:29).

We all have a call from GOD. As Scripture says, we all have talents that GOD has blessed us with, but we need to take hold and accept those gifts and talents.

GOD can and will move in our lives if we will allow HIM to. JESUS said for us to take heart because HE has overcome the world (the devil).

Take heart in all we do and give glory to GOD in all things, whether good or bad. GOD is with us and has our best interest, at heart.

I pray the message of GOD will be spread by you as well. GOD bless.

Prison Report for June 2016

Park Plaza Prison Ministry Report 06/15/16

Tulsa County Jail. On Pace to deliver 5,000 Classroom lessons this year into David L. Moss or Tulsa Co. Jail.  Jim Pinkston & Francisco Davila teach the men. Ron Babbet teaches with us men when his schedule allowes.  Four ladies go to the women’s pods every Friday for the last two and one half years, to teach.  Elaine Russell, Carol Siling, Teresa Hawkins and Alison Valentine. Jody Gilkey’s job has caused her to take a break from this ministry for a while.  We have just received permission to teach in the third POD #18 on Thursday afternoons. This will have us teaching in all the lady pods. Carl Moore and Zeth Parkhurst have finished the training and have received their badges. Zeph is teaching with Jim and the hearing impaired. On June 11, 2016 over 100 inmates were baptized at DLM. 79 were the students of the Park Plaza Prison Ministry. Bill Hamrick, Ron Hass and Ralph Hunter Church of Christ preachers also go into DLM between us all the men’s pods are visited each week. So far this year Park teachers have baptized 233 precious souls into Christ at the jail


Creek Co. Jail is a new work started by Terry. He takes Celebrate Recovery into the jail every Monday and on Friday afternoon New Life Behavior.  Due to this ministry going into Creek County, The inmates there studied salvation and 107 were baptized into Christ. Over 20 of these are Terry’s students.  The last time Creek held baptisms was 5 years prior to these. David Stikes now has his badge and is teaching there.


John H. Lilly Correctional Center.  Terry teaches New Life Behavior, Thinking for a change, and sponsors Celebrate Recovery. He is also the Assistant Chaplin. Roger Bentley has received his training and got his badge and has started helping Terry at John Lilly. Bryan Campbell is helping on Saturdays with CR. On Wednesday April 13, 2016 Terry baptized two men into Christ.


Dick Connors Correctional Center.  Jim has worked there since 1990. Elaine started a couple of years later. Jim teaches NLB Lessons and CASA.  He also teaches in the faith based unit and preaches there four evenings each month. Tuesday night Oct.20, 2015 one inmate was baptized during the service the Park Plaza Prison Ministry did. On November 4 another young man was baptized into Christ. Jim and Jody Carmichael, Elaine Russell help and Booker leads singing when he can. Jim’s wife Jean now has her badge and is going with the group to the services there. So far this year we have had four baptisms there.

Prison Apologetics:

Jim Carmichael is about to complete the first course in Christian Apologetic training at Dick Conners Correctional Center. This class will be continued, and we will be starting a new session very soon.

Correspondence. 35 packages of 6 to 7 lessons mailed to many prisons in Oklahoma.  Every two weeks = 228 lessons x 2 = 456 per month or 5,472 per year.  We have several helpers that show up every other Tuesday night to grade all of these and get them ready to mail. John Ulrich is helping with this work each week. Many of these are people we studied with at Tulsa and Creek County Jail and have gone on to prison. This is one way we keep up with them.


Re-entry program. (Hope City) It houses four men at this time.  Randy Milam is the onsite manager.  We have the space for five.  Two units are being remodeled to where it can handle seven.  We also have a RV that is being plumed at this time to where it can house one making the total eight.  One of these men (Bryan Campbell) is being trained to go into the prisons and be a full time minister like Jim Pinkston and Terry Finch.  He has a degree in bible and masters in drug & alcohol counseling.  Through the ministry he was funded for these while incarcerated.  He will receive his badge in January. In the last year and one half over twenty men have been helped and are closer to Jesus because of this great ministry. Two of these men have their own business today and employ several ex-offenders.


Advisory Board.  The board is made up of eight men.  James Ivy, Ken Williams, Steve Stade, Scott Blackwell, Gary Medley, Mark Clayton, Randy Milam and Kevin Neiman.  Jim & Terry are the recruiters for the applicants.  The board decides who is approved to enter the reentry program.  They go by a set of guidelines approved by the Elders. The board also oversees the operation of the program.


