Anthony P. Miller, Jr; inmate at Dick Connor Correctional Center

To Whom It May Concern:

July of 2018 was when I came to realize I’d been chosen to be a light bearer for Christ.

Unfortunately, I was in Tulsa County Jail at the time, but the effect was still the same.

One night while in my bunk I finally said to the Lord, in so many words, I don’t want these burdens anymore PLEASE TAKE THEM FROM ME AND I’M YOURS FOREVER.

Guess what? HE did!!!!!!!

I immediately had such an overwhelming feeling of a huge weight being lifted from my entire being and I finally found what had been missing in my life.

Crazy thing is, I had no idea that this is what I’d been missing this whole time.

In retrospect, deep down inside, I always knew something was missing; I guess it would be better described as a certain type of emptiness, but I just assumed that was me missing my birth mother so very much.

Now, I’m so happy and my life has a purpose. I feel so fulfilled, bright, spiritual, and powerful in my day to day like never before.

My life and spirit were so broken, that just about every day (if not every day) I’d look at myself in the mirror and hate the individual I saw looking back at me. Like all us humans, we are our own worst enemy at times and sell ‘destruction kills the soul.

Growing up the way I did, then becoming a young father at 21, and then on top of all that, my 3 yr. daughter Whitney passing away of complications 10 months after a near fatal car accident in which she, her siblings and birth mother were all involved.

Thank goodness no one died immediately, but the point I’m making is, Him, knowing all these things, plus all the other good and bad things I ever did or thought, He still loved me so much that He gave His life on the Cross for all those things and beyond.

He forgave me when I couldn’t forgive myself … man what a life changing revelation.

He forgave me, so I could, He died and arose, so I could, He loves me, so I can. Being falsely accused of a crime is very difficult to deal with and I know for a fact that things happened the way they did so I would be totally dependent on Him because without Him I couldn’t do it.

Thank You Jesus!!! Amen.

1 wanted to share this so that others can know God is real and you can make it through anything with Him at the Helm.

God Bless you all. Sincerely,

Anthony P. Miller, Jr

AKA Miller Thyme an

inmate at Dick Connor Correctional Center

Testimonial by Reggie Wilson, Inmate at Dick Conners Correctional Center, Hominy Ok

My name is Reginald Wilson and this is about my conversion moment.

I’m not sure when it happened so to say.

I guess I can say it happened in county jail. I was sitting there with a bond that was so high I couldn’t get out and didn’t do what I was charged with. I found myself praying to God for help because I couldn’t get out, but I knew I was going to get out because of the fact that I  didn’t do it, so I started reading my Bible and seeking God.

This was something I knew to do from growing up in church, and when I got old enough, I stop going to church. I don’t think I really accepted Him as Lord of my life or else I wouldn’t be here.

So, my seeking has sent me on a journey, it seems like the more Bible studies I would do, the hungrier I became for the Word of God. Today I sit here a changed man, it’s been seven years since that day in October of 2014 and I have not stopped following Him.

Before Christ I wandered aimlessly from place to place but, since accepting what Christ done for me, I have a purpose now and that’s what He does for you when you choose Him.

It’s been a life of peace since that day, and I am very thankful for my choice. I will never turn away from Him I’m with Jesus till the day I die.

May God Bless You and keep you

Testimonial by Andrew Williams, Inmate at Dick Conners Correctional Center.

My name is Andrew Williams

For me leaving the darkness of life to live in God’s marvelous light wasn’t so easy. I have constantly struggled to get rid of violence, anger, addictions, and foul speech. God has done a complete restoration in my life, and I have learned to appreciate my growth a lot more due to the struggles of change.

I have learned that, in order to fully grasp and enjoy growth it starts with step one.

You cannot enjoy step 10, if you do not go through the pain, and life lessons that lived between one and 10.

I thank God for the strength he provides, and I asked that whatever you may be going through, know that it is only temporary, and God has amazing things in store for you. Amen.

Testimonial by Richard Fox, Inmate at Dick Conners Correctional Center, Hominy OK

When Jesus came into my life as my savior and Lord, I was five years into a life sentence. Some guys I worked with in the kitchen invited me to church to hear a group coming in that had a great music program.

I went that night and listened to them, and a preacher got up named Don Boatwright and it seemed he knew me and where I had been because he preached my life to me and said you have tried everything but Jesus and if you will try him you will never go back.

I got up with the intention of leaving and to this day I can’t tell you how I walked passed the door and knelt at the altar, but I said God, I don’t know if you want this life but if you do it’s yours.

 It felt as if the building was lifted up off my back and for the first time in my life, I knew  love. That was 37 years ago and Don was right if you truly taste the love of God how could you want or need anything else. I tell everyone. I sold out and I’m gonna hold out.

Richard Fox