Respect by Andrew Williams


The word respect is often used, but very rarely honored. What do I mean you may ask? The society we live in says, “Respect me and my wishes”, however, many times respect seems to be only a one way street.

That understanding, clearly, goes against the order in which we were created to follow. Becoming a person others want to respect brings the understanding that respect is earned and given. If you want others to respect you, then become a respectable person. I would like to ask a question, who should be respected more, the person who goes to work 8-5 every day, or the inmate who dedicates his time rehabilitating his life every day?

What if I told you that they both had struggles in life, would your view change? The problem is we want change, but we do not want to be part of that change. That is selfish and unfruitful. Remember if you’re not part of the solution, then you’re possibly part of the problem.

When a community comes together, they get stronger. When a Nation comes together, they become wiser. As John C. Maxwell says: “people naturally follow leaders stronger then themselves.” To lead requires a certain level of respect.

You will not get very far demanding something that you, yourself refuse to give. For once listen to the screams for justice… they are in the streets. They’re in the Governmental offices. They are even in the prison system. If you listen to the whispers, you will not have to listen to the screams. You do not have to remain silent, but if you choose to, then God will use somebody else.



The Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil. by Tatum Dillon

The Tree of Knowledge of good and Evil.  

All scripture taken from New King James Version. 

The Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. The tree. Whose fruit ruined humanity. The tree that scholars have been studying for thousands of years. What is this tree, and why is it so important? 

Genesis 2:9. States “And out of the ground the Lord God made every tree grow that is pleasant to the sight and good for food. The tree of life was also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.

In the midst of the Garden of Eden, God’s paradise for humanity, set two trees. No one knows what they looked like or how tall they were, but we do know the purpose they served and that one was special. 

 Genesis 2: 16. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, “Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat” 17 but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die 

That tree was restricted because eating of it would bring about death. It was the most important first and only command God gives before the fall. This order brought the possibility of sin into God’s creation. 

It wasn’t the tree itself that had held any power. It was what God said about the tree that changed its nature entirely.

God had a knowledge of sin. He knew what sin was. How could he judge sin without knowing what it is? How could he make a sinless world if he didn’t know the definition of sin? 

This does not mean. God is sinful. 1John 1:5 (NKJV). Clearly claims This is the message which we have heard from Him and declare to you, that God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. 

How can a holy and absolutely sinless God have knowledge of sin? I must admit that I have no idea. I personally don’t think the human conscience can begin to comprehend the mind of an omniscient being like our God. The finite is simply unable to understand the infinite. 

 I want to make a distinction between the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:22 says Then the Lord God said, “Behold, the man has become like one of Us, to know good and evil. And now, lest he put out his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live forever”—

Two trees in the midst of the garden, one which eating of it brought life: Eternal life. The other sin and death. The choice was there for Adam and Eve to make. When God created a being outside of himself with the ability to make its own choices. The possibility of sin immediately entered in.

This tree represented that possibility. It was like the Pandora’s box of the Bible. It was the doorway into an utterly different world. The rise and fall of humankind were based singly on their decision concerning this tree.

What made the tree that way? Was it created like that? No. Before God banned us of eating from that tree it was just an ordinary tree, the Bible says it was even good for food in Genesis 3:6.

In fact, let’s go over that verse because it reveals some very interesting aspects about this tree. Genesis 3:6 reads “So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eye, and a tree desirable to make one wise. “let’s stop right there. Three aspects of the tree are named here. Let’s take a look at the first one. It was good for food. What does that mean? How could one know that something is good for food without eating it first? The Hebrew word for God, [H3978] ma’ăḵāl can also mean fruit[i]. Therefore, this could simply mean that she saw it bear fruit. Eve had eaten plenty of fruit before and the presence of fruit in the tree would have meant to her that it was good for food.

Next it was pleasant to the eyes. This was a beautiful tree. it looked amazing. Its leaves were a healthy green and its fruit was plump and ripe. I like to think of it as a tall, majestic tree with delicious looking fruit dotting it. When Eve beheld it, it enticed her.

Lastly, it was desirable to make one wise. I believe this was just a presupposition of Eve. Like I said earlier, the tree had no power. Eve simply assumed because of Satan’s lie that the tree would make her wise. If Eve had known what would happen after she ate of that tree, I believe she never would have done it

In the fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil were murder, rape, war, hatred, jealousy, and strife. Sin and separation from God were held in this Pandora’s box and Eves one decision unleashed it upon the world

This tree symbolized something that is still prevalent in the lives of every believer today. A decision against God is an enticing object which is luring us away from our Lord. I’m sure you have one in your life, so do I. We all have one.

It may be a beautiful lady who lives next door to you. It might be your friend’s new phone or the cigarette in your momma’s purse.

They are pleasant to our eyes, desirable, enticing but we must remember that they are forbidden.

Watch out for this tree. Every day you encounter it. It stands before you in all its splendor and the enemy whispers in your ear to take partake of its fruit. Do not listen to him, remember what God has said and steer clear. The fruit may seem great but will only bring death.


[i] Outline of Biblical Usage: food, fruit, meat

Mathematical Proof Evolution is Impossible

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As in most theories, mathematics is the acid test. Every theory to which mathematics can be applied will be proved or disproved by this acid test.

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Meet Andrew Williams “Inside Evangelist”

Andrew Williams…

1050 Commands of Christ in the New Testament.

1050 NT commands Page 1


O. BOX 888



2.  1,050 New Testament Commands

There are 1,050 commands in the New Testament for Christians to obey. Due to repetitions

we can classify them under about 800 headings. They cover every phase of man’s life in his

relationship to God and his fellowmen, now and hereafter. If obeyed, they will bring rich

rewards here and forever; if disobeyed, they will bring condemnation and eternal punishment.

A.   Seven “Abstains” – Abstain From:

  1. Idols (ACTS 15:20 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from [a]sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood)

Fornication ([ACTS 15:20 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from [a]sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood] [,29 but that we write to them to abstain from things polluted by idols, from [a]sexual immorality, from things strangled, and from blood.] ; [1.THESS 4:2-3for you know what commandments we gave you through the Lord Jesus.3 For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you should abstain from sexual immorality];)

  1. Strangled meats (ACTS 15:20)
    1. Eating blood (ACTS 15:20)
    2. Meats offered to idols (ACTS 15:29)
  2. All appearance of evil (1.THESS 5:22 Abstain from every form of evil. )
  3. Fleshly lusts (1.PET 2:11Beloved, I beg you as sojourners and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts which war against the soul, )

B.    Seven things to avoid:

  1. Troublemakers (ROM 16:17)
  2. Profane and vain babblings (1.TIM 6:20)
  3. False science (1.TIM 6:20)
  4. Unlearned questions (2.TIM 2:23)
  5. Foolish questions (TIT 3:9)
  6. Genealogies (TIT 3:9)
  7. Arguments about the law (TIT 3:9)

C.    Three “Asks”:

  1. Ask and ye shall receive (MATT 7:7)
  2. Ask no return of goods (LK 6:30)
  3. Ask life for backsliders (1.JN 5:16)

D.   Two things to awake to:

  1. Awake to righteousness (1.COR 15:34)
  2. Awake to life (EPH 5:14)

E.    Seventy-four “Be’s”:

  1. Be exceeding glad (MATT 5:12)
  2. Be reconciled to a brother (MATT 5:24)
  3. Be perfect (MATT 5:48; 2.COR 13:11)
  4. Be wise as serpents (MATT 10:16)
  5. Be harmless as doves (MATT 10:16)
  6. Be ready for Christ’s coming (MATT 24:44; LK 12:40)
  7. Be content with your wages (LK 3:14)
  8. Be merciful as God (LK 6:36)
  9. Be like faithful servants (LK 12:36)
  10. Be thankful (COL 3:15)
  11. Be at peace among selves (1.THESS 5:13)
  12. Be patient toward all people (1.THESS 5:14; 2.TIM 2:24)
  13. Be no partaker of sin (1.TIM 5:22)
  14. Be sober and hope (1.PET 1:13)
  15. Be sober and pray (1.PET 4:7)
  16. Be sober, grave, temperate, sound in faith, charity, and patience (aged men, TIT 2:2)
  17. Be sober, love husbands and children (young women, TIT 2:4)
  18. Be sober minded (young men, TIT 2:6)
  19. Be in behaviour as becoming to saints (aged women, TIT 2:3)
  20. Be discreet, chaste, keepers at home, good, obedient (young women, TIT 2:5)
  21. Be ready to give an answer of the hope that is in you (1.PET 3:15)
  22. Be of good cheer (JN 16:33)
  23. Be baptized (ACTS 2:38)
  24. Be converted (ACTS 3:19)
  25. Be transformed (ROM 12:2)
  26. Be kind of brotherly love one to another (ROM 12:10; EPH 4:32)
  27. Be fervent in spirit (ROM 12:11)
  28. Be patient in tribulation (ROM 12:12)
  29. Be given to hospitality (ROM 12:13)
  30. Be afraid, if lawless (ROM 13:4)
  31. Be no idolater (1.COR 10:7)
  32. Be followers of Paul as he followed Christ (1.COR 11:1; PHIL 3:17)
  33. Be followers of God (EPH 5:1)
  34. Be followers of the faithful and patient (HEB 6:12)
  35. Be not children in understanding (1.COR 14:20)
  36. Be men in understanding (1.COR 14:20)
  37. Be steadfast (1.COR 15:58)
  38. Be unmoveable (1.COR 15:58)
  39. Be always abounding in God’s work (1.COR 15:58)
  40. Be strong in the Lord (1.COR 16:13; EPH 6:10; 2.TIM 2:1)
  41. Be of good comfort (2.COR 13:11)
  42. Be of one mind (ROM 12:16; 2.COR 13:11; PHIL 2:2; 1.PET 3:8)
  43. Be separate from the unclean (2.COR 6:17)
  44. Be renewed in spirit (EPH 4:23)
  45. Be angry and sin not (EPH 4:26)
  46. Be tender-hearted one to another (EPH 4:32)
  47. Be filled with the Spirit (EPH 5:18)
  48. Be likeminded (PHIL 2:2)
  49. Be one of accord (PHIL 2:2)
  50. Be anxious for nothing (PHIL 4:6)
  51. Be an example to believers in word, conversation, charity, spirit, faith, and purity (1.TIM 4:12)
  52. Be a partaker of Christian sufferings (2.TIM 1:8; cp. 1.PET 4:1)
  53. Be gentle to all people (2.TIM 2:24)
  54. Be apt to teach (2.TIM 2:24)
  55. Be instant in season, out of season (2.TIM 4:2)
  56. Be careful to maintain good works (TIT 3:8,14; cp. MATT 5:16)
  57. Be content with what you have (HEB 13:5)
  58. Be doers of the Word (JAS 1:22)
  59. Be afflicted and mourn (JAS 4:9)
  60. Be patient till Christ comes (JAS 5:7-8)
  61. Be holy in conversation (behaviour) (1.PET 1:15-16)
  62. Be pitiful (1.PET 3:8)
  63. Be courteous (1.PET 3:8)
  64. Be examples of the flock of God, not lord over it (1.PET 5:3)
  65. Be subject one to another (1.PET 5:5)
  66. Be clothed with humility (1.PET 5:5)
  67. Be sober (1.PET 5:8)
  68. Be vigilant (1.PET 5:8)
  69. Be mindful of prophecies and commandments (2.PET 3:2)
  70. Be diligent to be found in peace (2.PET 3:14)
  71. Be diligent to be without spot, and blameless (2.PET 3:14)
  72. Be faithful to death (REV 2:10)
  73. Be watchful, strengthen self (REV 3:2)
  74. Be zealous and repent (REV 3:19)