Future Plans. To continue with the programs that are now being successful and just see where God leads us in 2016.


Baptisms from this work

2010                            94

2011                            109

2012                            139

2013                            259

2014                            406

2015                            382

2016 Jan Tulsa County 56 March Tulsa County 85 As of April 1 2016 Dick Connors 6 John Lilley At Boley 7. = 154 plus 79 at DLM 6-11-16 = 233 So Far in 2016

Total                          1622 Since 2010 That we know of.


To put this in perspective, 1622 would more than fill first & second service at Park Central. 

Impossible without your support.

“Jesus did it!!!”




Jim Pinkston

Terry Finch  

Elaine Russell

Booker Murphy

Jerona Robey

Jim & Jody Carmichael

Francisco Davila

Carol Siling

Teresa Hawkins

Alison Valentine

Jody Gilkey




Tulsa County Jail


Carl Moore & Zeth Parkhurst  have finished their training and will soon receive their badges. They will be teaching the hearing impaired at Tulsa County Jail.


Lori Varnell & Jan Upton have finished their training and will soon receive their badges. They will be teaching the ladies with the other Park Plaza ladies at Tulsa County Jail.


Creek County Jail


David Stikes & Jody Gilkey will soon receive their training and receive their badges and start teaching at the Jail.




Roger Bentley, Brian Campbell and John Ulrich will receive their badges and start teaching at this prison with Terry.


Dick Connors Correctional Center


Jim Pinkston has started teaching in the Faith Based Unit. This is a program where every inmate in the unit is a believer in God. The men stay in this unit for eighteen months and spend there time studying Gods word.

Jim’s wife Jean is getting her badge and will start going to Dick Connors with the group soon.

Jim Carmichael will start teaching Apologetics the first Monday of April. That is how to defend the Christian Faith.

New Classes will begin the first of July on Tuesdays.




Faith & Character Program at Dick Conner’s Correctional Center

by Jarrod R

“…chose you this day whom ye will serve…” – Joshua 24:15

The vision I have for the Faith and Character Program here at DCCC is that it continues to strike deep in the hearts of all those who are truly trying to change and better themselves, taking accountability for the choices they have made ad will make.

Sice we are all in the business of making choices, m hope is that before these choices are made, some thought goes into them.

Many of us get caught in the moment and regret some of those choices.

Having a relationship with GOD will point us in the right direction “GOD is faithful b whom (we) were called into the fellowship of HIS SON JESUS CHRIST our LORD (1 Corinthians 1:9).

Since there are consequences to every action, and the choices you make today could be the situation you deal with in the future.

Spreading kindness and positive vibes can only benefit all those who are involved. The love you have for your fellow human beings is the love that you shall receive one way or another! 1 John 4:7 commands: “Beloved, let us love on another; for love is of GOD.” Pay it forward and you shall be blessed beyond anything you have ever known.

Change is not easy, but it is always necessary as the world turns; so we shall move with our best foot forward and our heads to the sky, leaving a positive print on this earth that never will be destroyed. Love yourselves and love each other. JESUS said; “This is my commandment, that ye love one another, as I have loved you” – John 15:12.

Remember, it is never too late to change.

The FCCP is looking for individuals who have made up their minds that they want something different out of this life and realize they have something positive to contribute to humanity.

We are looking for those who truly want to change for the better.

“…be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind.” – Romans 12:2

Thoughts From Isaiah

by Gary J. D—  (inmate & “inside preacher”  in Oklahoma prison system)

GOD’s words given to Isaiah through the HOLY SPIRIT are rich in prophecy, particularly in warnings of the impending judgments to fall upon the nation of Israel. The book, written during the time of the divided kingdom, speaks of the coming MESSIAH, and although “the Church “is not mentioned in the writings, the implications are prominent, especially in chapter 7, verse 14. In that passage, we’re introduced to “EMMANUEL.”

In Isaiah’s words, we learn much about our HOLY GOD As HIS  attributes, expectations, and promises are made clear when HE deals through HIS prophet, with a rebellious, divided nation. Isaiah presents a Chrystal clear view of GOD’s grace, of the judgments to be unleashed upon the enemies of GOD’s people, and the blessings to be extended to the Gentiles through the MESSIAH.

