Testimony of Loren j. Gier

John 12:24             Lamentations 3:14-43

I Believe in God the Father, and Jesus Christ His Son. He is my Savior and the Savior of the world. I believe He was conceived by Holy Spirit and born of a virgin. He died on the cross for my sins, He is alive and risen from the dead by Holy Spirit’s power. I believe Holy Spirit lives in me. The same power in which I live and call on His name for salvation, counsel, leading and healing is the same power that raised

Jesus from the dead and can live in you. Amen.

When he reached down and saved me, I had been powerless over everything. I was powerless over worry, anger, and lust to say the least. I was powerless and in bondage to fixing and controlling every problem in my life and those around me. I failed miserably . . . every time. This is the insanity before my recovery. I was doing the same things (and many other things) over and over while expecting things to get better.

The gift and hope of life for finding fulfillment was pounded out of me. Addiction and abuse of my sins slowly broke me. The yoke of my own methods turned against me. I became angry-er, crazy-er, and obsessed with controlling the environment I couldn’t escape from. I was in my own prison, a prisoner to an outlaw lifestyle which believed in taking over everything and trusting no one as the only hope attainable. This hope was not for fulfillment because that was impossible to me, but my hope was a fake, with its eyes fixed on tiny rewards and momentary gratifications. Read John 12:24

I’ve been addicted to people, places and things also commonly known as Love, Power, and Drugs. The fear of failure however became a nemesis of change and the desire to know God was a desire I hadn’t recognized until I had exhausted all other options first.

In ignorance I called out to God, hoping He would fix my problems. I didn’t know that He was actually listening and waiting for me to see that my problem was that I was lost and not only lost, but ignorant to the reason why.

My attitude toward others was Pre-Justice, or as we like to call it, prejudice. I judged and sentenced people before knowing the true source of their disease, the same disease of sin I had.

Even though I had prejudice’s they were not of color or culture. Somehow, I escaped that devil only to develop a prejudice for diseases which society had labeled as incurable, like leprosy. Diseases caused by sin, like child molestation, child abusers, rapists and predators on the poor, the weak and innocent or helpless. I used my position and influence I had gained in the ranks of an organization to make ripples in the pools of society. This was the only sense of justice and respect I could End.

I had hoped that civilians that were prejudice of people like me would not treat bikers like a disease. I was the torturer, I was the predator to the predators. I sought to create a form justice, another chain link at the top of the food chain, and that this would finally prove to society that they needed outcasts like me. That was my sense of destiny and purpose.

I met rock bottom after rock bottom with one chisel tool after another in my self-inflicting arsenal of denial and growing resentment, I dug so deep one time that I fell asleep in Oklahoma and woke up in China. I could hear the curious chatter of giggling Asians pointing at the smelly American in a trash can due to heroin usage. How did I end up in Little China in KC Missouri?

Two more years of addiction finally ended as I awoke to look up a bluff, I had fallen 30 ft. from, without a scratch. There was no explanation for it. It would still be a few years before my life changed.

So, what or when is rock bottom? How do you know when you’re sick and died of being sick and tired?

I tried many different self-help groups and interventions only to realize I could quit any time I wanted, as long as I could motivate myself. From reasons for not disappointing or hurting my family to being motivated for having things by actually working for them the right way. None of it worked,

I eventually came to myself in a pit and this time it came with a previously hidden knowledge, that            I had dug it myself.

As I sank slowly, becoming one with the mud, the illusions of blame shifting left me like a last breath and I cried out for mercy. I could clearly see my sin for what it was and the sobbing grew more intense as I realized I couldn’t deliver myself. I couldn’t surgically remove the sin that held the guilt and shame which I had tried to beat and torture out of others. Read Lamentations 3:14-43

The first time I experienced recovery was in a church recovery group like CR. I found a place to be human, weak and hypocritical, but with hope. This hope I could see and hear from those in the group and were evident by their attitude toward me. Even when I failed there was no the element of Hope they loved me with. I kept growing a stronger desire to change. I had more faith in trusting God, that He would make the changes in me as I surrendered. For the first time I seen a need in me for others in order to grow and be the man I desired to be.