F.     Thirty “Be Not’s”:

  1. Be not like the hypocrites in prayer (MATT 6:5)
  2. Be not like the heathen in prayer (MATT 6:8)
  3. Be not as hypocrites in fasting (MATT 6:16)
  4. Be not called “Rabbi” (MATT 23:8)
  5. Be not called “Master” (MATT 23:9)
  6. Be not afraid of man (LK 12:4)
  7. Be not of doubtful mind (LK 12:29)
  8. Be not many teachers (JAS 3:1)
  9. Be not afraid of terror (1.PET 3:14)
  10. Be not troubled (1.PET 3:14)
  11. Be not ignorant of time with God (2.PET 3:8; cp. ISA 57:15)
  12. Be not deceived: 10 classes not to inherit the kingdom (1.COR 6:9-10)
  13. Be not conformed to world (ROM 12:2)
  14. Be not slothful in business (ROM 12:11)
  15. Be not conceited (ROM 12:16)
  16. Be not overcome of evil (ROM 12:21)
  17. Be not mere servants of men (1.COR 7:23)
  18. Be not children in understanding (1.COR 14:20)
  19. Be not deceived by evil companions (1.COR 15:33)
  20. Be not unequally yoked together with unbelievers (2.COR 6:14-15)
  21. Be not entangled again with keeping the law (GAL 5:1. See ‘Eighty-five Old and New Covenant Contrasts’)
  22. Be not deceived: man will reap what he sows (GAL 6:7-8)
  23. Be not partakers with sinners (EPH 5:7)
  24. Be not unwise about God’s will (EPH 5:17)
  25. Be not drunk with wine (EPH 5:18)
  26. Be not weary in well doing (2.THESS 3:13)
  27. Be not ashamed of God (2.TIM 1:8)
  28. Be not slothful (HEB 6:12)
  29. Be not forgetful of strangers (HEB 13:2)
  30. Be not carried about with different strange doctrines (HEB 13:9)

G.   Fourteen “Barware’s”:

  1. Beware of false prophets (MATT 7:15)
  2. Beware of people (MATT 10:17)
  3. Beware of leaven (doctrine) of Pharisees (MATT 16:6-12)
  4. Beware of leaven (doctrine) of Herod (MK 8:15)
  5. Beware of hypocrisy (LK 12:1)
  6. Beware of covetousness (LK 12:15)
  7. Beware of scribes (MK 12:38; LK 20:46)
  8. Beware of lest you despise God and perish (ACTS 13:40-41)
  9. Beware of dogs (false teachers, PHIL 3:2; ISA 56:10)
  10. Beware of evil workers (PHIL 3:2)
  11. Beware of the concision (Jews, PHIL 3:2)
  12. Beware of being spoiled through philosophy (COL 2:8)
  13. Beware of being spoiled through vain deceit (COL 2:8)
  14. Beware of backsliding (2.PET 3:17)

H.   Four things to believe:

  1. The gospel (MK 1:15)
  2. God’s existence (HEB 11:6)
  3. On Jesus Christ (1.JN 3:23)
  4. God rewards diligent seeking (HEB 11:6)

I.       One thing not to believe:

  1. Believe not every spirit (1.JN 4:1)

J.      Two classes to bless:

  1. Those who curse you (MATT 5:44; LK 6:28)
  2. Persecutors (ROM 12:14)

K.   Three things to cast out or away:

  1. The beam out of own eyes (MATT 7:5; LK 6:42)
  2. Devils (MATT 10:8)
  3. All your cares upon God (1.PET 5:7)

L.    Two classes to comfort:

  1. One another-fellow Christians (1.THESS 4:18; 1.THESS 5:11)
  2. The feeble-minded (1.THESS 5:14)

M.  Six classes to honour:

  1. Fathers (MATT 19:19; MK 10:19; LK 18:20; EPH 6:2)
  2. Mothers (MATT 19:19; MK 10:19; LK 18:20; EPH 6:2)
  3. Others (ROM 12:10)
  4. Widows indeed (1.TIM 5:3)
  5. All people (1.PET 2:17)
  6. Kings – rulers (1.PET 2:17)

N.   Five things to charge:

  1. Men to be blameless (1.TIM 5:7)
  2. The rich to be humble (1.TIM 6:17)
  3. The rich to trust in God (1.TIM 6:17)
  4. The rich to do good works (1.TIM 6:18)
  5. The rich to lay hold on eternal life (1.TIM 6:19)

O.   Five things to consider:

  1. The ravens (LK 12:24)
  2. The lilies (LK 12:27-28)
  3. Truth (2.TIM 2:7)
  4. That you are capable of falling (GAL 6:1)
  5. Christ (HEB 3:1; HEB 12:3)

P.     Three things to continue in:

  1. Love (JN 15:9)
  2. Prayer (ROM 12:12; COL 4:2)
  3. Truth (2.TIM 3:14)


Q.   Two things to covet:

  1. The best gifts (1.COR 12:31)
  2. To prophesy (1.COR 14:39); cp.


things not to covet

(EX 20:17; DEUT 5:21)

R.    One thing not to cast away:

  1. Your confidence in God (HEB 10:35)

S.     Two things to endure:

  1. Hardness (2.TIM 2:3)
  2. Sufferings (2.TIM 4:5)

T.    Whom to fear:

  1. God (MATT 10:28; LK 12:5; 1.PET 2:17; REV 14:7)

Three things not to fear:


  1. Man (MATT 10:28; LK 12:5)
  2. Persecutors (MATT 10:26)
  3. No lack of provision (MATT 10:31; MK 6:8-9; LK 12:7)

U.   Five things to feed:

  1. Enemies (ROM 12:20)
  2. Lambs (JN 21:15)
  3. Sheep (JN 21:16,17)
  4. Flock of God (1.PET 5:2)
  5. The church (ACTS 20:28)

V.   Four things to flee from:

  1. Fornication (1.COR 6:18)
  2. Idolatry (1.COR 10:14)
  3. Hurtful lusts (1.TIM 6:9-11)
  4. Youthful lusts (2.TIM 2:22)

W. Ten “Do’s”:

  1. Do good to them that hate you (MATT 5:44; LK 6:27)
  2. Do to others what you expect of them (MATT 7:12; LK 6:31)
  3. Do violence to no man (LK 3:14)
  4. Do good (LK 6:35; ROM 13:3)
  5. Do this (put God first) and live (LK 10:28)
  6. Do all to God’s glory (1.COR 10:31; COL 3:17,23)
  7. Do all things without murmuring and disputing (PHIL 2:14)
  8. Do those things, which were seen and heard in me (Paul, PHIL 4:9)
  9. Do your own business (1.THESS 4:11)
  10. Do the work of an evangelist (2.TIM 4:5)

X.   Ten “Do Not’s”:

  1. Do not alms before people (MATT 6:1)
  2. Do not sound trumpet before you when giving alms (MATT 6:2)
  3. Do not do works of Pharisees (MATT 23:3-33)
  4. Do not love in word only (1.JN 3:18)
  5. Do not give heed to fables (1.TIM 1:4)
  6. Do not give heed to genealogies (1.TIM 1:4)
  7. Do not err (JAS 1:16)
  8. Do not commit adultery (JAS 2:11)
  9. Do not kill (JAS 2:11)
  10. Do not fashion self according to former lusts (1.PET 1:14)

Y.   Ten things to follow:

  1. Christ (MATT 4:19; MATT 8:22; MATT 16:24; MK 8:34; MK 10:21; LK 9:23; JN 21:19)
  2. Love (1.COR 14:1; 1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
  3. Good (1.THESS 5:15; 3.JN 1:11)
  4. Righteousness (1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
  5. Godliness (1.TIM 6:11)
  6. Faith (1.TIM 6:11; 2.TIM 2:22)
  7. Patience (1.TIM 6:11)
  8. Meekness (1.TIM 6:11)
  9. Peace (2.TIM 2:22; HEB 12:14)
  10. Holiness (HEB 12:14)

Z.    Seven things about giving:

  1. Commanded: give (LK 6:38)
  2. Whom to give to: Him that asks (MATT 5:42; LK 6:30)
  3. Needy saints (ROM 12:13)
  4. God (COL 3:17; REV 14:7)
  5. Whom not to give to:
  6. Give not holy things to rebels (MATT 7:6)
  7. Give no place to Satan (EPH 4:27)

