Children of Jehovah

By Jaumon Okyere Sr.

Are all humans’ children of God?

To answer that question, we need to go back to the beginning, Gen 2:7 says “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul”.

Have you ever had a new car? I bet you called it your “baby”, you probably even named it. How about a new idea? Most people, when they have a new idea or creation refer to it as their brain child. And, they patent it to say, “this is my creation; I own the rights to it”.

In most civilizations and societies, it’s common to say that when you are the first to create something or have an idea you are named as the father, mother, brain, or creator, and the patent belongs to you. Since Jehovah “was and is” the first to create “everything” we’ve known and will know, makes him the father to “all things”, we are his patent, made in his own image, his brain child, his children.

However, Jehovah does not consider us all to be his children. Being children of God is not something we imperfect humans are entitled to by birth, like most children in our society. But, we are all offspring of Adam, who when created in perfection was a “son of God”. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden we’ve all been cursed from birth, born of sin, made imperfect, and fallen short of the glory of the Almighty God. However, Jehovah, through his undeserved love and kindness, has given us all a chance to be “Born Again” and made perfect in his eyes through the ransom sacrifice of his only begotten son Jesus Christ, (John 3:16) giving us all a chance to once again share in His divine love and presence.

Wouldn’t we all love to enjoy our father’s love and presence? The problem is not everyone accepts Jehovah God as his father because they choose to do unrighteous things and since they choose to do those things they are loving evil. If they love evil they cannot love Jesus Christ or His father Jehovah God because they condemn evil (John 8:42-44[NKJV] 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.)

Now what does that tell you? Just as I said before, if you are the firs to create something (you are) the father of it, and since Satan was the first to sin against Jehovah he is the Father of sin, and owns the patent on I, making “All” those who sin against God the devil’s children, his creation, his brain child.

So, no, all humans are not children of God but we all have the chance to be.

Do you have children? Have they ever done anything to upset you? Now, how many of you are still upset with that child today? I’m sure that you properly punished that chid for those transgressions, but you also gave them an opportunity to gain back your trust, whether through extra chores, early curfews, or maybe just admitting their faults; apologizing and showing effort to do better in time warranted your forgiving them and giving them a chance because you love and wanted to forgive them.

Understand, that’s exactly how Jehovah feels about u, because we’re his children; He wants to forgive us because He loves us. But, first we have to gain back His trust, by proving ourselves. We can do that through His son Jesus Christ.

This fact is made evident, to us, from the following scriptures in our bibles. (John 1:12-13 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.) however, as many as did receive Jesus, to them He gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in Him. (Romans 8:16-17 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.) (1 Peter 1: 3 – 4 …3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,) (John 3: 3-7 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born [a]again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”4 Nicodemus *said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ )

Only persons whom have been “Born Again? Thus, becoming God’s sons can share in the heavenly Kingdom, by receiving Jesus Christ.

Although we are all not children of God, by showing love to one another, obeying Jehovah’s laws, sharing the Gospel with others, believing in Jesus Christ, and most importantly, unselfishly loving the Almighty Jehovah God, our father and creator, with all of our heart and soul; Jehovah will draw closer to us and indeed be proud to announce us all as “His children” once again. Because that’s what He very well intended for us to be from the moment He molded Adam’s clay and blew breath into his nostrils. He intended for us to be His “beautiful, obedient, and loving children.”

May Jehovah Bless You.






Can Christians Know the Day, Time, or Season of the Last Days?

In reponse to a Christian Lady who had questions about knowing the end days signs.

From a facebook post:

I would like to first thank you for your response and agree no one can know the day or hour. In addition, I would like to state that I am not an end times preacher, but more of a casual observer (most people will reach his/her own end time before the last day arrives). I am an apologist (defender) of the scripture.
The verse I find most interesting is Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Words are/ is knowledge. Knowledge is the one-word definition of Science, so Daniel is being told to seal up these words until the time of the end. He placed a condition on how long this knowledge/ science would be sealed up… until the end of time. He (God) Goes on describe the end times… there will be an increase in knowledge and people will be running to and fro… I don’t think we have to defend the statement there has been an increase in knowledge, for example my grandmother (Leslie’s great grandmother) raised me, she came to Kansas in a covered wagon from Illinois in 1902 at the age of 12, it probably took her months to get there. When she died we were taking regular vacation trips back to Illinois and making the trip in about 3 days in a car, and before she died America had gone into outer space. From covered wagon to space rockets/ ships certainly covers both statements of the end times, an increase in knowledge and people running to and fro. I think this puts us into those last days, especially when you add all the other signs as well.
I think Eddie Sax describes knowing the seasons best.
Times and Seasons for First Century-ites Only

In Acts 1:6-7, just before Jesus was caught up into heaven, His disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus answered, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” In this passage, Jesus is speaking to the disciples about what will happen to them at their specific moment in time. Notice that they use the words “at this time” in their question. That would indicate that they meant “in their lifetimes,” or “the generation in which they were living.”

