The “other side” of Apologetics… Rightly dividing the word.

I would like to present three points to consider as the church.

  • There is to be no division in the church (1 Corinthians 1:10; 1 Corinthians 12:25)
  • We are to rightly divide the truth (2 Timothy 2:15)
  • Test all doctrines by the word of God: This tells me we must study and learn the truth only from the bible, and test biblically any position preached by man (Acts 17:11)

There cannot be two correct gospels, only one. Anything other than the true gospel, supported fully by scripture without interjection by man (do not add or take away) is a false doctrine. You will only find salvation through the correct understanding of scripture… rightly dividing the word. There are two major doctrines being taught, which by default splits the church, one is Calvinism, the other is Arminianism

I have done the work, the studies and have found Calvinism in complete opposition to scripture. If you have a true heart for Christ, and for the truth I would suggest you should do the studies for yourself, if you don’t have a true heart for Christ and the truth… quite frankly… you won’t.




Arminius Was a Calvinist:  What is an Arminian? People who believe in the teachings of the Bible from the historic perspective is an Arminian. To further answer this question, we must start with the doctrine of John Calvin since Arminianism is first, a reaction to Calvinism. Calvin’s Systematic Theological Teachings are summarized in the “Five Points of Calvinism”.  They can be formed into an acrostic called TULIP.

Arminianism arose when a Dutchman named Koornheerts infuriated the Dutch clergy by attacking Calvinism in his writings.” Such an attack was not allowed to go unchallenged. A brilliant and well trained young Calvinist, Jacobus Arminius, was asked to answer Koornheerts. This he set about to do, but his study of the subject only convinced him that Calvinism was indefensible. From his thorough search of the Scriptures was born a view out of harmony with austere Calvinism.


The 5 principles of Calvinism

  1. Total Depravity: If man is totally depraved, he is not guilty of sin, he knows no better
  2. Unconditional Election: God decides before you are born whether you will spend eternity in heaven or hell; eliminates the ability to choose to follow Christ or not…
  3. Limited Atonement/ Particular Redemption: Christ’s redeeming work was intended to save the elect only and secured salvation for them. So, God did not so love the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whosoever should believe on Him should not perish but have ever lasting life…. According to this doctrine God was just teasing us or lying….
  4. Irresistible Grace: the call, heard only by the Election, is irresistible and always results in total conversion; It means God created puppets who are not really making a choice for Him, again no choice being made to follow God or not…. The choice is made for you.
  5. Perseverance of the Saints: All who are chosen by God, redeemed by Christ, and given faith by the Spirit are eternally saved. They are kept in faith by the power of Almighty God and thus persevere to the end.


I will publish the complete study when it is completed