AA.                    What to give:

  1. Holy things (MATT 7:6; MATT 10:8)
  2. Give thanks (EPH 5:20; PHIL 4:6; COL 3:17; 1.THESS 5:18)
  3. Give time to reading, exhortation,
  4. doctrine (1.TIM 4:13)
  5. Give self wholly (1.TIM 4:15)
  6. Give glory to God (REV 14:7)


What not to give:


  1. Give no offence (1.COR 10:32)
  2. Give no heed of fables and commandments of human beings (TIT 1:14)


BB.                     How to give:


  1. Freely (MATT 10:8; 2.COR 9:6)
  2. Good measure (LK 6:38)
  3. As God has prospered (1.COR 16:2)
  4. Willingly (2.COR 8:12)
  5. With purpose (2.COR 9:7)
  6. Cheerfully (2.COR 9:7)

CC.                     Blessings promised for giving:


  1. Returns on the basis of giving (LK 6:38; 2.COR 9:6)
  2. Reward (MATT 10:42)
  3. All grace abounding (2.COR 9:8)
  4. All sufficiency (2.COR 9:8)
  5. Eternal righteousness (2.COR 9:9)
  6. Increased fruits (2.COR 9:10)
  7. Enrichment in all things (2.COR 9:11)

DD.                    Six things to lay aside:

  1. Wickedness (JAS 1:21)
  2. All malice (1.PET 2:1)
  3. All guile (1.PET 2:1)
  4. All hypocrisies (1.PET 2:1)
  5. All envies (1.PET 2:1)
  6. All evil speakings (1.PET 2:1)

EE.                       Seven things to keep:

  1. Keep commandments (MATT 19:17; JN 14:15)
  2. Keep no company with the 6 classes of professed Christians of 1.COR 5:11
  3. Keep yourself pure (1.TIM 5:22)
  4. Keep the gospel commandments until Christ comes (1.TIM 6:14)
  5. Keep the good entrusted you (2.TIM 1:14)
  6. Keep yourself from idols (1.JN 5:21)
  7. Keep yourself in God’s love (JUDE 1:21)

FF.                        Five “Go’s”:

  1. Go two miles (MATT 5:41)
  2. Go teach (MATT 28:19-20)
  3. Go preach (MK 16:15)
  4. Go not from house to house (LK 10:7)
  5. Go and do likewise (LK 10:37)

GG.                    Seven “Have’s”:

  1. Have faith (MK 11:22; ROM 14:22-23)
  2. Have no fellowship with darkness (EPH 5:11)
  3. Have no respect of persons (1.TIM 5:21; JAS 2:1-10)
  4. Have honest conversation (1.PET 2:12)
  5. Have compassion (1.PET 3:8; JUDE 1:22)
  6. Have a good conscience (1.PET 3:16)
  7. Have fervent love (1.PET 4:8)

Fourteen “Hold’s”:

  1. Hold forth Word of life (PHIL 2:16)
  2. Hold fast to the good (1.THESS 5:21)
  3. Hold Christian traditions (1.TIM 1:19; 1.TIM 3:9)
  4. Hold faith (1.TIM 1:19)
  5. Hold a good conscience (1.TIM 1:19)
  6. Hold fast sound doctrine (2.TIM 1:13)
  7. Hold fast till Christ comes (REV 2:25)
  8. Hold fast what you have (REV 3:11)
  9. Hold your crown (REV 3:11)
  10. Hold reputation of ministers (PHIL 2:29)
  11. Hold eternal life (1.TIM 6:12,19)
  12. Hold hope (HEB 6:18)
  13. Hold confidence (HEB 3:6,14)
  14. Hold what is heard and received (REV 3:3)


HH.                    One Hundred “Let’s”:

  1. Let your light shine (MATT 5:16; LK 12:35)
  2. Let your conversation be yea, nay (MATT 5:37; JAS 5:12)
  3. Let your enemy have your cloak (MATT 5:40; LK 6:29)
  4. Let blind leaders alone (MATT 15:14)
  5. Let everyone deny themselves (MATT 16:24; MK 8:34; LK 9:23)
  6. Let him take up cross (MATT 16:24; MK 8:34; MK 10:21; LK 9:23)
  7. Let him hear (MK 4:23; LK 14:35)
  8. Let him share with the needy (LK 3:11)
  9. Let your loins be girded (LK 12:35)
  10. Let everyone take your purse and script (LK 22:36)
  11. Let him sell his garment, buy sword (LK 22:36)
  12. Let your love be genuine (ROM 12:9)
  13. Let everyone obey the civil laws (ROM 13:1)
  14. Let everyone choose his own sabbath day (ROM 14:5-7; COL 2:14-17)
  15. Let everyone take heed how he builds upon Christ (1.COR 3:10)
  16. Let no man deceive himself (1.COR 3:18)
  17. Let every man have his own wife (1.COR 7:2)
  18. Let every woman her own husband (1.COR 7:2)
  19. Let spouses satisfy each other in sexual relations (1.COR 7:4-5)
  20. Let them who cannot restrain marry (1.COR 7:9)
  21. Let husbands and wives remain unmarried if they separate or, be reconciled (1.COR 7:11)
  22. Let the unbelieving ones depart who refuse to remain (1.COR 7:15)
  23. Let every man abide in his calling (1.COR 7:17-24)
  24. Let no one seek to erase circumcision (1.COR 7:18)
  25. Let no one be circumcised (as a religious rite, 1.COR 7:18)
  26. Let a father give his daughter in marriage if she desires it (1.COR 7:36-38)
  27. Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he fall (1.COR 10:12)
  28. Let no man seek wealth selfishly (1.COR 10:24)
  29. Let the woman cut her hair if her head is uncovered (1.COR 11:6)
  30. Let the woman wear a covering if cutting and shaving the hair be a shame (1.COR 11:6)
  31. Let everyone examine self when taking the Lord’s Supper (1.COR 11:28)
  32. Let the hungry eat at home, not at the Lord’s Supper (1.COR 11:34)
  33. Let the speaker in tongues pray for the interpretation (1.COR 14:13)
  34. Let all things be done to edifying (1.COR 14:26)
  35. Let no more than 3 messages in tongues be given in one service (1.COR 14:27)
  36. Let one interpret (1.COR 14:27)
  37. Let the mind of Christ be in you (PHIL 2:5)
  38. Let your moderation be known (PHIL 4:5)
  39. Let your requests be known to God (PHIL 4:6)
  40. Let no one judge you with regard to meats, drinks, holy days, new moons, and sabbath days (COL 2:14-17; ROM 14:5-7)
  41. Let no one rob you of your reward by some vain religion (COL 2:18)
  42. Let peace rule the heart (COL 3:15)
  43. Let the Word dwell in you (COL 3:16)
  44. Let speech be with grace (COL 4:6)
  45. Let no one deceive you about the day of Christ being at hand (2.THESS 2:3)
  46. Let no man despise youth (1.TIM 4:12)
  47. Let the speaker in tongues keep silent in church speaking to himself and God if no interpreter present (1.COR 14:28)
  48. Let the prophets speak two or three messages and let others judge (1.COR 14:29)
  49. Let times be shared in revelation (1.COR 14:30)
  50. Let women learn quietly in church or at home (1.COR 14:34-35; 1.TIM 2:11)
  51. Let everyone acknowledge regulation of spiritual gifts to be commandments of God (1.COR 14:37)
  52. Let rebels to truth remain ignorant (1.COR 14:38)
  53. Let all things be done in decent order (1.COR 16:2)
  54. Let everyone give as God prospers (1.COR 16:2)
  55. Let all things be done in love (1.COR 16:14)
  56. Let everyone give cheerfully (2.COR 9:7)
  57. Let rebels to truth be accursed (1.COR 16:22; GAL 1:8-9)
  58. Let everyone prove their own work (GAL 6:4)
  59. Let those taught support the teacher (GAL 6:6)
  60. Let the thief steal no more (EPH 4:28)
  61. Let the thief labour instead of stealing to have to give to others (EPH 4:28)
  62. Let no corrupt conversation come from your mouth (EPH 4:29)
  63. Let bitterness, wrath, anger, clamour, evil speaking, and malice be put away (EPH 4:31)
  64. Let no man deceive you with vain words (EPH 5:6)
  65. Let the wives be subject to their husbands (EPH 5:22,24; COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)
  66. Let the husbands love their wives (EPH 5:25,28,33; COL 3:19; 1.PET 3:7)
  67. Let the wives reverence their husbands (EPH 5:33)
  68. Let your conversation (behaviour) be becoming of the gospel (PHIL 1:27)
  69. Let nothing be done through strife or vain glory (PHIL 2:3)
  70. Let each esteem other better than himself (PHIL 2:3)
  71. Let worthy elders be doubly honoured (paid) (1.TIM 5:17)
  72. Let servants honour masters (1.TIM 6:1)
  73. Let masters respect servants (1.TIM 6:2)
  74. Let every Christian depart from iniquity (2.TIM 2:19)
  75. Let no man despise you (TIT 2:15)
  76. Let brotherly love continue (HEB 13:1)
  77. Let conversation be without covetousness (HEB 13:5)
  78. Let patience work perfectly (JAS 1:4)
  79. Let one who lacks, ask for wisdom (JAS 1:5)
  80. Let him ask in faith (JAS 1:6)
  81. Let the exalted rejoice (JAS 1:9)
  82. Let the humble rejoice (JAS 1:10)
  83. Let no man lay temptation to God (JAS 1:13)
  84. Let everyone be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath (JAS 1:19)
  85. Let the wise demonstrate wisdom and knowledge (JAS 3:13)
  86. Let the light-hearted sinners become remorseful (JAS 4:9)
  87. Let the afflicted pray (JAS 5:13)
  88. Let the merry sing psalms (JAS 5:13)
  89. Let the sick call elders (JAS 5:14)
  90. Let elders pray for sick, anointing with oil (JAS 5:14-15; cp. MK 6:13)
  91. Let adorning be more inward than outward (1.PET 3:3-4; 1.TIM 2:9-10)
  92. Let everyone refrain tongue from evil, and lips from guile (1.PET 3:10)
  93. Let everyone shun evil, do good, seek peace and pursue it (1.PET 3:11)
  94. Let ministers speak for God (1.PET 4:11)
  95. Let no one suffer as a murderer, thief, evildoer, or busybody (1.PET 4:15)
  96. Let no one be ashamed to suffer as a Christian, but be thankful (1.PET 4:16)
  97. Let Christian sufferers commit their souls to God (1.PET 4:19)
  98. Let eternal life abide in you (1.JN 2:24-25)
  99. Let no man deceive you about being righteous (1.JN 3:7)
  100. Let him that hath an ear, hear (REV 2:7,11,17,29; REV 3:6,13,22)

