Press On: From inside prison walls

by John Wood, G-1 Chapter Sponsor

“Brothers I do not consider myselfto have yet taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which GOD has called me heavenward in CHRIST JESUS ” —Philippians 3:13-14

For many years, this has been my “life ” verse. It has challenged me in many ways as a follower of JESUS. Although I have walked with the LORD for many years, like Paul I do not consider myself to have arrived or “taken hold of it; ” with “it” being the eternal glory I will have with my LORD and SAVIOR someday.

Paul’s emphasis on forgetting what is behind is crucial for all of us to be able to move in the direction of GOD’s calling and to not allow ourselves to be crippled by our pasts.

We must learn from our pasts so as to not make the same mistakes or commit the same sins again, but we can’t live in the past or we will never attain a full, personal relationship with the LORD.

I was a competitive long-distance runner for many years, and so I understand what it means to “press on.” In all the races I ran in over nearly a 40 year career, I never started a race that I did not finish.

There were many times I wanted to quit, but I managed to “press on ” toward the finish line. It is with that same determination (and even more) that I join the Apostle Paul in pressing on toward the goal of finishing life’s race and crossing the finish line in heaven.

I challenge all followers of JESUS who read this to “forget what is behind” and keep “pressing on.” Remembering that we are not running this race alone, that CHRIST is our strength, and that we are day-by-day achieving our eternal glory as we do not grow weary or give up!