Trust Him by Stephen R Gray


Before You Were Born, God Said You Were Blessed,

And Already Knew That You’d Be in This Mess!

He Wants You to Understand That You’re His Son,

And Has Been Calling You Since You Were Young!

You’re in A Place Where You Can Hear His Voice,

However, It’s Up to You, Because You Have A Choice!

The Choices That We Made Led Us to This Place,

But the Lord Desires To Put A Smile On Your Face.

You Need to Realize That God Has the Perfect Plan,

However, He Needs Your Attention and A Willing Hand!

The Plan That He Has for You Is Certainly So Real,

Therefore, Study The Word And You’ll Understand The Deal!

Prayer Is Communication That Comes from Both Ways,

However, God Will Answer You Without Any Delays,

He Has Your Life in His Hands and Already Figured Out,

Therefore, Trust Him to Tell You What It’s All About.

If You’re Sick and Tired Of Being In This Mess,

Then, Get in The Word And Realize That You’re Blessed!

He Knows What’s Best and It’s Him That You Must Trust,

Or You Will End Up Eating That Same Old Bust!

Trust Him, Because He Can See Everything That We Do,

However, He’s Willing and Waiting Just to Help You!

From My Heart to Yours,


By Stephen R Gray

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