Through that first experience I’d realized that I was powerless to do life on my own, and that I would definitely face being hurt again, but there was a peaceful hope and confidence that I didn’t have to do it alone. I felt God’s Love and found purpose in my pain and suffering. The same way I had been forgiven I could now extend to others. Although I struggled for the next few years, it was in a forward way. I discovered ups and downs and the God who was there the way He said He would be. He is faithful,

He was there, and is here right now. Wherever you’ve been, where you are and where ever you go, He is always there and the sooner you and I realize it, the sooner we’ll remember it the next time we find ourselves at our wits end. Even Now, His eyes are on you and His ears open at the sound of Jesus’ name on your lips. Let’s call on His name together

Prayer & Song:


Lord, we give our life into Your Fire. Refine in us your presence, make us new. Then we will praise You, Yes we will worship You. Open our eyes and fill us with the light of Your Word.

Restore our soul, our hope in You. Give us strength to believe Your every Word…

Then we will praise You, Yes, we will worship You. Open our eyes and fill us with the light of Your Word.

Play Song/ Songs

What About God?  By Stephen R Gray

What About God?  By Stephen R Gray

What About God?

What About God and All That He Has Done,

And Sent Jesus So That You Could Be His Son?

The Price That He Paid So That We Could Live,

However, What All Are You So Willing to Give?

What About God, And All of His Unconditional Love,

Which He Desires to Share with You from Above?

Are You Willing to Surrender Your Heart and Mind?

Or Do You Think That It’s A Waste of Time?

What About God and How He Loves the World,

So, Realize That Are Worth More Than Pearls?

You’re the Last of His Creation And The Crown,

But, Are You Willing to Lay Your Life Down?

What About God Who Know Everything That You Do,

However, All of These Years He’s Been Calling You;

You Definitely Have an Important Choice to Make,

Therefore, Please Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

What About God Whose Son Died in Your Place,

And His Desire Is to Have Your Sins Erased?

You Have to Be Willing to Make That Choice,

But, Be Certain That You’re Listening to God’s Voice.

By Stephen R Gray


Trust Him by Stephen R Gray

Before You Were Born, God Said You Were Blessed,

And Already Knew That You’d Be in This Mess!

He Wants You to Understand That You’re His Son,

And Has Been Calling You Since You Were Young!

You’re in A Place Where You Can Hear His Voice,

However, It’s Up to You, Because You Have A Choice!

The Choices That We Made Led Us to This Place,

But the Lord Desires To Put A Smile On Your Face.

You Need to Realize That God Has the Perfect Plan,

However, He Needs Your Attention and A Willing Hand!

The Plan That He Has for You Is Certainly So Real,

Therefore, Study The Word And You’ll Understand The Deal!

Prayer Is Communication That Comes from Both Ways,

However, God Will Answer You Without Any Delays,

He Has Your Life in His Hands and Already Figured Out,

Therefore, Trust Him to Tell You What It’s All About.

If You’re Sick and Tired Of Being In This Mess,

Then, Get in The Word And Realize That You’re Blessed!

He Knows What’s Best and It’s Him That You Must Trust,

Or You Will End Up Eating That Same Old Bust!

Trust Him, Because He Can See Everything That We Do,

However, He’s Willing and Waiting Just to Help You!

From My Heart to Yours,


By Stephen R Gray

God’s Love by Stephen R Gray

God Loves You So Much and I Could Never Deny,

Because His Love Puts Tears in My Eyes!

He Knows and Understands All That You Feel,

And His Love for You Is Unconditional And Real!

Sometimes, It Can Be A Struggle When Going Through,

However, Realize That Jesus Is Right There with You!

I Can’t Remove Your Heartaches nor Your Pain,

But I Believe That God Won’t Allow It to Remain!

You’re A Blessed Woman That Still Looks Great

And When God Made You It Wasn’t A Mistake!

God’s Love Is So Deep That It’s Hard to Explain,

However, His Love for You Shall Never Change!

It’s A Blessing To Have Someone Who Genuinely Cares Because,

God’s Love Has and Will Always Be There!

That Your Break Through Come Soon for A Brighter Day,

Therefore, I’m Sending A Prayer Without Any Delay!

God’s Love Is Everywhere and Even Within Other’s Hearts,

And I Feel Your Love, Although Were Miles Apart!

He Gives Us His Love So We’ll Give It Away,

So We Can Help Someone Else Have A Blessed Day!

If I Were There, I Would Give You A Big Hug

However, For Now, I Can Send Only God’s Love!

From My Heart to Yours

By Stephen R. Gray


The Jug by Phillip Marshal

The Rain By S.R. Gray “Bro House”

The rain reminds us of our Father’s Love,
When He washes away all evil from above!
It’s like tears falling from His loving eyes,
Because of our sins that makes Him Cry!

