PERFECT response to a Muslim

I have in the past had conversations with Muslims in the prison system, and currently have one man studying “Through the Bible in 24 Hours” with us and apparently the main objection of the Muslim faith is that God cannot be both infinite and finite at the same time.

The interesting thing about this man who is originally from Iran is that is father is a Muslim, but his mother is a Christian. I think this is what opened him up to the possibility that Christianity is the correct answer to life.

I also think this kept him from being so adamant about Muslims being against Christianity. (I readily admit, there is nothing that could change me from being a Christian, so I understand completely how a Muslim could feel the same about their faith) this is the problem, both can’t be true, it is either one… or the other!

This is where Christian Apologetic comes into the picture, giving overwhelming evidence that Jesus is God in the Flesh.

He goes by the name “Eddie” simply because most people cannot pronounce his real name. He shared with me an interesting fact I had never heard before, Muslims love Christ, and believe He was of a virgin birth.

What is incredible is the inability to believe He was of a virgin birth, but can’t believe He is the Son of God… if He wasn’t, then who fathered the child?

So, I would just like to share a video with you from youtube that helps explain a few things, including the existence of the trinity, even though the term is not used in the bible.