GOD’s grace and HIS kindness as our loving FATHER are evident. The guilt of sin having been established (v.15, “your hands are full of blood”), the “white as snow” imagery of v.17 demonstrates the power of GOD’s grace to purify the greatest iniquity and remove the guilt of sin. Verse 19 stresses that forgiveness is the product of true repentance. GOD’s HOLINESS demands this cleansing and HIS GRACE provides forgiveness through obedience.

Our HOLY GOD requires praise and worship from us today, just as HE did in previous ages. Psalms 146-150, among others, begin with “Praise ye the LORD.” Chapter 25 in Isaiah is a song of praise, and it asks for GOD’s favor upon Israel. Within this chapter, GOD’s loving empathy is identified: “HE will swallow up death in victory; and the LORD GOD will wipe away tears from off all faces” (v.8). We are to “exalt” GOD and Praise” (HIS) names (v.1).

Israel has been taken captive in exile and all is seemingly hopeless for this destitute people, chosen by GOD. Israel, imaged as a “barren woman,” is told to “fear not; for thou shall not be ashamed” (54:4) The “shame” and “reproach” of Israel’s sins was the catalyst for its captivity in Egypt, its exile in Babylon, and for its dispersion, at the time of Isaiah’s writing (712 B.C.); the future kingdom, prophesied here, will be a glorious time of redemption.

Galatians 4:28, “Now we, brethren, as Isaac, are the children of promise,” speaks to the promises of GOD to Christian believers because we, also, are “spiritual heirs” to the promises given to Abraham (3:29). We, New Testament Christians…the church…have “all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in CHRIST” (Romans 8:16-17)

Through rebellion and captivity, GOD remembered HIS people, Israel, and HIS promises to them. Isaiah, often acknowledged as the chief prophet, created a prophetic portrait of redemption and an undeniable image of GOD’s unlimited grace and faithfulness.

As CHRISTIANS, GOD’s nature and attributes are made even more clear because we have the words, works, and promises of the CHRIST, “GOD with us,” as prophesied in Isiah. “Fear not,” for HE is the “Alpha and Omega” (Revelation 21:6), the  “LORD of GLORY” (James 2:1) and the “LORD of all” (Acts 10:3, 6). Have you trusted HIM with your eternity?

“And this is the record that God hath given to us eternal life, and this life is in HIS SON.” – 1 John 5:11






Criminal to Christian

Would You Contribute One Dollar?

Helping Criminals become Christians

To help a criminal leave prison as a Christian, not a better trained  Criminal?


Mohammed and His Religion

I would like to share with you a post from Eric Obeng Asante

Preacher at Church of Christ / Gospel Preacher Planning Churches Of Christ In Africa

Studied at Southern Africa Bible College
Lives in Johannesburg, South Africa
From Accra, Ghana


Here’s what I noticed, much like the civil rights movement in America, the most successful activist who became known as one of our greatest leaders was Dr. Martin Luther King, who sought reform through peaceful, yet forceful & determination.

Those who seek reform through violence, are always forgotten, and have much less success.

Christianity has evangelized the world through mostly peaceful means, sharing the word of God, and the message of salvation through peaceful loving methods, and when the truth is heard, people are converted, worlds are won for Christ.

Yet while the Muslim world evangelizes by the sword, and they have temporary victories, and always , ultimately loses.  They do not worship the loving God of heaven but the Hating God of this world.


The founder of Islam was Mohammed, born at Mecca, in Arabia, A.D. 570. He began his career as prophet and reformer in 610, when forty years old. At first disciples were won slowly, but his cause grew sufficiently to meet with persecution.

He fled from Mecca in A.D. 622, and his flight, called the Hegira, supplies the date from which the Mohammedan calendar is reckoned. He succeeded in bringing under his religion and authority the scattered Arabian tribes, and returned as a conqueror to Mecca. When he died, in A.D. 632, he was the accepted prophet and ruler throughout Arabia.

