My Passion


by Michael Geiger

(Michael is a prisoner at the Dick Conner's Correctional Center in Hominy OK. This is a message he posted to the G-1 newsletter, an inside newsletter dedicated to the Christian movement, by the prisoners)

I don’t know how, but music can really open the heart of emotions. We see the devil at work every time we turn on the TV, in movies, and in games, yet, I see more movies about faith and JESUS than I ever have before. Then I see a new age of passion.

My hope is that those who have doubt and do not believe, now believe. JESUS told Thomas “Blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed” (John 20:29).

We all have a call from GOD. As Scripture says, we all have talents that GOD has blessed us with, but we need to take hold and accept those gifts and talents.

GOD can and will move in our lives if we will allow HIM to. JESUS said for us to take heart because HE has overcome the world (the devil).

Take heart in all we do and give glory to GOD in all things, whether good or bad. GOD is with us and has our best interest, at heart.

I pray the message of GOD will be spread by you as well. GOD bless.

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