We have added to the prison apologetics website the newsletter created by the inmates who are members of the Genesis One program, a program dedicated to breaking the cycle of the repeat offenders
Prayer Request For:
Terrie & Davy D, for healing; Linda for healing (cancer); Charlene M (healing); Thomas W & Terry K (healing); offenders in the medical ward; Cleotis R and his family; offenders seeking relief through the courts; the lost and broken-hearted. Pray for the peace and prosperity of this yard, for our families, children, and for each other. Pray that we all walk in wisdom to them who are without CHRIST, to be peacemakers, men of character, and that our joy will be full and JESUS CHRIST glorified in each and every one of us. AMEN!!!
You cannot read that prayer by the inmates and turn your back on these men who are desperately trying to turn their lives to Christ, and to help others do the same. Their goal is to leave this prison, and be good, God fearing, Evangelistic Christian citizens of our communities.
It is our goal to help them reach their goal, through teaching the scripture, teaching how to live by the scripture, and teaching them how to defend the scripture through Christian Apologetics.
Join us, and let’s take God’s word to these men and women, but let’s go beyond that, let’s find a way to start teaching school children the truth of our faith again, as we did in years past so they don’t have learn it in a penitentiary.
Join a prison ministry or start one in your congregation.
We share so many things on facebook, wouldn’t this be a great post to go “viral” ? It’s up to you, such a simple thing, and who knows, you just might reach that one person who will become who will join in this ministry, and what a blessing that will be to you.
Thank You Jim Carmichael
Please visit our site at http://prisonapologetics.org