God Is Enough 


No matter how broken things are in your life God will use that brokenness to fulfill his purpose.

There are many examples in his Word where God is glorified through broken lives. He is always enough to see us through whatever trial and tribulation that life throws at us. Once you come to a place in your life that God is enough, you are always at peace even in the midst of a storm. It is in these storms that our faith will be tested. We must choose to run into the arms of the Father as he whispers to us, no one will snatch you out of his hand. “I will always be enough”. 

Genesis 12:1 now Adonai said to Abraham, “Get yourself out of your country, away from your father’s house, and go to the land I will show you”. 

Abraham was asked to take his family and go to an unknown place away from his kinsmen. God wanted him to go immediately and not hesitate. Abraham trusted in God and left everything in obedience to Him, just as the disciples left all to follow Yeshua. We as God’s children are called to leave our old lives and follow Him to be Holy and set apart.  

Genesis 40:15 For the trust is that I was kidnapped from the Lord of the Hebrews and here too I have done nothing wrong that would justify putting me in this dungeon.  

Joesph was sold to be a slave by his brothers who were jealous of him. He was thrown into prison for a false accusation of rape and forgotten there. Yet he still put his face before God and trusted in his sovereignty. When we trust that God is enough in our lives, he will use what looks like a defeated situation and allow us to come out looking victorious.  

Judges 7:19  Guideon and the hundred men with him arrived at the edge of the camp a little before midnight, just after they changed the guard. They blew the shofars and broke into pieces the pitchers that were in their hands.  

The broken jars are a symbol of how God uses our broken lives to accomplish his purpose. He used the small array of 300 men to defeat a massive army. Their fear was turned to faith once they God was enough.  

2 Kings 4:4 Then go in, shut the door with you and your sons inside and pour oil into all those containers and as they are filled, put them aside 

This woman was in a hopeless situation. Her sons were to become slaves to pay a debt her husband had before he died. Elisha instructed her to fill all the jars she borrowed with oil to pay the debt. God will use what little we have and increase it.  God will always be enough to fulfill our needs.  

Luke 9:16 Then he took the five loaves and the two fish and looking up toward heaven, made a brakhah, broke the loaves and began giving them to the talmid (Disciples) to distribute to the crowd.  

Only God can feed thousands with a small meal. Wherever an impossible situation presents itself in your life look to the heavens to our Father who will always make the impossible possible.  

Psalms 71:5-6

5 for you are my hope Adonai Elohim in whom I have trusted since I was young.  

6 from birth I have relied on you; it was you who took me from my mother’s womb 

Despite all the enemies David had coming at him in his life he trusted in God to be his hope and salvation. Let that be a reminder to us that no matter who is against us God is always for us.  

2 Corinthians 12:9 but he told me, “My grace is enough for you, for my power is brought to perfection in weakness. 

Paul had a thorn in his side. He asked God to take it from him three times, but God says his grace is enough. Let this be a lesson for us that no matter the hardships we are going through that it is God who will see us through. It’s such a delight to know God is our rock and salvation.  

Luke 4:4 But Jesus answered him saying, “It is written, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word of God.  

Satan came to Jesus after he fasted for forty days, knowing he was hungry he tempted him to turn a stone into bread. Jesus knew it was God’s word that will sustain him. So, when Satan comes to tempt you at your most vulnerable moment fight him off with the Word of God. God alone is our strength and shield. He will always be enough to guide us through times of darkness, times of storms, and times of loneliness, you can always trust in him.  

Adam Gillespie 

October 15, 2022 


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