State of the Union & The Church


I believe America has received a reprieve from completely sliding into the abyss of perversion. And, we have been spared the wrath of God for our sins.  We have had people in office, running our country that do not adhere to God’s law first, they do not honor Him nor His precepts, and have made shambles of the Christian Character of America.

We have lost the respect of the world, but more importantly we are falling from God’s grace, as we as a nation have been turning our backs on Him.

We have a very weakened military, the economy is in the worst shape it has been in for decades, children are no longer allowed to pray in school let alone study the word, and teaching the word in school has been so far removed that people have lost memory of it. The government with the permission and even encouragement from the people have allowed for marriage consisting of a deviated sexual life style and attempting to pass it off as normal as traditional marriage. We have legally murdered 60 million babies since 1973 after we somehow decided God’s commandment of “Do Not Murder” didn’t apply to us.  Our daughters have been left unprotected from sexual deviates that are now allowed to choose which gender they are for the moment, and may enter without risk of persecution, any lady’s restroom they choose. We can’t even obtain decent health insurance for our families.

I believe we have been given a second chance due to all the prayers offered to God, begging for that chance.

But what does that mean? Do we just continue with business as usual hoping the good folks who have wondered from their Christian training will somehow change their minds and return to solid Christian values?

I see three things that we need to take control of immediately:

  1. Return the power of government to the states through the convention of states now be formulated.
  2. Return the education of school children to the church. Bring in your foreign missionaries, let them teach American children, bringing them up in the word of God with the overwhelming evidences of God existence… no more teaching of “bible stories”  but biblical reliable history, proving to them the bible is the word of God, by proving to them there is no other choice.
  3. Take whatever means possible to stop the mass genocide of unborn children. Picketing abortion clinics, educating the young, pursuing legal measures, and bombarding the government with demands to cease the horrendous criminal activity hidden behind the false curtain of “women’s health” regardless of the child’s health.



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