Was Jesus speaking here to a First Century audience only or was He also telling you and me, living in the 21st Century, that it is not for us to know the times and seasons either? The answer to this question is simple. We, of this generation, will definitely know the time and the season. Jesus said so in Matthew 24:34. “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” “This generation” refers specifically to the people who live to see the signs of the end times that He describes in the chapter, including the still-future abomination of desolation.

Paul confirms this teaching. He wrote in I Thessalonians 5:1, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” In verse 4, he goes on to say, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Paul is telling us specifically that we will know the times and the seasons. If we will watch, we will see the day coming.

Is this a conflict in scripture? In Acts 1:6, Jesus says, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons.” But, in I Thessalonians 5:1 Paul says that we will. Of course, there is no conflict! It is obvious that Jesus was speaking to a First Century audience in Acts 1:6-7, not to us!

So we have now answered the “times and seasons question.” What about the “day and hour” question? When Jesus said that no man knows the day and hour of the Lord’s coming, does this also apply to our generation?
Paul Said we Will Know the Day

Here’s another perspective. I Thessalonians chapter 5 teaches us that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Matthew 24:42-43 relates the same story. It also says that the Lord will come as a thief in the night, and that the goodman of the house will not know what hour the thief will come.

The thief is clearly representative of Jesus Christ. But what does the goodman represent? Whoever the goodman symbolizes, the passage says that he will not know the hour of Christ’s return. For example, if the goodman represents the church, then the church will not know the hour of the Lord’s coming. It would be that simple. So let’s look at the context.
Question: Is the goodman the church?

Answer: No! The goodman of the house clearly represents unbelievers, not believers! He is not portrayed as a Bible-believer, but rather, he was living in darkness, and was not ready for the Lord’s coming. This passage teaches that it is the unbelievers who will not know the hour of the Lord’s coming. This conclusion is verified by I Thessalonians 5:4-5. There, it states that the only people who will not know the day of the Lord’s coming are the people living in darkness. But you, saint of God, are not living in darkness. You are a child of light, and the day of the Lord shall not overtake you as a thief!

Unbelievers will not know the hour of His coming. Does the Bible say that the church won’t know the hour of His coming as well? No. The fact is, it seems to indicate the opposite! The Lord will not overtake His children of light as a thief in the night. According to these passages, the church will know the hour.

Let’s keep studying the scriptures. We will know the generation, and we will know the times and seasons. And as the time draws nearer, perhaps we will also come to know the day and hour!
By Eddie Sax
I would simply like to add to this that we all know the left, especially the far left has no idea/ no understanding of scripture, or end times, and generally think is merely one of the fairy tales that Christians cling to from their book of fairy tales.
They live in the Darkness. The Christian (generally gathered in the right) do understand the bible is not a book of fairy tales, but is a historically reliable book filled with information given at a time when men could have had no idea of why they were writing what they were writing, and when found to be factual gives witness to the fact the word had to be inspired by a higher intelligence (God) for instance in Job 38:16 we are told there are “springs” in the bottom of the ocean… it wasn’t possible to verify this until 1977 until oceanographers with the use of deep diving research submarines built to withstand 6,000 lbs. of pressure per square inch explored the ocean floor and discovered “springs” on the ocean floor, written about in the bible over 4,000 years ago. This is only one example of over a hundred examples of what is now known as Scientific facts, and when coupled with the prophecies that have been fulfilled perfectly, it leaves no doubt in the honest man’s mind that the bible is indeed the inspired word of God.
Thus Christians live in the light!!!

