Letters from the outskirts of society

Remembering prisoners are people who love, hate, and hurt.

Our goal in the prison ministry is to help these people find true freedom… IN TRUTH

John 8:31-32 Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 
32 And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

I mentioned Jody will soon be reading letters we have received  from inmates on line, and will be posted both here and on our Youtube channel.

Our purpose is to share the thoughts of the incarcerated with all of you, by doing this we are hoping to make these people and their humanity more real to you, and hopefully this will lead to true prison reform.

This morning I received two letters from women in the Luzira Women’s prison in Luzira, Kampala, Uganda.

We are always asking for people to help, of course financially, and by helping in the work, but this is one simply way you can also be involved… read the letters, and share them on your personal facebook page, or other social media platforms….

Successful Prison reform

What is true prison reform?

My observation as a prison minister….

Where does prison reform begin?

In the home, the classroom, and the schoolyard.

First: Everyone talks about prison reform when we should be talking about prisoner reform, and society reform.

In other words get rid of the stinkin thinkin

We need to quit thinking in terms of revenge and punishment, and replace those ideas with rehabilitation.

Prison reform starts with prison facility and Nutrition reform, not population reduction…

These first two changes, means showing respect to people who for the most part have not been respected, or had self-respect…

I think some of the Scandinavian nations give a good example of modern prison design.

Drug abuse must first be brought to a stop… currently there are more drugs available in the prisons than on the outside… an alcoholic will not be cured by giving him a drink… they need serious time away from their addiction

A prisoner needs to be trained in a skilled labor, or a profession.

A spiritual/ faith foundation must be instilled to change a criminal mind to the mind of a honest hardworking citizen who contributes to society rather than takes from society.

A gradual removal from the prison system… prison with training and then to a half-way house for up to a year or two with no stress or pressure on the prisoner.

a gradual re-entry into society with supervision that diminishes over time as the prisoner adjusts to an acceptable lifestyle that will contribute to society.

We have several goals with the Park Church of Christ Prison Ministry.

Lead the lost back to the narrow path…

Be involved with the family in order to keep the family unit together.

We are working towards this goal through the Angel Tree project, the Family Engagement Project, and the coming Pen Pal ministry… along with other ideas that will come at a later time.

I mentioned at the beginning of the article that prison reform begins at home, the classroom, and the schoolyard… what I didn’t mention is it is my belief this needs to be the same for a generation or two.

The public school system in general is no longer teaching children the basic tools for functioning successfully in society, but spending more time in political indoctrination… and that should not be the purpose, nor even permitted in the classroom.

I also hope to see Christian based private schools to start appearing, at either affordable costs, or free for students.

Hillsdale is making a serious effort in accomplishing this.


And in Tulsa!!!


As I walk down the halls of the Park COC (getting my steps in) I pray all those classrooms will someday be filled with students receiving tradition education coupled with Christian Education, which will include what Scripture says, How to live by it, and How to defend it.

One of the problems we have is people not knowing how to defend the faith in a logical manner that makes sense to the person who asks them why they believe.

This is especially important for children, for if the learn these facts early, they won’t forget them later.

The most common understanding of recidivism is based on state data from the US Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics , stating that two-thirds (68 percent) of prisoners released were arrested for a new crime within three years of release from prison, and three-quarters (77 percent) were arrested within five years.

Oklahoma The three-year recidivism rate in Oklahoma is 20.1%, one of the lowest in the country. Despite this, Oklahoma has the second-highest incarceration rate in the country, behind Louisiana.

Results of statistical analyses revealed that the faith-based prison had the lower recidivism rate, 16 percent compared to 36 percent for the vocational training prison. This was the case even though the faith-based prison housed more prisoners convicted of severe offenses.

Volunteer Appreciation Dinner

Last night (Oct 16, 2022) we had our first volunteer Appreciation Dinner.

I had planned on just a simple dinner, four speakers, which included myself, Jim Pinkston, Elaine Russell, and Jody.

My original idea was to just have a dinner, thank everyone for their participation, and everyone visit and get to know each other.

That is not what happened!

This group took over, and it became quite an affair. A number of people, in fact most of the people in attendance also gave a brief talk about their experiences with the ministry, and everyone of them were very touching, telling us how their hearts and lives had been changed due to their giving of themselves to a people who have been forgotten, who lived in places they can’t leave, in the shadows of society.

