Evolution: Mathematical Impossibility


the mathematical impossibility of Evolution

This is a presentation offering evidence that mathematics that refutes the possibility of evolution.

Remember if we can see that evolution is impossible, we could technically stop right here, because that only leaves creation as the answer we are seeking.

No theory of chance can explain the creation of the world. Before chance can send atoms whirling through infinite void, the atoms have to exist! What has to be explained is the being of the world and matter. It makes no sense to say that chance can account for the creation of being.
Claude Tresmontant, University of Paris

To begin with, according to the statement above, if there was a big bang, what banged? We cannot get to a point where there was absolutely nothing and then suddenly there was something without a Creator, a causing force.

In reality the logical mind would immediately recognize the impossibility of evolution, however apparently our so called “great minds” aren’t necessarily logical minds.

So I want to lay a little ground work here. The basic building blocks of life are DNA and RNA.

Simply put the DNA is the building block, and the RNA is the plans, or instructions for the DNA.

What is DNA made of?

DNA is made of chemical building blocks called nucleotides. These building blocks are made of three parts: a phosphate group, a sugar group and one of four types of nitrogen bases. To form a strand of DNA, nucleotides are linked into chains, with the phosphate and sugar groups alternating

What does DNA do?

DNA contains the instructions needed for an organism to develop, survive and reproduce. To carry out these functions, DNA sequences must be converted into messages that can be used to produce proteins, which are the complex molecules that do most of the work in our bodies.

How are DNA sequences used to make proteins?

DNA’s instructions are used to make proteins in a two-step process. First, enzymes read the information in a DNA molecule and transcribe it into an intermediary molecule called messenger ribonucleic acid, or mRNA.

Next, the information contained in the mRNA molecule is translated into the “language” of amino acids, which are the building blocks of proteins. This language tells the cell’s protein-making machinery the precise order in which to link the amino acids to produce a specific protein. This is a major task because there are 20 types of amino acids, which can be placed in many different orders to form a wide variety of proteins.

DNA only has 5 different atoms – carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and phosphorous. According to one estimation, there are about 204 billion atoms in each DNA ..

So how many “pieces” make up an Atom? Three Easy Pieces. Even though many super-tiny atomic particles exist, you only need to remember the three basic parts of an atom: electrons, protons, and neutrons. What are electrons, protons, and neutrons? Electrons are the smallest of the three particles that make up atoms.

Both the protons and neutrons reside in the nucleus. Protons have a postive (+) charge, neutrons have no charge –they are neutral. Electrons reside in orbitals around the nucleus. They have a negative charge (-).

What are elements?

An atom is the smallest building block of everything that exists. The smallest object you can see under a microscope has more than 10 billion atoms .

There are over a hundred different types of atoms, that we call elements. They form the world we live in.

All matter is made up of elements which are fundamental substances which cannot be broken down by chemical means. There are 92 elements that occur naturally. The elements hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen are the elements that make up most living organisms. Some other elements found in living organisms are: magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium.


By the late 1800’s many elements had already been discovered. The scientist Dmitri Mendeleev, a Russian chemist, proposed an arrangement of known elements based on their atomic mass. The modern arrangement of the elements is known as the Periodic Table of Elements and is arranged according to the atomic number of elements.

All the above is to demonstrate the complexity of the simplest form of life.

So it means the DNA which is the building blocks of life, is useless without the RNA to tell it what to do.

Which came first the DNA or the RNA? Which came first the chicken or the egg?

When I built my first PHP/ MySQL website, I spent approximately 4 hours a day, for six months working on the PHP, the code to pull information from my database. I just could not get it to work, so finally I told Jody, that I had come to the end, I just couldn’t do it, but I was going to go over the code just one more time, so I printed it out, about 25 pages of coding (and this was a very simple code for a very simple beginner website) and started reading…. And I finally notice one word outside the code that just didn’t belong there, so I removed it, reloaded the code and it worked perfectly. The point is this, if I had added just one extra comma for instance, the site would not work, it was useless. So even with the training I had received, and the ability to recognize and control mistakes, they were still there, now what if I had just started blindly writing stuff? Would I have saved myself all that grief, knowing it would have come together perfectly by chance?