Divine Exchange:

Poetry by inmate Richard Zornes

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior I have come to the revelation, there is hope in Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand-new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released…. you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

He takes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to reign

Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

Chosen Confession

by Inmate Richard Zornes

Chosen Confession

O death has no power, it has lost its sting

Because my savior has ransomed me

I’ve only to trust in Him & renew my mind

It’s found in the pages of His word, which He left behind

Inspired by His Spirit, penned by men of old Even if you are a doubting Thomas

In the pages of His word you behold all the power for life & godliness Eternal life-was purchased by His blood for you & I

You’ve only got to confess your sins & on the cross is where they died

But you have to zoom out before you jump in

Weigh your options, there’s a bigger picture, this walk isn’t easy

Bringing only your heart is the only thing you can offer that’s pleasing

He can change where it counts & it starts within

Removing all your darkness & replacing it with Him

Faith of a mustard seed is faith nonetheless

Don’t think it’s not enough, that’s the first big test

He wants you to come to Him with all your burdens

He is the only one who can right the wrong things Because He loves you, He wants you for eternity

Rise up & see you have a heavenly inheritance

It will stand against every futile resistance

Remember to pray always, He loves to commune with you

There’s nothing complicated to it, He knows what & how to give to you

It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other

Revelation Discovered Treasure Found;

 Poetry by Inmate Richard Zornes

This is my story, this is my song

Praise the Lord God who keeps me in His palm

Having the sight to keep me from forsaking the way Showing His loving kindness each & everyday

Speaking so sweetly deep to my heart

Showing me just how to get up when I fall apart

The only way to thank Him, is with audible sound

Speaking His truth, to this once lost man, who now is found This world is cold & lonely at best

With all its fleeting imaginations, they will put you to the test

Do not be foolish of the world with all its allure

For it’s found on the wide road & will not endure

How to travel the narrow path, only few find

For it starts at the cross, where my savior is, a love, O so divine

Love, joy & peace shall surround you as you press in And even more eternal attributes, all from Him

No dollar can purchase this, no work be enough

The-only way to obtain this, His sinless He gave up

I worry no more about to whom I belong

Because my savior gave me Calvary’s mighty song

There’s nothing_complicated to it, He knows what_&_how _to-giue to..yo.u.. It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior -I-have-come-to the- revelation, there is hope-in-Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released….you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

Hé-täkes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

You are a Son & Daughter, Royalty with authority given by Him

Children of Jehovah

By Jaumon Okyere Sr.

Are all humans’ children of God?

To answer that question, we need to go back to the beginning, Gen 2:7 says “Jehovah God proceeded to form the man out of dust from the ground and blow into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living soul”.

Have you ever had a new car? I bet you called it your “baby”, you probably even named it. How about a new idea? Most people, when they have a new idea or creation refer to it as their brain child. And, they patent it to say, “this is my creation; I own the rights to it”.

In most civilizations and societies, it’s common to say that when you are the first to create something or have an idea you are named as the father, mother, brain, or creator, and the patent belongs to you. Since Jehovah “was and is” the first to create “everything” we’ve known and will know, makes him the father to “all things”, we are his patent, made in his own image, his brain child, his children.

However, Jehovah does not consider us all to be his children. Being children of God is not something we imperfect humans are entitled to by birth, like most children in our society. But, we are all offspring of Adam, who when created in perfection was a “son of God”. Because of Adam and Eve’s sin in the Garden of Eden we’ve all been cursed from birth, born of sin, made imperfect, and fallen short of the glory of the Almighty God. However, Jehovah, through his undeserved love and kindness, has given us all a chance to be “Born Again” and made perfect in his eyes through the ransom sacrifice of his only begotten son Jesus Christ, (John 3:16) giving us all a chance to once again share in His divine love and presence.

Wouldn’t we all love to enjoy our father’s love and presence? The problem is not everyone accepts Jehovah God as his father because they choose to do unrighteous things and since they choose to do those things they are loving evil. If they love evil they cannot love Jesus Christ or His father Jehovah God because they condemn evil (John 8:42-44[NKJV] 42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love Me, for I proceeded forth and came from God; nor have I come of Myself, but He sent Me. 43 Why do you not understand My speech? Because you are not able to listen to My word. 44 You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it.)

Now what does that tell you? Just as I said before, if you are the firs to create something (you are) the father of it, and since Satan was the first to sin against Jehovah he is the Father of sin, and owns the patent on I, making “All” those who sin against God the devil’s children, his creation, his brain child.