The video is a part of that meeting, I think gathering is a better description, the sound is horrible, but honestly I didn’t plan on using sound in the final editing of the video, but simply using it as part of another video, and that was a big mistake. I had no idea this would happen as it did.

It reminded me of those flash dances or songs we see once in awhile in an airport or shopping mall… it just had a life of it’s own.

Prison Report

Prison Report

The Park Prison Ministry

Update for November 15, 2021, We have made a lot of progress in the last few months.

  • We have over 700 students, and over 600 are active.  We keep those released in our database so we can know if they return, only one student has returned.
  • In the month of October, we mailed out 440 lessons, a new record.  Our volunteer home graders are doing a fantastic job, with Jake Schweikhard being our grader of the month, as he grades many lessons for us and is always uplifting to our students.  We also were blessed to add Fran and Rochelle to our list of volunteers!  Praise God!
  • We are adding new students weekly, with a new record set.  Two of our ladies at Mabel Bassett CC sent us 37 referrals for new students in less than one week! 
  • In the past we have mailed out only ½ a course per month which resulted in a high drop-off rate, so in January we began returning lessons as quickly as possible which resulted in fewer dropouts, a higher number of referrals, and of course, higher costs.
  • In March Jody decided to start challenging the students for referrals with a great success rate.
  • Jody also developed two new courses for correspondence and has had great success with them. We have revived many inactive students with these courses and received numerous letters from inmates telling her how much they loved the courses, and how it has helped and inspired them.
    • Forgiveness
    • How well do you know God?
  • The problem with higher success rates, means higher postage cost. So, in October we decided instead of just ½ a course we would mail complete courses. This will save on postage and increase participation.  One reason we think this may happen is due to the work of the men at DCCC.  One inmate Andrew Williams (who has earned 2 Doctorate degrees in Bible Studies while incarcerated) handles the NLB for us with a group of men at DCCC who all want complete courses and they have been successful in completing these courses in a timely manner.
  • In October, 2 more men at DCCC received their bachelor’s degrees in Bible Studies: Dewey Katakea (American Indian) and Gary Cooper.
  • Andrew Williams has been a great help to me at DCCC, and I am sure will become a great Christian leader when released.
  • All of the chapel workers have received their bachelor’s degrees and Reggie Wilson, whom The Park sponsored for obtaining his masters degree, is about to complete his studies and should graduate in the next few months.  I will keep you posted on that.
  • I still teach 3 Christian Apologetics Courses at DCCC on Mondays and Wednesdays. This week on Wed afternoons I will be teaching a class on the minimum side, which will be 4 classes taught each week, for a total of 20 Bible classes a month.
  • I also preach one sermon a month on Sunday morning on the medium side.  Jim Pinkston and I each preach two sermons a month on Tuesday and Sunday nights, for a total of 5 sermons a month.
  • Ray Vaughn also works with the Sheriffs dept as a volunteer Chaplain and performs death notices, crime scene management, rides alongside with the deputies (Which they minister to as much if not more than the inmates, and special assignments, working 8 hour shifts during the Tulsa Fair.
  • Jail visitation is still locked down. The Jail volunteers were allowed back in for only about 4 weeks this spring.

I have reached out to Danielle Shrock concerning The Angel Tree Project for the children of inmates and she is making progress in that area.  I also mentioned to her the need to teach Christian Apologetics to the children, starting at an early age so they are well equipped to defend their faith on the school yard and classroom.  She informed me she was already looking into that.  We are blessed to have her looking over the education of our children.

