Please Join me this morning’s prayer for America

Gracious Heavenly Father we come to you this morning humbly, meekly, in truth and spirit.
This morning we lift-up America to You, a country founded in the Name of Jesus Christ, devoted to Your laws and principles.
We pray you will deliver all Americans from the grip of Satan’s ideology of liberalism, and leftism. We pray for a great revival to overtake America and all Americans.
We pray You will open our eyes to Your absolute truth, and We pray that You will place in the hearts of all Americans a determination to know Your word and follow to all Your principles in our daily lives.
We pray You will lead us to become that beacon of Christian Faith for all the world to see. We pray we will become the standard bearer for all that is good and true.
We pray our president will stay strong even while under the daily attacks with an undying determination to take America to a new level of Christianity, faith, and love never before seen in this land, or this world.
Lord, bless us with this; that we will lead the world to a place of peace through knowledge, belief, and adherence to Your word.
In Jesus Christ’s Precious Name; AMEN