So, no, all humans are not children of God but we all have the chance to be.

Do you have children? Have they ever done anything to upset you? Now, how many of you are still upset with that child today? I’m sure that you properly punished that chid for those transgressions, but you also gave them an opportunity to gain back your trust, whether through extra chores, early curfews, or maybe just admitting their faults; apologizing and showing effort to do better in time warranted your forgiving them and giving them a chance because you love and wanted to forgive them.

Understand, that’s exactly how Jehovah feels about u, because we’re his children; He wants to forgive us because He loves us. But, first we have to gain back His trust, by proving ourselves. We can do that through His son Jesus Christ.

This fact is made evident, to us, from the following scriptures in our bibles. (John 1:12-13 12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name: 13 who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.) however, as many as did receive Jesus, to them He gave authority to become God’s children, because they were exercising faith in Him. (Romans 8:16-17 16 The Spirit Himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God, 17 and if children, then heirs—heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together.) (1 Peter 1: 3 – 4 …3 Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His great mercy has caused us to be born again to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, 4 to obtain an inheritance which is imperishable and undefiled and will not fade away, reserved in heaven for you,) (John 3: 3-7 3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born [a]again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”4 Nicodemus *said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? He cannot enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born, can he?” 5 Jesus answered, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God. 6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. 7 Do not be amazed that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’ )

Only persons whom have been “Born Again? Thus, becoming God’s sons can share in the heavenly Kingdom, by receiving Jesus Christ.

Although we are all not children of God, by showing love to one another, obeying Jehovah’s laws, sharing the Gospel with others, believing in Jesus Christ, and most importantly, unselfishly loving the Almighty Jehovah God, our father and creator, with all of our heart and soul; Jehovah will draw closer to us and indeed be proud to announce us all as “His children” once again. Because that’s what He very well intended for us to be from the moment He molded Adam’s clay and blew breath into his nostrils. He intended for us to be His “beautiful, obedient, and loving children.”

May Jehovah Bless You.






Worshiping God in Truth and Spirit

by Michael (Miguel) Caballero
Many people have a great desire to worship GOD in a way that is pleasing in HIS sight. Well, the Scriptures clearly tell us that GOD is a Spirit and those who worship HIM must worship HIM Spirit and in truth. So, In order for us to worship HIM in a way that is acceptable and pleasing in HIS sight, we need to be in the Spirit also, because the carnal man cannot please GOD.
But how can I be in the Spirit, you might ask? I’m glad you asked that question. To be in the Spirit, you need to be born again. But how can do that? Well, you can’t, but GOD can do it for you if you just let HIM. In John I : 12-13, it says, “As many as received Him (JESUS), to them gave THE power to become the sons of GOD even to them which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of GOD.
First, you need to receive JESUS. HE is the One who has the power to make you born again by the Spirit of GOD. In Acts 2:38, the WORD of GOD reads; “Then Peter said unto them, Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of JESUS CHRIST for the remission of sins, and ye Shall receive the gift-of the HOLY GHOST. ‘
So, we need to repent, which means to change our minds, change our ways of living, tum from sin, and completely turn our lives toward GOD.
Believe in JESUS, receive HIM as your LORD and SAVIOR. get baptized, and HE promises in HIS WORD that HE will give you the HOLY SPIRIT. Then, and only then, will you be able to worship HIM in the Spirit.
What about the Truth, you may be thinking? I thought that Scripture says we must worship in Spirit and in Truth (John 4:24). Well, that’s a good question.
The truth is the WORD of God.
In Psalm 119: 160, it says “Thy WORD is true from the beginning. ” In John 17:17, JESUS prayed for HIS Apostles and the believers after them in the Garden of Gethsemane: “Sanctify them through THY Truth: THY WORD is Truth.”
Other Scripture says, “when HE, the Spirit of Truth is come, HE will guide you into all Truth. For HE shall not speak of HIMSELF, but whatsoever HE shall hear, that shall HE speak; and HE will show you things TO come” (John 16:13).
So, when you are a new creation (creature), born again believer, a child of the living GOD, the SPIRIT of GOD, the HOLY SPIRIT, will teach you how to live your new life through the living, written WORD of GOD, and HE will also teach you and guide you in how to worship GOD in Spirit and in truth through the same WORD.

