Revelation Discovered Treasure Found;


 Poetry by Inmate Richard Zornes

This is my story, this is my song

Praise the Lord God who keeps me in His palm

Having the sight to keep me from forsaking the way Showing His loving kindness each & everyday

Speaking so sweetly deep to my heart

Showing me just how to get up when I fall apart

The only way to thank Him, is with audible sound

Speaking His truth, to this once lost man, who now is found This world is cold & lonely at best

With all its fleeting imaginations, they will put you to the test

Do not be foolish of the world with all its allure

For it’s found on the wide road & will not endure

How to travel the narrow path, only few find

For it starts at the cross, where my savior is, a love, O so divine

Love, joy & peace shall surround you as you press in And even more eternal attributes, all from Him

No dollar can purchase this, no work be enough

The-only way to obtain this, His sinless He gave up

I worry no more about to whom I belong

Because my savior gave me Calvary’s mighty song

There’s nothing_complicated to it, He knows what_&_how _to-giue to..yo.u.. It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior -I-have-come-to the- revelation, there is hope-in-Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released….you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

Hé-täkes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

You are a Son & Daughter, Royalty with authority given by Him

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