The Day I Was Filled by Chris “Red Beard” Dawes


The Day I Was Filled

On January 15, 2016, I laid on my bunk reading a copy of “The Baptist Mes­senger”  which I acquired from chapel the previous night. Three-quarters of the way through, I noticed a trend: acts of goodwill and people helping others. I continued to read.

A few minutes later, I noticed I was silently weeping. I then noticed a slight tugging feeling in my chest, a “pulling at my heart strings,” if you will. I put the “Messenger” on my chest. I spoke out loud, “Ok! I’m listening, GOD!” The next instant it was as if a dam broke and the flood gates were opened to full! I began to weep uncontrollably! This was the point at which I said, “Alright LORD, I’ll do it your way!”

I got on my knees at the side of my bed. I opened my heart. “GOD,” I said, “I give up! No more me, me, me, or I, I, I. From here on, it’s all YOU, YOU YOU! I give my life to YOU. Make me YOUR tool, please! Use me!” In that moment, I felt like Atlas having the world removed from his shoulders.

I felt all of my life’s “garbage” taken from me! Since that day, I have felt such joy and happiness!

Each time I let myself slip into an old “fleshly” act, the SPIRIT of GOD convicts me into correction. It’s won­derful being born again and filled with the HOLY SPIRIT!

I urge you brothers, give your life to GOD through JESUS CHRIST!

Surrender your all, and HE will show you HIS glory daily. I love you all. GOD bless!

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