Happy Easter and Welcome to our Prison Ministry Website
Hope you all have a happy and wonderful Easter.
Our website is dedicated to the promotion of the Ok Prison Ministry, and for that matter all prison ministries anywhere in the world.
This site includes Sermons and Lessons from Many Sources, including various denominations, and independant churches. We do not change the message to fit our beliefs, but leave them intact for your inspection and you can make comments on them agreeing, or disargreeing with the message.
Prisons also contribute to this site with lessons, Sermons, and Poetry.
Our focus is on four things in our ministry:
- Apologetics: Offering overwhelming evidence the Bible is inspired by God
- Apologetics: Teaching the correct understanding of Scripture with the committment of following the truth no matter where it might lead
- Teaching New Life Behavior, how to walk the Christian Life according to Scripture.
- Teaching how to evangelize using apologetics (both forms) with a “permissive” approach.