Prison Apologetics Update


I thought I would just take a moment here and share with you what the term Christian Apologetics means. Apologetics comes from the Greek word “apologia” which simply means to give a legal, or logical defense for your position. So, as commanded in 1 Peter 3:15 where we are told to be ready to give a reason for our faith, we need to be able to give a logical reason for believing.

That logical reasoning comes from demonstrating the bible is truly the inspired word of God, written by mere and mortal men. Men no different than you or I, (Females included). This is one of the great arguments, or defenses, that the Bible was written by men who were no different than any other man, and therefore as common men would not have been able to provide the information given, at the time it was given, which means it had to come from a higher intelligence than has ever been available to men, regardless of their IQ or abilities.

There are many methods of presenting Christian Apologetics, such as proving evolution (the only other option that could explain the existence of life) is impossible through mathematics, biology, etc. However, our goal is to present an apologia for our faith by presenting facts that cannot be argued.

Such as the scientific and medical facts found in the Bible long before modern or ancient scientist could have known about them.

Or, the predictions of future events which are now historical events, and those predictions which came to pass perfectly, as predicted, and not just a couple but as many as 2,500 and fulfilled so accurately that even Bible Scholars were suspicious that they were historical facts being passed off as prophesies until copies of these scriptures (namely the dead sea scrolls) were found that predated the fulfillment of the prophesies, proving they had to also come from a higher intelligence.

The Apologetics courses (called the 1 Peter 3:15 project) we teach at Dick Conner’s include the following:

  1. A Video Tour concerning apologetics to “whet the appetite” of the prisoners.
  2. The Truth Project, another video tour of teaching the truth (by focus on the family)
  3. Amazin Facts of the Bible: a course designed to teach the bible was inspired by God
  4. Apologetics I: a course teaching the person, work, death, and resurrection of Christ is all reliable Historically.
  5. Christian Defenses, a wrap up course on how we can defend our faith
  6. Christian Apologetic Evangelism, a future course in how to begin a conversation, and attract atheists, and agnostics, along with brothers who have fallen away in the prison system to accept the teachings of the Bible, and begin a journey to and eventually on the narrow path to salvation.


We completed the Truth Project yesterday (April 17, 2017) and will begin the Amazin Facts course on April 24, 2017 (next Monday).



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