In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit
“Opinion on the Trinity Doctrine & Reexamining The Great Commission”
By: Andrew D. Williams.
I want to start this opinion with Scripture so that all will see what Gods Word has revealed to those who truly seek Him.
In Genesis 1:11: It is written,
“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” The name God is “Elohim”; it is a plural name; however, when used in reference to the one true God, it is constantly joined with verbs and adjectives in the singular (Deut 6:4; 32:39).
In many Old Testament passages Elohim is used with a plural verb or pronoun (Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11 : 7). I want to let Scripture speak for itself. Since it is God’s Word, He is very capable of defending Himself.
In John l : 1-3 it is written,
“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” When we speak of the attributes of God, we are referring to those qualities of God which constitute what He is.
They are the very characteristics of His nature. I am not referring here to the acts which He performs, such as creating, guiding, and preserving, nor to the corresponding roles He plays- Creator, Guide, Preserver. The attributes are qualities of the entire Godhead. They should not be confused with the properties, which, technically speaking, are the distinctive characteristics of the various persons of the Trinity.
Properties are functions (general), activities (more specific), or acts (most specific) of the individual members of the Godhead. Keep in mind the attributes are permanent qualities. They cannot be gained or lost. They are intrinsic.
While our understandings attributes are not our conceptions projected upon Him. They are objective characteristics of His nature.
I want to look at a few noncommunicable attributes.
- God is Spirit: He is the ultimate pure and perfect being, incorporeal, without material substance or physical parts, not having size or dimensions.
- God is One: He is the only and ultimate unified being, with each divine attribute perfectly united with all other attributes, yet each maintaining its own uniqueness, identity and function.
- God is a tri-unity: There is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal and co-equal persons- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit-the same in substance (who each person is), but distinct in subsistence (what each person does).
Now I want to point out two communicable attributes.
l) God is a person: He exists and is aware of His existence, having the power of self-determination and possessing all the attributes of personality.
2) God is True: This means His being and knowledge eternally conform to each other. Thus God, is true for He alone represents things as they actually are, for truth is reality revealed.
I believe that now since Scripture has spoken for itself we can have a better understanding of the “un” Baptismal formula that is recorded in Matthew 28:19. Jesus, Himself told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to go and tell His disciples that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. (Matt 28:16-20),
We read this. . . “Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.” It may sound a little weird that Jesus would give a baptismal formula on a mountain high up, that has no water. However, when you read Scripture it is not only a baptism formula, it is a Great Commission that Jesus was giving to His disciples and what better spot than a mountain that is above “see level.”
We as believers need not to get caught up on where it was given, but Who was giving it (Jesus). He commanded His disciples to go make disciples of all nations.
What does a disciple do after he has been taught the things of God? He then gets baptized. Jesus then says, “baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
And surely I [Jesus] am with you always, to the very end of this age.” I want to point out that God watches over His Word.
2 Timothy 3:16 says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”
If we say that what is recorded in Acts 2:38 is more important than what Jesus says in Matthew 28: 19 than we choose Peter’s words over the words of Jesus, if that is so with Jesus being God, we basically chose mans words over God.
Luke was describing the effect of Christian baptism the person baptized comes under the authority of Jesus. Keep in mind that this authority came from the Father. Luke was not giving standardized formula to be pronounced at baptism. In the name of meant “under the authority or influence of.” More important than the formula pronounced over the person being baptized is that person’s confession of faith in Jesus (Acts 22:16; Rom 10:10; Acts 2:38; 8:14-16; 10:48).
I also want to point out that at Jesus’ Baptism by John the Holy Spirit descended from heaven like a dove and remained upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus tells us to obey His commandments and that is exactly what I aim to do.
I am also very familiar that Acts 4:12 says “Nor is there salvation in any other name under heaven given among men which we must be saved.” When dealing with the Godhead you cannot take one without the other.
The Word of God tells us that each teacher will be held accountable for who they lead astray, so Jesus will be held accountable if His Words in Matt 28: 19 are not correct. However, I want to say thank you for your time you took to read this.
Andrew Williams