My Testimony by Robert S.

My Testimony

My Attitude: Has changed in ways that others comment (for the good)

My Behavior: Has changed in so many new ways

My Goals: to continue doing Bible Studies

My relationship with God: Has gotten even closer

Other Changes in my Life: Been able to use the Bible studies to change things in my life


My Testimony

My Attitude: My attitude has changed towards others and I have learned to consider their perspective and no be so condemning.

My Behavior: I have learned to take the time needed to control my behavior. Walk away when all else fails.

My Goals: My Goals are obtainable with Christ and they include family. I look forward to the future!

My relationship with God: Has been strengthened by learning more through Park Prison Ministry.

Other Changes in my Life: I want to live my life in a way where others can look at me and know I am a Christian. I believe your Bible Studies have helped me achieve that goal

My Testimony by Jennifer D

My Testimony

My Attitude: Has Changed

My Behavior: Is getting better.

My Goals: Is to be a better person.

My relationship with God: Has grown better, and stronger

Robert S

My Testimony

My Attitude: I have learned to be more patient and understanding with those around me and to those that I feel deserted and abandoned me when I needed them the most, that is mostly my family

My Behavior: From who I was in life I have turned completely around. I no longer concern myself with the needs and desires of my earthly self. My only main concern is making sure of my spiritual well being.

My Goals I wish to finish my sentence here and get back out in the world and find a good home church that I can do what God has set out for me to do. And to find someone worth sharing my life with.

My relationship with God: I started trying to re-establish myself with the Lord about 1 1/2 years before I was incarcerated. I asked Him to se me aside so I could get myself right with Him. I may not have meant prison, but this has been His will for me to not be who I was.

Other Changes in my Life: I am almost 6 years sober. I have regained my sense of self-worth and a real desire to leave this world a better place than I found it.

Comments: You have my permission to share this.. Robert S

Grading Night Update

We appreciate all our graders who have helped us so much over the years. However, at this time, due to the Covid-19 re-outbreak, we are suspending group grading and relying solely on home grading.

If any of you are interested in helping us with home grading, just let us know and we will supply you with a grading key, and lessons to be graded.