The First Amendment guarantees you freedom of religion not freedom from religion.

The First Amendment guarantees you freedom of

religion not freedom from religion.

The Myths

No one who is paid by any government agency, at any level of government, may lead others in prayer or use any religious language in a public setting.

No religious objects such as crosses or nativity scenes can be placed on public land no matter if it is local, state, or federal land.

No religious activity can take place on land that is owned by any level of government.

All it takes is for one individual to complain that they are offended and all of these public displays of religion are stopped. This all takes place in the name of the separation of church and state which is the true meaning of the establishment clause of the First Amendment.

The Truth

None of these activities are banned by First Amendment, any other amendment of the Constitution, or any valid federal law. The First Amendment was added to the US Constitution to protect these activities not prevent them.

The establishment clause of the First Amendment only prevents the federal government from establishing an official state religion such as England did with the Church of England.

There is a second clause to this amendment that deals with religion, the free exercise of religion clause. For some reason this clause always seems to get forgotten by those trying to ban these public religious activities. The purpose of this clause is to prevent the federal government from interfering with the free exercise of religion by any individual regardless if they are employed by any government agency or not; whether the activity takes place on public land or not.

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