To break the cycle of the repeat offender.

With the G-I Program, G-1 members are encouraged to begin positive growth by organized involvement within the existing programs and opportunities offered from the DOC, the faith based community, and other support groups.

The very nature of the G-1 Chapter compels the G-1 members to take full advantage of the resources available while they are incarcerated and prepare themselves to become productive members of society when released.

Completion of the LITE PLAN as a G-1 member entitles them to the G-1 network of aftercare providers and all related resources available upon release.

Genesis One is a Christian, faith-based organization

whose Chapter membership is open to anyone regardless of race, age, gender, or religious preference. However, one must accept GOD into their life before they may continue with the Genesis One Program. We believe that without GOD, this program will be of no value to G-1 members.
Dick Conner Correctional Center

GENESIS-ONE Newsletter

Gary J. Doby, Editor-in-Chief
Fred Durbin, Graphics & Design / Editor
NOTE: All Scripture cited in these newsletters are from the King James Version unless otherwise noted.


John Wood, Sponsor
Thomas Ward, Chapter Coordinator Bruce Walker, Asst. Chapter Coordinator Juan Caballero, Chapter Prayer Warrior Fred Durbin, Interim Chapter Secretary

“G-1 Newsletter”

is published monthly at ! the Dick Conner Correctional Center. The i
i newsletter is intended to be a forum for : : Christian fellowship by providing a medium to share testimonies, artwork, poetry, and/or Bible exegesis submitted by
offenders, volunteers, and staff
Members of the Faith-based community on the yard are invited to submit their work. We prefer written work to be between 100-500 words. Artwork should be created in black pen or pencil. Please share your gifts: “Every good gift is from above, and cometh down from the FATHER…” —James I :17