  • I talked to Kevin Peters and Tim Maynard concerning a Prison Outreach program to help us have contact with the prisoners’ families who live in the Tulsa area.  If we can take care of the families, showing love to them, the prisoners will respond in a positive way.  My hope is we can get the families to study the same New Life Behavior courses with their spouses who are incarcerated. Kevin is working on this, attempting to find someone who can oversee the project.  I am not allowed to have contact with the families of inmates because I go inside, one of the rules for volunteers.
  • I also talked to Ken and Kevin about having a couple of our young preachers obtain a badge for prison visitation, hoping we could encourage them to start preaching on the inside.  I feel this would give them an opportunity to use their preaching skills more often, and help us bring young people into the ministry to follow up behind us for when the time comes, we must step down.
  • The following is a list of our Volunteers
  • Elaine Russell                   elainerussell@usa.net
  • JakeSchweikhard              tulsajake@yahoo.com
  • RayVaughn                       rayv0614@gmail.com
  • SuzanneVaughn                suzv0203@gmail.com
  • WaymonHunnicutt           waymonboyd@hotmail.com
  • DianeHunnicutt                waymonboyd@hotmail.com
  • LindaBrown                      midtowndiva66@gmail.com
  • MikeHawkins                    mhtulsa@yahoo.com
  • TeresaHawkins                  tvhawk@att.net
  • DaveHuey                         dhuey@dewberry.com
  • PattiHuey                          pattihuey@yahoo.com
  • CarolynKusler                   cmkusler@gmail.com
  • JanetSwopes        
  • MikeWilliams                    jmjwilliams@cox.net
  • BunnyWilliams                 jmjwilliams@cox.net
  • FranciscoDevilla               fdavila@theparkcoc.org
  • Fran Thomas                     fthomas@theparkcoc.org
  • RochelleEpperson repperson@theparkcoc.org
  • BillyMize  bmize34@gmail.com
  • Lesley Mize          bmize34@gmail.com
  • Jim Pinkston         prison05@gmail.com
  • Jean Pinkston        No Email Address

If I have left anyone out, I apologize… just let me know and I will be sure to add you to our list.

Just in case this is not enough information visit our website at


 June 15: 2021 We are continuing to see growth in our correspondence courses in the prison ministry.  We are holding the students accountable for lessons sent to them and sending notices when they become inactive. Our volunteers for home grading increased by 3, so we now have 9 great home graders.  Our Tuesday night graders are usually less than that and with the Tulsa County Jail reopening for Bible lessons on Tuesday night only, we will lose Jim Pinkston, Elaine Russell and Teresa Hawkins on our Tuesday night grading.  Ray Vaughn will also be going to Tulsa County to teach.  He and his wife, Suzanne, are two of our top home graders, along with Waymon and Diane Hunnicutt, Linda Brown and Jake Schweikhard. On the bright side, this past Tuesday night we were blessed to have Mike and Bunny Williams come to help us, with him on a walker, which brought our number of graders to 6.  The lessons being returned to the students is slowing down due to the small group of graders coming on Tuesday nights, and the time it takes for home graders to pick up their lessons, take them home to grade, then return them. This does seem to reduce the enthusiasm and dedication of our students to these studies.  We may need to replace our Tuesday night grading with something different that will attract more volunteers. We are so proud of our ladies at EWCC in Taft for their fantastic participation rate of 23%, over 200 active students, with the prison’s capacity of 900. On the other hand, we have only 18 students at MBCC which houses 1,200 ladies, and this is a maximum-security prison for more serious offenders.  We are sending our students there a challenge to spread the Good News and increase their numbers. We have updated our database to reflect only our active students, and we are not adding all the new students to the database until they have successfully completed lessons.  This is helping us to focus on those who are serious about their Bible studies. We have just sent out a new challenge to our active students in the male facilities, as ALL 15 prisons where we now have students have participation rates of LESS than 1%.  This is not acceptable. I, Jim Carmichael, am  now conducting classes on Monday and Wednesday of each week at DCCC.   We are studying Bible prophecies and how they contribute to Christian Apologetics. I also preach at DCCC on the  1st and 3rd Tuesdays of the month while Jim P is teaching lessons at the Tulsa County Jail every Tuesday night.  I preach on the minimum security side every  4th Sunday night, and Jim P preaches  on the 1st Sunday night of the month.  We have also scheduled two baptisms at DCCC on Sunday morning, June 27, on the medium side of DCCC.  We have made some progress there, as Brad, the Chaplain who is off work due to illness, required all baptisms to be done by him. As a volunteer Chaplain filling in for Brad, I  have been able to schedule a few Sunday morning sermons, and this service for the baptisms.  We are hoping we will have more than the two men. Jody recently wrote two new courses for the students (Forgiveness and How well do you know God?), which have been well received.  Several inactive students have responded to her Forgiveness course. Francisco has a couple of Hispanic Correspondence students but recently discovered the Hispanics in the prison at Sayre OK were being attacked if caught reading or even carrying a Bible. One of the men (Caucasian) at Dick Connors was also physically attacked by another inmate as he was reading the Bible.  However, apparently this was simply a personal attack on him, not because of his faith, as in the case with the Hispanics at Sayre.  I share this simply to point out how Christianity is under attack, and it is especially evident in the prison system. At one time the men received “Days Off” their sentence if they completed Christian courses, but no longer… the point being it might force others to take Christian courses in order to get the days off… even though other courses that are non-Christian still offer “Days Off” for their participation. Pat and Stan M.  (an elderly couple from another congregation) are teaching one of these other courses which gives days off, but they told me they “sneak in” Christian training with the courses… a modern version of “God’s Smuggler” I suppose. I hope you will keep Pat & Stan in your prayers, along with the prisoners, their families, and the employees of the prison (one of the guards was attacked last week, and I understand it was somewhat severe). We are so thankful to all who contribute to this ministry with their time and money!  