Twelve “Let Not’s”:

  1. Let not your left hand know what the right hand does (MATT 6:3)
  2. Let not man sever those who are married (MATT 19:6)
  3. Let not good be evil spoken of (ROM 14:16)
  4. Let not sin reign in the body (ROM 6:12)
  5. Let not him that eateth despise him that does not (ROM 14:3)
  6. Let not him that eateth not judge him that does (ROM 14:3)
  7. Let not the wife depart from her husband (1.COR 7:10)
  8. Let not the husband put away his wife (1.COR 7:11)
  9. Let not the Christian put away the unsaved companion who wishes to remain (1.COR 7:12,13)
  10. Let not the sun go down on wrath (EPH 4:26)
  11. Let not fornication, uncleanness, covetousness, filthiness, foolish talking, and jesting be mentioned among you as becometh saints (EPH 5:3-4)
  12. Let not unworthy widows be supported by the church (1.TIM 5:9-16)

II.    Forty-two “Let us’s”:

  1. Let us walk honestly (ROM 13:12)
  2. Let us cast off works of darkness (ROM 13:12)
  3. Let us put on armour of light (ROM 13:12)
  4. Let us follow things of peace (ROM 14:9)
  5. Let us follow things that edify (ROM 14:19)
  6. Let us please neighbour for good (ROM 15:2-3)
  7. Let us be sincere (1.COR 5:8)
  8. Let us not commit fornication (1.COR 10:2-3)
  9. Let us not tempt Christ (1.COR 10:9)
  10. Let us not murmur (1.COR 10:10)
  11. Let us cleanse ourselves from the filthiness of body and spirit (2.COR 7:1)
  12. Let us perfect holiness (2.COR 7:1)
  13. Let us walk in the Spirit (GAL 5:25)
  14. Let us not desire vain glory (GAL 5:26)
  15. Let us not provoke one another (GAL 5:26)
  16. Let us not envy one another (GAL 5:26)
  17. Let us not be weary in well doing (GAL 6:9)
  18. Let us do good to all people (GAL 6:10)
  19. Let us do good especially to fellow Christians (GAL 6:10)
  20. Let us who are mature press forward toward the mark (PHIL 3:14-15)
  21. Let us walk by the same rule (PHIL 3:16)
  22. Let us mind the same thing (PHIL 3:16)
  23. Let us not sleep spiritually (1.THESS 5:6)
  24. Let us watch and be sober (1.THESS 5:6,8)
  25. Let us be content with food and raiment (1.TIM 6:8)
  26. Let us fear losing the soul (HEB 4:1-2)
  27. Let us labour to be saved (HEB 4:11)
  28. Let us hold fast our profession (HEB 10:23)
  29. Let us come boldly to the throne of grace (HEB 4:16; HEB 10:19-23)
  30. Let us go on to perfection (HEB 6:1)
  31. Let us draw near to God (HEB 10:22)
  32. Let us provoke to love and good works (HEB 10:24)
  33. Let us not forsake assembling together in worship (HEB 10:25)
  34. Let us exhort one another (HEB 10:25)
  35. Let us lay aside every weight (HEB 12:1)
  36. Let us lay aside besetting sin (HEB 12:1)
  37. Let us run race with patience (HEB 12:1)
  38. Let us look to Jesus (HEB 12:2)
  39. Let us have grace to serve God (HEB 12:28)
  40. Let us bear Christ’s reproach (HEB 13:13)
  41. Let us offer our sacrifice of praise to God continually (HEB 13:15)
  42. Let us love one another (1.JN 4:7,11)

JJ.   Eight “Let Us Not’s”:

  1. Let us not walk in rioting (ROM 13:13)
  2. Let us not walk in drunkenness (ROM 13:13)
  3. Let us not walk in chambering (ROM 13:13)
  4. Let us not walk in wantonness (ROM 13:13)
  5. Let us not walk in strife (ROM 13:13)
  6. Let us not walk in envying (ROM 13:13)
  7. Let us not judge one another in doubtful things (ROM 14:13)
  8. Let us not cause others to stumble (ROM 14:13)

KK.                    Three ways to live:

  1. Live peacefully (ROM 12:18; 2.COR 13:11)
  2. Live free from anxiety and undue care (1.COR 7:28-35)
  3. Live no longer in lusts of sin (1.PET 4:2)

LL.                       Four commands to “Love”:

  1. Love your enemies (MATT 5:44; LK 6:27,35)
  2. Love your fellow Christians (JN 13:34; JN 15:12,17; GAL 5:14; 1.PET 2:17; 1.JN 3:23; 2.JN 1:5)
  3. Love the brotherhood (1.PET 2:17)
  4. Love your brother (1.JN 4:21)

MM.                 Two things not to love:

  1. The world (1.JN 2:15)
  2. Things in the world (1.JN 2:15)

NN.                    Three ways to love:

  1. Fervently (1.PET 2:22)
  2. With a pure heart (1.PET 2:22)
  3. As brethren (1.PET 3:8)

OO.                    One Person to pray to:

  1. Pray to thy Father (MATT 6:6; MATT 6:9; JN 16:23-26)

PP.                        Three things to pray for:

  1. Your persecutors (MATT 5:44; LK 6:28)
  2. For labourers (MATT 9:38; LK 10:2)
  3. For one another (JAS 5:16)

QQ.                    Two ways not to pray:

  1. Use not vain repetitions like the heathen (MATT 6:7)
  2. Do not pray as hypocrites (MATT 6:5)

RR.                     Three ways to pray:

  1. After this manner pray (MATT 6:9-13)
  2. Ask, seek, knock (MATT 7:7-11)
  3. Pray in the Spirit (JUDE 1:20)

SS.                        Four things to prove:

  1. Prove yourself (2.COR 13:5)
  2. Prove what is acceptable to God (EPH 5:10)
  3. Prove all things (1.THESS 5:21)
  4. Prove accusations against elders (1.TIM 5:19)

TT.                       Two commands to rejoice:

  1. Rejoice (MATT 5:12; ROM 15:10)
  2. Rejoice evermore (1.THESS 5:16)

UU.                    Eight “Put Away’s”:

  1. Put away wicked people from the congregation (1.COR 5:13)
  2. Put away lying (EPH 4:25)
  3. Put away all bitterness (EPH 4:31)
  4. Put away wrath (EPH 4:31)
  5. Put away anger (EPH 4:31)
  6. Put away clamour (EPH 4:31)
  7. Put away evil speaking (EPH 4:31)
  8. Put away all malice (EPH 4:31)

VV.                    Six “Put Off’s”:

  1. Put off the old man (EPH 4:22; COL 3:9)
  2. Put off anger (COL 3:8)
  3. Put off wrath (COL 3:8)
  4. Put off malice (COL 3:8)
  5. Put off blasphemy (COL 3:8)
  6. Put off filthy conversation (COL 3:8)

WW.                Twelve “Put On’s”:

  1. Put on Christ (ROM 13:14)
  2. Put on the armour of light (ROM 13:12)
  3. Put on the new man (EPH 4:24; COL 3:10)
  4. Put on the whole armour of God (EPH 6:11,13)
  5. Put on the bowels of mercy (COL 3:12)
  6. Put on kindness (COL 3:12)
  7. Put on humility (COL 3:12)
  8. Put on meekness (COL 3:12)
  9. Put on longsuffering (COL 3:13)
  10. Put on love (COL 3:14)
  11. Put on the breastplate of faith and love (1.THESS 5:8)
  12. Put on the hope of salvation (1.THESS 5:8)

XX.                    One class not to rebuke:

  1. Elders (1.TIM 5:1)

YY.                    Three things to rebuke:

  1. Certain sinners (1.TIM 5:20)
  2. Rebels (TIT 1:13)
  3. Works of darkness (EPH 5:11)

ZZ.                       Two ways to rebuke:

  1. With all authority (TIT 2:15)
  2. With all longsuffering (2.TIM 4:2)

AAA.              Four things to rejoice in:

  1. Hope (ROM 12:12)
  2. Blessings of others (ROM 12:15)
  3. The Lord (PHIL 3:1; PHIL 4:4)
  4. Suffering for Christ (1.PET 4:13)

BBB.               Five things to remember:

  1. What you are saved from (EPH 2:11-12)
  2. Those who suffer (HEB 13:3)
  3. Those who lead you (HEB 13:7)
  4. Truth (JUDE 17,18; REV 3:3)
  5. Backsliding, and repent (REV 2:5)

CCC.               Four things to seek:

  1. God’s kingdom first (MATT 6:33; LK 12:31)
  2. God in prayer (MATT 7:7)
  3. To edify the church (1.COR 14:12)
  4. Things above (COL 3:1)

DDD.              One command to stand fast:

  1. Stand fast, and hold Christian traditions (2.THESS 2:15)

EEE.                 Three things to stand fast with:

  1. Loins girt about with truth
  2. Breastplate of righteousness
  3. Feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace (EPH 6:14-15)

FFF.                  Five things to stand in:

  1. Faith (1.COR 16:13)
  2. Liberty (GAL 5:1)
  3. One spirit (PHIL 1:27)
  4. One mind (PHIL 1:27)
  5. The Lord (PHIL 4:1)

GGG.              Eight things to think on:

