Scientist/ Mathematicians who support Christianity: Dr. Jerry R. Bergman/ Biology


Dr.  Bergman is instructor of science at Northwest State College, Archbold, Ohio. He holds a B.S. In psychology from Wayne State University, and M.S. In psychology from Wayne State University, a PhD in evaluation and research from Wayne State University, and M.A. in  Sociology from Bowling Green State University, and a second PhD in human biology from Columbia Pacific University. At Northwest State College, Dr. Bergman has served as chairman of the Academic Affairs Committee and as faculty adviser for degree programs. He has been a consultant for more than 20 science textbooks.

Almost every person at one time or another asked the question, “where did life come from?” bound up with the answer is the additional question, “what is the purpose of life on Earth?) Essentially 2 viewpoints exist on this question: (1) the atheist position, which concludes that life came about through change, time, and a large number of virtuous events; And (2) the creationist position, which teaches that every living Organism type was created by a creator, which most people call God. Christianity has, since its inception, taught that life was created by God for a specific person purpose. Welcome quote you (guide) clear all things, and because of your will, they existed and were created) (Revelation 4: 11). Likewise, Judaism and Islam have historically taught this creation doctrine (Genesis 1: one- 8).

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