This simple little website that caused me so much grief because of one misplace word is absolutely nothing compared to the billions of pages of information that would be required for one DNA.

And when we consider the number or amount of DNA in a human body the rest of this class will make perfect sense in just how absolutely the thought of life occurring by chance is insulting to our intelligence, yet they push this idea, very aggressively on the people of the world, and crazy as it may seem, most people actually buy into it.

In 2014 the MIT physicist Max Tegmark a believer in evolution, not creation argues in “Our Mathematical Universe” that mathematics is the fundamental world reality that drives the universe. It could be said that mathematics is operating in a god-like fashion. However, Tegmark and others believe this perfectly mathematically ordered universe came from chaos billions of years ago, and not from an intricate planning Creator. What does this really tell us? That this so called “Great Mind” had a wire loose somewhere, blinded to his own statement of fact.

So, can we prove the earth is young, or at least give overwhelming evidence? Can we put creation on trial? Can we present the evidence of a young earth in such a way that only those who insist on believing in evolution will do so?

The reason for this is I am a firm believer that as we attempt to prove there is an absolute truth, we can turn to mathematics, (and several forms of science) and math simply doesn’t lie.  Let me qualify that, mathematics in a simple form, used honestly is a form of absolute truth.

There can only be one absolute truth concerning any subject, two conflicting views cannot both be absolutely true.

It is mathematics that makes space travel possible, it is mathematics that is behind computer science. Consider this truth; it is the arrangements of “one’s and “zeros” that are the basis for computer languages. It’s just that simple, two numbers to create the greatest calculator in history. But just get one of those zeros in the wrong spot and see what happens.

Without math being an exact science, space travel and most modern technology would be impossible, and taking that a step further, we couldn’t even purchase accurately sized clothing or shoes.

The theory of evolution proposes that all the highly structured systems of the universe just happened through a series of evolutionary accidents, all by chance starting with a big explosion billions of years ago. I would ask, did the big explosion also create facts such as mathematics?  Seems like a silly question doesn’t it, but the truth is mathematics would have to have existed before the big bang, pointing to a creator.

Just as the RNA had to exist first so the DNA would have a purpose, so that it could be used, yet the DNA had to exist first for the RNA to even have a reason to come into existence…. It actually means there had to be a plan in place with a creator behind it, just like me creating a database, knowing full well I would develop a code after I was done so I could access my information.

The universe is perceived as self-contained and self-evolving.

Diametrically opposed to this philosophy, Biblical creationism maintains that the innumerable, highly complex systems and intricate structures of the universe offer exceptionally strong evidence of an omniscient Creator. It is the creationist’s view that the astounding degree of complexity and order found throughout the universe could never be produced by mere chance but rather represents the handiwork of an Almighty God.

In a nutshell, the evolutionist would have us believe this incredibly ordered universe just happened by a great explosion.  It doesn’t take a lot of sense to know that a great explosion destroys, not creates, so in step one, we start realizing that it takes a lot of faith to believe in evolution.

In fact, the order, especially the intricate and irrefutable reliability and truth of mathematics points out that it’s truth proves that some things are impossible, such as 2 + 2 equaling 3.  I was in the class of 65 North Hi School in Wichita Kansas, and in that year a song was released by Barbara Lewis – Baby I’m Yours and one of the lyrics in the song is

“And I’ll be yours until two and two is three, Yours until the mountain crumbles to the sea”

Because of the impossibility of that ever happening, it is a known fact, math is an absolute truth, 2 + 2 will always be 4 and that song will always be a great one…

Okay, lets step to the side for a moment, just because I love things like this, when I googled 2 +2 =3 to find the information on that song, one of the options that came up was 2 Thessalonians 2:3 which reads: “Don’t let anyone deceive you in any way, for that day will not come until the rebellion occurs and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the man doomed to destruction”.