His religion is named Islam, “submission,” that is, obedience to the will of God; and his followers are called Moslem — the name “Mohammedan” being never used by them. The articles of their faith, as stated by themselves are:

that there is one God, whom they name Allah, the word being of common origin with the similar Hebrew word “Elohim”;

that all events whether good or evil have been foreordained by God, consequently in every act they are carrying out God’s will;

that there are multitudes of angels, good and bad, invisible yet constantly dealing with men;

that God has given his revelation in the Koran, a series of messages communicated to Mohammed through the Angel Gabriel, though they were not collected until after the prophet’s death;

that God has sent inspired prophets to men, of whom the four greatest have been Adam, Moses, Jesus, and, above all others, Mohammed;

all the biblical prophets, the Christian apostles, and the saints who lived before Mohammed having been recognized and adopted as their own;

that in the hereafter there will be a final resurrection, judgment, and heaven or hell for every man.

At first Mohammed relied on moral influences in preaching his message; but soon changed his methods and became a warrior, leading his united and fierce Arabs to the conquest of unbelievers. To each land or tribe they gave the alternatives of Islam, tribute, or death to those who resisted their arms. Mohammed was succeeded by a series of caliphs who built up a vast empire by the sword.

Palestine and Syria were soon conquered; and the holy places of Christianity fell under the power of Islam. Province after province of the Greco-Roman Empire was seized, and soon all that was left was the city of Constantinople, so that all the lands of early Christianity became subject. Where the Christians submitted, their worship was permitted under restrictions. Eastward the empire of the caliphs extended beyond Persia into India. Their capital was at Bagdad on the Tigris.

Westward, their conquests included Egypt, all northern Africa, and the greater part of Spain. Nearly all of this vast empire was gained within a hundred years after “the prophet’s” death. But its progress in western Europe was stopped in southern France by Charles Martel, who rallied the discordant tribes under the leadership of the Franks, and won a decisive victory at Tours in A.D. 732. But for the battle of Tours, it is possible that all Europe might have been a Mohammedan continent, and the crescent have taken the place of the cross.

It is an interesting question — why did the Mohammedan religion and arms triumph over the oriental world? We may name some of the causes. The earliest believers in Mohammed were the fierce, warlike Arabs, never conquered by a foreign foe, who followed their prophet with a sincere, intense, all-conquering faith. They believed that they were accomplishing the will of God, and were destined to succeed. Everyone who fell in battle with the unbelievers was destined to enter an immediate heaven of sensual delight.

Against this virile, unconquered, and conquering spirit was the weakened, submissive nature of the Asiatic Greeks. From remote ages those lands had submitted meekly to conquerors. Their people had lost their vigor, would rather surrender than draw the sword, and pay tribute in preference to defending their liberty. Vast numbers of those in the Greek Empire were churchmen and monks, ready to pray but not to fight.

The Islam religion was far superior to the paganism which it displaced in Arabia and the lands east of that peninsula; and, it must be admitted, stronger than the type of “Christianity” which it met and overcame. The Eastern Church, unlike the Western, had long ceased missionary effort, had lost its energy, and was inclined to speculation, rather than to moral or spiritual effort.

In the religion of Mohammed at its best there were, and still are to be found, some favorable aspects, elements of value to the world. One was its simplicity of doctrine. It believed in One God, whom it was every man’s duty to obey implicitly. It had no mysterious intricate system of theology, giving rise to interminable, useless controversies. There was no need of scholarship to understand the articles of the Mohammedan faith.

Another trait of the Islam religion was its opposition to image worship. Throughout the Christian world the statues of the old gods and goddesses of Greece had simply given place to images and pictures of the Virgin Mary and the saints, which were worshiped in all the churches. The Moslems cast them out, destroyed them, and denounced all adoration of images, whether carved or painted, as idolatry.

The Mohammedans rejected also all priestly and saintly mediation. The church of that world made salvation depend, not on simple faith in Christ and obedience to him as Lord, but on priestly rites and the intercession of departed saints. The Mohammedans swept all these away, and in their doctrine, brought every soul face to face with God.

Throughout the Moslem world is the rule of abstinence from strong drink. The first “temperance society” in the world’s history was the Nazirites in Israel; and its successor on a larger scale was the Mohammedan religion, which forbade the faithful to drink wine or strong liquor. This is still held as a principle, but is not universally followed where Mohammedans live in contact with Europeans.

