Does Mathematics Refute Evolution?


Let’s take another look at the impossibility of evolution through the perfect language of mathematics.
We have already covered a number of mathematical facts that dispute evolution, but let’s really attack it today, by using simple math.
This is going to sound rude, often the plain truth, offered directly without apology is rude sounding in this society where political correctness is the order of the day regardless of the truth.
I would like to remind you these lessons are for you… the Christian, and possibly the agnostic, and on extremely rare occasions the atheist who might have an open mind and be willing to consider the truth of creation. The fact is the atheist has a closed mind, they will offer up any argument they can, regardless of truth or reason. The very fact they claim to be an atheist is proof of this, remember what scripture says; anyone who says “there is no God is a fool’ We also see it demonstrated by practicing atheist who claims a Christian background. By “practicing” I mean those who support any law that goes above “Gods Law” such as condoning sexual deviation claiming it to be natural, something a person is born with, or the murder of the most innocent lives… the unborn child.
Enough of that, you get the point. Now for a second point, I once worked for a sales manager who likes to compare sales tools as bullets in his gun belt. Each point that refutes evolution is like another bullet in our gun belt of Christian defenses… the more we know from various sources and avenues, the stronger our belief becomes.
The goal is simple, to know the word of God, knowing we live by every word that proceeds from His mouth, not by any extra words we choose to add, or by any we decide doesn’t count, or has a different meaning. To know the true word of God is found in the Holy Scriptures we refer to as the “Bible”, not any other so-called “Holy Book”. And to know beyond a shadow of a doubt through Christian Apologetics that it is all true, and the “outside” evidence supporting the truth of the Biblical teachings, and claims is true beyond a shadow of a doubt.

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