You think maybe God was trying to tell us something?

The man is doomed through the boom?

Well one of the ways they are trying to deceive us is with the big boom theory.

Lighting a stick of dynamite in a shed, blowing it up, and it reassembles itself into a skyscraper is impossible, but that is exactly what the big bang theory expects us to believe.  Simply put, it is witness against itself, professing to be the mathematical geniuses they would have us believe, and then asking us to believe the mathematically impossible (mathematics does not equal order).

Let’s take another view, the Bible States that God created the heavens and the earth in one day, which perfectly describes the big bang theory, except it was a controlled big bang, that did come together perfectly because God was and is in control, and agrees with the fact that something, such as mathematical order, existed before the big boom, in other words, it came from something that existed previously, and it was planned to perfection, and executed to perfection, and as we look at the earth and cosmos we can see the mathematics behind that perfection.

And it gives a reason to believe there was nothing, and all of a sudden something…

If you stop and think about it, the idea that an unordered, unplanned, out of control explosion created the mathematically perfect universe is the ultimate insult to our intelligence.

So let’s have some fun with mathematics.


Have any of you tried your hand at gambling? Well, if you have you know if you place a bet on any certain outcome that only has a 1 in 10 chance of coming up you will probably go home broke… yet, mathematicians will tell you there is a chance you might win, in fact it is only until you reach the odds of 10 to the 50th power  (1 to 1 with 50 zeros following it) that you reach the point of impossibility so as we move forward keep that in mind just one number less than 1 chance in 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 and you could WIN!!!

Let’s start with the likelihood of the chance of evolution of life utilizing the basic principles of mathematical probability.

For example, the probability of getting hit by lightning is about 1 in 600,000 (fortunately). The probability of winning a lottery grand prize with a single ticket is about 1 in 5.2 million (unfortunately).

First example: evolutionist way of thinking is that if a monkey was set in front of a typewriter, long enough he would eventually type, by pure chance, a perfect unabridged dictionary.  Of course, this idea is completely ridiculous, in fact total nonsense, however let’s illustrate this.  It is calculated that the probability of a monkey arranging the word evolution by randomly selecting letters from the alphabet is only 1 chance in 26 to the ninth power, in other words, 1 chance in 5,429,503,679,000.

The odds of this monkey writing the first verse of the bible by accident is 1 in 181,479,392 X 10 to the 62nd power; in plain language 1 chance in 181, 497,392 with 54 zeros past it (way past possibility remember the odds above 1 to the 50th power is the limit of possibility).

Let’s take this science of probability a step further.  Consider the chance of accidental development of a very simple system composed of only 200 integrated parts (simple compared with living systems)  the probability of forming such an ordered system is 10 to 200 factorial, or 1 chance in 788,657,867,364,790,503,552,363,213,932,185,062,295,138,977,687,263,294,742,533,244,359,449,963,403,342,920,304,284,011,984,623,904,177,212,138,919,638,830,257,642,790,242,637,105,061,926,624,952,829,931,113,462,857,270,763,317,237,396,988,943,922,445,621,451,664,240,254,033,291,864,131,227,428,294,853,277,524,242,407,573,903,240,321,257,405,579,568,660,226,031,904,170,324,062,351,700,858,796,178,922,222,789,623,703,897,374,720,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000

This colossal number can be written more simply as 1 chance out of 10 to the 375th power of selecting the proper arrangement for a 200-part integrated system on the first trial.

But what if we keep on trying different combinations over and over again? Won’t we eventually achieve the desired result?

Well, to begin with, there are only 10 to the 80th power electrons in the known universe. Assuming this to be the maximum number of parts available to work with, without attempting to go through a lot of numbers here (as if we haven’t already done that) let me put it in a way that we can understand the impossibility of this ever happening.

If we could try various combinations attempting to get the right number for this 200-part integrated system at 1 billion per second, in other words, every second of the day we could try one billion combinations of the parts;  how many hours do you think it would take to come up with the right combination?

If we take that number and give scientists 30 billion years (the age some scientists say is the age of the earth), attempting to randomly come up with this number at the rate of 1 billion per second, we would still be far short of enough time for the odds to come through.

Now the scientists might argue, that one part was built upon another part, in other words, evolved, however that makes the numbers even worse. The numbers of probability actually increases, and in short, makes this whole process mathematically impossible. We’re back trying to get a nickel out of our 2 + 2 pennies.

Let’s add to their problems, a 200-part system is a ridiculously primitive element compared with living systems. Modern research by NASA has demonstrated that the most basic type of protein molecule that could be classified living is composed of at least 400 linked amino acids. Each amino acid, in turn, is made up of a specific arrangement of four or five chemical elements, and each chemical element is itself a unique combination of protons, neutrons and electrons. Golay has demonstrated that the chance formation of even the simplest replicating protein molecule is 10 to the 450th power.

Wysong has calculated the probability of forming the proteins and DNA for the smallest self-replicating entity to be 10 to the 167,626 power, even when granting astronomically generous amounts of time and mixtures, who can imagine what the chance formation of a more complex structure or organ such as the cerebral cortex in the human brain would be?  It contains over 10,000,000,000 (ten thousand million, 10 billion) cells each of which is carefully arranged according to a specific design, and each of which is fantastically complex in itself!

Schutzenberger of the University of Paris at a conference on “Mathematical Challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution, “concluded that the probability of evolution by mutation and natural selection is inconceivable.

I quote

“We believe that it is not conceivable. In fact, if we try to simulate such a situation by making changes randomly at the typographic level…on computer programs we find that we have no chance. (i.e. less than 1/10 to the 1,000 power) even to see what the modified program would compute; it just jams”

(Schutzenberger, algorithms (procedures) and the Neo-Darwinian Theory of Evolution, in mathematical challenges to the Neo-Darwinian Interpretation of Evolution.)

Okay guys, I don’t really even need a closing statement, the facts are clear. We serve an awesome God. He created everything in such a complex manner that humans can’t even count high enough to consider the odds, computers can’t count high enough. We were barely able to compute the odds against a simple 200-part organism developing by chance and found it was totally impossible.

God created everything in such a way for modern man. He knew the levels of education mankind would aspire to. He knew earlier generations would live by faith, as we do, but we need to be able to give a logical defense for our beliefs according to 1 Peter 3:15.  When we can do this in such an irrefutable way, by proving mathematically all we have looked at had to be creation, it had to come from a higher power than we can even imagine.

We have only touched the surface of proof; we have some exciting studies ahead of us.

This lesson, in part,  comes from the book titled “Collapse of Evolution” by Scott M. Huse.

(and by the way the human body is made up of 7,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (7 octillion) atoms, which make up 37.2 trillion cells in your body, according to an estimate made by engineers at Washington University, there are around 10 to the 14 power atoms in a typical human cell. Another way of looking at it is 100,000,000,000,000 or 100 trillion

Interestingly, the number of cells in the human body is estimated to be about the same as the number of atoms in a human cell. )

It would take 31,709.79 years to count to 1 trillion, so to count to 100 trillion it would take 3,170,900 years (app) that is to just count to that number, now think of the number of years it would take trying to make that right combination at 1 billion attempts per second for a human body to accidently, or through evolution to develop.

There are 24 hours in a day so you would count 24X60x60 = 86,400 in one day. There are 365 days in a year so you would count 24X60x60x365 = 31,536,000 in one year. To find how long it would take to count to a trillion  divide 1 trillion by 31,536,000. That is 1,000,000,000,000/31,536,000 = 31,709.79 years @ one billion attempts per second.

So we have moved from a 200-part integrated system to a 100 trillion part system… so I would venture to say that we have moved into the twilight zone if we believe these numbers could happen by chance.



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