Testimonial by Richard Fox, Inmate at Dick Conners Correctional Center, Hominy OK


When Jesus came into my life as my savior and Lord, I was five years into a life sentence. Some guys I worked with in the kitchen invited me to church to hear a group coming in that had a great music program.

I went that night and listened to them, and a preacher got up named Don Boatwright and it seemed he knew me and where I had been because he preached my life to me and said you have tried everything but Jesus and if you will try him you will never go back.

I got up with the intention of leaving and to this day I can’t tell you how I walked passed the door and knelt at the altar, but I said God, I don’t know if you want this life but if you do it’s yours.

 It felt as if the building was lifted up off my back and for the first time in my life, I knew  love. That was 37 years ago and Don was right if you truly taste the love of God how could you want or need anything else. I tell everyone. I sold out and I’m gonna hold out.

Richard Fox

One thought on “0

  1. THIS is my husband, John-Richard’s Testimony he gave in a live interview at the prison today. 05/16/22 ❤ I’m so proud of him. I’ve known Richard since 1992. Richard has more integrity than any man I’ve even known. If he says it. It’s true! He walks the walk. Nothing fake about him. Loves you, Babe. ❤

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