The Granddaddy of All Sin

C.S. Lewis correctly states that Pride is the granddaddy of all sin. Most sins start here… pride.

And as look around our world and see signs of the time of rapture… the persecution of Christians a level we have never experience before, even here in America. The potential for the end-times great revival now developing in Kentucky, and the Jewish Rabies in Jerusalem on the verge of declaring a man the “Messiah”… the big three signs of the approaching rapture… maybe looking at the source of sins is a positive way to prepare ourselves for the event Christians have been looking forward to for 2,000 years.


A scientific Approach to Christianity The Mind

Let’s begin at the beginning…. And what is the beginning of the Mind except at birth itself.

It is said by many that we are innocent until we reach the age of accountability which is a different age for everyone.

But what does that mean?

We are accountable for sins we have been committing since birth…

What is the granddaddy of all sin? Pride

Pride is anything self-centered.

Many say we are born into sin… but how is a baby sinful?

When a baby is born it knows nothing but self… it’s own needs, hunger, clean diaper, and etc.

When a baby reaches about age 2 we start hearing things like “I can do it myself”

This is a desire for self-reliance, again, a sense of self.

Its world is still wrapped around self.

It is a parent duty, obligation to teach the child to look beyond self, to look at others and desire their benefit as we do our own… in other words our first duty to a child is the 2nd greatest commandment. To love your neighbor as yourself….

In ages past we saw this, the child was not glorified, was not taught to glorify itself, but more like,

“a child is to be seen, and not heard”.

Modern child psychology would probably be totally offended by this… because they are deceived into thinking they have the right answers, they are the intellectuals the rest of us need to obey.

Which is what? An even greater elevation of pride.

Many of todays children are incorrectly taught to have great self-esteem and respect… center on self… if it’s not good for me it’s not good.

When a child is raised like this, the later need for self-rejection, the opposite of pride, becomes very difficult, and the idea of self-sacrifice is completely insane to them.

However, pride runs much deeper than this…. Much deeper!

The following is a Catholic Video speaking to Pride… it is very good, and sometimes hard to take because it doesn’t leave any of us out. We can find ourselves somewhere in the video, so if we refuse to watch, or if we reject the part we dislike isn’t that pride?

One of the great deceptions of Satan is to hide from our view the sin of pride through the prideful thoughts of entitlement.

And, on the other hand, if we recognize ourselves and use the information to grow by rejecting self, and self-entitlement, shouldn’t that be our goal, and our purpose?