Can Christians Know the Day, Time, or Season of the Last Days?

In reponse to a Christian Lady who had questions about knowing the end days signs.

From a facebook post:

I would like to first thank you for your response and agree no one can know the day or hour. In addition, I would like to state that I am not an end times preacher, but more of a casual observer (most people will reach his/her own end time before the last day arrives). I am an apologist (defender) of the scripture.
The verse I find most interesting is Daniel 12:4 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased.

Words are/ is knowledge. Knowledge is the one-word definition of Science, so Daniel is being told to seal up these words until the time of the end. He placed a condition on how long this knowledge/ science would be sealed up… until the end of time. He (God) Goes on describe the end times… there will be an increase in knowledge and people will be running to and fro… I don’t think we have to defend the statement there has been an increase in knowledge, for example my grandmother (Leslie’s great grandmother) raised me, she came to Kansas in a covered wagon from Illinois in 1902 at the age of 12, it probably took her months to get there. When she died we were taking regular vacation trips back to Illinois and making the trip in about 3 days in a car, and before she died America had gone into outer space. From covered wagon to space rockets/ ships certainly covers both statements of the end times, an increase in knowledge and people running to and fro. I think this puts us into those last days, especially when you add all the other signs as well.
I think Eddie Sax describes knowing the seasons best.
Times and Seasons for First Century-ites Only

In Acts 1:6-7, just before Jesus was caught up into heaven, His disciples asked, “Lord, wilt thou at this time restore again the kingdom to Israel?” Jesus answered, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power.” In this passage, Jesus is speaking to the disciples about what will happen to them at their specific moment in time. Notice that they use the words “at this time” in their question. That would indicate that they meant “in their lifetimes,” or “the generation in which they were living.”

Was Jesus speaking here to a First Century audience only or was He also telling you and me, living in the 21st Century, that it is not for us to know the times and seasons either? The answer to this question is simple. We, of this generation, will definitely know the time and the season. Jesus said so in Matthew 24:34. “Verily I say unto you, This generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled.” “This generation” refers specifically to the people who live to see the signs of the end times that He describes in the chapter, including the still-future abomination of desolation.

Paul confirms this teaching. He wrote in I Thessalonians 5:1, “But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.” In verse 4, he goes on to say, “But ye, brethren, are not in darkness that that day should overtake you as a thief.” Paul is telling us specifically that we will know the times and the seasons. If we will watch, we will see the day coming.

Is this a conflict in scripture? In Acts 1:6, Jesus says, “It is not for you to know the times or the seasons.” But, in I Thessalonians 5:1 Paul says that we will. Of course, there is no conflict! It is obvious that Jesus was speaking to a First Century audience in Acts 1:6-7, not to us!

So we have now answered the “times and seasons question.” What about the “day and hour” question? When Jesus said that no man knows the day and hour of the Lord’s coming, does this also apply to our generation?
Paul Said we Will Know the Day

Here’s another perspective. I Thessalonians chapter 5 teaches us that the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night. Matthew 24:42-43 relates the same story. It also says that the Lord will come as a thief in the night, and that the goodman of the house will not know what hour the thief will come.

The thief is clearly representative of Jesus Christ. But what does the goodman represent? Whoever the goodman symbolizes, the passage says that he will not know the hour of Christ’s return. For example, if the goodman represents the church, then the church will not know the hour of the Lord’s coming. It would be that simple. So let’s look at the context.
Question: Is the goodman the church?

Answer: No! The goodman of the house clearly represents unbelievers, not believers! He is not portrayed as a Bible-believer, but rather, he was living in darkness, and was not ready for the Lord’s coming. This passage teaches that it is the unbelievers who will not know the hour of the Lord’s coming. This conclusion is verified by I Thessalonians 5:4-5. There, it states that the only people who will not know the day of the Lord’s coming are the people living in darkness. But you, saint of God, are not living in darkness. You are a child of light, and the day of the Lord shall not overtake you as a thief!

Unbelievers will not know the hour of His coming. Does the Bible say that the church won’t know the hour of His coming as well? No. The fact is, it seems to indicate the opposite! The Lord will not overtake His children of light as a thief in the night. According to these passages, the church will know the hour.

Let’s keep studying the scriptures. We will know the generation, and we will know the times and seasons. And as the time draws nearer, perhaps we will also come to know the day and hour!
By Eddie Sax
I would simply like to add to this that we all know the left, especially the far left has no idea/ no understanding of scripture, or end times, and generally think is merely one of the fairy tales that Christians cling to from their book of fairy tales.
They live in the Darkness. The Christian (generally gathered in the right) do understand the bible is not a book of fairy tales, but is a historically reliable book filled with information given at a time when men could have had no idea of why they were writing what they were writing, and when found to be factual gives witness to the fact the word had to be inspired by a higher intelligence (God) for instance in Job 38:16 we are told there are “springs” in the bottom of the ocean… it wasn’t possible to verify this until 1977 until oceanographers with the use of deep diving research submarines built to withstand 6,000 lbs. of pressure per square inch explored the ocean floor and discovered “springs” on the ocean floor, written about in the bible over 4,000 years ago. This is only one example of over a hundred examples of what is now known as Scientific facts, and when coupled with the prophecies that have been fulfilled perfectly, it leaves no doubt in the honest man’s mind that the bible is indeed the inspired word of God.
Thus Christians live in the light!!!

