Letter from Inmate John R


I wanted to take a moment to say thank you for sending this lesson to me!
It speaks right to the heart of my greatest issue right now.
I have lots of time on my ands, lots of time to dwell on the hurt I have caused to others throughout my life. There are countless times that I could have been a better person, made better choices, taken different paths. But I am coming to realize that being here was God’s way of saying “The Lord is a jealous and avenging God” (Nahum 1:2)
By choosing things I wanted to do, by not putting God at the fron of my life, I spurred His jealousy and He brought Himself to the front and center of my life. And I couldn’t be more THANKFUL that this happened!
I’M NOT SAYING THAT I ENJOY PRISON. What I am saying is that I would never have found my way without Him doing tis, and my sins were leading me to eternal death. I still struggle with guilt for the people I have hurt over the course of my life (one person more than all others combined) but I can readily and frelly say that I am a better person now and will never make the choices I have made in the past. When someone asks to borrow from me I will give freely, when someone hurts me I will turn the other cheek to them, I will guard all of my words, and actions for the rest of my days and strive to continue to grow into the man God intended me to be.
Thank you for being a part of my journey…


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