Contributed by Adam Gillespie

Even In the Darkness

All of us have gone through dark times in our lives and some of us are going through it now. We have even asked God where are you at? And why are you allowing me to go through this? Take comfort in knowing that even in the dark God is at work on your behalf. When you are having a sleepless night fretting and worrying about situations in your life know that you can cast all your cares on him. For he cares for you. (See Peter 5:7)

Exodus 14:21 Moshe (Moses) reached his hand out over the sea and Adonai caused the sea to go back before a strong East wind all night. He made the sea become dry land and its water divided in two.

The Israelite’s who just left Egypt were in fear of the Egyptians who were in pursuit of them. Moses assured them God would save them (see Exodus 14:13-14) God worked all night pushing the sea back on both sides to pave the way for the Israelite’s while their enemies are pursuing them. That’s the way God works for us. He brings us to safety and protects us from our enemies.

Genesis 50:20 You meant to do me harm, but God meant it for good so that it would come about as it is today, with many people’s lives being saved.

Joseph was reassuring he would do no harm to his brothers for what they did to him. He knew God meant it for the good. You see Joseph was hated by his brothers, they sold him into slavery. He was imprisoned for a crime he didn’t commit, yet in those dark times of Joseph’s life, God was working on his behalf, and was shown favor wherever he went. Joseph ultimately knew God that no matter the rough times he was going through God would see him through.

Psalm 23:4 Even if I pass through death-dark ravines, I will fear no disaster; you are with me; your rod and staff reassure me.

David in his younger years was in danger of losing his life at the hand of Saul for his jealously. His own son Absalom chased him off his throne and wanted him dead so he could be King, yet David knew God would protect him even in his darkest times of life.

Psalm 27:10 Even though my father and mother have left me Adonai will come for me.

Even when those closest to us have abandoned us and we feel alone rest in the assurance God will never leave us or forsake us.

Job 35:10 But no one asks “Where is God my maker, who causes glad songs to ring out at night

If you are having a sleepless night for one reason or another, ask the Holy Spirit to fix your eyes on God who will comfort you. Praise him and fix your eyes on Him and He will give you peace beyond understanding.

James 4:8a Come close to God and he will come close to you.

No matter the tough times you are going through God assures us in his word he draws close to us if we draw close to him. So, humble yourself, cry out to God, and seek him wholeheartedly.

Acts 16:25-26

25. around midnight, Shaul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, while the other prisoners listened attentively.

26. Suddenly there was a violent earthquake that shook the prison to its foundations. All the doors flew open, and everyone’s chains came loose.

Even amongst the prisons, we are living in no matter what they may be, fear, thoughts of suicide, mental illness etc. if we can praise and worship God in the midst of all that those chains will fall off and the prison doors open

Luke 22:42 “Father if you are willing, take this cup from me; still not my will but yours be done.

The cup Jesus is talking about here is a cup of suffering. We need to call upon God when no matter the pain and suffering we are going through. We just need to trust that God is at work and his will, will be done.

Ephesians 3:20 Now to him who by his power working in as is able to do far beyond anything we can ask or imagine

No matter the darkness you may be in right now the power of God working in you will see you through. His thoughts and ways are beyond our understanding don’t give up.


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