  1. Things about your true self (ROM 12:3; 1.COR 3:18)
  2. Things true
  3. Things honest
  4. Things just
  5. Things pure
  6. Things lovely
  7. Things of good report
  8. Things of virtue (PHIL 4:8)

HHH.              One way to think:

  1. Think soberly (ROM 12:3)

III. Five commands to “submit”:

  1. Submit one to another (EPH 5:21)
  2. Submit to God (JAS 4:7)
  3. Submit to every ordinance of man (1.PET 2:13-14; ROM 13:1-8)
  4. Younger ones are to submit to their elders (1.PET 5:5)
  5. Wives must submit to their husbands (EPH 5:22; COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)

JJJ.                       Twelve “Take’s”:

  1. Take no anxious thought for necessities of life (MATT 6:25,31; LK 12:22-30)
  2. Take no anxious thought of tomorrow (MATT 6:34)
  3. Take no anxious thought of defence (MATT 10:19; MK 13:9-11; LK 12:11-12; LK 21:14)
  4. Take my yoke upon you (MATT 11:29)
  5. Take advantage of freedom (1.COR 7:21)
  6. Take the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Christ (1.COR 11:24-26)
  7. Take the shield of faith (EPH 6:16)
  8. Take the helmet of salvation (EPH 6:17)
  9. Take the sword of the Spirit (EPH 6:17)
  10. Take oversight of the flock willingly (1.PET 5:2)
  11. Take oversight of the flock without thought of personal gain (1.PET 5:2)
  12. Take a humble seat (LK 14:8)

Eighteen “Take Heed’s”:

  1. Take heed that you do not alms to be seen by people (MATT 6:1)
  2. Take heed not to despise little ones (MATT 18:10)
  3. Take heed not to be deceived (MATT 24:4; MK 13:5; LK 21:8)
  4. Take heed what you hear (MK 4:24)
  5. Take heed how you hear (LK 8:18)
  6. Take heed to walk in the light (LK 11:35)
  7. Take heed to rebuke and forgive (LK 17:3)
  8. Take heed not to get drunk (LK 21:34)
  9. Take heed not to surfeit (LK 21:34)
  10. Take heed not to be overcome with cares (LK 21:34)
  11. Take heed to yourselves (MATT 13:9; LK 17:3; LK 21:34; ACTS 20:28)
  12. Take heed to the flock of God (ACTS 20:28)
  13. Take heed lest you misuse your liberty (1.COR 8:9)
  14. Take heed lest you fall (1.COR 10:12; ROM 11:21)
  15. Take heed to your ministry (COL 4:17)
  16. Take heed that you destroy not one another (GAL 5:15)
  17. Take heed to yourself and your doctrine (1.TIM 4:16)
  18. Take heed not to backslide (HEB 3:12)

KKK.              Two ways not to walk:

  1. As Sinners (EPH 4:17)
  2. As fools (EPH 5:15)

LLL.                 Four “Thou Shalt’s”:

  1. Thou shalt worship God only (MATT 4:10; LK 4:8)
  2. Thou shalt serve God only (MATT 4:10; LK 4:8)
  3. Thou shalt love neighbours as yourself (MATT 5:43; MATT 19:19; MATT 22:39; MK 12:31; LK 10:27; ROM 13:9; GAL 5:14)
  4. Thou shalt love God wholeheartedly (MATT 22:37; MK 12:30; LK 10:27)

MMM.         Seven things to walk in:

  1. The Spirit (GAL 5:16)
  2. Love (EPH 5:2)
  3. The light (EPH 5:8-9; 1.JN 1:7)
  4. Watchfulness (EPH 6:18)
  5. Christ (COL 2:6-7; 2.COR 5:17)
  6. Wisdom (COL 4:5)
  7. Honesty (1.THESS 4:12)

NNN.              Eight “Thou Shalt Not’s”:

  1. Thou shalt not tempt the Lord (MATT 4:7; LK 4:12)
  2. Thou shalt not kill (MATT 5:21; MATT 19:18; MK 10:19; LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
  3. Thou shalt not commit adultery (MATT 5:27-28; MATT 19:18; LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
  4. Thou shalt not pray to be seen by people (MATT 6:5)
  5. Thou shalt not steal (MATT 19:18; MK 10:19; LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
  6. Thou shalt not bear false witness (MATT 19:18; MK 10:19; LK 18:20; ROM 13:9)
  7. Thou shalt not covet (ROM 13:9)
  8. Thou shalt not muzzle the ox treading corn (1.COR 9:9; 1.TIM 5:18)

