My Testimony by Robert S.

My Testimony

My Attitude: Has changed in ways that others comment (for the good)

My Behavior: Has changed in so many new ways

My Goals: to continue doing Bible Studies

My relationship with God: Has gotten even closer

Other Changes in my Life: Been able to use the Bible studies to change things in my life


My Testimony

My Attitude: My attitude has changed towards others and I have learned to consider their perspective and no be so condemning.

My Behavior: I have learned to take the time needed to control my behavior. Walk away when all else fails.

My Goals: My Goals are obtainable with Christ and they include family. I look forward to the future!

My relationship with God: Has been strengthened by learning more through Park Prison Ministry.

Other Changes in my Life: I want to live my life in a way where others can look at me and know I am a Christian. I believe your Bible Studies have helped me achieve that goal

My Testimony by Jennifer D

My Testimony

My Attitude: Has Changed

My Behavior: Is getting better.

My Goals: Is to be a better person.

My relationship with God: Has grown better, and stronger

Robert S

My Testimony

My Attitude: I have learned to be more patient and understanding with those around me and to those that I feel deserted and abandoned me when I needed them the most, that is mostly my family

My Behavior: From who I was in life I have turned completely around. I no longer concern myself with the needs and desires of my earthly self. My only main concern is making sure of my spiritual well being.

My Goals I wish to finish my sentence here and get back out in the world and find a good home church that I can do what God has set out for me to do. And to find someone worth sharing my life with.

My relationship with God: I started trying to re-establish myself with the Lord about 1 1/2 years before I was incarcerated. I asked Him to se me aside so I could get myself right with Him. I may not have meant prison, but this has been His will for me to not be who I was.

Other Changes in my Life: I am almost 6 years sober. I have regained my sense of self-worth and a real desire to leave this world a better place than I found it.

Comments: You have my permission to share this.. Robert S