In the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit

“Opinion on the Trinity Doctrine & Reexamining The Great Commission”

By: Andrew D. Williams.


I want to start this opinion with Scripture so that all will see what Gods Word has revealed to those who truly seek Him.


In Genesis 1:11:  It is written,

“In the beginning God created the Heavens and the Earth.” The name God is “Elohim”; it is a plural name; however, when used in reference to the one true God, it is constantly joined with verbs and adjectives in the singular (Deut 6:4; 32:39).

In many Old Testament passages Elohim is used with a plural verb or pronoun (Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11 : 7). I want to let Scripture speak for itself. Since it is God’s Word, He is very capable of defending Himself.

In John l : 1-3 it is written,

“In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made.” When we speak of the attributes of God, we are referring to those qualities of God which constitute what He is.

They are the very characteristics of His nature. I am not referring here to the acts which He performs, such as creating, guiding, and preserving, nor to the corresponding roles He plays- Creator, Guide, Preserver. The attributes are qualities of the entire Godhead. They should not be confused with the properties, which, technically speaking, are the distinctive characteristics of the various persons of the Trinity.

Properties are functions (general), activities (more specific), or acts (most specific) of the individual members of the Godhead. Keep in mind the attributes are permanent qualities. They cannot be gained or lost. They are intrinsic.

While our understandings attributes are not our conceptions projected upon Him. They are objective characteristics of His nature.

I want to look at a few noncommunicable attributes.

  • God is Spirit: He is the ultimate pure and perfect being, incorporeal, without material substance or physical parts, not having size or dimensions.
  • God is One: He is the only and ultimate unified being, with each divine attribute perfectly united with all other attributes, yet each maintaining its own uniqueness, identity and function.
  • God is a tri-unity: There is only one God, but in the unity of the Godhead there are three eternal and co-equal persons- the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit-the same in substance (who each person is), but distinct in subsistence (what each person does).

Now I want to point out two communicable attributes.

l) God is a person: He exists and is aware of His existence, having the power of self-determination and possessing all the attributes of personality.
2) God is True: This means His being and knowledge eternally conform to each other. Thus God, is true for He alone represents things as they actually are, for truth is reality revealed.

I believe that now since Scripture has spoken for itself we can have a better understanding of the “un” Baptismal formula that is recorded in Matthew 28:19. Jesus, Himself told Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to go and tell His disciples that He is going before you into Galilee; there you will see Him. (Matt 28:16-20),

We read this. . . “Then the eleven disciples went away into Galilee, to the mountain which Jesus had appointed for them.” It may sound a little weird that Jesus would give a baptismal formula on a mountain high up, that has no water. However, when you read Scripture it is not only a baptism formula, it is a Great Commission that Jesus was giving to His disciples and what better spot than a mountain that is above “see level.”

We as believers need not to get caught up on where it was given, but Who was giving it (Jesus). He commanded His disciples to go make disciples of all nations.

What does a disciple do after he has been taught the things of God? He then gets baptized. Jesus then says, “baptize them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.

And surely I [Jesus] am with you always, to the very end of this age.” I want to point out that God watches over His Word.

2 Timothy 3:16 says, All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

If we say that what is recorded in Acts 2:38 is more important than what Jesus says in Matthew 28: 19 than we choose Peter’s words over the words of Jesus, if that is so with Jesus being God, we basically chose mans words over God.