200 Miscellaneous Commands:

  1. Abhor what is evil (ROM 12:9)
  2. A bishop must be (see characteristics of, 1.TIM 3:2-7; TIT 1:6-9)
  3. Abide in Christ (JN 15:4)
  4. Abide with worthy ones (MATT 10:11-13; MK 6:10; LK 9:4; LK 10:5-8)
  5. Accuse none falsely (LK 3:14)
  6. Add to Christian graces (2.PET 1:5-7)
  7. Admit your own unprofitableness (LK 17:10)
  8. Admonish one another (COL 3:16)
  9. Admonish the unruly (2.THESS 3:15)
  10. Agree with your adversary (MATT 5:25)
  11. Allow no liberty to ensnare you to commit sin (1.COR 10:25-30)
  12. Allow no lust of evil in the your body (1.THESS 4:5)
  13. Allow no cursing and blessing from the same mouth (JAS 3:10)
  14. Anoint your head and wash face when fasting (MATT 6:17)
  15. Arm your self with a mind to suffer for Christ (1.PET 4:1)
  16. Avenge not yourself (ROM 12:19)
  17. Awake from death to light (EPH 5:14)
  18. Bear one another’s burdens (GAL 6:2)
  19. Behave like men (1.COR 16:13)
  20. Bid no false teacher “Godspeed” (2.JN 1:10-11)
  21. Bring proof of your repentance (MATT 3:8; LK 3:8)
  22. Bring your children up in the Lord (EPH 6:4)
  23. Build up your faith (JUDE 1:20) Call the poor to your feast (LK 14:13)
  24. Children, obey your parents (EPH 6:1; COL 3:20)
  25. Cleanse the lepers (MATT 10:8)
  26. Cleanse your hands you sinners (JAS 4:8)
  27. Cleave to good (ROM 12:9)
  28. Collect just dues only (LK 3:13)
  29. Come out from among them (2.COR 6:17)
  30. Command and teach these things (1.TIM 4:11; 1.TIM 6:2)
  31. Commit the truth to faithful teachers (2.TIM 2:2)
  32. Confess your faults one to another (JAS 5:16)
  33. Count it joy when you are tempted (JAS 1:2)
  34. Cut off offending members (MATT 5:29-30; MATT 18:8,9)
  35. Deacons must be (see 1.TIM 3:8-12)
  36. Defraud not (MK 10:19)
  37. Desire spiritual gifts (1.COR 14:1)
  38. Desire the milk of the Word (1.PET 2:2)
  39. Despise not prophesyings (1.THESS 5:20)
  40. Destroy none with non-essentials (ROM 14:15; 1.COR 8:13)
  41. Draw near to God (JAS 4:8)
  42. Eat your own bread in quietness (2.THESS 3:12)
  43. Earnestly contend for faith (JUDE 1:3)
  44. Edify yourselves with singing (EPH 5:19)
  45. Edify one another (1.THESS 5:11)
  46. Enter the straight (narrow) gate (MATT 7:13; LK 13:24)
  47. Examine yourself as to faith (2.COR 13:5)
  48. Exercise in godliness (1.TIM 4:7-8)
  49. Exhort servants to obey (TIT 2:9-10)
  50. Exhort one another daily (HEB 3:13)
  51. Fear not (LK 12:32)!
  52. Fight the good fight of faith (1.TIM 6:12)
  53. Follow peace and holiness (HEB 12:14)
  54. Forbear one another (COL 3:13)
  55. Forbid not children (MATT 19:14; MK 10:14; LK 18:16)
  56. Forbid not tongues (1.COR 14:39)
  57. Forget not to share (HEB 13:16)
  58. Forgive 490 times (MATT 18:22)
  59. Forgive (MATT 11:25-26; LK 6:37; EPH 4:32; COL 3:13)
  60. Fret not in servitude (2.COR 7:21)
  61. Gird up loins of mind (1.PET 1:13)
  62. Give place to wrath (ROM 12:19)
  63. Give your enemy a drink of water (ROM 12:20)
  64. Give no occasion to the adversary (1.TIM 5:14)
  65. Glorify God in your body and spirit (2.COR 6:20; cp. ROM 12:1-2)
  66. Grieve not the Holy Spirit (EPH 4:30)
  67. Grow in grace and knowledge (2.PET 3:18)
  68. Grudge not against another (JAS 5:9)
  69. Harden not your hearts (HEB 3:8-15)
  70. Hate flesh-spotted garments (JUDE 1:23)
  71. Have no respect of persons (partiality, prejudice) (1.TIM 5:21)
  72. Have the same love (PHIL 2:2)
  73. Have no fellowship with works of darkness (EPH 5:11)
  74. Heal the sick (MATT 10:8; LK 10:9)
  75. Help propagate truth (3.JN 1:8)
  76. Humble yourselves (JAS 4:10; 1.PET 5:6)
  77. Husbands, love your wives (EPH 5:25,28; COL 3:19; 1.PET 3:7)
  78. Husbands, be not bitter against your wives (COL 3:19)
  79. Instruct rebels in meekness (2.TIM 2:25)
  80. Intreat others according to 1.TIM 5:1-2.
  81. Judge not (MATT 7:1; LK 6:37)
  82. Have faith before God for things not condemned in Scripture (ROM 14:22-23)
  83. Know how to control your body (1.THESS 4:4)
  84. Lay not up your treasures on earth (MATT 6:19)
  85. Lay up your treasures in heaven (MATT 6:20; LK 12:33-34)
  86. Lay hold on eternal life (1.TIM 6:12)
  87. Leave your parents and cleave to your wife (MATT 19:5; MK 10:7; EPH 5:31)
  88. Lend, hoping for nothing back (LK 6:35)
  89. Lie not (COL 3:9)
  90. Lift up hands that hang down (HEB 12:12)
  91. Look not everyone on your own things only (PHIL 2:4)
  92. Look diligently not to fail of grace (HEB 12:15)
  93. Look diligently lest any root of bitterness defile (HEB 12:15)
  94. Look diligently lest any be a fornicator (HEB 12:16-17)
  95. Look to yourselves not to lose reward (2.JN 1:8)
  96. Look for mercy unto eternal life (JUDE 1:21)
  97. Lust not after evil things (1.COR 10:6)
  98. Make a tree good or corrupt (MATT 12:33)
  99. Make no provision for lusts (ROM 13:14)
  100. Make full proof of ministry (2.TIM 4:5)
  101. Make straight paths (HEB 12:13)
  102. Mark troublemakers (ROM 16:17; PHIL 3:17)
  103. Mark the unruly (2.THESS 3:14)
  104. Marvel not if you are hated by the world (1.JN 3:13)
  105. Masters, be good to servants (EPH 5:9; COL 4:1)
  106. Meditate upon things of 1.TIM 4:15.
  107. Mind not the high things (ROM 12:16)
  108. Minister as good stewards (1.PET 4:10)
  109. Mortify offending physical members (COL 3:5; ROM 8:12-13)
  110. Neither be of doubtful mind (LK 12:29)
  111. No man is to defraud his brother (1.THESS 4:6)
  112. Neglect not spiritual gifts (1.TIM 4:14; cp. 2.TIM 1:6)
  113. Obey your leaders (HEB 13:17)
  114. Offer the other cheek (MATT 5:39; LK 6:29)
  115. Ordain no one in a hurry (1.TIM 5:22)
  116. Owe nothing but love (ROM 13:8)
  117. Overcome evil with good (ROM 12:21)
  118. Pass the time in fear (1.PET 1:17)
  119. Pay your taxes (ROM 13:6)
  120. Pay just dues (ROM 13:7)
  121. Praise the Lord (ROM 15:11)
  122. Preach (MATT 10:7,27; MK 16:15; 2.TIM 4:2)
  123. Present your body to God (ROM 12:1)
  124. Provide things honestly (ROM 12:17)
  125. Provoke not your children to wrath (EPH 6:4; COL 3:21)
  126. Purge out the old leaven (evil influence) (1.COR 5:7)
  127. Purify your hearts of doubt (JAS 4:8)
  128. Put others in remembrance of the essentials (2.TIM 2:14)
  129. Quench not the Spirit (1.THESS 5:19)
  130. Raise the dead (MATT 10:8)
  131. Receive (accept) weak brethren (ROM 14:1)
  132. Receive one another (ROM 15:7)
  133. Receive the Word with meekness (JAS 1:21)
  134. Reckon yourself as dead to sin (ROM 6:11)
  135. Reckon yourself as alive to God (ROM 6:11)
  136. Recognize the truth (1.COR 10:15)
  137. Redeem the time (EPH 5:16; COL 4:5)
  138. Reject heretics (TIT 3:10)
  139. Refuse to support young widows from church funds (1.TIM 5:11)
  140. Remind people of the seven things of TITUS 3:1-2.
  141. Render no evil for evil (1.PET 3:9; ROM 12:17)
  142. Repent (MATT 3:2; MATT 4:17; MK 1:15; ACTS 2:38; ACTS 3:19; REV 2:16; REV 3:19)
  143. Resist not evil (MATT 5:38-39)
  144. Resist the devil (JAS 4:7; 1.PET 5:9)
  145. Restore backslider in meekness,
  146. considering your own life (GAL 6:1)
  147. Run to obtain (1.COR 9:24)
  148. Salute none by the way (LK 10:4)
  149. Salute your leaders (HEB 13:24)
  150. Sanctify God in your heart (1.PET 3:15)
  151. Save some with fear (JUDE 1:23)
  152. Search the Scriptures (JN 5:39)
  153. Seek not eats and drinks (LK 12:29)
  154. Sell to help the needy (LK 12:33)
  155. Serve the Lord (ROM 12:1)
  156. Servants, obey masters (EPH 6:5-8; COL 3:22-25; 1.PET 2:18)
  157. Set the least to judge (1.COR 6:4)
  158. Set your affections above (COL 3:2)
  159. Shake off the dust of your feet (MATT 10:14; MK 6:11; LK 9:5; LK 10:10-11)
  160. Show charity to other ministers (LK 9:49-50)
  161. Show yourself as a pattern (TIT 2:7)
  162. Show four things of TITUS 2:7-8.
  163. Sin not (1.COR 15:34)
  164. Sing with grace in heart (COL 3:16)
  165. Shun vain babblings (2.TIM 2:16)
  166. Speak and do things in view of the judgment day (JAS 2:12)
  167. Speak truth (EPH 4:25)
  168. Speak sound doctrine (TIT 2:1)
  169. Speak no evil of your brethren (JAS 4:11)
  170. Stablish your hearts (JAS 5:8)
  171. Strengthen your feeble knees (HEB 12:12)
  172. Strive together for the gospel faith (PHIL 1:27)
  173. Study to be quiet (1.THESS 4:11)
  174. Study (be diligent) to show yourself approved (2.TIM 2:15)
  175. Support the weak (1.THESS 5:14)
  176. See that no one renders evil for evil (1.THESS 5:15)
  177. Swear not (JAS 5:12; MATT 5:33-36)
  178. Tarry one for another (1.COR 11:33)
  179. Tarry for power (LK 24:49; ACTS 1:4-8)
  180. Teach one another (COL 3:16)
  181. Teach no other doctrine that the truth (1.TIM 1:3)
  182. Tell your brother his fault alone first (MATT 18:15-17)
  183. Trust God for your needs as you work (MATT 10:9; LK 9:3; LK 10:4)
  184. Understand the will of God (EPH 5:17)
  185. Use not your liberty as an occasion to sin (GAL 5:13; 1.PET 1:16)
  186. Use hospitality without grudging (1.PET 4:9)
  187. Warn the unruly (1.THESS 5:14)
  188. Watch and pray (MATT 24:42; MATT 25:13; MK 13:33,35; MK 14:38; LK 21:36; EPH 6:18; COL 4:2)
  189. Watch in all things (2.TIM 4:5; 1.COR 16:13)
  190. Weep with others (ROM 12:15)
  191. Withdraw from disorderly brethren (2.THESS 3:6,14)
  192. Withdraw from evil people (1.TIM 6:3-6)
  193. Wives of deacons must be (see 1.TIM 3:11)
  194. Wives, submit to your husbands (EPH 5:22; COL 3:18; 1.PET 3:1-6)
  195. Work with your own hands (1.THESS 4:11)
  196. Work, or do not eat (2.THESS 3:10-11)
  197. Work out own salvation (PHIL 2:12)
  198. Yield not your members to sin (ROM 6:13)
  199. Yield yourself to God (ROM 6:13)
  200. Yield your members to righteousness (ROM 6:13)

OOO.              Two eternal rights of the redeemed:

  1. Right to the tree of life
  2. Right to enter the New Jerusalem

Source: ‘Dake’s Study Notes’ by Finis Jennings Dake


The Park Church of Christ Prison Ministry for March 2024

The following is a short (5 minute) Park Prison Ministry activity report video

Testimony by Ivory Jones

15-Year-Old Fatal Accident   1-23-2009

Testimonial of Ivory Jones “Momo”

Written on 2-17-2024.


Accused of felony murder and robbery with a firearm at the age of 15.  With God’s hand on my life, even with a lot of transgressions on my hands, I was certain to be delivered from the first.


Starting with the County Jail booking process, a medical assessment being a part of that experience, coupled with waiting first on a medical assessment, and then waiting on the results of that medical assessment. In addition, all this occurred at the same time I was on a segregated lock down. This was due to the nature of my crime, which required solitary confinement for a 60-day period.


Eventually, I was removed from my cell by two nurses who informed me if I didn’t consent to a tech shot and what seemed to be 4 huge antibiotic pills, that in as little as 4 months, it would be impossible to eliminate the STD I was carrying.  So, I consented, and God delivered me from that disease.


I came to the sad conclusion that while preparing for my defense, I would not receive family support.  My mother said these exact words… “I wash my hands; the people got you now.”


Although a few weeks later, the only eyewitness against me was discredited. Yet my public defender continued to pressure me to plead guilty to the charges.  For obvious reasons that didn’t appear like good advice to me, I declined to do so. If the only eyewitness against me was discredited as a reliable witness, why would I plead guilty? It simply didn’t seem right to me.


When I returned to the Juvenile floor, I shared what I had learned about the witness. We attempted to shape my defense for a better outcome, and not accept the 35-year sentence that had been offered. Our first effort was to fire the public defender, which to my dismay I learned was not possible.  He came in a week later with my request in his hand and in my presence wadded the request up and threw it into the trash. He stated that he was court-appointed, and he could not be fired.

He also confessed that he had already been in a 2-year long court battle on another murder case and again told me I needed to plead guilty to the 35-year term that was being offered.  I once again rejected the offer, and he pushed so hard I lost my temper and motioned for the Officer to remove me from the room.


A month passed and feeling defeated, I felt I had no option but to accept the 35-year offer, as I feared ending up with a (LWOP) which means life without parole. Immediately after agreeing to the plea arrangement, I was transported to a prison A&R reception center. Upon arrival my case manager informed me it was illegal for me to be there, and as I was using my REC-Time for a shower, she arranged for me to be the only inmate on the day room floor, which made the other inmates furious.

Normally once a person arrives at A&R it takes 30 days for O.C. to find a facility in which the new inmate will serve his time.  However, in my case it only took 3 days, and I was shipped out.

At my first yard, my first cell mate was a 42-year-old man, and I was still only 15. While I was settling in, he apparently informed his wife that they moved a 15-year-old in with him.  She then proceeded to call the facility saying it was illegal for us to be cell mates, and if I were to get hurt, she didn’t want her husband to receive any of the blame or responsibility.  So, I was made to report to the warden who warned me I was being closely observed because he felt uneasy about me being sent to his prison. Most likely he had the same fear as the wife of my cell mate, that he would be held responsible for any harm that might come to me.

