Kept to be Saved; from behind prison walls

 by Miguel (Juan Carlos Caballero)

First of all, thanks be to our Heavenly FATHER for HIS great loving kindness toward us, HIS  people. It’s just because of HIS mercy that I am still alive today. Looking back into my life, I can see that there is no possible way that I could have survived by myself in the world, doing all the wrong things that I was doing.

Now I can tell that nothing else but the protection of the LORD kept me alive. I could be dead by now, but today I can say, without a shadow of doubt, that my Heavenly FATHER, the LORD GOD ALMIGHTTY, the CREATOR of the universe, kept me alive until the day I repented of all my sins and surrendered my life completely to HIM!

And the very same day that I came to HIM  in true repentance, HE forgave me for all the sins that I committed during my life. HE forgave every single dirty thing I did in thoughts, words, and deeds. HE also gave me the power to live a victorious life, to overcome sin, the world, and the devil. HE gave me a new life. filled me with the HOLY SPIRIT; HE also filled me with the peace of GOD, HIS peace, “the peace that passeth all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).

When I was living outside for myself, the world, and the devil, I always had this feeling, this void, this emptiness in my heart. I knew that I was looking for something. I didn’t know at that time what I was looking for to fill my emptiness and make me feel complete.

So, I started trying to fix my problems with drugs, money, sex, prestige, and so on. But none of these things was helping me to fill the longing I had in my heart. Instead of helping me, all of these things were just making my life worse.

It was only the day I received JESUS as my LORD and SAVIOR that my searching stopped. When HE came to live in my heart, HE filled all of my emptiness. Now I can say with all confidence, I am complete in JESUS, who is the head of all principalities and power (Colossians 2:10). I’m alive! I have the real life, the abundant life, because JESUS lives in me!! Now I can confidently say:

“I’m not just existing, I am living!! ‘

Thank you, JESUS!! My friend, if you are still trying to fill the emptiness of your heart, TRUST in JESUS today. Ask IÆIIVI to come into your heart and be your LORD and SAVIOR. Ask HIM to save you from your sins; HE will do it.

HE is “the same yesterday, today, and forever” (Hebrews 13:8). With GOD, there is no partiality. HE did it for me, and I-E will also do it for you. I-IE saved me. HE will save you also. Just trust 1-11M and believe HIS WORD. “Behold, I (JESUS) stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with ME” (Revelation 3:20).