Luke was describing the effect of Christian baptism the person baptized comes under the authority of Jesus. Keep in mind that this authority came from the Father. Luke was not giving standardized formula to be pronounced at baptism. In the name of meant “under the authority or influence of.” More important than the formula pronounced over the person being baptized is that person’s confession of faith in Jesus (Acts 22:16; Rom 10:10; Acts 2:38; 8:14-16; 10:48).

I also want to point out that at Jesus’ Baptism by John the Holy Spirit descended from heaven like a dove and remained upon Him. And suddenly a voice came from heaven, saying, “This is My Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” Jesus tells us to obey His commandments and that is exactly what I aim to do.

I am also very familiar that Acts 4:12 says “Nor is there salvation in any other name under heaven given among men which we must be saved.” When dealing with the Godhead you cannot take one without the other.

The Word of God tells us that each teacher will be held accountable for who they lead astray, so Jesus will be held accountable if His Words in Matt 28: 19 are not correct. However, I want to say thank you for your time you took to read this.



Andrew Williams

Jody Carmichael

I just wanted to mention that my wife Jody is the backbone of our ministry. It is her diligent work ethic, her complete commitment to our students that keep us going, day to day, she never stops.

I believe her motivation is Love.

Love of God

Love of her fellow man

Love of the prisoners.

Janet Swopes, our first Family Engagement Mentor

My Testimony by Janet Swopes

So far I have visited with one contact,

I truly enjoyed it and mailed my written testimony with a short note to 3 others.

I am excited about this opportunity to do the Lord’s  will!!

This is my testimony, and every word is true. I was in a body of water felt like a lake. I was deep in the center above me I could see the sunlight and I could see my granddaughters Swimming below me the water was dark, death I sensed that it was cold, above me it was light and warm, life, I know God was with me I felt his love for me and his power, all his power! He is so powerful! I asked Him if I could stay and be with my family And I felt Him lift me up and here I am alive, alive on Earth, on Earth with my family! This happened while I was on the ventilator, I am positive of that. I was in The Valley of the shadow of death and God was with me. I know He was with me. He is always with me but at that moment when I was dying, He made His presence known and I actually talked to Him. I asked Him a question and He answered it! I know I am a true miracle. God still performs miracles. God is still with us He is taking care of us. He is here for us. He is at the door, all we have to do is open it. He has saved me so many times and by the grace of God I am still here. He sent his son, Jesus to die for us so that our sins could be forgiven because He loves us so much, thank you Jesus! Thank you, God!

This story is true, and at the time it happened I was in the hospital, Hillcrest South in Tulsa. I had covid, I had it bad! I had triple pneumonia, and I was on the ventilator. I was on the ventilator for 48 days, the mortality rate at the time was 95%. I am 59 years old so I was in the high risk category.

I was dying. God was with me in the valley of the shadow of death. This happened in 2021 the month of June.

At the time I belonged, still do, to the

Church of Christ Grand Avenue in

Okmulgee. My church family was praying for me, my family in Florida, was praying for me, my husband, my daughters my sons-in-laws all were praying for me, praying hard! God answered each and every one of their prayers! God answered my simple request! God will answer yours if you just ask!  But you have to believe! You have to accept Jesus as your savior! And you have to do His will! But the rewards are mind-boggling they are so numerous and Powerful! Our Father in Heaven can do anything!!


Donnie Mills Interview

Donnie Mills is another great example of how one inmate coming to faith, can then reach out and bring others into the faith as well.

On May 16 2022 Interviews were made of several of the chapel orderlies at Dick Conner’s Correctional Center in Hominy OK. In addition to this we also recorded a round-table discussion with all the orderlies, and on the next day May 17th, 2022, we recorded the evening service.

Monte Perry Interview


“Buddy” Perry

finds his way, and his motivation to seek God through his music.

On May 16 2022 Interviews were made of several of the chapel orderlies at Dick Conner’s Correctional Center in Hominy OK. In addition to this we also recorded a round-table discussion with all the orderlies, and on the next day May 17th, 2022, we recorded the evening service.

Justin Moss Interview

Justin Moss is a great example of how one inmate coming to faith, and then reaches out and bring others into the faith as well.

On May 16 2022 Interviews were made of several of the chapel orderlies at Dick Conner’s Correctional Center in Hominy OK. In addition to this we also recorded a round-table discussion with all the orderlies, and on the next day May 17th, 2022, we recorded the evening service.