What About God?  By Stephen R Gray

What About God?  By Stephen R Gray

What About God?

What About God and All That He Has Done,

And Sent Jesus So That You Could Be His Son?

The Price That He Paid So That We Could Live,

However, What All Are You So Willing to Give?

What About God, And All of His Unconditional Love,

Which He Desires to Share with You from Above?

Are You Willing to Surrender Your Heart and Mind?

Or Do You Think That It’s A Waste of Time?

What About God and How He Loves the World,

So, Realize That Are Worth More Than Pearls?

You’re the Last of His Creation And The Crown,

But, Are You Willing to Lay Your Life Down?

What About God Who Know Everything That You Do,

However, All of These Years He’s Been Calling You;

You Definitely Have an Important Choice to Make,

Therefore, Please Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!

What About God Whose Son Died in Your Place,

And His Desire Is to Have Your Sins Erased?

You Have to Be Willing to Make That Choice,

But, Be Certain That You’re Listening to God’s Voice.

By Stephen R Gray


Trust Him by Stephen R Gray

Before You Were Born, God Said You Were Blessed,

And Already Knew That You’d Be in This Mess!

He Wants You to Understand That You’re His Son,

And Has Been Calling You Since You Were Young!

You’re in A Place Where You Can Hear His Voice,

However, It’s Up to You, Because You Have A Choice!

The Choices That We Made Led Us to This Place,

But the Lord Desires To Put A Smile On Your Face.

You Need to Realize That God Has the Perfect Plan,

However, He Needs Your Attention and A Willing Hand!

The Plan That He Has for You Is Certainly So Real,

Therefore, Study The Word And You’ll Understand The Deal!

Prayer Is Communication That Comes from Both Ways,

However, God Will Answer You Without Any Delays,

He Has Your Life in His Hands and Already Figured Out,

Therefore, Trust Him to Tell You What It’s All About.

If You’re Sick and Tired Of Being In This Mess,

Then, Get in The Word And Realize That You’re Blessed!

He Knows What’s Best and It’s Him That You Must Trust,

Or You Will End Up Eating That Same Old Bust!

Trust Him, Because He Can See Everything That We Do,

However, He’s Willing and Waiting Just to Help You!

From My Heart to Yours,


By Stephen R Gray

God’s Love by Stephen R Gray

God Loves You So Much and I Could Never Deny,

Because His Love Puts Tears in My Eyes!

He Knows and Understands All That You Feel,

And His Love for You Is Unconditional And Real!

Sometimes, It Can Be A Struggle When Going Through,

However, Realize That Jesus Is Right There with You!

I Can’t Remove Your Heartaches nor Your Pain,

But I Believe That God Won’t Allow It to Remain!

You’re A Blessed Woman That Still Looks Great

And When God Made You It Wasn’t A Mistake!

God’s Love Is So Deep That It’s Hard to Explain,

However, His Love for You Shall Never Change!

It’s A Blessing To Have Someone Who Genuinely Cares Because,

God’s Love Has and Will Always Be There!

That Your Break Through Come Soon for A Brighter Day,

Therefore, I’m Sending A Prayer Without Any Delay!

God’s Love Is Everywhere and Even Within Other’s Hearts,

And I Feel Your Love, Although Were Miles Apart!

He Gives Us His Love So We’ll Give It Away,

So We Can Help Someone Else Have A Blessed Day!

If I Were There, I Would Give You A Big Hug

However, For Now, I Can Send Only God’s Love!

From My Heart to Yours

By Stephen R. Gray