In the early period, under the caliphs, literature and science were promoted. The Arabians gave us the numerals, 1, 2, 3, etc., which were a great advance on the Roman system of notation through letters. In astronomy, they made one of the earliest catalogues of the stars. The court of the caliphs at Bagdad was a literary center. Mohammedan Spain was higher in culture and civilization than the “Christian” kingdoms of the period in that peninsula. But all intellectual progress ceased when the barbaric Turks succeeded the enlightened Saracens as leaders of the Mohammedan world.

Not to make our picture of Islam more favorable than the truth would warrant, we must notice on the other side some areas wherein Mohammedanism has failed, i.e., its errors and its evils. A major wrong to humanity was in its method of missionary enterprise through the sword, promoting hate among men instead of love. Wherever a city resisted their conquest, its men were put to death, the women were placed in the harems of the victors, and the children were brought up in the Moslem faith. For many centuries the Turks made a regular practice of seizing untold thousands of “Christian” children, tearing them away from their parents, and bringing them up in distant provinces as bigoted devotees of Islam.

In the old Islamic conception, the state and the church were absolutely one, and the government was expected to use its power to the utmost for the promotion of the true religion and the suppression of false faith. Prior to World War I, the Sultan of Turkey was also recognized as Caliph (“successor of Mohammed”). When Turkey became a republic, the Sultan was dethroned and the Caliphate abolished. Other changes have taken place with the modernization of Turkey: One significant fact was the translation of the Koran into the vernacular. At Istanbul, in 1932, the Koran was read in the mosque of Sancta Sophia for the first time in Turkish.

The Mohammedan conception of God is based on the Old Testament [a misunderstanding, at that], rather than the New Testament. God is portrayed as a fierce, relentless Oriental despot, with no love for humanity outside the followers of the Prophet [Mohammed]. [Such, of course, ignores the many passages which assert the universal love of Jehovah.]

Islam practically leaves Christ out of its doctrinal scheme. In the Mohammedan view he is not the Lord of the heavenly kingdom, the Son of God, the Savior of men; but is reduced to the rank of a Jewish prophet, inferior in every respect to Mohammed.

Its conception of heaven, the abode of the blessed in the life to come, is totally devoid of spirituality and is altogether sensual.

One of the most debasing traits of the Mohammedan religion was its degradation of womanhood. Women were looked upon merely as the slaves or playthings of men. Modern Turkey has remedied this condition, and in 1930 gave women the right to be electors and to be elected at municipal elections. But outside Turkey, women are held in small respect in the Mohammedan world.

In the field of history and politics, perhaps the most striking failure of the Mohammedan state has been in the realm of national administration. The Mohammedan leaders were amazing in their conquests, sweeping in a resistless torrent across continents from China to Spain. But they showed no power for wise, just government of the empires which they founded. Islam lands were the worst governed on earth. Contrast the history of the Turks in this respect with that of the ancient Romans, who showed that they could not only win a great empire, but could rule it wisely, bringing prosperity to every land which they had conquered.

NOTE: Max Muller (1823-1900) of Oxford University was one of the most learned and popular scholars of his day. In an article published in Nineteenth Century magazine (February, 1894), Professor Muller argued that Mohammed was quite familiar with both the Old and New Testaments, referring to them as the Word of God, and that he had a regard for Jesus, speaking of the Lord in higher terms than Abraham. Mohammed’s favorite wife was well acquainted with Christianity. Muller says, however, that the form of “Christianity” to which Mohammed was exposed was exceedingly corrupt. Consequently, he turned away from it.

The Unity of the SPIRIT by Gary J. Doby

The Unity of the SPIRIT

“…be filled with the knowledge of HIS will in all wisdom and spiritual understanding… “—Colossians 1:9

Saturdays have become spiritually special, a time of true Christian blessings. A dozen or so of us meet for about 90 minutes and discuss “The True Gospel of CHRIST versus the False Gospel of Carnal Christianity,” a book by J.R. Shelton. The text and its accompanying Study Guide are published by Mount Zion Bible Institute.

While we’re pleased that Chaplain Johnson provided such a pertinent study about this timely topic, what has been gained by the participants far exceeds topical knowledge. We have been drawn together by the HOLY SPIRIT in “one body, and one SPIRIT” to study and carry with unity the proclamation of “One LORD, one faith, one baptism, one GOD and FATHER of all…” (Ephesians 4:4, 5-6). As Paul put it, we are “Endeavoring to keep the unity of the SPIRIT in the bond of peace” (v.3).