This Moment in Time

by Victor Davis

At this moment in my life, the season I am in is one directed by the HOLY SPIRIT. By breaking bread with believers, not being selfish or conceited but by being like-minded, I humbly allow others to supply and share their gifts with me so that we may all grow in the love of CHRIST.

I’m not fully mature yet, but through chastening and obedience I’m learning how to apply my motives, feelings, affections, desires, aims, principles, thoughts, and intellect to HIS will for my life. By working here at the Chapel, I am gleaning wisdom from the elder volunteers who donate their time as well as offer advice from their life experiences.

By taking advantage of programs offered during the day and through study materials, through practical application of them, I have gained insight and instruction. Therefore, I am allowing YAHWEH to enable me to become a more efficient steward over HIS talents as well as HIS house.

In showing me how to keep the feast, not with the leaven of malice and wickedness, but with the unleavened bread of sincerity and truth, HE is preparing me for CHRIST, our Passover…who was sacrificed for us.

A Purified Heart

by Victor Davis
Before I came to prison, my ego was not well formed. This fact was marked by a lack of maturity and an underdeveloped sense of responsibility; I could procreate, but spiritually, I was a child, an apostate.
I lived life according to my own philosophical values, although I believed YAHSHUA, I was my own idol, as a womanizer, substance abuser, and worst of all, an unreliable parent.
On January 10, 2014, I officially went into DOC custody, and everything I ever feared in my mind became a reality and a nightmare from which I could not awaken. It was a surreal experience.
Within a year’s time, I received the wages of my sins. Everything in which I found my identity and everyone I found security with, were taken away from me. My life was desolated.
During my incarceration, over the course of time I began to re-establish my relationship with YAHVEH, through prayer, faith, and by being a Berean.
In addition to this, HE started to answer my prayers, even if those answers didn’t come in the form I thought they would. However, YAHVEH pruned my heart through these things.
I have come to accept, YAHSHUA as YAHVEH, as well as my eternal SAVIOR. I have learned to be content and steadfast by trusting on HIM solely for all of my needs through endurance and not by relying on the things of the world that used to believe define me.
So, what has YAHSHUA done for me since I’ve been incarcerated? HE refined my heart by giving me HIS character.

Breaking Bread

by Victor Davis


Approximately one month ago, I had the privilege of attending the evening service and listen to the instructions of Don Coleman, pastor of Highland Baptist assembly, give a sermon over 2 Timothy chapter l . Regarding our responsibility as believers to “stir up, speak up, and stand up.” in accordance with our gifts. He taught us the Greek word for gift. Which is translated charisma in the Strong’s concordance #5486. It means a spiritual endowment.

Sha’ul was admonishing Timothy his spiritual son, to exhibit his gift with character as the leader of the Ephesians assembly, during the reign of the roman emperor Nero, approximately 54 to 68 A.D. Considering the inflictions that Sha’ul, and Timothy would have undergone as the fathers of this congregations in this period of time. I pondered as Don Coleman elaborated on the future Oppression, we as believers may have to encounter for the sake of the gospel.

I began to envision, and ponder in my heart, beginning with Yahshua himself being crucified, Stephen being stoned approximately 35 A.D. (Acts7:l-60). Ya’acob (Jacob) the son of Zebedee was beheaded by Herod Agrippa the 2nd. Kepha (Peter) was crucified A.D. 67, Sha’ul beging beheaded in A.D. 68, Ya’acob brother of Yahshua was slain near the temple in Jerusalem, and Yohanan (John) was exiled to the islands of Patmos in A.D. 100, as well as all of the old testament Nebi’im (prophets) that were martyred before them. Then my thoughts began to drift to all the people, around the world today being persecuted, because of their faith, in the messiah. Considering this, I reflected on it, and briefly cringed at the thought of having to endure such pain; but the Holy Spirit within me shouted with every fiber of my being. “I will not deny my Messiah”! I will be steadfast in heart with the character needed to overcome pressure, to represent his kingdom in adversity. While walking back from the unit from service, these thoughts consumed my mind. “I will not deny the gospel”! In connection with this I asked someone what he thought about Don Coleman’s exhortation. I stated sincerely to him that I was sold out for the edification of the Good News. To support this, I began paraphrasing John 6:48-69, but I couldn’t remember it word for word, and I didn’t have time to look it up before lock down to share it. When I entered into my cell and turned on my television to channel 26, the Church station; at that exact moment at 9:02 pm Rabbi Schneider was speaking on the exact passage and verses, I couldn’t locate while outside. Was it coincidental? Perhaps?! However, as he conveyed the scriptures, I listened intently. I’m not sure if it was due to the recent incidents in Paris, but I had never heard him preach the word with such ardor. I was attentive to his every remark as he spoke to the desires of my heart. After the program ended, I reread chapter 6 of Yohanan’s gospel.