And this was my introduction to prison life.

About a month later the administration informed me that I would soon be faced with a decision.  I would need to decide on whether or not I would give my testimony to some 17 – 18 year olds in the “scared straight program” aimed at high school students and would take place in the Chapel. This led to the yard being shut down during this time for a youth program based out of the chapel in which I was to be host. This program was based on my testimony and Gospel Rap revelation by Pastor Darren Elliot who was exalted in the church shortly after I named this program “God First.”

I would like to restate the conditions when I first entered into the prison system, and was only a freshman in High School. However, H.B.O. had created a new project titled “A Special Education & Incarceration Prison Project” to which I was a main and youngest subject in this documentary being aired across America in this series of edifying the Gospel by displaying my rap skills as part of my prison lifestyle.

As is the case with many young people who find themselves in this situation, without a support group, and not fully trusting in the Lord yet, I was struggling, and fell into following older familiar gang members. I picked up their habits and ways to survive. It led me to drug abuse, at first, just marijuana for a long time, until one day I tried “K2” a harder substance, along with a few other activities such as finesse and manipulation which goes hand in glove with practicing sorcery, fueled by gaining influence with gang leaders and facilitating drugs around different yards, and sad to say, I became a master at these activities.

And, of course this led to several misconduct charges for possession of drugs & cell phones… somehow throughout, and in spite of all this, I managed to earn my G.E.D. I was able to obtain an Electrical license, learned to type, and Horticulture Management and have maintained a maintenance job for 4 years.  Now I can boast of 7 years clear conduct, by allowing God’s Holy Spirit take me over… I owe my life to Jesus Christ.




Why are we losing our Youth?

According to a Pew Research Center study 50% of our children raised in the Church come home from college as Atheists.


Most of us realize something seriously has gone wrong in America, and the world. 

Every time I think we have hit bottom, I see us sinking, once again, deeper (as a nation, and world) to a new level of depravity. 

For instance, how many of us would have ever dreamed we could send our children to a university, and they would come home atheist and believing in such nonsense as men can have babies? 

Now that I am among the elderly at age 75, I often find myself asking what happened to the America I knew as a child? 

The strange thing is I also remember the elderly 65 years ago asking the same questions I am asking today. 

I don’t really know how the change began, but I do know two things…. It started with the young, and it started a long time ago.  

The most important question is how we can change this downward trend.  

The children are the foundation of all civilizations… they are our future, and this is where the return to sanity and faith must begin. 

When I consider prison reform, which is actually prisoner reform begins when they are children… by changing their direction early.

But…. How do we do that?

The following 5 things represent a good start.

5 Reasons To Teach Apologetics To Your Children
Posted by
By Tatiana
October 25, 2019

5 Reasons To Teach Apologetics To Your Children
Apologetics has become a very important part of my life. I’m the type of person that needs to fully understand the why, behind every because. For ten years I’ve read countless books on Christian theology, attended conferences, and taken classes at church. I can say whole-heartedly say that I know why I believe what I believe, however, it wasn’t until recently that I felt a calling to share not only what I’ve learned, but to urge my family to always be ready.

Studies show we are losing our kids to the world in elementary, middle school, and high school and not in just in college as previously thought.

I want to challenge you into digging into God’s word deeper. I want to encourage you to teach your children more than Bible stories, and I want to help you promote a true desire for knowing God personally through His word and His creation.

  • Teach apologetics to encourage a well-rooted foundation.

If you’re a believer, you’ve either read or narrated the Genesis account of creation to your children. We see it as history, as fact, as truth and we present it as such. When our children are young, they believe every word, until one day they don’t.

When they start to question what we’ve taught them we refer them to scripture and tell them of the love of Jesus. There’s nothing wrong with this of course, but we must teach our kids why we believe what we believe.

If we teach them why they will be less likely to fall prey to false teachings.

  • Teach apologetics to assure them of the authority of ALL scripture.
    My Pastor always says that the best commentary on the Bible is the Bible.

All Scripture is breathed out by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, and for training in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work.
2 Timothy 3:16-17

Every word is inspired, not just the parts we like, the parts we agree with, or the parts that are politically correct. We can trust it completely, and we are to take it literally.

  • Teach apologetics to bring them to a deeper relationship with God.
    If what the Bible says about God’s character is true, then our commitment to Him must be absolute.

If His love is as deep as the Bible says it is, our sole purpose of living ought to be to please Him.

Coming to a full understanding of who He is, will bring our children and ourselves to true worship.

  •  Teach apologetics to equip them with answers to the hard questions.
    Where did God come from?

Why do you believe the Bible is the word of God?

How can a God of love allow suffering in the world?

What if, you had to narrate the creation account to an atheist?

The argument most well-meaning-Christians use against the unbelief of an atheist is: it’s in the Bible. What those same well-meaning-Christians ought to remember is that the Bible holds no authority in an unbeliever’s life. How then will you make a case for Christ, the cross and the resurrection?

  • Teach apologetics because you are commanded to do so.
    Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.
    Proverbs 22:6

Teach them diligently.

And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise.
Deuteronomy 6:6-7


 Here are a few Resouces for teaching your children.

Foundation world view: Christian apologetics for kids

Apologetics questions every Christian Parent Needs to Learn

Child Size Apologetics 


What is Gnosticism?

Taken From:

UK Apologetics explains: “Manichaeism has been called the best organized, most consistent, tenacious and dangerous form of Gnosticism. Christianity had to wage a very long and persistent war against this heresy. It was, in a real sense, a rival religion and formed a syncretistic form of ‘Christianity.’ Augustine was much influenced and soon joined this group. Their metaphysical foundation was a radical dualism between good and evil, light and darkness, largely derived from Persian Zoroastrianism. They also upheld a most rigid asceticism which strongly resembled Buddhism. Based on the false presupposition that matter is necessarily and intrinsically evil, the morality of Manes was severely ascetic. The Manichaean’s chief aim was to become entirely unworldly, as in Buddhism. To renounce and destroy all longing for pleasure, especially all pleasures of the flesh, and, eventually, to set a pure inner soul free from all the trappings of matter. It seems without question that these ideals later developed into the monasticism of Orthodoxy and Roman Catholicism.” (How Augustine Became the Father of Not Only Roman Catholicism but also……Evangelicalism!, emphasis mine)

Bob Hill explains: “The Manichaeans stressed rational inquiry over authority. Augustine agreed with this method of ascertaining truth. The Manichaeans disliked the Old Testament because it revealed an angry emotional God. … The Manichaeans believed God could not be mutable and retain his perfection. Augustine accepted this rationalistic philosophy as true and attempted to prove this doctrine with Scripture.” (Calvinism Unmasked, chapter 2)

Bob Hill explains: “Augustine agreed with the Manichaeans that a mutable God was totally unacceptable. In this conflict between the Platonic doctrine of immutability and the literal interpretation of Scriptures, what had to change? Augustine’s answer was that the literal interpretation of Scripture had to change. For Augustine the plain narratives of Scripture had to be reinterpreted by spiritual or allegorical methods to agree with his philosophical presuppositions. The Manichaeans believed the Old Testament revealed a God who was mutable or could repent. Since the Platonists believed that God was immutable this idea of God repenting was a source of ridicule for the Catholic Church. Augustine was so embarrassed by these arguments that he chose to reinterpret Scripture rather than refute the Platonic philosophy.” (Calvinism Unmasked, chapter 2)

Jacob Arminius writes: “All the Danish Churches embrace a doctrine quote opposed to this, as is obvious from the writings of Hemmingius in his treatise on Universal Grace, in which he declares that the contest between him and his adversaries consisted in the determination of these two points: ‘Do the Elect believe?’ or ‘Are believers the true elect?’ He considers ‘those persons who maintain the former position, to hold sentiments agreeable to the doctrine of the Manichees and Stoics; and those who maintain the latter point, are in obvious agreement with Moses and the Prophets, with Christ and his Apostles.’ … The preceding views are, in brief, those I hold respecting this novel doctrine of Predestination.” (Arminius Speaks, p.56, 57, emphasis mine)

Arminius explains: “The charge of holding the Stoic and Manichean doctrine, which is made by some against you, is not made by them with the idea that your opinions entirely agree with that doctrine, but that you agree with it in this, that you say that all things are done necessarily.” (Arminius Speaks, p.206, emphasis mine)

Arminius adds: “Such indeed is the state of the matter in Pelagianism and Manicheism. If any man can enter on a middle way between these two heresies, he will be a true Catholic, neither inflicting injury on Grace as the Pelagians do, nor on Free Will as do the Manichees. Let the refutations be perused which St. Augustine wrote against both these heresies, and it will appear that he makes this very acknowledgement. For this reason it has happened, that, for the sake of confirming their different opinions, St. Augustine’s words, when writing against the Manichees, have been frequently quoted by the Pelagians; and those which he wrote against the Pelagians, have been quoted by the Manichees. This therefore is what I intended to convey, and that my brethren may understand my meaning, I declare openly, ‘that it will be quite as easy a task for me to convict the sentiments of some among them of Manicheism, and even of Stoicism, as they will be really capable of convicting others of Pelagianism, whom they suspect of holding that error.” (Arminius Speaks, pp.363-364, emphasis mine)

John Mason writes concerning Augustine: “He held to a dualistic view of the world even after his conversion (reflecting a popular religion of his times called Manichaeism) and emphasized an on-going battle between light and dark as well as flesh and spirit. This perspective influenced his attitude toward sexuality in such a way that even after people were married intercourse was viewed as ‘evil’ and something to be avoided.” (Calvinism: A Road to Nowhere, p.35, emphasis mine)

One member of The Society of Evangelical Arminians explains: “If a man builds his house in a tree, he will defend that tree with his life, even when it is discovered that the tree is diseased, simply because his life’s investment (the house) is in that tree. I am convinced this is what happened to both Augustine and Calvin. Better to build one’s house on solid rock.” (SEA)

By analogy, Augustine’s tree house suffers from the disease of Gnosticism. Ultimately, then, Gnosticism never left the Church. It survived and endured under a different form.