The rain makes everything gloomy, seem fresh,
Because God gives the greatest and nothing less!
Just as our lives that become so very dry,
However God sends His rain from the sky!

The rain causes you to lay down and sleep,
Because of His love that is always very unique!
Reminding You that He loves You so much,
That you can even feel His warm touch!

The rain causes even a rainbow to appear,
To assure that His favor and love is near!
Understand the tears that falls from His eyes,
Because He’s pouring out His mercy and Grace from the Sky!

The rain is so refreshing in its own way,
Therefore, allow it to fall all over you, today
It removes the burdens, the stress and pain,
So, let’s come together and receive the rain!

Grounded in God by Gary Dolan


You started by being part of the sand on a beach or in a desert, before you found God.

Jesus wanted to use you for something better and decided to drive a steel rod into the sand.

God sent lightning down from heaven to strike the rod.

The sand was then instantly molded,

molded into a perfect stone that looked like beautiful glass.

God and Jesus, being pleased with the stone,

Picked it up out of the sinking, sandy ground and placed the stone (you) on the unmovable foundation which is Jesus Christ.

At last, the question for you to ponder is

“Do you want to be a beautiful stone for God to use or a shattered pot amongst the bed of thorns?

Written by Gary Dolan; Inspired by God

Reaching Heaven, by Gary Dolan, inspired by God

Reaching Heaven, by Gary Dolan, inspired by God
Hebrews 2:9 & 16-18; Philippians 2: 9-11
We are only at our highest and taller than any man when we are on our knees praying to God. That is when we reach heaven to be in God’s presence. We must always trust Jesus Christ to guide our footsteps. Hebrews 2:9 “We see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor that He, by the Grace of God, might taste death for everyone.” Hebrews 2:16 -18 For indeed He does not give aid to angels, but He does give aid to the seed of Abraham. 17 Therefore, in all things He had to be made like His brethren, that He might be a merciful and faithful High Priest in things pertaining to God, to make propitiation for the sins of the people. 18 For in that He Himself has suffered, being tempted, He is able to aid those who are tempted.
Philippians 2:9-11 Therefore God also has highly exalted Him and given Him the name which is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, and of those on earth, and of those under the earth, 11 and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
Jesus Christ has changed my life, and I am joyful that He stepped in the way of me and sin to save me. So, I am not ashamed nor am I worried when I bow to my knees. I know that I am close to heaven to talk with those who always love me no matter what. Spend time with God and study His words so you can continue your spiritual growth.

Cry of a child


Can You Hear the Cry of Your Child
While in The Pen and Living So Foul?
Not Being the Father You’re Supposed to Be
Is It Because Of You Not Being So Free?

Can You Hear the Cry of Your Child,
And Can You See the Tears in Their Eyes?
Needing Your Love and Shoulder to Lean On,
But What Are You Doing to Hurry Back Home?

Can You Hear the Cry of Your Child,
While Your Absence Has Removed Their Smile?
With So Much Sorrow and So Much Needless Pain,
Wondering Will Your Ways Ever Change?

Can You Hear the Cry of Your Child,
Although, You’re Separated by So Many Miles?
While You’re Doing the Most and Chasing Drugs,
And We’re at Home Missing You and Your Love!

Can You Hear the Cry of Your Child
As You’re Given into The Devil’s Wiles?
Will You Ever Wipe the Tears from Our Eyes,
Or Can You Even Hear the Cry of Your Child?

By Stephen R Gray

Who Can We Blame

By Stephen R Gray

Who Can We Blame?

Who Can We Blame for The Situation We’re In,
Is It the Drugs, Your Lover or So-Called Friend?
We Chose to Do the Things That We Have Done
Because We Stopped Trusting in God’s Son!

Who Can We Blame for Being All Alone,
Is It Because Of Our Choices That We’re Wrong?
We Had A Choice to Always Follow Jesus Christ,
Because, If We Had, We Would’ve Done What’s Right!

Who Can We Blame for Losing All That We Had,
Knowing What We Were Doing Was So Bad?
We Chose to Rebel and Willingly Commit Crime,
Knowing That We Would Leave Loved Ones Behind!

Who Can We Blame, For Getting Out of God’s Will,
Was the Greed, The Lust or Those Evil Thrills?
We Chose to Get High Over and Over Again,
Because We Let Go of Jesus Christ’s Hands!

Who Can We Blame for Being in The Pen,
While We Were Out There Living in Sin?
We Chose to Stop Calling Out to Jesus’ Name,

Therefore, My Brothers, Who Can We Blame?