Neither Yahshua nor any of his twelve Talmudim (disciples) was Levites or descendants of the Aaronic priesthood, but they all were familiar with that liturgy. In the Holy Place towards the left stood a golden menorah weighing 107 lbs, with seven branches on it. On the right across from it was a 3 ft long, 2 1/2 ft high, and 1 /2 1 wide table of showbread with twelve loaves upon it; accompanied with a vessel of wine. The twelve loaves represented the twelve tribes of Israel, and the wine, the blood, and life of the persons being offered to Yahweh, which in this case was the twelve tribes of Israel (Leviticus 17:1 1). When the Cohen (Priest) would perform this ceremony, by eating the loaves every Sabbath, and pouring out the wine (Leviticus 10:9) they were symbolically feeding on and receiving in themselves the life of Yahweh. Cohen were responsible for the holiness of the community, since the peoples offerings were only acceptable to Yahweh through them, but only the high priest could enter the Holy of Holies once a year to make atonement first for himself, and then for the nation (Exodus 25-37).

According to the gospel of Mattithyahu 26:26-28, Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22: 17-20. When Yahshua took matstsah (unleavened bread) blessed, and broke it, then gave it to his Talmudim, he said “take eat, this is my body, then he took the cup, and gave thanks, and gave it to them saying, drink from it, all of you, For this is my blood of the Brit Hadasha (new covenant) which is shed for the remission of sins”. To improve my interpretation of what he was saying to his taught ones that night, I borrowed a concordance, and performed a Greek word study on 7 themes of Yahshua ritual. l). #740 Bread (Artos) (4), “metaphorically of Christ as the bread of life.” 2). #4165 Feed (Pioman) means “overseer” 3). #4983 Body, (soma) (l la) means “reference to the church.” 4). #2806 Break (klao)  “of the lords act in giving evidence of his resurrection. 5). #4221 Cup (Poterion) (2bl), “of the sufferings of Christ.” 6). #4095 Drink (Pino) “of drinking of the blood of Christ, in the sense of receiving eternal life, through his death.” 7). #2222 Life (Zoe) (lal), “which he gave to the incarnate son to have in himself.”

After the completion of this research, I compared, and contrasted the rites of Yahshua to that of the sacrificial system ordained by Yahweh in the Old Testament through the priesthood. How they had to offer themselves to make atonement on the behalf of the community to appease the wrath of Yahveh. Once I was able to translate it; this is the understanding I gained concerning this custom. “I am life (Artos) and by this doctrine (Klao), pastor, oversee (Pioman), those who believe in me (Soma). By doing this, you will subject yourself to the sufferings I have now, and will inflict (Poterion) The father has given me life in myself, since the life is in the blood, by accepting it, in you by faith (Pino), you will inherit eternal grace, through me is the promise (Zoe). (Mk 10:38-39); (Jn 5:26).

This is what Yohanan meant in 6:48-69 of his gospel when Yahshua said they would have to eat of his flesh, and drink of his blood. This is why many of his Talmudim went back, and walked with him no more. When Yahshua explained to them that they would have to apply his apostolic doctrine to their lives, and suffer for his names sake “therefore they said who can understand this”? In other words who could enter into a blood covenant with this? They wanted the rewards of being associated with his kingdom, but were unwilling to suffer persecution for it. This is the reason Yahshua states in verse 65. No man can come to him unless it is granted to him by his father, because their hearts have to be purified through faith.

After I received this revelation, I had to reexamine my own heart to see if I was ready to partake in the memorial meal, with the messiah, and the conclusion of this matter is; “brothers, I do not count myself to have laid hold of it yet, but only this; forgetting what is behind, and reaching out for what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the high calling of Yahveh in Yahshua Messiah. (Philippians 3:14-15) Not only that, I also have come to believe, and know that he is the Messiah, the son of the living Yah! He has the words of eternal life. (Bible verses in this article are from “The Scriptures Version.”)