Another member of The Society of Evangelical Arminians explains: “Augustine brought the Trojan horse into the church. Prior to him, everyone in the early church affirmed free will, denied fatalism, viewed all versions of fatalism as non-Christian and pagan thought.” (SEA)

John Calvin confirms that Augustine was accused of having a theology aligned with Stoicism:

John Calvin writes: “Those who want to discredit this doctrine disparage it by comparing it with the Stoic dogma of Fate. The same charge was brought against Augustine. We don’t want to argue about words, but we do not allow the term ‘Fate’, both because it is among those that Paul teaches us to avoid as heathen innovations and also because the obnoxious terms in an attempt to attach stigma to God’s truth.” (The Institutes of Christian Religion, Book 1, Part 4: God’s Providence, Chapter 16, Section 8, emphasis mine)

Calvin writes: “But because the necessity of Stoicism seems to be established by what is said, the dogma is hateful to many who, and Augustine complains that he was frequently charged with it falsely. But it ought now to be regarded as obsolete. It is certainly unworthy of honest and wise men, if only they be properly instructed. The nature of the Stoics’ supposition is known. They weave their fate out of a Gordian complex of causes. In this they involve God Himself, making golden chains, as in the fable, with which to bind Him, so that He becomes subject to inferior causes. The astrologers of today imitate the Stoics, for they hold that an absolute necessity for all things originates from the position of the stars. Let the Stoics have their fate; for us, the free will of God disposes all things. Yet it seems absurd to remove contingency from the world. I omit to mention the distinctions employed in the schools. What I hold is, in my judgment, simple, and needs no force to accommodate it usefully to life. What necessarily happens is what God decrees, and is therefore not exactly or of itself necessary by nature.” (Concerning the Eternal Predestination of God, pp.169-170, emphasis mine)

In other words, it is not nature or the stars that determines the fate of all, but instead, the free will of God, in which God’s decrees are what necessarily causes all things to happen as they do. Thus, the difference between Stoicism and Calvinism is Naturalistic Fatalism vs. Theistic Fatalism. Yet, it is still a form of Determinism.

William Barclay explains: “Gnosticism was obviously highly speculative, and it was therefore intensely intellectual snobbish. It believed that all this intellectual speculation was quite beyond the mental grasp of ordinary people and was for a chosen few, the elite of the Church. So Timothy is warned against ‘godless chatter and contradictions of what is falsely called knowledge.’ (1 Timothy 6:20) He is warned against a religion of speculative questions instead of humble faith. (1 Timothy 1:4) He is warned against the man who is proud of his intellect but really knows nothing and dotes about questions and strifes of words. (1 Timothy 6:4) He is told to shun godless chatter, ‘for they can produce only ungodliness.’ (2 Timothy 2:16) He is told to avoid ‘stupid, senseless controversies’ which in the end can only engender strife. (2 Timothy 2: 23) Further, the Pastoral Epistles go out of their way to stress the fact that this idea of an intellectual aristocracy is quite wrong, for God’s love is universal. God wants all men to be saved and all men to come to a knowledge of the truth. (1 Timothy 2:4) God is the Saviour of all men, especially those who believe. (1 Timothy 4:10) The Christian Church would have nothing to do with any kind of faith which was founded on intellectual speculation and set up an arrogant intellectual aristocracy.”

It would almost seem as though Barclay was referring to Calvinism, as the aformentioned seems to fit Calvinism perfectly!

Here is a link to a Blog post on this subject.

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Question: What is Gnosticism?

Answer: A cult from the early Church period, with certain derivations. One branch of particular interest is Manichaeism, because Augustine was originally a Manichean Gnostic for nearly a decade before converting to Roman Catholicism. Gnostics denied Free Will, and affirmed Total Depravity, Original Sin and Determinism. They also used the word “elect” to denote the teachers, in contrast to the “hearers.” Later, after conversion, the former Gnostic, Augustine, coincidentally “discovered” a hearty Determinism in Scripture. Augustine was very careful not to quote or cite any particular Gnostic, and no quote from any early Church father was ever used in support of his newly discovered Determinism. Gnostic writings are no longer extant, and much of what is known of the battle over Free Will, comes primarily from the early Church fathers, Justin Martyr and Irenaeus, who in opposition to the Gnostics, staunchly defended Free Will, even citing such passages as Matthew 23:37 in support. Ultimately, the early Church was a very strong advocate of Free Will, that is, until the 300’s, when the former Gnostic convert, Augustine, arrived on the scene. Naturally, Calvinism is frequently accused of being the enduring remnant and legacy of Gnosticism, and just as Gnosticism was identified by knowledge (Greek: gnosis), Calvinists of today are identified as Reformed.
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What is Apologetics? An Outline

What is Apologetics? An Outline

by Ryan Turner

  1. What is Christian apologetics?
    1. What Apologetics is Not
      1. The art of getting really good at saying, “I’m sorry!” over and over.
      2. The art of intellectually forcing unbelievers into submission holds MMA style.
      3. Arguing about how many angels can stand on a pin.
      4. Shaving your head and looking cool.
    2. A Definition of Apologetics
      1. “Apologetics is the branch of Christian theology which attempts to give a rational defense of the Christian faith.”
      2. Apologetics is giving a reason for why you believe what you believe.
      3. The English word “apologetics” comes from the Greek word apologia which means “to give a reason or defense” (1 Pet. 3:15).
      4. Apologetics is also called “pre-evangelism.”
      5. An “apologist” is someone who defends the Christian faith.
  2. Why should we do apologetics?
    1. The Bible Commands us to
      1. 1 Peter 3:15, “But sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and reverence” (NASB).
        1. The importance of humility:  1 Cor. 8:1, “ . . . Knowledge makes arrogant, but love edifies.”
        2. The importance of love:  1 Cor. 13.
      2. Jude 3, “I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints.”
        1. Jude 22, “And have mercy on some, who are doubting.”
        2. Apologetics is to be coupled with mercy and love.
    2. Jesus Did Apologetics
      1. Jesus gave evidence for His claims:
        1. His fulfillment of prophecy (Mk. 14:61-62Lk. 24:44-45).
        2. His Miracles
          1. Resurrection: Prediction (Jn. 2:19-21; cf. Mt. 12:39-40) and Accomplishment (1 Cor. 15Lk. 24:26-27).
          2. Healings (Mt. 11:2-5).
        3. Corrected false interpretations of Scripture (Mt. 4:1-11).
    3. Paul Did Apologetics
      1. Greeks at Mars Hill (Acts 17:22-34)
        1. Quotes pagan poets Aratus and Epimenides.
      2. Jews in the Synagogues (Acts 17:1-3)
      3. False teachers within the Church (Galatians, 1 Corinthians, etc.)
      4. Paul’s mission
        1. Phil. 1:7–“the defense and confirmation of the gospel.”
        2. Phil. 1:16–“I am appointed for the defense of the gospel.”
      5. Paul’s criteria for ordaining elders
        1. Titus 1:9, “Holding fast the faithful word which is in accordance with the teaching, so that he will be able both to exhort in sound doctrine and to refute those who contradict” (cf. 2 Tim. 2:24).
    4. The Church Did Apologetics
      1. The Early Church with the Apostles
        1. The Apostle Paul:  Galatians and 1 Corinthians
        2. The Apostle John:  1, 2, and 3rd John
      2. The Early Church after the Apostles
        1. Apologists:  Justin Martyr, Irenaeus, etc.
        2. Heresies:  Gnosticism, Arianism, etc.
    5. Apologetics Helps Christians
      1. To better know their faith and share it more effectively.
      2. To answer people’s real questions which hinder them from accepting the gospel.
      3. To have influence in the public square (education, media, etc.).
      4. To prevent doctrinal apostasy in the Church.
      5. To answer the false claims of cults and religions . . .
  3. What are the different methods of Christian apologetics?
    1. Presuppositional Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. Emphasizes the importance of presuppositions or the foundations of one’s thinking.
        2. Assumes the existence of God and the truth of the Bible.
      2. Adherents: John Frame, Greg Bahnsen, Cornelius Van Till, etc.
    2. Classical Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. Stresses rational argumentation for the existence of God.
        2. It is necessary to demonstrate the existence of God first in order to argue for the resurrection of Jesus. (God must exist for miracles to occur).
      2. Adherents:  Norman Geisler, William Lane Craig, R.C. Sproul, etc.
    3. Evidential Apologetics
      1. General Characteristics:
        1. They emphasize giving evidence for the Christian faith whether historical, logical, etc.
        2. They think miracles do not presuppose God’s existence but can serve as evidence for His existence.
          1. Resurrection example
      2. Adherents:  B.B. Warfield, John Warwick Montgomery, Gary Habermas, etc.
    4. Which View is Correct?
      1. All of the views have practical advantages and are useful in certain circumstances.
        1. Presuppositional (2 Pet. 3:5)
        2. Classical (Rom. 1:20)
        3. Evidential (1 Cor. 15:3-7)
      2. It seems that Scripture makes use of all of them in a very generic sense.
      3. Make up your own mind.
  4. What are the various areas of Christian apologetics?
    1. 6 Areas of Apologetics
      1. Philosophical Apologetics
      2. Theological Apologetics
      3. Biblical Apologetics
      4. Scientific Apologetics
      5. Religion and Cult Apologetics
      6. Other Areas (History, Sociology, Business, etc.)
  5. Conclusion
    1. Since Christianity is a worldview, apologetics in some sense affects every aspect of life.
    2. The Bible commands it, Jesus did it, Paul did it, the early Church did it, and the world needs it.
    3. What are you going to do about it?
  6. Bibliography
    1. Website.
    2. Cowan, Steven B. 5 Views on Apologetics.
    3. Geisler, Norman L.  Baker Encyclopedia of Christian Apologetics.