Entitlement? From inside prison walls

 by Aaron Hughes

I Peter 5:6 says “Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of GOD, that HE may exalt you in due time. ” Before we can expect GOD to do anything for us, we must first humble ourselves. Humbling myself was the hardest thing for me to do. My sense of entitlement kept me from being able to bend my knee in service. I couldn’t understand how to get over my pride or how to set aside my false, so called “entitlement.”

Then I read I Peter 5: 7: “Casting all your care up-on HIM; for HE careth for you. ” Now I understand that HE is the ONE who makes all things possible, and if I want to humble myself, I have to die to self and allow HIM to do HIS perfect work.
Understanding that this process isn’t necessarily a work completed overnight, the last part of verse 6 says “That HE may exalt you in due time, ” not in my time, but in HIS time. I must stay persistent in seeking HIS will if I want to be exalted by the ALMIGHTY. Will it always be an easy road? Absolutely not, but it will be worth it.
There is nothing more desirable than to be exalted by GOD ALMIGHTY. So, please keep striving for HIS desires because the tribulations of this world cannot even hold a candle to HIS EVERLASTING GLORY.