Divine Exchange:

Poetry by inmate Richard Zornes

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior I have come to the revelation, there is hope in Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand-new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released…. you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

He takes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to reign

Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

Chosen Confession

by Inmate Richard Zornes

Chosen Confession

O death has no power, it has lost its sting

Because my savior has ransomed me

I’ve only to trust in Him & renew my mind

It’s found in the pages of His word, which He left behind

Inspired by His Spirit, penned by men of old Even if you are a doubting Thomas

In the pages of His word you behold all the power for life & godliness Eternal life-was purchased by His blood for you & I

You’ve only got to confess your sins & on the cross is where they died

But you have to zoom out before you jump in

Weigh your options, there’s a bigger picture, this walk isn’t easy

Bringing only your heart is the only thing you can offer that’s pleasing

He can change where it counts & it starts within

Removing all your darkness & replacing it with Him

Faith of a mustard seed is faith nonetheless

Don’t think it’s not enough, that’s the first big test

He wants you to come to Him with all your burdens

He is the only one who can right the wrong things Because He loves you, He wants you for eternity

Rise up & see you have a heavenly inheritance

It will stand against every futile resistance

Remember to pray always, He loves to commune with you

There’s nothing complicated to it, He knows what & how to give to you

It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other

Revelation Discovered Treasure Found;

 Poetry by Inmate Richard Zornes

This is my story, this is my song

Praise the Lord God who keeps me in His palm

Having the sight to keep me from forsaking the way Showing His loving kindness each & everyday

Speaking so sweetly deep to my heart

Showing me just how to get up when I fall apart

The only way to thank Him, is with audible sound

Speaking His truth, to this once lost man, who now is found This world is cold & lonely at best

With all its fleeting imaginations, they will put you to the test

Do not be foolish of the world with all its allure

For it’s found on the wide road & will not endure

How to travel the narrow path, only few find

For it starts at the cross, where my savior is, a love, O so divine

Love, joy & peace shall surround you as you press in And even more eternal attributes, all from Him

No dollar can purchase this, no work be enough

The-only way to obtain this, His sinless He gave up

I worry no more about to whom I belong

Because my savior gave me Calvary’s mighty song

There’s nothing_complicated to it, He knows what_&_how _to-giue to..yo.u.. It doesn’t matter if it’s a celebration or when you feel lost & broken He knows a need before it is spoken

That’s the beauty of relationship, it’s a choice & nothing forced upon This is a race, slow & steady is the speed

When you are going a hundred you will miss a key that others need to succeed  We are the body of Christ; when we rise, we do it together

Know you are not alone because as a family, we do this with each other

Because of His Spirit that makes us tethered

So choose now in whom you will serve

For if you love one, you will hate the other

Being locked up in a cell, has commonalities with being in hell

Here you can kick & scream…never waking because this is not a dream

You spend plenty of time with yourself Reflecting on the hearts yearning for change & help

Thinking back of all the times of satisfying yourself

How you hurt others because you were hurting too

It’s not so fun when you are wearing their shoes

Now you are the one locked up & treated with a l t forms of abuse

With tactics you have used as an excuse for your behavior -I-have-come-to the- revelation, there is hope-in-Christ

Sent by the Father in Love with Hope for a brand new life

He is the ultimate repairman & none can even equate to Him

He (s His own brand of refreshment, He came for people like me

Who have never known that choices extend into eternity

The spirit of our choices are extensions of our self

We speak into existence things that will be

For some they build you up, others can make you bleed & scream

Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks

Is where things are contemplated & given permission to travel Driven by the tongue, once released….you can’t call it back

If our heart is where things dwell

Then we ought to do well to refrain from reviving hell

In His word are things to bring your heart great delight

Words of wisdom for courageous living to help you fight the good fight

Eternal principles you speak to life’s storms, in which build up your faith

When His word is spoken, it comes back accomplishing that in which it was sent to achieve

IVs foolish to those who are perishing but, it’s warming to the heart & soul for those who believe He is no liar & makes no mistakes

Hé-täkes those who are down trodden & gives them a crown to Don’t speak about the problem, speak to it in Jesus name

You are a Son & Daughter, Royalty with authority given by Him

The First Amendment guarantees you freedom of religion not freedom from religion.

The First Amendment guarantees you freedom of

religion not freedom from religion.

The Myths

No one who is paid by any government agency, at any level of government, may lead others in prayer or use any religious language in a public setting.

No religious objects such as crosses or nativity scenes can be placed on public land no matter if it is local, state, or federal land.

No religious activity can take place on land that is owned by any level of government.

All it takes is for one individual to complain that they are offended and all of these public displays of religion are stopped. This all takes place in the name of the separation of church and state which is the true meaning of the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

The Truth

None of these activities are banned by First Amendment, any other amendment of the Constitution, or any valid federal law. The First Amendment was added to the US Constitution to protect these activities not prevent them.

The establishment clause of the First Amendment only prevents the federal government from establishing an official state religion such as England did with the Church of England.

There is a second clause to this amendment that deals with religion, the free exercise of religion clause. For some reason this clause always seems to get forgotten by those trying to ban these public religious activities. The purpose of this clause is to prevent the federal government from interfering with the free exercise of religion by any individual regardless if they are employed by any government agency or not; whether the activity takes place on public land or not.

read the entire article by clicking on the following link: