Our Cosmos: Is it Billions of Years Old? Or thousands?


The Cosmos… Does it prove the universe just happened by a big explosion billions of years ago, where one single cell or molecule exploded and miraculously created the entire cosmos? Does that make any kind of logical sense to you? Or more like non-sense? It reminds me of the old joke that someone blew up a salvage yard and when the dust cleared a Boeing 727 had been created… perfect, and ready to board for a flight. Well, regardless of what you think, or feel modern science  expects us to honor and believe anything they might offer, regardless of how little  sense it makes… we are to believe whatever we might say. In this lesson we are going to look at “other” facts… facts that may not support their version of creation… well, I guess they don’t believe in creation but just a good roll of the dice.

Go to the complete Study on the Cosmos by Clicking here

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