Evolution: Science? Or Fake Science?

The Human Body… creation of God in His image, or just a lucky break through the slow process of evolution? We are the creation of a loving God. In this lesson and videos we are going to show through mathematics that evolution is not only impossible, but laughable. What is strange is the number of people who are buying into this, and even more incredible the number of teachers who actually teach evolution as a fact to innocent minds, knowing full well or should know all the facts, that it is all a lie.



Evolution: Science? or Fake Science?

The Earth… Is it really billions of years old? And, does it support life just by accident? Or was it created?

The Young, Created Earth

In this lesson we are going to look at the evidence. We will start with biblical statements concerning our planet. Taking into consideration the bible states long before man could have known, that the earth is a sphere, it hangs on nothing, that it orbits around the sun. It speaks of the hydrological system, the jet stream circuit, and many other systems of nature. We will look at how the attributes of the Earth are so precise, and so finely tuned that it simply could not have happened by accident. So, again, in this lesson we are going to look at the facts, and learn the evidence is overwhelmingly in favor of a young Earth, and its precision is the result of design, not chaos.

For the complete lesson, and the videos click here to view the page.

Sermon: Why are we losing our youth?

As you may have noticed I am not a professional speaker, or videographer, but that’s not the point is it? The message is all that matters, and one of the most important messages of the day.

WE Are Losing our Youth, and our Nation through ignorance of the evidence of biblical truth!

The Complexity of Life new video by Michael Behe

Iglesia de Cristo The Park – F Dávila 02-16-2020 Amar como Cristo


Iglesia de risto The Park- F Davila 02-09-2020

Iglesia de Cristo The Park – F Dávila 01-26-2020 La Oración

Iglesia de Cristo The Park

Jeff McMillan: Be Strong and Courageous

Mitch Wilburn The Park Church of Christ Sermon Jan 12, 2020