As CHRISTIANS, followers of our LORD and SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, we are commanded to adhere to the teachings of Scripture. They hold the power to lead us from sin to obedience as the authority of GOD’S WORD cleanses us from ALL sin and iniquity.

JESUS spoke these words in John 15:3: “Now ye are clean through the WORD which I have spoken unto you.”

Purification, the process of the “perfection of the saints for the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12), includes more than CHRISTIAN living. Purification demands that CHRISTIANS “come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the SON of GOD” (v.13) as the HOLY SPIRIT’s power grows in us.

This “unity” is what Shelton calls “the true Gospel of JESUS CHRIST, ” the truth that lies in the revealed verac­ity of CHRISTIAN teaching. Harmony among believers is the product of the HOLY SPIRIT’s leading into sound BIBLICAL doctrine. As Paul directed the elders of the CHRISTIAN church at Ephesus (Acts 20:32):

“I commend you to GOD, and to the WORD of HIS grace,
which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.”

Why these directives are imperative to “the unity of the faith” lies in the fact that GOD’s HOLY WORD directs us securely to the “Knowledge of the SON of GOD,” a profound understanding of CHRIST through continual, “fervent” prayer, committed study of HIS WORD, and living in obedience to HIS commands.

Paul wrote (II Corinthians 3:18) that we “are changed into the same image,” which is manifest in CHRISTLIKENESS. Through the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT, CHRISTIANS are progressively transformed, being perfected through CHRIST, as we grow in knowl­edge of HIM and in commitment to HIM.

GOD is pleased when HE observes in us the attributes of JESUS, “the fullness of CHRIST” (Ephesians 4:13). We are called to “Let this mind be in you that was also in CHRIST JESUS” (Philippians 2:5). The bench work for us is the spiritual integrity of JESUS which CHRIS­TIANS strive to obtain as we “study to shew (ourselves) approved unto GOD” (II Timothy 2:15). The Unity of the SPIRIT

As we study to be used in “the work of the ministry” (Ephesians 4:12), we become, through the working of the HOLY SPIRIT in us, “one body, and one SPIRIT “

Paul prays (Ephesians 3:16) that we will be “strengthened with might by HIS SPIRIT in the inner man; that CHRIST may dwell in your hearts by faith” (Ephesians 3:16).

CHRIST is present with us at each study. HE blesses us with a nearness, a fellowship, and a joy beyond com­prehension.

HE is our great LORD, our loving SAVIOR, and HE spends time with us every Saturday morning as we are

“renewed in the SPIRIT of our minds,” and we “put on the new man, which after GOD is created in righteousness and true holi­ness” (Ephesians 4:23, 24).

newsletter created by the inmates who are members of the Genesis One

We have added to the prison apologetics website the newsletter created by the inmates who are members of the Genesis One program, a program dedicated to breaking  the cycle of the repeat offenders

Prayer Request For:

Terrie & Davy D, for healing; Linda for healing (cancer); Charlene M (healing); Thomas W & Terry K (healing); offenders in the medical ward; Cleotis  R and his family; offenders seeking relief through the courts; the lost and broken-hearted. Pray for the peace and prosperity of this yard, for our families, children, and for each other. Pray that we all walk in wisdom to them who are without CHRIST, to be peacemakers, men of character, and that our joy will be full and JESUS CHRIST glorified in each and every one of us. AMEN!!!

You cannot read that prayer by the inmates and turn your back on these men who are desperately trying to turn their lives to Christ, and to help others do the same. Their goal is to leave this prison, and be good, God fearing, Evangelistic Christian citizens of our communities.

It is our goal to help them reach their goal, through teaching the scripture, teaching how to live by the scripture, and teaching them how to defend the scripture through Christian Apologetics.

Join us, and let’s take God’s word to these men and women, but let’s go beyond that, let’s find a way to start teaching school children the truth of our faith again, as we did in years past so they don’t have learn it in a penitentiary.

Join a prison ministry or start one in your congregation.

We share so many things on facebook, wouldn’t this be a great post to go “viral” ?  It’s up to you, such a simple thing, and who knows, you just might reach that one person who will become who will join in this ministry, and what a blessing that will be to you.

Thank You Jim Carmichael

Please visit our site at http://prisonapologetics.org