I Wanted To Die (part two) From inside prison walls

“The Mysterious Figure” by Fred L. Durbin

dejected, I climbed out of the car, approached the front door, and just stood there —   motionless... (excerpt from part one.)

The babies yelled, “daddy’s home, daddy’s home, ” as I entered  the house “Play with us daddy, play with us, ” they  pleaded. Disregarding their persistent pleas, I walked in the kitchen where I saw my wife cooking supper. I told her I was going to the bedroom and wanted to be left alone and asked her to keep  the babies out.

The room was dark and stayed dark as I fell upon the bed. Some time later I arose, walked to the closet,

reached up, grabbed the shoe box, and began to feel for the Derringer. It wasn’t there! I knew it had to be there. No one else knew where I kept it, not even my  wife. Dismayed and angry, I returned supine on the bed, and in the darkness, with eyes shut, I asked GOD to take my life.

Half an hour or so later, suddenly, without a knock, the door flew open. Light illuminating from the kitchen made its way down the hall enveloped this huge silhouette. I was mystified! “Who and what?” I thought to myself as this “mysterious figure” entered the room. He calmly walked in, sat on my bed, and began to speak. His words began to penetrate my spirit and soul. The next thing I knew, I was sitting up and crying on his shoulder, literally bawling my eyes out.

After speaking to me, and to this day,

I have no recollection of what he said. He hugged me and began to pray. As he prayed, the presence of GOD overtook my broken spirit and began to heal my broken heart.

I don’t know how long I was wailing and don’t know how long he was there; all I know is a heavy-burden lifted off my shoulders and a peace beyond description overwhelmed me. As he stood up to leave, I thanked him and told him how much relief I felt.

After he left, I arose from the bed, walked to the bathroom, washed my face with cold water, dried off, and walked into the kitchen where I saw my wife loading the dishwasher. The babies yelled out from the living room floor “daddy, daddy.” I gave my wife a kiss, then jumped on the floor, grabbing and rolling with our babies in laughter.

As I sat to eat supper, I asked my wife how her uncle wound up in our bedroom. She replied that she heard a knock on the door, and it was Manuel. Manuel asked me where you were and I told him you were down the hall in the bedroom. He said “okay.” I asked her if she knew he was coming, and she said she didn’t. She said she had no idea why he wanted to talk to me.

Later on that night, as I laid in bed reflecting on the mysterious day’s events, my curiosity began to set in, and I wanted to know how Manuel knew I was in such distress. Before falling asleep, I made a mental note that I would call Manuel the next afternoon when he got in from work. I had to know!


Part three of this three part story will appear in the next edition ofthe “G-1 Newsletter. ”